Chapter 29 Hunting Prelude did you find Qilingus? Mr. "White Tower", you are too, too fast, right?It’s just that with the help of Hugh and Fors, Audrey, who discovered Qilingus’ trace, opened her mouth wide, thinking for a moment that Gao Wei had found Qilingus, thinking that her information was useless——in her heart Thinking about it, Audrey felt guilty for a moment. If her intelligence was useless, she would have put two people in danger and even killed an innocent person...

Audrey thought of the man who died tragically. Although Fors explained the various evil deeds he had committed in the letter before, the naive Audrey would still feel guilty for such a person.

However, when Audrey saw that Mr. "White Tower" did not speak, and the expression on his face hesitated, she suddenly realized that she had misunderstood what he meant—Audrey immediately understood: It seems that Mr. "White Tower" He only discovered part of the information, and he must not be able to fully determine the location of Qilingos!Otherwise, he would definitely not show such an expression.

For a moment, Audrey felt a little more confident.She still believes in her extraordinary ability, which is the confidence of an "audience".

I can only say, never trust your Extraordinary characteristics too much, your eyes will deceive you, your Extraordinary characteristics will also deceive you, only a pure outer god will not deceive you...

"Ahem." Gao Wei coughed lightly, pulling his thoughts out of cursing Audrey.

"I apply for a private conversation with Miss Justice." Gao Wei pretended to think for a while, and said his request to Klein in a deep voice.Seeing this, Audrey nodded and agreed to Gao Wei's request.Klein maintained the image of "The Fool", nodded indifferently, stretched out his hand to mobilize the power of this space, and covered the seats where Audrey and Gao Wei were sitting with gray fog.

On the other hand, Alger, who pretended not to care, changed his face slightly, regretting that he couldn't get more information for nothing.However, due to the majesty of the Fool in front of him, Alger couldn't do anything, he could only stare at Derrick, sitting there waiting for the end of their separate communication.

And in the space separated by the gray fog, Audrey who faced Gao Wei alone couldn't help feeling a little nervous from unknown sources. Mr. "White Tower" in front of everyone gave Audrey a very obvious sense of separation in front of him.

Compared with the easy-going, mysterious and powerful Mr. "White Tower" in front of everyone, Gao Wei who appeared in front of Audrey at this moment gave Audrey a strange sense of oppression invisibly.

If Mister Fool gave Audrey the feeling of being powerful, majestic, and unattainable; then what appeared on Mr. White Tower at this moment was an inexplicable sense of oppression and treacherous despair.

Some inexplicable sense of oppression, or... majesty?It's so strange, I haven't felt this kind of temperament from Mr. "White Tower" before, um... Could it be that the way Mr. "White Tower" behaved in front of everyone before made me not notice this?

Mr. Baita must also be a high-sequence person, but Mr. Baita is definitely not as powerful as Mr. Fool!Hmm... I don't know which path's ability can do this...

Audrey's thoughts spread a bit, until a chuckle came, bringing Audrey's wandering mind back to reality.

"Miss 'Justice', I think we are not in competition with the task Mr. Hanged Man entrusted to us." Gao Wei chuckled and knocked on the table in front of him: "Oh, did you find Fors? To find the whereabouts of Qilingus?"

Hearing this, Audrey suddenly couldn't control the state of the audience, and nodded almost subconsciously.But then, Audrey covered her mouth in surprise, barely controlled her expression, and a terrifying thought echoed in her mind:

Mister "White Tower" knows my true identity in the real world?Was Fors betraying me?
Gao Wei smiled softly: "I know what you're thinking, Miss Justice. Heh, Forsi is my student, but even so, she still abides by the contract with you very much—at least, she didn't Tell me who her employer is. However, because Qilingus' mission has only been released in the Tarot Society. Apart from me, you are probably the only one in Loen. This is something that can be easily guessed .”

"Mr. A recently announced the search for Qilingus' whereabouts at his Extraordinary gathering. I didn't ask anyone to look for Qilingus outside." Audrey said in a deep voice, trying to make herself look slightly A little more mature, but unexpectedly Gao Wei nodded: "Ah, I asked Mr. A to publish it. It seems that it was indeed you who asked Forsi and Xio to track down Qilingus."

——You trick me, Mr. "White Tower"!Audrey's eyes were blank for a moment, but she only reacted in the next moment, her small face was swollen with anger, like a puffer fish that inflated its body.Gao Wei smiled, and stretched out his hand very gentlemanly: "I think we need a little trust between us. Come on, let's get to know each other again, Miss 'Justice'."

It seems that he still can't confirm my name... Audrey gradually returned to the audience state, calmly analyzing the current situation in her mind.But the next moment when she heard Gao Wei's next words, her hands froze and stayed in mid-air.

"My name is Gaowei Abraham." Gaowei introduced himself to Audrey with full of vicious humor: "It seems that you know me—heh, the Extraordinary who knows me is also Ruen's." Noblewoman. It seems that you are Ms. Audrey Hall. Hello, Ms. Hall, we met once at Viscount Glaint's banquet before."

"You, you, you..." Audrey's face turned red for a moment, and she didn't know what to say.Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Gao Wei controlled his source quality to capture this scene, and said to Audrey in a gentle tone: "Calm down, Miss Audrey. I have no malice towards you—— Sigh, you don't protect your own information well enough. For a Extraordinary, a little clue is enough to investigate your information. You see, I have already told you my name. It is a manifestation of sincerity.”

Audrey was speechless for a while, and Gao Wei continued: "If you still don't believe me, I can apply for Mister Fool as a guarantee. After all, I can stand in the Tarot Society, which is already It proves that I have passed Mister Fool's consideration, doesn't it? I dare not deceive a god, Miss Audrey."


Audrey and Klein looked at Gao Wei with a smile on his face at the same time, but the expression on Audrey's face was shock, while Klein was a little dazed.He barely maintained the face of his great existence, and said calmly and "calmly":

"It's not an example."

"Sorry, Mr. Fool." Gao Wei showed an apologetic look on his face, and bowed slightly in cooperation.The shock on Audrey's face didn't fade away. Looking at the Fool, the reverence on his face was even greater:
Mister Fool did not deny it!
The one I'm meeting now is a god at the same level as "Goddess of the Night" and "Lord of Storms"!
I don't know which great existence Mister Fool is... Audrey thought silently in her heart.However, just the next moment she heard Mr. "White Tower"'s calm voice: "Mr. Fool, I hope I can continue to communicate with Miss 'Justice'."

Wow, Mr. "White Tower", you are in a good state of mind—no, Mr. White Tower should have known the identity of Mr. "Fool" from the beginning, so there is no special reaction...

"Okay." Although Klein didn't know what Gao Wei wanted to do, he still chose to cooperate with Gao Wei's performance out of trust in his fellow villagers.

A smile appeared on Gao Wei's face, and he said to Audrey, "Miss Justice, let me make a long story short, okay?"

He doesn't want our mutual real names to be discovered by others... Audrey, who has entered the audience state, understands, and nodded gracefully: "Okay, Mr. White Tower."

Gao Wei cleared his throat: "First of all, I think we can exchange information about the mission issued by Mr. 'The Hanged Man' earlier."

"How should we communicate with each other?" Audrey, who had just been tricked twice by the same person, was obviously more cautious, and asked tentatively.

"The people on my side have identified Qilingus' purpose. He sneaked into Backlund to assassinate someone, but due to the lack of key clues, we have no way to find Qilingus' location now." Gao Wei, who understood Audrey's current personality, shrugged his shoulders, and said directly to Audrey: "My incompetent student came to me and asked a series of questions—oh, those descriptions are Qilingus' appearance. However, since I wasn't completely sure that it was you who issued the mission, I didn't ask in detail—I'm afraid you have made other progress by now, right?"

That's true... Fors and Xio found Qilingos, but they almost lost their lives... Audrey thought from the bottom of her heart.Seeing Gao Wei being so frank, Audrey temporarily let go of her defenses:

"Yes, Mr. White Tower."

"Qilingus haunted and killed a homeless man this morning—he may have discovered our pursuit, and he did not leave after killing the homeless man, but ambushed Fors on the spot And Xio..." Audrey's expression was a little serious: "They escaped by chance, and I don't have any more specific information."

"I understand that the current information is still too little to piece together the traces of Qilingus. But maybe, I can try divination." Gao Wei said seriously: "I think the mysterious side can be handed over to the mysterious Learn to solve."

"Mr. Baita, do you have divination ability?"

"No." Gao Wei said decisively, making Audrey's mouth open for a moment, and he couldn't help being a little confused.I saw him chuckle and said:

"I have a friend……"

The friend you mentioned is not me, is it?This is not good, Mr. Gao Wei!At least, at least give me a part of the reward... Klein thought secretly.He watched the two people in front of him finish their conversation, and he took the opportunity to remove the gray fog he used to block the sight of others.

Seeing the figures of the two people who had talked with him appear in front of his eyes, Alger's body stiffened suddenly, and he looked at the smiling Gao Wei with burning eyes.

Alger eagerly wanted to know what exactly the two of them had talked about during this period of time, and what kind of impact their conversation would have on him!
It must be something related to Qilingos... Alger looked at Gao Wei and said silently in his heart.As an experienced Extraordinary, he knew that Mr. "White Tower" was not as naive as "Miss Justice", and his previous idea of ​​hiring two people with one salary was probably about to collapse.

"I exchanged information with Miss Justice, Mr. Hanged Man." Gao Wei said to Alger in a gentlemanly manner: "We have exchanged information about Qilingus, and now we are preparing to call people to hunt Qilin Gus. However, this involves the compensation of Miss Justice and I, and I hope it can be resolved in another way."

"Say it." Alger said in a calm voice.

"I hope you can pay Miss Justice her part of the remuneration. At the same time, we will pay according to our agreement. Hehe, after all, Miss Justice has also contributed." Gao Wei deliberately used Argel's inability to pay. Accepting, at least bargaining, Alger frowned when he heard this:
"This is unreasonable, Mr. Baita." Alger said calmly: "Whether it is the content agreed between the two of us, or the content agreed between me and Miss Justice, we should have already discussed the remuneration. "

"As for the information sharing you mentioned..." Alger shrugged his shoulders, and said in a sophisticated tone: "This should be a deal between you and Miss Justice. What I got in the end didn't increase."

Another one took the bait.The high-dimensional overlooker, who is familiar with Alger's nature, thought in his heart that people always like to compromise. When you ask Mr. Hanged Man to change the way of remuneration, he will definitely not be happy; When Mr. Hanged Man talks about paying two rewards, Mr. Hanged Man will readily accept changing the reward method.

After all, Gao Wei's original intention was not to force Alger to pay an extra amount of money——for Outer Gods outside the world, money and even Extraordinary characteristics didn't mean much.

Even the high-dimensional Overlookers who have no believers at all have collected the few belongings left on countless destroyed planets.Maybe it was on his whim, or maybe it was a relic left by a little guy he cared about before. The precious things that he couldn't use and couldn't remember where they came from piled up in the source quality of the high-dimensional Overlooker. heap.

"Look at this." Gao Wei said calmly, "Then let's change the way of remuneration."

 The third update is delivered. Today, the ten thousand words are completed, and tomorrow will be the second update. If you like this book, please vote for it. Thank you Yuehu here.

(End of this chapter)

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