Longevity begins with an old woman

Chapter 151 Sky Mending Token

Chapter 151 Sky Mending Token
Mu Yunwan, who was in the late stage of foundation establishment, fell at his feet, and Lu Feier, who was only in the late stage of Qi training, was almost as dead.

Just now Xu Mu was just idle and bored, just teasing her.

As for what she said to report, Xu Mu actually ordered Chi Feiyan to do it. It's just that Lu Fei'er didn't know the relationship between the two or the cooperation behind them, so she mistakenly thought that Chi Feiyan was enriching himself.


It's a pity that Concubine Lu's cultivation base is too low, and Xu Mu's energy can only increase the proficiency of the Tianji Zilei Body by [-] points.

His cultivation had already reached its peak, and he couldn't continue to improve, so he used it to improve his body training technique.

This absorbed essence is different from ordinary pills, it can directly replace real essence.

At the beginning, Xu Mu relied on the essence plundered from Mu Yunwan to raise the yin and yang secret art to a perfect level, otherwise he would not be able to withstand it at that time.

Xu Mu raised his hand to refine Lu Fei'er's storage bag, took out the contents, and wanted to see what was there.

This feels like opening a blind box. Although I know that with Lu Fei'er's cultivation, it is impossible to produce any good products, I still can't help but want to see it.

Unexpectedly, there was a little surprise.


Xu Mu only glanced at the spiritual stones and magic tools inside, but it was a cheat book and a token that caught his attention.

"Butian Jue? And this token, didn't I give it to Su Qing?"

At the beginning, he obtained four unique things from Xiao Yi. One was the secret technique of "One Hundred and Eight Forms of Yin-Yang Tongji", which can be said to have saved him several times.

A map made him discover the space crack that crossed to the Cangming Sea.

There is also a secret book of "Butian Jue", which I didn't know much about at the time. I didn't know it until I arrived in the Cangming Sea Area.

The last is this token with the word Mending the sky written on it!

At that time, he thought that it might be a token related to Butian Jue, and he didn't need it himself, so he gave Su Qing along with the secret book.

"How could it be in her hands, Su Qing wouldn't—"

Xu Mu's eyes flickered, and he quickly pulled out Concubine Lu's soul to examine it. After a long time, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

According to Lu Fei'er's memory, these things were accidentally found on a dead body by the team of the Chi and Lu families when cleaning up the monsters near Fangshi.

Lu Fei'er felt that it was unusual and wanted to come here. After practicing, she obtained a powerful charm power, and because of this, she was able to completely control Chi Shouyuan.

That dead bone was probably Su Qing. It seemed that she failed to reach the Liyang Sect in the end. It is very likely that Xu Mu and others had just left the team, and she had an accident. Otherwise, the Chi and Lu families would not have found it so easily.

"I didn't expect to go around and return to my hands. It's really fate!"

Xu Mu didn't read much about the cheat book, and picked up the token to study it.

His current cultivation base is more than a hundred times stronger than that at that time, and he can already see the extraordinaryness of this token. Not to mention other things, the material alone cannot be damaged by his current cultivation base.

It's just that he couldn't figure out what the specific effect was after studying it for a long time.

"Let's find someone to inquire after returning to the Cangming sea area!"

This token is probably related to the Butian Pavilion, as long as you inquire around the Butian Pavilion, it should not be difficult to find relevant information.

After putting away the token, Xu Mu closed his eyes and continued to practice.

The biggest trouble for subduing Chi and Lu's family is Chi Shouyuan and Lu Fei'er. Now one has been photographed as a useless person, and the other has been beaten into ashes, so Chi Feiyan's rectification process is going smoothly.

Nearly a hundred people, including the original head of the Lu family, Lu Yi, were all cleaned up.

A few days later, after Chi Feiyan finished reorganizing the family and renamed it the Xu family, an unexpected system prompt sounded in Xu Mu's mind.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the family ancestral land and officially establishing the family! 】

[Reward luck value: 10000! 】

[Reward talent: hit every shot! 】

[Perfect: You can have a 100% chance to give birth to a child once a month! 】

[Remarks: The prosperity of the family cannot be separated from the prosperity of the population, please make persistent efforts to the host! 】

[Open family luck! 】

[Family Luck: According to the family's operating conditions, different amounts of luck values ​​are provided every day! 】

[Factors include: prosperity, order, population, cultivation, strength, talent, heritage, education, wealth...! 】

【Family Luck: Get 387 luck points tomorrow! 】

Xu Mu was overjoyed by the many functions enabled by the system this time.

"380 seven points!!! This is more than all my achievements combined!"

"It seems that my previous road has taken a detour. From now on, I only need to develop steadily at home. I don't need to work hard to find a female Taoist friend!"

Not only is it risky to find female Taoist friends everywhere, but it is also difficult to deal with when there are too many people. What if there is a scheming in the palace?
If it continues to develop, this worry will inevitably become a reality.

Now that the system has been updated, he has a better choice.

Use luck to improve various skills, and then use various skills to improve the family's strength in an all-round way. As the family's strength improves, he can get more luck points, forming a virtuous circle.

He can be a behind-the-scenes worker, and his safety is greatly improved.

Who wants to run around when they can be safe and sound?

Of course, it's not that he will stop looking for a Taoist companion, but he won't be as urgent and not picky as before.

In addition to family luck, the newly acquired talent is also a huge surprise.

"With this infallible talent, I don't have to worry about my offspring anymore!"

At his age, one a month, not to mention a hundred more, even one more is not a problem.

This is equivalent to obtaining another stable source of luck value.

Although you have family luck, you can still achieve achievements, which is equivalent to two points for one point of hard work.

Originally, the affairs of the two families made him a little unhappy, but now he suddenly feels much better, and Chi Feiyan is pleasing to the eye.

This time, without waiting for her to seduce, Xu Mu made her unconscious twice, and the front and rear holes were expanded a lot, which made Chi Feiyan almost go to heaven with joy, thinking that Xu Mu had forgiven her.

"This is a elixir! Take it and sell it!"

Xu Mu gave Chi Feiyan all the Zhuji Pill and Zhuyan Pill. These pills were enough for her to sell for a long time.

"I don't want something like last time to happen again!"

In the end, I couldn't help but exhort.

The last time he was lucky, he just received the news, and the opponent's strength was not too strong.

If he is being ambushed next time, he may not be in time.

Although his strength is more than ten times stronger than before, he does not dare to guarantee 100% that he can cope with the next crisis.

"Master, don't worry!"

Chi Feiyan nodded.

She also had lingering fears about what happened last time, and she would have been extra careful without Xu Mu's reminder.

"Master, while I'm away, can you help me sit down in Fangshi?"

It may take a long time for her to go out to sell the elixir this time. If there is no base building period to sit in the town, if a fourth-order monster breaks into the square city, it is likely to cause huge damage to the square city.

"Don't worry! I have already informed Tan'er that she will stay here permanently!" Xu Mu said.

"It's great that Sister Tan'er can come!"

Chi Feiyan showed joy on his face, but his heart was sour.

Although Si Tan'er is not as good as her in cultivation and skills, Xu Mu's matchmaker is marrying her. Anyone who knows Xu Mu in Liyang City knows that she is just a lover who can't be seen.

After Chi Feiyan left, Xu Mu asked his servants to collect all the secret books about formations in the family, as well as all the secrets about formations in the market.

It's not enough for Si Tan'er to build a foundation in the early stage. He plans to take advantage of this time to learn formations and set up a defensive formation for the entire city before leaving to ensure that the whole city is safe.

(End of this chapter)

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