Chapter 160 True Blood
Mayfly!Ninth-level spells!

The full name is Mayfly Sending God Art!
It is a secret technique for cultivating divine thoughts!

Cultivating to the highest level, not only can greatly increase the strength of spiritual thoughts, but also can divide spiritual thoughts and refine clones.

If you cultivate to the extraordinary level, you can also increase the chance of advancing to the Nascent Soul.

This is definitely an extremely precious top-level secret technique.

The kind that even 1 yuan of top-grade spirit stones cannot buy.

But there was no joy on Xu Mu's face, because this secret technique has nothing to do with getting rid of the marks on his body.

If you usually get this secret technique, you will be extremely happy, but now it is a complete waste of luck.

Practicing the ninth-level secret technique is a huge challenge for the golden core stage, not to mention the foundation stage, it is basically impossible to practice successfully, and the end of forced practice is to go crazy.

After all, the level gap between the two is too large, and the ninth-level secret technique corresponds to the late stage of Jindan.

Obviously, Mingling Youlan not only wanted to use this secret technique to delay time, but also wanted to blackmail Xu Mu.

It can also be seen from this point that Mingling Youlan's subordinates really have a way to catch her, otherwise she would not use this method of delay.

It's just that she never imagined in her dreams that Xu Mu had a system in his body, and in a very short period of time, he realized this top secret technique.

So much so that her calculations fell through in an instant.

"How would you know?"

Mingling Youlan said in shock.

She also groped for this secret technique for several years before she managed to figure out what was going on.

"Where are you talking so much nonsense, tell me the real method immediately!"

Xu Mu raised his hand and slapped it again. He controlled his strength very well and would not stimulate the defenses of Youlan, but this kind of humiliation was real.

"You, you bastard!"

The ghost Youlan is so angry that she is going to die, when has she ever suffered such humiliation, and it is time and time again.

Seeing Xu Mu raise his hand again, Mingling Youlan hastily said, "Okay, I, I will say, I will say!"

The hero does not suffer from the immediate disadvantages, and Mingling Youlan taught another secret technique.

The secret art this time not only has a lot of content, but also is more mysterious, which makes Xu Mu feel like when he just started learning the Twelve Awakening Insects.

"If you dare to lie to me again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Although he has accumulated a lot of luck points, he can't afford to consume them like this. If the luck points are used up in the end, he has learned how to get rid of them, and it's useless if he can't increase them.

"Don't worry! This time it's absolutely true!" Mingling Youlan vowed.

Although Xu Mu didn't believe it, he still decided to give it a try. If the other party really dared to lie to him, he would definitely not let him off this time.

After Xu Mu wrote down all the content, a brand new exercise appeared in the exercise column.

[Introduction to Kunpeng Swallowing the Sky Art; 0/100000! 】

One hundred thousand luck points are needed to get started, what kind of ghost skill is this?

Seeing the later values, Xu Mu was frightened.

Even the heaven-defying mysteries such as Yin-Yang Tongji and Twelve Awakening Insects are only worth [-] luck points when they reach the master level.

Thinking of the mayfly technique given by Mingling Youlan just now, Xu Mu's face suddenly changed, realizing that Mingling Youlan was fooling him again.

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being rude!"

Xu Mu didn't bother to try again, besides, his luck value was not enough.

He shot with his divine sense, and soon found an island inhabited by a large number of low-level monks, and he flew over with the underworld ghost.

"What do you want to do?"

Mingling Youlan didn't understand, Xu Mu didn't want to try his best to run as far as possible, why did he bring her to such a place.

"Soon you'll know!"

Xu Mu landed on the island, and then a divine thought spread out, sending a voice to everyone on the island.

Then Mingling Youlan was stunned.

Under the oppression of Xu Mu, the monks on the island brought piles of feces, some of which were still steaming, and then quickly made a super cesspit under Xu Mu's order.

Mingling Youlan's face became extremely ugly.

"You bastard, don't you... dare you!"

"Since you don't want to say it, then never say it! Although I can't get rid of the imprint, I may not be able to escape from your sea clan's pursuit. At worst, I'll hide in the Shattered Space Secret Realm, and I won't come out for the rest of my life. Already!"

The Shattered Space Secret Realm is the largest and most dangerous secret realm in the outer sea. It is filled with a large number of space cracks, and even entering the god-forming stage may fall.

If Xu Mu really escaped in, even the Hai Clan would have nothing to do with him.

If the people sent in are too weak, it's tantamount to dying. If the people sent in are too strong, it's not worth it if they fall.

"If only you!"

Xu Mu sneered.

"I'm curious, what will be your expression when your people rescue you from it? Haha!"

Thinking of that scene, Xu Mu couldn't help laughing.

And Mingling Youlan's face almost turned green.

If her subordinates and clansmen really saw that scene, unless she killed everyone, she could consider living in another world.

She had already imagined all kinds of nicknames, and she was shuddering all over.

This is more painful than killing her.

Ordinary people don't care about fame.

Not to mention throwing it into a cesspit, even if you eat dung, you are not afraid.

But as a princess, she couldn't care less.

Because when the time comes, not only her reputation will be damaged, but her family will also be implicated.

Xu Mu's move is definitely more ruthless than murder.

Just when Mingling Youlan was hesitating and struggling, Xu Mu gave her another dose of strong medicine.

"Don't worry, after I leave, these people will continue to add to it, and all of them will be the freshest!"


This time, Mingling Youlan's face was really darker than her skin.

She couldn't even imagine how disgusting it was.

If she is seen again by the clansmen, she can kill herself on the spot.

"Asshole, pervert, lowly and disgusting human race! You will die!"

The ghost Youlan kept cursing there, but Xu Mu ignored it at all, looking up, he was about to throw her into the cesspit, which was already quite large.

"Ah, I promise you! I promise you!"

Mingling Youlan finally chose to give in.

She would rather the other party kill her than suffer that kind of humiliation.

In the end, after a quick bargain between the two, Xu Mu vowed to let her go after removing the mark, and Mingling Youlan not only wanted to help him remove the mark, but also used a storage bag as compensation.

Although this deal is extremely disadvantageous, Mingling Youlan can only admit that she is now in the hands of the other party.

As Xu Mu completed the oath, Mingling Youlan closed her eyes, and soon after, a drop of black blood seeped out from her fingertips.

"Smear this drop of blood on the imprint, and the imprint will fall off naturally!"

You Lan, the ghost who squeezed out blood, had a significantly weaker breath.

"Just one drop? That's too little? At least half a bowl!"

Xu Mu looked at the pitiful drop of blood in his hand and frowned.


If eyes could kill, Nether Lan had already killed Xu Mu a thousand times.

You thought it was killing a pig, and you still have half a bowl.

This blood is the unique true blood of their royal family, and there are only a few drops all over their body.

"You just smear the blood there, so much nonsense!" Mingling Youlan said angrily.



Xu Mu first tried to draw a trace, and after checking that there was no problem, he smeared the blood on the mark.

As the blood covered the mark, the black feather turned into a corpse and flew out of Xu Mu's body.

Xu Mu wanted to reach out and grab it, but it seemed like it didn't exist, pierced through his palm, and got into the body of Youlan, the ghost.

Immediately, a dense black light radiated from Youlan's body.

The talisman that was originally anchoring her body was forcibly forced out.


Xu Mu's face changed wildly, he stretched out his wings behind his back, and ran away quickly.

He also threw the storage bag he had found into the sea.

After about ten breaths, the Immobilizing Talisman burned out the last bit of power, emitted a glimmer of light and disappeared completely.

Youlan, the ghost, regained her freedom.

She found Xu Mu's discarded storage bag, and looked at the direction Xu Mu left, exuding a strong murderous aura.

She didn't go after him, because at Xu Mu's speed, in ten breaths, she had already run thousands of miles away, and it was impossible to catch up.

However, it is not impossible.

In fact, ordinary blood is enough to eliminate the original imprint.

She deliberately used true blood, on the one hand to break free from the seal, and on the other hand to take this opportunity to obtain the original breath in the opponent's body.

"After you go back, ask the ancestor to separate the breath from it and make a breath plate. I'll see where you can go! Hmph!"

Mingling Youlan showed a piercing sneer on his face, turned around and flew towards the gathering place of the Sea Clan.


Xu Mu, who escaped tens of thousands of miles in one go, was barely relieved.

"This world is too dangerous, you should honestly take it with you at home in the future!"

Suddenly he remembered the Mayfly Sending God Art he had just learned.

"Maybe I can take the risk in another way!"

 Remind everyone, don't bend over to pick up bottles on the road, I have a friend who recently met a cheating chrysanthemum...

(End of this chapter)

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