Douluo's monastic career

Chapter 178 Meeting

Chapter 178 Meeting
Wuhun City

Countless people heard the rolling thunder on the holy mountain, and a large number of soul masters gathered at the foot of the Wuhun Temple mountain. After being stopped by the two priests, Golden Crocodile and Qingluan, they had no choice but to return.

On the top of Tianxiang Pavilion, Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo stood side by side, looking at the gradually dissipating lightning on the mountainside with solemn expressions.

This momentum, this shock, is definitely a fight between Title Douluo, there is no way to go wrong!

"Uncle Jian, who dares to fight in the base camp of the Spirit Hall, what exactly is the Hall of Spirits trying to hide?" Ning Fengzhi was a little puzzled.

In Douluo Continent, the strong are respected. With the strength of Wuhundian, even if it is placed in the list of twelve fears, it can be ranked high. What is Wuhundian worried about?

Thunder Douluo Yu Yuanzhen?
Chen Xin denied his guess in his heart, the other party definitely did not have such a violent thunder attribute, otherwise he would not be ranked in the top ten.

"Wu Xuan, find out what happened to Wuhun Hall as soon as possible!" Ning Fengzhi looked to the empty right rear.

A few small footsteps went away, obviously, there was a master who was proficient in concealment lurking here before.

At the same time, except for the Haotianzong who had to leave early, other forces are trying their best to understand the inside story.

It was pitch black, but the lights in the Pope's Palace were still brightly lit.

Thirty high-ranking members of the Wuhun Hall stood solemnly, and the lowest rank was also a high-ranking Soul Sage.

They are also witnesses to this incident tonight. As for the purpose of this meeting, it is nothing more than a unified caliber, and~
That throne, which symbolizes the strongest power in the mainland, belongs to it!

Even though some people are passionate, they all understand that they are just witnesses.

The right to decide lies in the hands of the fourteen titled Douluo in their Spirit Hall, and the young man who single-handedly caused the death of the former pope.

The great priest stood in the middle with his back to everyone, no one knew what he was thinking.

The five priests stood on the left, resting their eyes with their eyes closed, leaving the seats for the second and third priests vacant.

Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, Ghost Leopard, Demon Bear, Nihuang, Tianshuang and the six elders stood on the right side.

Bibi Dong stood at the bottom of the hall with the others due to lack of strength, no one spoke, and for a while a needle could be heard in the hall.

Minutes passed by.


"Great offering, everything has been arranged!"

After the golden crocodile finished speaking, he and Qingluan stood in their own places.

"The pope cannot hang in the air, let's talk about it!" Qian Daoliu turned around, his eyes were full of tiredness.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Seeing that no one answered, Priest Qingluan walked out and said helplessly: "Grand Priest, the position of Pope is of great importance. Do you have anyone to recommend?"

Qian Daoliu looked at the No. [-] who stood at the bottom, his eyes were full of complexities. If possible, he would of course want his granddaughter to be the pope.

But my granddaughter is only four years old, what can a little bean sprouts do?As a mascot?
As the person with the highest celestial appearance in the Wuhun Hall at present, first, whether it is strength, popularity, celestial appearance, backstage, or even the relationship with the elders, he has become the most popular candidate for the pope.

Even if it was because of him that the prestige of the Qian Family plummeted and his son died...

If you choose the pope, you can't get around him!

"How about choosing the first pope?"

Qian Daoliu carefully looked into the eyes of every Title Douluo.

Except for the second priest, none of the other priests and elders were dissatisfied, and even had a hint of joy.

Qian Daoliu closed his eyes lightly, knowing that the situation was over.

Hearing Qian Daoliu's proposal for the first time, he bowed slightly without any hesitation:
"The younger generation is young and has little knowledge, so I invite all the priests and elders to choose someone else!"

The corners of Xiao Tianyu's mouth turned slightly, he no longer stared at the various reliefs of soul beasts on the pillars, and stood up to express his opinion:
"I agree, youth means vitality; if you feel shallow, learn it!"

Chrysanthemum Ghost and the two Douluo looked at each other and said: "We have no objection!"

The third, fourth, fifth, and eighth priests who received the first favor also expressed their opinions one after another.

When the situation was one-sided, the remaining three elders also quickly echoed the crowd.

As for Qianjun Jiangmo, the two did not speak, but looking at their irrepressible smiles, one could tell how happy they were at this moment.

"I also agree that the first will take over as Pope." The second priest sighed secretly as he looked at the already very clear situation.

In detail, he had a good relationship with No. [-] in the All-Continent Elite Soul Master Competition, and he stood against No. [-] until Chihiro came to his door.

Fortunately, he was alone, and his cultivation was superb. Even if he became the pope for the first time, he would not be afraid that the other party would put on little shoes for him, but he was feeling a little emotional in his heart.

The first took two steps forward, looked at Qian Daoliu, and said again: "It's better for the great priest to temporarily take charge of the Pope's Palace. The younger generation is young, and there is still a lot to learn. The position of the Pope is of great importance..."

Qian Daoliu looked down at the higher-ups of the Spirit Hall below, and asked, "If you choose the first to be the next pope, what do you think?"

Everyone knelt down on one knee, performing the etiquette of the Wuhun Hall, uniformly: "Please crown the Pope!"

It was the first time he saw Bibi Dong's ecstatic eyes in the crowd, and he kept nodding at himself.

Seeing that No. [-] was still hesitating, Qianjun stood up and said, "Don't hesitate, now that the mainland is in turmoil, only you can have the strength and qualifications to be Pope at this moment!"

The people present were deeply convinced that there were really not a few candidates who could meet the requirements of all aspects, and the number one was definitely the number one among those candidates.

Qian Daoliu stepped back sideways and stood beside the second priest, revealing the vacant throne of the Pope.

First looked at the people who were still saluting, and slowly stepped onto the throne that symbolized power.

The whole body of the throne is made of ten thousand-year-old Holy Spirit wood, and it emits a pale white light all the time.

The first time I touched it gently with my hand, it was as warm and moist as jade, and my heart was clear.

"As soon as I am a guest in this world, how can the holy place be with me!"

A sigh of emotion spread throughout the hall, and everyone's hearts were complicated. Starting today, the Wuhun Hall has changed.

The first picks up the purple gold scepter on one shelf, the martial spirit floats out of the body, spinning around the body, eight black, black, black, black, red and red soul rings spread, covering the entire Pope's Palace.

The first held up the scepter symbolizing the power of the Pope: "From now on, I am the Pope!"

"Saint Ann to the Pope!"

The three loud shouts spread throughout the holy mountain, and also aroused the curiosity of countless spies outside.

"Don't be too polite!"

Looking at the people saluting below for the first time, the soul power in the body came out through the body, filled the entire hall, and lifted everyone up.

Everyone felt the first soul power that was as majestic as the vast sea, and all of them showed horror, which is not regular at all!

Every soul master has as much soul power as his level, this is stipulated by the heavens, even a god-level martial soul is the same as the total soul power of an ordinary soul master at the same level, the difference is only in the quality of the soul power!

The hearts of the three 97-level priests were even more horrified. They found that the number one soul power was not much weaker than their own, and the quality of soul power was far superior to them.

But it's right to enter the Contra at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty!
Only Qianjun Jiangmo and Xiao Tianyu were shocked, but they probably understood what was going on.

The heart is also full of enthusiasm, and now their martial arts have entered the right track, and it is time to advance by leaps and bounds.

In the past, their biggest dream was just to become a level 99 Ultimate Douluo, but now they have a bigger goal, so what does the legendary celestial being look like?

Taking a first look at the standing Titled Douluo, he consciously didn't sit down, and said:

"Because there was too much movement in the previous battle, other forces in the mainland must be eager to know what happened to us at this time! We also have to give an explanation to Spirit Hall!"

"The Wuhun Temple must not be chaotic. Commander Feng issued a notice saying that the demon under the seal of the holy mountain was broken and was stopped by the previous pope. Unfortunately, the pope died and the demon was re-sealed!" Taking a deep breath, I made a decision.

Qian Daoliu suddenly raised his head and looked at the young man above, feeling shocked, grateful, and ashamed.

The first looked at Feng Zhen with a shocked face: "Commander Feng, go, spread the word to the mainland! In addition, what happened tonight is absolutely not allowed to spread!"

Feng Zhen took the order and left.

Afterwards, everyone discussed to set the date of the first coronation in three months, and they dispersed. Too many things happened tonight, and they had to think about it.

As the crowd dispersed, First also heaved a sigh of relief, and slowly sat on the pope's throne, calming down for a while, before thinking about the impact of today's events on the future.

Haotianzong will inevitably develop in a low-key way after this setback, Tang Hao still doesn't know if he can recover as before,

Once the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect knows that he is on the throne of the Pope, he is afraid that he will always be on guard against himself, and he is deeply afraid that he will settle accounts later.

As for the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, it should still develop in a low-key manner at this time, after all Ning Fengzhi has not yet reached the ninetieth rank, so it is in the best interest of the other party to work hard to improve his soul power and reach Title Douluo as soon as possible.

First, I couldn't help but think of Chihiro Ji's death. Is this really related to Rakshasa?It is estimated that the inheritance of Rakshasa God is still within the scope of Wuhun Temple, this is also a time bomb!
During the first thought, a pair of jade hands touched the forehead of the first, and slowly pressed on the acupuncture points.

"Dong'er~" First whispered softly.

"Well, I didn't expect you to become Pope! I'm not ready yet!" Bibi Dong's voice was full of surprise.

The first body leaned back, relaxed the whole body, and said jokingly: "What are you going to do? Are you going to be the Pope's wife?"

"Hmph! Can't you?"

As soon as he heard the sound, he could imagine that Bibi Dong raised her neck high at this time, proudly like a swan.

"Okay, of course!" The corner of No. [-]'s mouth curled up slightly.


A pure and flawless aura like a full moon emerged from behind, first opened his eyes suddenly, and turned to look.

I saw that Bibi Dong's skin was like jade, with a faint white light entangled in her hair, and an invisible field wrapped the first,
The gravitational force in the field is constantly changing. This is the Mingyu field that can only be comprehended by breaking through the master realm with Mingyu Gong, and it is also the basis of Yihua Palace's unique learning.

Bibi Dong, broke through to the Grandmaster!
(End of this chapter)

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