Chapter 80 Goodwill
"...There is nothing abnormal."

Adam looked at Evernight and "Bethel" with visibly more guarded eyes.

Able to wash away the pollution of the "Fallen Goddess"...

——Could it be that the Goddess of the Night has gone a step further and started preparing for promotion to the old days?

Klein wore a crystal-made monocle over his left eye, chatting easily with several writers and poets in front of him.Since he was brought here by the knighted Gawi Abraham, Klein's seat is at the front of the third floor, which is closer to the second floor of the banquet.

Suddenly, Klein caught a glimpse of a young man hurriedly passing by him, and smiled.He hurried past, and when the two were about to pass each other, Klein pushed his monocle, and the corner of his mouth drew a strange arc.

The young man who looked like a poet was taken aback for a moment, then he showed a slightly forced smile and left quickly.After Klein finished taking the food, he returned to the guests who were chatting with him.

A writer watched Klein greet the young man who looked like a poet, and immediately joked:

"Professor Moriarty, why didn't you ask him to come over if you met an acquaintance?"

Klein smiled, and replied with a well-trained etiquette: "Actually, I don't know him well."

"It's just, don't you think he looks like a poet? I think he must have written many beautiful poems."

"Yes." A novelist talked eloquently: "You can see a person's occupation and accomplishment from his appearance. It's like the poet just now. I just met him once If I can see it, I can know that he should be very good at writing poetry..."

Then can you see that I am an actor of the Aurora Society... Klein complained in his heart while responding to the novelist.Klein suddenly had some admiration for the novelist. After all, the two sentences he said just now were all lies, because this young man was Leonard who rushed over in a hurry.

At this time, Leonard was complaining to Pallez in his mind:
"Old man, can you stop being surprised all the time, what happened to you today, I almost exposed it just now - what does that monocle represent, that makes you so scared?"

He speculated: "Could it be that what you are afraid of is the 'Duke of Amon' that the person said earlier? Is he the Duke of which country? He is also a Extraordinary?"

"..." Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Pales sighed, and could only slowly tell Leonard about Amon.

Pallez originally didn't want Leonard to know about this matter. After all, Pallez knew that according to Leonard's disposition, he would definitely make mistakes when he met Amon because he knew this matter.

He saw two people who looked like Amon in a row today, and Leonard now knew only a little about Amon's information.Now poor Pales can only hope that Leonard, who knows the horror of Amon, can be more careful...


At the ball, Klein was sitting in his seat and slowly slicing the tender and juicy steak on the plate, while chatting with the people around him relaxedly.He pinched the time and felt that Miss Justice was about to come to the party on their floor...

According to what Audrey said before, she would try to talk to Professor Moriarty's literary circle, so that more people—including nobles—would notice Professor Moriarty.Audrey can't do anything about the rest, it's up to Professor Moriarty to play.

After all, Audrey never imagined that her banquet would be so grand...This made her feel a little dazed when she first arrived at the banquet in front of her. Whether it was the nobles in the center or the scale of the banquet, it was even comparable to the banquets hosted by some dukes.

Audrey lifted the hem of her skirt, the smile on her face had made her muscles sore from maintaining it for a long time.On the side, Earl Hall had a smile on his face, walking beside his daughter, talking softly with his child.

"Audrey, are you tired? We have already greeted the nobles before, and now you don't have to meet these commoners..." Audrey's brother, Hibbert Hall on the side, said Looking at his sister, he said softly.Although Audrey wanted to take a rest, she still shook her head while enduring her exhaustion when she remembered Mr. "White Tower"'s mission.

"No need, Hibbert." Audrey said to her brother and father in her sweet voice, "I'm not very tired... Well, I know you still have to talk to them."

"And, with my dear brother and the handsome Earl of Hall by my side, how can I be tired?"

"Haha..." Hibbert on the side couldn't help but chuckled softly: "Looks like our most beautiful little gem has grown up too, Alfred will be surprised when he comes back and sees you like this ?”

"He must have never imagined that Audrey, who likes to study the occult, will also have a day when she is not interested in the occult. Now she knows how to be considerate of her brother!"

Hearing this, Earl Hall's expression on the side suddenly became a little weird. He glanced at Hibbert who was still kept in the dark and didn't know that Audrey was now a Extraordinary.

"Huh? Does that brother mean that I was immature before?" Taking advantage of the opportunity of no one around, Audrey raised her eyebrows and said softly to Hibbert, her cheeks puffed up slightly, like It is a small puffer fish ready to go.Seeing this, Hibbert immediately changed the subject:
"Haha... No, no, cough, cough, we'll talk about it later, Audrey, we're almost there."

Hibbert said to Audrey that they had walked along the ball seats to the dance floor on the third floor.And the seats at the front of the dance floor were in Klein's lap brought by Gao Wei.


Audrey was thinking silently in her heart, looking at the "Professor Moriarty" she had seen in the photo before; while Audrey was looking at Klein, Klein was also observing her.

Wearing costumes that look like works of art, next to Earl Hall and the earl's eldest son Hibbert... Although Gao Wei and I have roughly guessed the identity of Miss "Justice" before, but I did not expect that she would do it for Gao Wei. Wei Wei's commission can produce such a grand banquet...

Looks like Miss Justice's family is richer than I thought!

Klein, who didn't have any specific concept of large sums of money, didn't see the abnormal specifications of this banquet, and just silently looked at Audrey while complaining in his heart.

Klein quietly stared at Audrey, and at Miss Justice.Seeing Earl Hall beside Audrey, whose whole body was filled with the majesty of a superior, Klein suddenly swallowed nervously.

He must not let the vest of his "Fool" be stripped, at most... ahem, at most let Miss "Justice" feel that she is Mr. "Fool"'s favored person!You must not reveal your identity, or Mister Fool will lose face!
"Don't be nervous, young man."

Earl Hall looked at Klein with gentle eyes. Unexpectedly, he took the initiative to shake Klein's hand: "I heard about you from my friend, Professor Moriarty. My friend I once praised you as a good teacher, a conscientious polymath, and a gentle but hard-edged professor."

"Then it's Earl Hall's praise." Klein smiled a little jerky, and was immediately at a loss when he heard such a compliment.Audrey and Hibbert on the side were a little surprised, not knowing why their father had such high expectations for the young professor in front of them.

And Audrey, who was going to find an opportunity to introduce "Professor Moriarty" to other minor nobles, was especially surprised.Before, she was afraid that the gentleman that Mr. "White Tower" entrusted her to bring into the aristocratic circle did not have real talents. Now it seems that even if Audrey does not intervene, this professor is very likely to rely on his own ability to win the honor of His Majesty the King. Get the baron's award in front of you!
The reason "Professor Moriarty" was praised by Earl Hall was Prince Edsaac.

During these few weeks, Klein took the time to give a few lessons to Prince Edesak's lover, the woman who was most likely to be "Desperate Nightingale".And during the class time, Prince Edesak has been sitting by the side and listening.So much so that he even learned a lot from Klein's method of teaching from the shallower to the deeper while listening to the lectures to pass the time.

As a member of the royal family, Prince Edsack is naturally proficient in a variety of subjects.But Klein's teaching method made the prince come up with many novel ways of dealing with other things—after all, this is the crystallization of wisdom from countless teachers in the old era, and Klein is also rare at this time standing on the giant On his shoulders, imitating the predecessors of the time traveler, he did a copy of Wen Chaogong.

After hearing Prince Edsack's praise for Professor Moriarty, Earl Hall also prepared to express some kindness to Professor Moriarty.

After Audrey and his party left, Klein, who was praised and praised just now, was still a little dazed, but the people around him had already swarmed up just now, scrambling to establish a good relationship with this new generation of professor.

Not far away, Fors Wall lazily nestled on the chair, taking a small sip of the red wine in the glass.I don't know why, although she was sitting upright, the chair felt like she was sitting out of the sofa.A man in a formal suit beside her asked, "Miss Wall, why don't you go over there and meet that professor?"

who is this?

Miss Xianyu raised her head and glanced at the curly-haired young man next to her. The young man's clothes were neat, his skin looked fairer, and he looked elegant and polite.Fors put down the small cake in her hand, restrained her tone and said:
"In my opinion, instead of wasting energy trying to make friends with someone who is famous but doesn't know you at all, it's better to think about what to write in the next book. There are always some things that cannot be followed. After all, no one Will just know and will help you when you need help."

"Is that so..." The young man pinched his eye sockets, and said with some distress: "At first, I thought that those people who were in a hurry to find a professor would definitely be able to get to know that professor after they went there. Now It seems that I still haven't learned enough, and I don't understand what they are thinking..."

After all, the young man smacked his lips: "Then why do you want to do something that can't bring you benefits?"

"This is normal." Forsi looked at the naive young man in front of him who seemed to have just entered the society and didn't know much about the world, and couldn't help but comfort him: "Many people think of multiple friends and multiple paths, but in fact they also I didn't intend to get anything in return, and now I just express my attitude. It's just that sometimes this kind of thing is thankless, and I don't bother to do it."

"I understand." The young man said solemnly: "You think that in this situation, you may gain less than what you paid, so you are not prepared to meet those who may be helpful to you; It feels like a different thing. Interesting, I see, thank you for your guidance, what's your name?"

In fact, I was just too lazy to go there, why are you so solemn... Fors thought with a guilty conscience, seeing the young man in front of him being so polite, Fors also said implicitly: "Fors."

"Fors Wall, a novelist."

"Okay, thank you, Miss Wall. I feel that I have benefited a lot from communicating with you." The young man clasped Forsi's right hand politely:
"Just call me Amon."

Amon?It doesn't look like the name of a native of the Loen Kingdom... Is it the name of Intis or something else?

Forsi thought divergently, didn't care, just watched the young man named "Amon" leave.


I really want to parasitize her and see what she is thinking... Amon's thinking is a little divergent.Under the guidance of Gao Wei, he became interested in the human nature that he had always thought was useless.In order to learn what human nature is, he purposely parasitized a writer who has no title but has received an invitation letter to come to the party.

In order not to be discovered by the Extraordinary of the night and the storm, Amon also deliberately lowered his sequence, pretending to be an ordinary person without extraordinary abilities.He was just now enthusiastically analyzing those people who flocked to Professor Moriarty just because of a few words, but he felt frustrated under Forsi's analysis.

Therefore, this Amon is going to listen to the opinions of his own body, and go to the grassroots to investigate what is called human nature - of course, the body strictly prohibits him from using extraordinary abilities.

So, Amon decided to meet "Professor Moriarty" in person to see what kind of magical power this young man possessed.

Amon pushed his monocle and smiled happily.

(End of this chapter)

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