I'm not illiterate

Chapter 18 Painting...the finishing touch!

Chapter 18 Painting...the finishing touch! (4k, thanks to Pluto boss for the lord award)

In the car, Hu Yueping was making the final preparations. When he saw Lin Yusen suddenly appearing, Hu Yueping was taken aback for a moment: "Old Lin? How do you know that today's crew might wrap up?"

Lin Yusen was startled: "I don't know."

Then he found a bottle of water in the car and sat down: "That bastard Zhao Hua called me, saying that your progress was slow, that you changed my script, and clearly wanted to make trouble, but I am also worried about your situation, so I just came back directly .”

"So what's going on? How did it take so long?"

Hu Yueping and Lin Yusen have been partners for nearly ten years, how could they be really anxious because Hu Yueping changed the script.

Hu Yueping handed over the script in his hand: "I did change some, and now the script is fuller."

Lin Yusen didn't even read the script: "I'm not talking about this, I'm saying that if it was before, you must have finished filming early and went out to play. Why did it take so long this time?"

Then Hu Yueping told Lin Yusen how Xu Mu worked hard and how he ignited a fire in his heart.

"So, this time I want to try my best."

Lin Yusen was dumbfounded: "Just that stupid Xu Mu? Is he as good as you said?"

"I heard that this guy is a hammer. How did you become a talent who was delayed by Tianxing?"

Hu Yueping didn't bother to explain to him: "Just watch us shoot the last scene later."

Lin Yusen leaned on the car window and looked out vigorously.

In a corner, Xu Mu was squatting there talking to himself.

"It looks like you're working hard, practicing your lines." Lin Yusen nodded doubtfully.


Xu Mu squatted in the corner, muttering at this moment: "Fill up!"

He now has ten skill points, all added to the crying scene.

Now his crying scene rating is D (4/20) +;

When the skill points were in place, Xu Mu didn't feel too obvious, but there was a tingling in his eyes.

Then there is more knowledge in my mind.

For example, when a person is emotional and wants to cry, the microvessels around the eyes will be congested, and at the same time, the small muscles will contract to protect the eyes, which will cause the lacrimal gland to secrete tears.

Normally, once the lacrimal glands start to produce tears, most people blink involuntarily, which then coats the eyes in a thin film.

So in TV dramas, those who remain motionless and stare wide-eyed to let tears flow down are either not top-notch people, or they are dripping with eye drops.

Once people's tears are more, they will be discharged from two ways.

The first is the crying that everyone is familiar with, tears fall out, and the second is to discharge along the internal lacrimal system through the nostrils, which is why people have snot bubbles when they cry.

In the corner, Xu Mu closed his eyes, trying to mobilize his eye organs with his emotions.

When he opened his eyes again, he obviously felt that his eyes were getting wet, but it was limited to that.

Not many tears at all.

After all, there are only D grades.

"Everyone, get ready to start! Make a quick decision. If it's too late, there will be more people watching." Hu Yueping got off the car and shouted with a loudspeaker.

Dozens of crew members stood up one after another, ready to take their positions.

"Ka Ka Ka", all the street lights on the boulevard were turned on, and the surrounding area was as bright as daylight, and both sides of the boulevard were also surrounded.

"The light is a little bit darker, so we might as well shoot during the daytime!" Hu Yueping began to get excited.

Lin Yusen looked at Hu Yueping now, feeling a little astonished.

This Hu Yueping has really changed.

He looked at Xu Mu. At this time, Xu Mu was wearing a suit, and the hood he was wearing was also arranged to look like he had a small back.

Really handsome, and the body is also.

But Lin Yusen couldn't figure it out: "Can Xu Mu's stunned young man stimulate Hu Yueping like this?"

For this scene, Xie Chen also rushed over and was preparing for the match beside Xu Mu at the moment: "If you can't cry, you should yell, you know."

Xie Chen didn't expect much from Xu Mu's crying scene.

Hu Yueping obviously didn't either, because he was asking the assistant director at the moment: "Is the eyedrops, chili ready? If it doesn't work, use it."

The assistant director gave an ok gesture.

Soon, everyone will be on their marks.

Under the light, Xu Mu and Lin Xiao stood in front of the unit door of a building.

The scene here is that Lin Xiao's rented house expired, so he moved here and shared the rent with Lu Heng for a few days, but after a few days of living, they found Jiang Huai.

Lin Xiao and Jiang Huai resolved the misunderstanding.

Lu Heng also knew that Jiang Huai had been silently helping Lin Xiao.

So at this time, Lin Xiao was sent away.

Everyone knows that after this gift, Lin Xiao will not come back, she and Jiang Huai have reconciled.

So Xu Mu and Ning Wei were very quiet at this time.

The audience was quieter, everyone was staring at them, even Zhang Yue and Dong Fei were there.

"Youth, Scene 214, one shot at a time, start!"

With the sound of hitting the board, the surrounding area can almost become audible.

Only the faint sound of the machines at work and the wind at night.

In the camera, Xu Mu and Ning Wei began to walk towards the tree-lined path with the box.

This is the shot of seeing Lin Xiao off.

In Xu Mu's heart, a sense of faith opened up.

"I'm Lu Heng, I'm Lu Heng..."

Well, it's in the state.

Soulful Gaze is also enabled, but not fully enabled.

"Fortunately, you and I only stayed for two days, otherwise you must have been moved by me, even if Jianghuai appeared again, it would be useless."

According to the setting, Lu Heng is here, and he seldom stutters when facing Lin Xiao.

So Xu Mu incorporated the pig's sentence "Fortunately, we didn't get the certificate" in "Passing Through Your World".

At this time, his state was that of a woman who was about to leave him, and he was still pretending to be relaxed.

So his body was a little tense, and there was an exaggerated smile on the corner of his mouth.

But he looked at Ning Wei with affection.

"It's interesting." Lin Yusen muttered behind the monitor.

"This Xu Mu is better than I imagined."

In the camera, the two continued to act, and Ning Wei said, "Cut~ How many times have I told you that women are not moved."

She is also pretending to be relaxed.

At this stall, the two walked to the boulevard, where a taxi was waiting.

Put the suitcase in the taxi.

Then the two looked at each other, very quiet.

"Then I'm leaving, goodbye."

Xu Mu smiled: "I don't want to see you and Jiang Huai again."

Ning Wei continued to act, she turned her head in surprise: "Huh?"

Xu Mu in the camera took a deep breath: "I said, don't say goodbye."

This is the line that Hu Yueping and Xu Mu discussed.

According to Hu Yueping, he didn't want to shoot the kind of idiot who blesses the hero and heroine after giving up.

He felt that it was nonsense: "You lost someone you loved very much, and you watched her with someone else, and you reappeared as if nothing happened. Isn't there something wrong with your brain?"

"Furthermore, if the male lead and the female lead don't bother you or avoid you, they'll be out of their minds."

Xu Mu felt that what Hu Yueping said was reasonable, so he used the above passage.

In the camera, Lin Xiao, played by Ning Wei, was stunned for two seconds, and then said seriously: "Then I'm leaving."

Xu Mu's expression froze for a moment.

This is what Hu Yueping asked him to act.

Hu Yueping said: "Licking dogs is like this. What they call "I don't love you anymore" is a powerless threat. They want the other party to come back and touch his head. They want the other party to feel bad. It's not just about licking Dogs, and many people who can't love them, are like this."

"But most of the time, they don't get their way."

Xu Mu didn't know why Director Hu understood the dog-licking mentality so well, but he thought it made sense.

"Goodbye." Lin Xiao got into the car.

"Master, drive."

The car drove away slowly.

The people around gradually became tense.

Because the rest here is almost Xu Mu's highlight.

"Lu Heng, Lin Xiao is gone, she is gone! You will never see her again!" Hu Yueping shouted from behind the monitor.

"Your temper tantrum threats just now are useless at all! She doesn't love you, so she doesn't care about you!"

He was looking for status for Xu Mu.

Xu Mu had indeed entered the state at this time.

He looked at the gradually starting taxi, and his eyes began to turn red.

Then get wet.

The D-level crying scene starts.

Xie Chen's eyes widened as if he didn't know Xu Mu.

"Fuck, he's crying, his eyes are red."

"This..." He turned his head to look at Zhang Yue who was at the side.

Zhang Yue is even more stupid than him.

The staff of the film crew were also surprised when they saw it.

Although they knew that Xu Mu would not hold back these days, not everyone can do crying scenes, otherwise Hu Yueping would not have prepared eye drops and peppers.

Hu Yueping clenched his fists behind the monitor.

Lin Yusen looked at the monitor without blinking.

In the camera, Xu Mu murmured.

"Goodbye, you will be happy when you meet again."

With the opening of the sense of faith and the atmosphere at the moment, Xu Mu really entered the drama.

Then he felt so wronged in his heart.

A person who has been with him for ten years was taken away because someone else showed up for two days.

His last so-called threat of never seeing him again didn't get even a word of comfort.

But I still wonder what should she do?
At this time, Xu Mu was Lu Heng, and he felt empty in his heart.

He wants to cry.

"Don't cry!" he said to himself in his heart.

People who don't love me, just leave.

There is no dignity in crying anymore.

Adults need to be decent. It took Lu Heng ten years to grow from a follower in Lin Xiao's eyes to a man she could take seriously.

If he cries, he'll be that follower again!

So Xu Mu in the camera raised his head.

At the moment he looks stubborn.

Stubbornly not to let the tears flow.

"Close-up! Close-up!" This time, it was Lin Yusen who shouted out first.

This paragraph is too layered.

Wronged, stubborn, sad.

In the next second, in the camera, on Xu Mu's upturned face, a tear slid down from the corner of his eye.

"Awesome!" Xie Chen yelled halfway, then covered his mouth again, and stamped his feet there.

On the boulevard, the taxi is about to turn.

Hu Yueping continued to shout: "Lu Heng, didn't you say that Lin Xiao is a ray of light in your life? Now that your light is gone, she has passed with others, do you want to chase after her? You have no light!"

To chase or not to chase.

After chasing it, it's actually useless.

But I can't help it.

After her car passed that corner, I never saw her again in my life.

Don't ask her to stay, but take a closer look at the head office.

"Lin Xiao—" Xu Mu grinned suddenly, shouted and chased after her.

"Lin Xiao, you must be happy when we meet again!"

His expression now is definitely not good-looking.

Because he was grinning and crying like a dog.

At this time, Xu Mu was completely possessed by Yue Yunpeng.

"Lin Xiao, what should I do if you leave?"

Lu Heng's childhood was illuminated by Lin Xiao, and in the next ten years, he became stronger for Lin Xiao. At this time, the pillars of his life were taken away.

I have to say that Xu Mu in the camera is not handsome anymore.

This role is too humble.

But for those who are in the entertainment industry, it's still the same sentence, having fun is the most important thing.

How many stars on the earth, after the scene of the pig's head chasing the car became popular, wished that the person who played the pig's head was himself.

Besides, Xu Mu has nothing to worry about, anyway, he has long since lost the habit of being ashamed of his body.

"Lin Xiao, take me away, Lin Xiao." He murmured.

However, the taxi at this time has disappeared into the traffic flow.

"Lin Xiao—"

Xu Mu tripped over the curb and fell to the side of the road, crying heartbreakingly.

The child is too involved.

In fact, like "Passing Through Your World", the pig's head patted the window and told the swallow that there is no me in your world, and then chased after the swallow's car, and was seen by the swallow.

That kind of shooting method has relatively high requirements for the characters: there are only girls in the boy's life, and the girls don't care about him, so there can be such confrontation shots.

But in this drama, Lin Xiao and Lu Heng still have to be respectable.

So Lu Heng chased the car after it turned a corner, and Lin Xiao didn't see it either.

It was very quiet.

There was only Xu Mu crying.

Everyone looked at him, even Hu Yueping.

Great acting.

The lines are also smooth, as if I have read this passage countless times.

Lin Yusen was stunned.

"This is Xu Mu?"

Everyone around swallowed.

Can Xu Mu cry so well?
In fact, Xu Mu's crying scene was mediocre, but his emotions have reached this point, and he has been influenced by the scene of Yue Yunpeng countless times on the earth, so he is very involved in the scene.

At this time, Xu Mu was still crying on the ground.

Until a pair of legs appeared in front of him.

It's Ning Wei.

Her part has been filmed and she gets out of the car.

"It's over, Brother Mu, it's over." She helped Xu Mu up, with tears in her eyes.

At this moment, she felt that Lin Xiao made the wrong choice.

Dong Fei in the corner was sluggish at first, and then woke up instantly: "It's broken, why do I feel that I am the second male?"

"Card!" Only then did Hu Yueping think of shouting card.


This lens is absolutely awesome!
I'm so fucking good at taking pictures!
"Finishing—" he almost yelled heart-piercingly.

Then he turned his head and asked Lin Yusen fiercely. "Old Lin, what are you talking about today when I am changing your script? What are you drawing? Adding to the liking?"

Lin Yusen clenched his fists at this moment, and said loudly: "I said, Hu Yueping, you tampered with my script without permission, what a fucking finishing touch!"

ps: Please follow up and ask for various tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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