I'm not illiterate

Chapter 4 Character Biography

Chapter 4 Character Biography (Please recommend and collect)

When Xu Mu thought of the name "The Fool", he felt secretly happy, as if he had been polluted by something.

Fortunately, this pseudonym was not taken, so Xu Mu completed the registration directly.

After clicking "Confirm", Xu Mu's account is completely registered.

Sile.com also generated his creator number: 89757.

After completing the registration, Xu Mu began to look for buyers who might need "Lovesickness" in the forum.

Because Huaguo has relaxed restrictions on entertainment in recent years, Huaguo's film and television, variety shows and other works have begun to appear in large numbers, so the demand for songs is also considerable.

"Call for Theme Song of the Movie Veteran of Rock and Roll."

"The promotional song for the documentary "The Long River", the price is negotiable, and experienced creators will enter."

"Hurry up, Wangzai Mantou is now soliciting commercial songs from all over the world."

Xu Mufan looked down carefully, and after watching it for five or six minutes, he couldn't find any TV series or scenes suitable for "Lovesickness".

Finally, Xu Mu almost turned the page of Qiuge to the end, and a post caught his attention.

"Jingzhou TV Station's "Question of the Ancients" column group song collection post."

"Ask Gu?" Xu Mu clicked in.

""Ask the Ancients" is a large-scale cultural and music program produced and launched by the comprehensive channel of Jingzhou TV Station. It combines traditional poetry classics with modern pop in the form of "harmonious poetry and songs."

"The form of the program is that relevant experts will introduce poems, with singers as the classic singers, re-singing classic poems or songs related to ancient poems with the singing method of popular songs."

"This column is divided into lyric poems, pastoral poems, frontier poems, military poems..."

"Songwriters can create related songs based on the above types of poems. The song collection period is from April 4st to August 1st."

Seeing the introduction of this program, Xu Mu cheered up. This program is very similar to the "Legend of Classic Odes" on Earth, and Jingzhou TV Station is also a first-line TV station in this world. Why did this post sink to the bottom of the forum.

Xu Mu looked at the time on the computer, it showed that today is July 7th.

"It's obviously more than half a month before the end of the collection, why is there no one discussing this post."

Xu Mu looked carefully at the comment section below.

A person named [Yi Jiuyan] posted the last comment half a month ago: "This is the fourth time I have been rejected, and I have given up on this column."

This Yi Jiuyan's name also displayed a label: "Gold Medal Composer".

There are hundreds of replies under Yi Jiuyan's comment.

"Isn't it, Fourth Master was rejected? This column group is so demanding? It's alright, everyone can leave."

"Why does everyone call Yi Jiuyan the fourth master?"

"You don't even know, fourth master? Four of the top ten new song charts were in the fourth master's list back then, and he became famous from then on!"

"Even Fourth Master gave up, so I won't try."

"Actually, this program is not cost-effective, and most of them are middle-aged and elderly people who watch TV. Publishing songs on this program is not conducive to making it to the charts."

After reading it, Xu Mu understood the general idea. The main reason why this post is so heavy is that the program group's requirements are too difficult.

But this program seems to be the most suitable for "Lovesickness".

"That's it."

Xu Mu exported the score and song files of "Lovesickness" in the system, and uploaded them to Sile.com.

Then follow the instructions in Chinese.

Song duplication check, copyright registration.

After finishing everything, Xu Mu directly clicked to contribute to this program group.

Submission section: Lyric poetry.

"Hello, dear creator, your song "Acacia" has been submitted, and we will inform you of the follow-up progress as soon as possible."

Looking at the prompt on the computer interface, Xu Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

The next thing is to wait for the news.

After standing up and moving around for a while, after drinking a glass of water, Xu Mu sat back on the sofa.

Picked up the script called "Our Lost Youth".

Now that you have decided to live here, what should you do?

You can't sit in front of the computer every day and wait for the news from the "Question of the Ancients" program group.

Xu Mu opened the script, and the first page was the character list.

Female first, Lin Xiao

male first, Jianghuai

Second male, Lu Heng.

It seems that this Lu Heng is the role I want to play.

Xu Mu read it carefully: "Lu Heng, handsome stuttering, and Lin Xiao's childhood sweetheart, has always been treated as a younger brother by Lin Xiao. He proposed to Lin Xiao many times, and then voluntarily withdrew and blessed Lin Xiao and Jiang Huai two people."

Xu Mu took a closer look: "Stuttering?"

He hurriedly sent a message to Xie Chen: "Brother Chen, did I stutter?"

Half a minute later, Xie Chen's message came back: "Aren't you very happy? You don't have much stammering lines, don't you have poor lines skills, this is just right."

Xu Mu: "..."

Forget it, read a book.

Xu Mu rarely read these romance novels in his previous life, so this script is quite novel to him.

Slowly, Xu Mu looked in.

In fact, the story is very simple.

The heroine has a lively personality, free and lazy, and her academic performance is average. During the high school entrance examination, she performed exceptionally well and was admitted to a key high school.

The male protagonist is not good at words, handsome and aloof, but has good academic performance.

The two people who had nothing to do with each other became at the same table, and finally experienced various things, and secretly developed feelings for each other.

It's a pity that after the college entrance examination, the arrogant male protagonist failed the college entrance examination, coupled with family changes, in order not to drag the female protagonist down, he disappeared for ten years.

As for the role that Xu Mu will play, there are very few scenes in the early stage, and he is actually a small follower next to the heroine.

His role is mainly in the back.

In the ten years since the hero disappeared, Lu Heng, played by Xu Mu, has been by Lin Xiao's side and proposed marriage many times.

It is written in the book: "When Lu Heng proposed for the first time, Lin Xiao thought he was joking. She looked at the man in a suit and leather shoes in front of her. He was already an executive of a company, but Lin Xiao still remembered He stammered when he was a child, so she couldn't help laughing."

Also, the book said that Lu Heng's stuttering got better when he grew up, and he only stuttered when facing Lin Xiao.

The final ending of this book is that Lu Heng met the male lead who had disappeared for ten years at a job fair, and told the news to the female lead.

Xu Mu didn't understand the behavior of the male second, but was greatly shocked.

Maybe romance dramas are like that.

It took Xu Mu more than three hours to finish reading the original book and the script. This time, the system did not provide any additional rewards, but only gave Xu Mu 3 skill points.

After casually eating, Xu Mu lay down in front of the table again.

He began to look for a few words about the male second in the book.

It is difficult to change a person's behavior habits. When Xu Mu wrote a thesis in his previous life, he could often sit at the computer desk for four or five hours at a time, looking through dozens of documents for the source of a sentence.

He's a bit of an axis.Once you decide to do something, do your best to do it well.

At this time, he did the same with this script.

Xu Mu found a book and copied all the information about Lu Heng from the book.

But it's a pity that the original author didn't give Lu Heng too much ink in the early stage of this book, such as why he stuttered and why he got better later.


Xu Mu subconsciously logged on to HowNet and started searching with "stuttering".

This is a habit he developed while writing his thesis.

Soon, Xu Mu searched and found two articles, one was "Psychological Investigation and Analysis of Stuttering Patients" and the other was "Family-centered Psychological Treatment Strategies for Stuttering".

[When a stutterer first stuttered, he didn't mind, was not nervous, and had no psychological pressure, but because of stuttering, he was often ridiculed by others, suffered setbacks, and embarrassment, and these experiences brought psychological pressure to the stutterer...]

[When parents treat their children's stuttering in a more acceptable way, they can have obvious positive guidance on their children's mental health...]

"So from a logical point of view, my character may not be born with a stutter. It's just that I had a slight stutter when I was young, and I was laughed at later, so the condition is serious."

"The reason why I like Lin Xiao is because she protected me when I was young. Moreover, my family atmosphere should not be very good, so this makes me more dependent on her."

Xu Mu kept copying and trying to analyze it with the logic of his own scientific research.

Until his cell phone rang.

It is already 01:30 in the afternoon.

"Hello." Xu Mu's voice was hoarse due to the long silence.

"Xu Mu, is your voice so hoarse when you take a nap? Go downstairs, I'll take you to the set, the car is waiting downstairs." Xie Chen called.

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Mu looked at the pile of things he had written on the table.

It's all related to the role of Lu Heng.

From the development of the character's character, to the family situation, to the changes in the mental journey.

It's just a pity that there is still less than half of it finished.

"Forget it, let's go first."

Xu Mu stuffed the few pieces of paper he hadn't finished writing into his pocket.

What he didn't know was that he had almost finished a character's biography unintentionally.

 ps: I won’t post the references. This chapter may have some ink, but I actually want to write about how a non-professional star, a person with the spirit of research, would treat the profession of an actor.

(End of this chapter)

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