Longevity begins with an old woman

Chapter 144 "Sister Mo?"

Chapter 144 "Sister Mo?"

"Aerial photography!"

Xu Mu squeezed the formula with his hands, his body shone with light, and the dense rune chains seemed to be non-existent, completely unable to stop his movements.

The foundation-builders of the Iron Corpse Gang around them opened their eyes like copper bells, and the veins on their foreheads were bulging, and they tried their best to inject spiritual power to no avail.

The face of the chief elder of the Iron Corpse Gang also began to turn ugly. He was also one of the people who maintained the rune chains, and he also felt that sense of powerlessness.

Twelve foundation-builders, with the help of formations, were unable to suppress a monk of the same rank.

What kind of freak is this guy?

Could it be that Jin Danqi couldn't pretend?
Before everyone could react, three giant arms that seemed real or phantom suddenly appeared behind Xu Mu.


The three magic arms stretched out at the same time, holding the three rune chains, the terrifying energy overflowed, and with a sudden force, they were directly torn to pieces.

"how is this possible?!!"

Everyone's faces changed wildly, as if they saw something incredible.

These rune chains are strong, they have a deep understanding, even if they attack with all their strength, they will not be able to leave a trace.

Why is it in the hands of the other party, as fragile as noodles?
It's a pity that Xu Mu won't explain it to them.

After breaking free from the shackles on his body, the three mana arms, gaining momentum, squeezed the sea water with five fingers, clenching them into fists fiercely, and hitting them hard in three directions.

Bang bang bang!
The three people who were attacked had no time to dodge. They felt like a mountain was pressing down on them. With three dull bangs, their bodies were smashed to pieces.

What body protection aura, what body protection magic weapon, none of them work!
In the face of terrifying power, it is like paper.


After realizing the gap between the two sides, everyone in the Iron Corpse Gang was so frightened that their livers were torn apart, and they had no time to think about anything else. There was only one thought in their minds——

All kinds of lights flickered, and various magic tools and talismans were released, and the remaining nine people fled frantically in all directions.

Xu Mu ignored the others, and the three mana arms suddenly swelled up, like three walls, grabbing the strongest elder of the Iron Corpse Gang from three directions.

"Senior! I am blind! Please spare my life!"

Trembling with fright, the Great Elder begged for mercy while taking out the talisman that he bought at a huge price.

This kind of talisman was made by a master of the golden core stage. After successfully casting it, it would allow the foundation-builder cultivator to gain the ability to fly away from light for a short time. It was a fluke for him to be able to buy it.

Originally, if Xu Mu scattered his attacks, he would have a high chance of running away with the talisman, but he never expected that Xu Mu would abandon everyone and target him specifically.

The three big hands directly blocked all his ways, no matter how fast he ran, it was useless.

"Senior! Forgive me! This junior is willing to give everything to be a slave!"

Ignoring the great elder's begging for mercy at all, the three hands clenched together into a fist at the same time, and then exerted force suddenly.

"do not want!"

Accompanied by a scream, the only remaining member of the Iron Corpse Gang, who was in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, was also crushed into a ball of flesh.

"It's really weak!"

For a moment, Xu Mu felt quite as lonely as snow.

Practitioners of the same realm are too weak for him.

"However, this spell is quite easy to use, and I have invested so much luck!"

Xu Mu, who was in a good mood, scraped off the few people he had killed, and let the blue bird devour their souls, then ran away from the water and flew towards the Whale Sea Gang.

These demonic cultivators did all kinds of evil, and Xu Mu would not feel guilty at all for destroying their souls.

If it wasn't for the existence of the Iron Corpse Gang, he would have come to slaughter them directly.

The few people who escaped just now were also done on purpose by Xu Mu, otherwise with his current strength, it would not be difficult to keep them.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the Whale Sea Gang, and after communicating with the two women separately, amidst their resentment and instructions, Xu Mu released the green jade boat that hadn't been used for a long time, and flew towards the direction of the Cangming sea area.

A few months passed in the blink of an eye, and on this day, a figure carrying a coffin appeared at the gate of Chasing Wind City.

"Time flies so fast!"

Looking at the somewhat unfamiliar city gate, Xu Mu sighed inwardly.

Taking out the identity card of the Four Seas Immortal Palace, under the respectful eyes of the city gate guards, Xu Mu walked into the city that he had not seen for almost three years.

Along the way, the city hasn't changed much, and soon Xu Mu arrived at his doorstep.


At dusk, the sky is gradually stained with a light orange layer, and the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkles on the earth, reflecting a warm atmosphere.

Three beauties with different looks appeared in people's field of vision, one of them was wearing a pink robe and looked no more than sixteen or seventeen years old, with long hair shawl, fair skin, bright eyes, slightly raised mouth corners, exuding a cute and cute atmosphere .

She stood in front of the flowerbed at the door, the breeze blowing her long hair, making her look even more attractive.

Beside the girl was a woman in a long white dress.

The hair of the woman in white was fixed behind the head by thin hairpins, neatly combed into a simple bun.

There is no makeup on her face, but her facial features are more delicate, especially those clear eyes, which seem to be able to penetrate people's hearts.

The cold temperament is like a piece of ice and snow, with five fingers pinching the corners of the clothes, the fingertips are slightly bent, looking a little worried and nervous, as if waiting for something.

Her body unconsciously leaned forward slightly, looking towards the corner of the street, as if expecting something.

Behind the two stood a beautiful woman in purple.

Her figure is plump and graceful, and she is wearing a gorgeous long purple dress. The skirt sways gently, exuding nobility and elegance, with a strong attraction, which makes people unconsciously intoxicated.

Her hair seemed to have just been washed, and bunches of hair were scattered on her shoulders, making her look even more charming.

"Don't worry! With his strength, nothing will happen!"

With a smile on her face, she comforted the two.

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head and looked at the book in her hand, hiding the same worried look in her eyes.

Until a familiar figure appeared in the eyes.

The woman in pink and the woman in white rushed over excitedly, and the woman in purple just put away her books and breathed a sigh of relief.


"Brother Xu!"

"Friend Xu Daoist!"

The three girls are none other than Ye Yingying, Leng Yuening, and Lan Shijin.

Facing the returning Xu Mu, the three girls were naturally very happy. Leng Yuening and Ye Yingying took the initiative to live in at night, and even entered and exited the six caves with him.

After the two fell asleep to their heart's content, Lan Shijin couldn't wait to walk in.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, when did you become so courageous? Aren't you afraid that Ning'er will wake up?" Xu Mu teased.

"It's not your bastard's fault! You don't even want to post a mute note! Hurry up! Teach me!"


During the past few days at home, apart from staying up all night with the three daughters, Xu Mu was just educating the four little guys.

Not seeing each other for more than two years, the four little guys have undergone considerable changes.

Among them, Xu Ling, the eldest daughter, has grown into a slim figure, and her appearance is seven or eight points similar to Ye Yingying.

His personality hasn't changed much, and he still likes to be mischievous.

The cultivation base is the fifth level of Qi training.

This cultivation speed is not much slower than that of the core disciples of the big forces.

During the period of studying in the gymnasium, more than one faction offered an olive branch to accept him as a disciple, including the most powerful Qunxingmen in the Cangming sea area.

It's just that the three girls made up their minds and didn't dare to agree casually. They just waited for Xu Mu to come back and make the decision.

Xu Mu has no objection to letting his children worship the sect.

After all, it is impossible for him to take care of the other party for the rest of his life. Joining the sect can not only gain experience, have the guidance of a famous teacher, but also save a lot of resources.

However, he will not ignore it and just choose a faction at will and let the other party join.

It must be carefully considered and considered, and try our best to create the best conditions.

Not only Xu Ling, but the other three were also favored by various forces not long after they entered the gymnasium.

The second child, Xu Yin, looks closer to Xu Mu, exuding a heroic spirit. Compared with Xu Ling, her personality is much more mature and stable. She speaks old-fashioned, and she is far from Xu Ling's personality. , but also belong to the two extremes.

This kind of personality made the three girls who were about to be blown up by Xu Ling very fond of it.

However, just because of being overly favored by the three women, Xu Yin's character is unavoidably a little more indulgent, and he likes to scold Fang Qiu and teach the other three people a lesson.

As the eldest sister, Xu Ling couldn't bear it, so the two often fought.

Xu Sheng, the third child, is also the only boy in the family. He is not as lively as Xu Ling, nor as stable and mature as Xu Yin, and his personality is more dull.

Let me do what I do, I will not talk back or refute, and I like to sit on the roof in a daze when I have nothing to do.

This character is quite similar to Leng Yuening.

If a family is established in the future, Xu Sheng will definitely be the first heir. His personality is obviously inappropriate. This makes the three daughters very worried. They just tried various methods, but Xu Sheng has not seen much change.

The last Xu Xia, Xu Sheng's younger sister, has completely inherited Leng Yuening's beauty, and is better than blue. It is said that she received a lot of love letters shortly after entering the gym.

As for the character, on the surface it is harmless to humans and animals, but behind it is completely corrupted by Xu Ling, mischievous, doing all kinds of evil, and there is a tendency for the latecomers to take the lead.

In conclusion, none of the four little guys can rest easy!

Personality is not something that is developed in a day, nor can it be changed in a day.

Some are even born with it, and Xu Mu has nothing to do with it.

"It is said that there are mind-refinement formations in some sects, which can form all kinds of illusions, let people experience life, old age, sickness and death, and temper people's Taoism!"

"Maybe we can find an opportunity to throw these brats in and give them a good beating!"

Xu Mu didn't dare to stay at home because he still had to refine the top grade Zhuyan Pill and send it to his cheap master Nangong Suyi.

After sealing the tool corpse at home and saying goodbye to the three daughters, Xu Mu changed into Mu Yu's identity, went to Suluan's residence, and enjoyed it a lot. The poor little Naixue's Baizi was as gluey as paint.

I learned from her poor mouth that her sister sent back a message shortly after he left, and it was because of her breakthrough in retreat that she didn't receive a letter for a long time.

This made Xu Mu feel less guilty.

It was agreed to go to find my sister with the other party, but it turned out that it took two and a half years to go out.

At the same time, he also got an unexpected news.

Mo Wuxin came to look for Suluan.

"This bastard doesn't want to poach my corner, does he?"

Although Mo Wuxin was more beautiful than a woman, he was a man after all.

If he did something outrageous, he would never spare the other party.

"Did he bully you?"

Xiaopoor's physique, which makes people want to bully at a glance, really makes him a little worried.

"No! Sister Mo is not only beautiful, but also very kind-hearted. She often comes to teach me how to practice and has helped me several times!"

Speaking of Mo Wuxin, Xu Mu couldn't help being a little jealous with Suluan's starry eyes.

The old boy must be playing hard to get.

"No, what did you call him just now?"

"Sister Mo? What's the matter?"

"He's not angry?"

Xu Mu said in shock.

You must know that Mo Wuxin hates people saying that he is a woman the most. It is said that many people were directly beaten to death by him because of their cheap words.

In the cultivation world, no one speaks like this kindly, but there are countless femme fatales.

"No, why is he angry?" Suluan's cute little face was full of doubts.


What does this old boy want to do?Don't you want to play role-playing?

Xu Mu frowned and pondered.

"What did he come to see you for?"

"It's not me, it's you, senior, but you are not here every time!"

"Find me?"

Xu Mu suddenly remembered that the location of the identity information he left in the Four Seas Immortal Palace was indeed the poor little residence.

It seems that Mo Wuxin found Suluan through the channel of Universal Immortal Palace.

It is estimated that I searched for it several times, because I didn't wait for him, so I sent a message.

"It seems that Mo Wuxin is in a hurry, I'd better refine the elixir first!"

Just when Xu Mu was about to go to the Four Seas Immortal Palace branch to buy the materials for Zhuyan Pill, Mo Wuxin rushed over first.

I haven't seen him for a few years, but Mo Wuxin hasn't changed much. His face is so beautiful, as if a fairy descended from the earth, his eyes are deep and quiet, like a pool of clear spring, which makes people involuntarily intoxicated.

"Where are you going during this time? If you delay the master's medication, I can't spare you!"

Mo Wuxin's voice was cold and deep, like a gust of icy wind, making people shiver involuntarily.

"There was an accident! I made my brother worry!" Xu Mu said with a smile.

"Who's worried about you! What I'm worried about is the elixir!" Mo Wuxin continued with a cold snort of disdain: "Since you've come back, follow me to Suxin Palace!"

"I haven't bought the medicinal materials yet!" Xu Mu explained.

"I have it there!"


Xu Mu nodded, since the other party was willing to offer medicinal materials, he would naturally not object.

"Sister Mo, do you want to stay and finish eating before leaving?"

Seeing that Mo Wuxin and Xu Mu were about to leave, Suluan immediately stepped forward and asked.

Seeing Mo Wuxin's face, Xu Mu blushed visibly.

"no need!"

Mo Wuxin walked out of the gate in a flash, feeling as if he had run away.

"Why is Sister Mo acting weird today? Could it be because of seniors?" Suluan asked doubtfully.

Xu Mu next to him looked strange.

He didn't understand what Mo Wuxin was up to, could it be that he was still hiding a girlish heart.

Isn't this a little fancy?
Suddenly Xu Mu was a little worried again, Mo Wuxin didn't really have any small thoughts about Suluan, did he?

No, this old boy's crooked thoughts must be killed!
Xu Mu remembered what Lu Jingkong said to him again, that the body of Dragon Yin can be changed between men and women, and only by breaking through the golden core can it be determined.

In this case, I can only-

Xu Mu looked at Mo Wuxin who was walking in front, all kinds of thoughts scattered in his mind, the more he thought about it, the more crooked he became, and he started again without knowing it, carefully sizing up this strange senior.

Her long hair hung down her shoulders like a waterfall, swaying gently as she walked, and a fresh fragrance slowly came out.

The skin on the side face is as white as snow, soft and delicate, as if it can drip water.The white dress she was wearing was light and elegant, setting her off like a blooming white lotus.

The eyes are deep and indifferent, the lips are ruddy and plump, slightly raised, exuding an air of confidence and charm.


Except for the mediocre chest, there is not a single flaw to be found.

Qing Ben is a beautiful woman, but why is she a man!
Xu Mu sighed in his heart.

After leaving Chasing Wind City, Xu Mu took Mo Wuxin's magic flying weapon and flew towards the sea area where Suxin Palace is located.

(End of this chapter)

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