I'm not illiterate

Chapter 76 With this little money, I can only sing for one night at most

Chapter 76 With this little money, I can only sing for one night at most
The audition is over, and then there are some details.

Thin, but sharp.

Such as remuneration.

"Mr. Jiang, the play test is over, let's go to the office to talk." Li Xiaofei said with a smile.

Jiang Hongye used the cover of calming down the wrinkles on his clothes, stroked his stomach from top to bottom: "Okay."

Everyone went to the office together.

Jiang Hongye casually asked Dong Fei, "What have you been up to lately?"

Dong Fei smiled mysteriously: "Before I was selected to act in a martial arts drama, I'm currently working on a new script, "The Butterfly Lovers."

Li Xiaofei, Xu Mu and others were silent, wanting to hear what Jiang Hongye had to say.

Jiang Hongye raised his head: "Hi Liang Zhu, to promote traditional culture, if you need my help, please say so."

Jiang Hongye knows Duan Shui, and Xu Mu and Dong Fei are actually the youngsters he favored in "Acting Training Class", so he never favors one over the other.

The last time I went to participate in "Little Journey to the West" was also called by two people together.

Dong Fei seemed to be encouraged: "Okay!"

"Mr. Jiang, this is our office." At this moment, Li Xiaofei interjected in good time to divert the topic.

"Good good."

Everyone sat down, poured water and said a few polite words, and the formal topic began.

"Teacher Jiang, to be honest, we are not going to release this movie in theaters, so the investment may be less." Li Xiaofei still decided to bring this matter up front.

Xu Mu agreed that "Ocean Paradise" would not be shown in theaters.

And he thought so too.

People still have to respect the market.

The 22 Citroen is old-fashioned, and the 12 Citroen is mature and stable.

On Earth, according to the "21 Year Movie Audience Survey Report", 69.5% of audiences choose to watch movies in theaters for socializing, followed by dating and family activities.

Under such circumstances, who would spend tens of dollars to watch a sad movie?

Moreover, the experience of watching movies in theaters and watching movies on the Internet is very different. In the process of watching movies in theaters, in a dim room, the big screen is the only light source, and the viewer is in a "passive" state. The movie will not be paused or fast-forwarded for you, and people will be pressed there and output on the big screen.

In this case, the viewer's experience will be more intense, and the story rhythm of the movie will also be higher.

However, watching online movies will not, the viewer has the initiative, and the emotional experience will be relatively weak.

Therefore, there is a greater tolerance for the rhythm of the story.

Xu Mu didn't understand the above knowledge, but judging from his own experience, he might not spend tens of dollars to watch "Ocean Paradise" in a movie theater.

But spending a few bucks on the Internet is fine.

So Xu Mu agreed with the company's decision.

Jiang Hongye nodded: "I see."

He makes genre films, so of course he knows the audience in theaters now.

""Slaying the Wolf 2" is going to be released in theaters, and the investment amount is relatively large. But Xu Mu is a newcomer in martial arts movies after all, so the film salary..."

Jiang Hongye thought for a few seconds, and said, "70, his role in the show may last about a month."

If it was Xu Mu from two years ago, a zero must be added after this, and even the previous number would have to be doubled several times.

If it was Xu Mu who had just crossed over, the 70 must have been given to him by Qiming, commonly known as bringing capital into the group.

But now Xu Mu, taking advantage of the momentum of the disbandment of the illiterate group, the popularity has recovered slightly, and the popularity of passers-by has gradually improved.

So it's about that price.

The monthly salary is 70. If it was Xu Mu before time travel, he could get it.

But now he has evolved, he can smile and never smoke.

Li Xiaofei and the others looked at each other, and they didn't have much opinion on this number.

"What about you? What is your ideal salary for the movie "Ocean Paradise"?" Li Xiaofei asked.

Jiang Hongye smiled: "Just 40, but you don't have to give it to me, it's my investment."

"I came to act in this movie. In fact, everyone knows that I didn't go for the salary."

Jiang Hongye thought very clearly, if the film loses money, it means that his transition has not been successful, and his promotional focus will be: "Jiang Hongye helped warm-hearted movies, and he didn't get a penny."

If the film makes money, it means that the film will be popular. At that time, his promotional focus will be: "Jiang Hongye strives for breakthroughs, does not require a salary and pays dividends, just because he has confidence in his literary and opera!"

It doesn't matter what you do.

And his goal this time is to win over Xu Mu for the Holy Church.

Everyone talked for another half an hour later, basically there was not much change, and Jiang Hongye's salary was not 40, but a 10% dividend.

After the talk, everyone went to have a meal happily.

During the dinner, Jiang Hongye didn't drink too much, claiming that he still had something to do in the afternoon. After drinking two glasses of beer, he rubbed his stomach and said he was a little bloated.

During the meal, everyone also chatted about the details of the movie.

The preparatory work will be carried out immediately. Casting, location selection, and team formation will take at least half a month.

In the past half month, Jiang Hongye will not only be busy with "Zhan Lang 2", but also prepare for the filming of "Ocean Paradise".

After the meal, Jiang Hongye was sent away, and everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

"Much smoother than expected." Hu Yueping sighed.

Li Xiaofei nodded: "Well, this movie is just the beginning, and there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future."

Then he looked at Xu Mu: "Shall we talk about your compensation?"

"it is good."

For this movie, Xu Mu, as the screenwriter, must get the copyright fee, and at the same time, he plays the leading role, so he must also be paid.

One size is one size.

Li Xiaofei asked the others to go back to rest first, and then went to the office with Xu Mu.

"The salary for this movie is 20 yuan, do you think it can work?"

With the lesson from last time, this time Li Xiaofei bid directly.

Xu Mu thought for a while: "President Li, let me save the company some money."

Li Xiaofei: "???"

She tilted her head.

It means I hear what's going on?

Xu Mu prepared his words: "Actually, my relationship with the company, film remuneration and copyright fees are not easy to talk about."

Li Xiaofei said in his heart that it's not easy for you to speak?
That wasn't the case the last time you opened your mouth to 30%.

Xu Mu smiled and said, "So, if I'm the same as Mr. Jiang, let's get a bonus..."

Then the two discussed it.

After discussing for more than half an hour, it was finally decided.

Xu Mu's copyright fee plus film salary was almost 80 million, which was exchanged for 18% of the box office dividend.

After Xu Mu left, Li Xiaofei sat on his chair and let out a sigh of relief: "For such a movie, everyone is scrambling for dividends, so it's not certain whether it will make money."

Xu Mu was also thinking on the way back to the apartment.

The current investment in this movie is about 400 million, which is less than the 700 million on earth.

Xu Mu is not sure whether he can get back the money, but he feels that it should be about the same.

At least from his point of view, it seems that in 2023 on Earth, this movie is still being discussed.

So it should at least pay back.

Actually, if Xu Mu has the habit of checking data on Earth, it will be very clear.

On the earth, some people say that "Ocean Paradise" is a small audience, and some people say that it was so popular because of the "unit organization to watch movies".

Very simple.

Use the Baidu search index to simply replace the network search volume.

According to Baidu Index, the average index of "Ocean Paradise" in 2023 in the past year is 517.

"The Love of the Hawthorn Tree", which was screened three months later than this movie, had a box office of 1.6 million and a search index of 365.

From the time point of view, the two films have been released for nearly 13 years. From the point of view of the director and the starring team, the popularity of Xue Xiaolu, heraldry and Li Lianjie in 2023 may not necessarily compare with giving up using one shot to the end. The national division is bigger, right?
How did this search index come about?
Could it be that the group of viewers who were forcibly organized by the unit to watch the movie still hold grudges and search it every now and then?

Data cannot explain everything, but it can explain certain problems.


Coming out of Qiming Building, Xu Mu saw Xie Chen squatting at the door smoking a cigarette.

"Brother Chen."

Xie Chen stamped out the cigarette butt and stood up: "How was your chat?"

Xu Mu smiled and said, "We've finished the chat, we want to share dividends."

Xie Chen: "???"

He couldn't understand his little brother more and more.

"Do you have time in the afternoon? I'll take you to do some business."


"Order a suit, and it has to be a sturdy one."

Xie Chen understood today, Xu Mu and the others can't stand up to ordinary suits with their movement range.


The entertainment company must have its own clothing channel, besides, Qiming used to be in the modeling business, so Xie Chen found a few old acquaintances.

This afternoon, Xu Mu heard the most words: "Let me measure your size."

The most often said is: "The crotch must be strong."

It was already seven o'clock in the evening when I got home after finishing all this mess.

Xu Mu checked the time, Jiang Hongye should have landed by now.

He called Jiang Hongye.

"Mr. Jiang, are you home yet?"

Jiang Hongye smiled and said, "What's the matter, do you still need me?"

Xu Mu smiled: "I have something to ask, can you recommend some Xingyiquan tutorials?"

He remembered that Jiang Hongye said today that he was very familiar with Xingyiquan.

However, it's not easy to talk about it in front of others, so Xu Mu can only talk about it in private.

Hearing this, Jiang Hongye on the opposite side smiled.

This kid is quite friendly at the moment.

"Want to learn?"

Xu Mu said seriously: "I want to learn."

Jiang Hongye: "I'll teach you."

Xu Mu was stunned, it's that simple?
It's not that I don't say it lightly.

Jiang Hongye on the opposite side smiled: "I just said teaching, how much you can learn depends on your ability. And you have seen me teaching students before, so don't say I am embarrassing you."

Xu Mu said seriously: "Definitely not."

Jiang Hongye: "I have one more condition. If there is a drama here in the Holy Church looking for you in the future, you can come and try more."

Xu Mu felt that there was no problem at all.

He doesn't mind being a bridge, connecting the relationship between Qiming and the Holy Church.

"No problem, Teacher Jiang."

Jiang Hongye hummed: "When you arrive in Jin Province in two days, I will teach you in person. Hang up, hiss..."

Xu Mu looked at the phone that had been hung up and smiled.

Teacher Jiang finally stopped being tense.


According to the plan, Hu Yueping will conduct casting in the next few days, and they will leave for Jin Province on September 9.

Xu Mu was occasionally present during casting.

When he was not present, he practiced swimming or basic boxing skills, and read books at night to add points.

He doesn't read new books now either.

Just read those few boxing books over and over again.

There are also those few books related to music.

During this time, Xu Mu has been improving his music quality.

Music theory in the system column has also been increased to B (0/50).

But his intonation still hasn't changed, and the system doesn't have explosion-related skills.

In the blink of an eye, it was September 9th.

That night Xu Mu was reading a book when Xie Chen knocked on the door.

After entering the door, Xie Chen asked: "Xu Mu, there is something, do you want to participate?"

Xu Mu: "What is it?"

Xie Chen scratched his head: "The company has made a promotional event for The Fool's new song "The Whale Who Incarnates on an Island", and wants everyone who is famous under the banner to participate as much as possible."

Xu Mu: "What's wrong, you want me to cover it?"

Brother Chen, you know me.

If I do a cover, there will be big problems.

Xie Chen smiled: "Actually, it's just for fun, and many tone deaf people also participated."

Xu Mu asked, "For example?"

"Dong Fei."

Xu Mu was not going to compare with Dong Fei.

Xie Chen sat on the sofa: "The company is also very interesting. It said that everyone will bring a lot of enthusiasm together. It doesn't matter if you can't sing well. Anyway, many actors don't plan to be singers."

Then he looked at Xu Mu: "Right, you're not going to be a singer."

Xu Mu found himself unable to refute.

Because everyone knows that he can't sing.

Xie Chen thought for a while: "It's okay, we won't cooperate with them anymore, we don't want the money."

Xu Mu: "Is there any money?"

Xie Chen raised his head: "That's right, some popular singers in the company can get [-] to [-] yuan for participating in activities, and your popularity is estimated to be around [-] yuan."

"This time it's actually a public relations of the company's image, to tell everyone about our company's ethos of freedom."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand: "Forget it, we are really not suitable."

"But there is one thing I have to tell you. After your group disbanded, you now have nearly 1000 million fans on Weibo, and you occasionally post something like that."

"In the past two days, "Little Journey to the West" will be online soon, and your episode will be broadcast soon."

"Create some heat."

Xu Mu nodded: "Understood."

Then the two said a few more words, and Xie Chen left.

Xu Mu sat on the sofa, no matter what he thought, something was wrong.

Participate in a cover event, you can get 2 yuan.

And I still have 1000 million fans, if this can drive [-] to [-]%, the contract I signed with the identity of a fool before will also benefit.

"Let me try."

Xu Mu's voice is fine, but his intonation is problematic.

What is a problem with intonation? It means that a certain sound or several sounds are not pronounced correctly.

Call it out of tune, but not completely out of tune.

For example, Teacher Zhang Songwen on Earth has a good voice and enough breath.

But when he sings, he breaks down on certain articulations for no apparent reason.

This is inaccurate.

So did Xu Mu.

But this situation can also be a song.

The most stupid way is to sing and record over and over again, and then listen to which one of your notes is wrong, and then adjust it next time.

And it's all about feel.

This kind of singer is difficult to be a tuner, and he can't sing live.

The last time Xu Mu sang "Smug Smile", it was mixed with other people's voices.

But in fact, everyone knows what Xu Mu sings like.

When the illiterate group first debuted, they went out to sing a few songs, and someone picked up Xu Mu's track and removed the background music.

I feel exactly the same as Teacher Zhang Songwen.

So when Xu Mu participated in the release of the song "Smug Smile", everyone was very tolerant to him.

We all know he can't.

But men can't say no.

Xu Mu made up his mind seriously.

There is 2 yuan for participating in the event.

Plus his own 1000 million fans, if he can drive 10% of the people to participate in this event, it will be 15.

It adds up to 17 million.

Xu Mu shook his head.

I'm not in it for the money.

I just want to challenge my weakness.

In addition, I respect the data most of the time and don't blow it up. Chapter 2 will be later.

(The paragraph above was added later by me, it does not count as money ▄█▔▉|)

(End of this chapter)

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