Immortals just want to get off work

Chapter 116 Feather Fan Lun Scarf, Wearing a Crane Cloak, Hexagram Immortal—Zhuge Kongming!

Chapter 116 Feather Fan Lun Scarf, Wearing a Crane Cloak, Hexagram Immortal—Zhuge Kongming!
As long as you are coming from Guicheng to Xiangyang, it is impossible not to see Yan Chixia.

There was a long queue at the gate of the city, not for queuing up to enter the city, with excellent eyesight and enough height, Du Kang could see the front of the queue at a glance, Yan Chixia in Taoist robe was giving people character.

"Hey, brother, I don't know what is so special about the talisman drawn by the Taoist priest in front, why are there so many people queuing up?"

Du Kang stopped a passerby to ask.

"Ah? So the Taoist priests are drawing talismans? I thought it was something new, so let's go!" The passers-by who were still excitedly queuing up were taken aback for a moment, shook their heads, and left the line directly.

Du Kang: "..."

Feelings, you don’t even know what you are queuing, so you come to line up!
When the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, Du Kang suddenly remembered an interesting phenomenon - if a person suddenly stopped on the street and looked up to the sky, then the people next to him would basically do the same, and then more and more people would come together... It turns out that this phenomenon was also applicable in ancient times?

Shaking his head, Du Kang of course did not continue to line up, but walked forward until he reached the front of the line.Yan Chixia, who was drawing a talisman, raised her head, saw Du Kang, finished drawing the talisman in her hand, stood up, bowed to the people in line, and said, "Poverty Dao has something to do, so I'm here today. I hope everyone will be happy."

After all, Yan Chixia packed her things without listening to the clamor of the crowd.A table, a stack of yellow paper, cinnabar and pens were simply wrapped in a cloth and put into a bag.

The efficiency is comparable to that of a street vendor who meets the city management.

The table alone was one meter square, and the bag in Yan Chixia's hand was only the size of an ordinary-looking leather bag. This skill immediately silenced those who were dissatisfied, and dared not speak any more. to blame.

"Master Du, please." Yan Chixia packed up her things and invited Du Kang.

Du Kang nodded and left with Yan Chixia.

The purpose of Du Kang's coming here was to visit Yan Chixia's Taoist temple and his Guaxian master, so Yan Chixia took Du Kang directly out of the city.

Thinking of Yan Chixia's guaxian master, Du Kang couldn't help being curious and asked.

"Did Daoist Yan follow your master's order to wait for me outside Xiangyang City? Is this also calculated in advance?"

One thing to say, even Du Kang himself didn't know that he would go to Xiangyang City now. After all, he had experienced some things in the middle and changed his mind. According to the original plan, Du Kang would still spend a lot of time on the road.

Unexpectedly, even so, Yan Chixia was still waiting outside the city before he arrived, which inevitably made Du Kang curious.

But Du Kang did not forget that when he had agreed to visit the Taoist temple, when he asked for the detailed address, Yan Chixia said, "Master will know when he talks about it", now it seems that there is quite a kind of unique "natural secret". Count" mysterious taste.

"Oh, I just sent my brother back to the Taoist temple, and the master asked me to wait outside Xiangyang City."

Yan Chixia replied honestly, "Because Master didn't say what to do while waiting, so I just set up a stall on the spot to draw talismans, and there were quite a lot of people."

"???" Du Kang was taken aback, "Then how long have you been waiting?"

"Probably one day or two sooner." Yan Chixia thought for a while and said, "Fortunately, Mr. Du came early."

Du Kang suddenly didn't know what to say... Originally, he thought it was a magic trick of Gua Xian, but when he figured out when he would come, he didn't expect to ask Yan Chixia to stay!
I can't say what's wrong with this method, but compared with the identity of the Gua Immortal, I always feel that something is not right.

"It's the mountain in front." After walking with Du Kang for a long time, Yan Chixia pointed to a mountain shrouded in mist in front of her and said.

Yan Chixia's Taoist temple, as he said, is on an unknown mountain, and it is not well-known itself.At least, when Du Kang searched for information in modern times, he did not find any famous Taoist temples in Xiangyang Longzhong. He only found out that there was a Wuhou Temple in Xiangyang Longzhong, which was the former residence of Zhongwuhou Zhuge Liang.

"Have you arranged formations on the mountain?" Du Kang inspected the mountain with his spiritual eye technique, and immediately saw the various arrangements in it, which looked quite mysterious, like gossip, constantly circulating and ever-changing Thousands, covering the entire mountain, making it impossible for people to directly see the true appearance of the mountain.

"Yes, because our Taoist temple is not open to the outside world, we must guard it with formations to prevent ordinary people from entering by mistake." Yan Chixia nodded and said, "At the same time, it is also a test for us by Master. Not enough, if you can't see through the formation and walk through it by yourself, then you can't go down the mountain to practice."

"I see." Du Kang understood.

While they were talking, the two had already reached the foot of the mountain. Yan Chixia took out a token, and a trace of spiritual power was aroused from the token, which sank into the mountain. In an instant, under Du Kang's induction, the entire mountain The formations began to change, giving people an extreme sense of collapse, as if the space was forcibly compressed.

The original mountain road began to change, gradually forming a short bluestone step, and the scene at the end of the step was completely different from before.

"Mr. Du, please." Yan Chixia said, and took the lead to step on the bluestone steps, but as he took this step, in Du Kang's induction, his actual position was tens or even away from her in an instant. A distance of hundreds of meters.

"This is... shrinking the ground to an inch?" Du Kang also stepped on the bluestone steps, because the change of the actual location of the Lingrong Land Vessel is extremely sensitive to Du Kang, which also made him completely sure of this phenomenon.

"Young Master Du is indeed well-informed. This is the master's arrangement. As long as you access it through this token, you can directly step over the formation and come directly to the Taoist temple." Yan Chixia replied.

"Oh... interesting and interesting." Du Kang raised his eyebrows and nodded. With the help of the spiritual eye technique, he basically understood the principles and arrangements.Just the ability to blend into the formation by shrinking his hands to an inch already made him feel that his trip was worthwhile.

This certainly cannot be regarded as stealing a teacher, this is called enlightenment learning.Not everyone can see through the formation, learn the origin, and learn it by their own ability, so why is it called stealing?
After stepping over more than ten bluestone steps, Du Kang felt that his position had moved by at least 600 meters.When she finished walking the steps and went up to the platform, Yan Chixia communicated with the token again, and the formation immediately returned to its original state. When she looked behind her, the original bluestone steps suddenly twisted and twisted, and the source was no longer visible.

Turning around again, there is a quaint thatched cottage on the platform, not to mention simple, and even because of its regular decoration, it gives people an elegant and leisurely feeling.

Before Yan Chixia could speak, the door of the thatched cottage opened, and a person walked out.

Du Kang took a closer look, but saw that the man was eight feet tall, with a face like a crown jade, wearing a lun scarf, a crane cloak, and a feather fan in his hand.

"Master." Yan Chixia's words made Du Kang forcefully hold back the "Zhuge Liang" that was about to blurt out subconsciously.

Yan Chixia's master...shouldn't be Zhuge Liang, right?
But why does it look so similar?This dress, this temperament, looks outrageous!

And this doesn't seem to be the location of Wuhou Temple?

"Chixia, thank you for your hard work. Let's go and see if your senior brother has finished copying today's Taoist scriptures. Let him not be lazy." Guaxian smiled slightly, nodded at Yan Chixia and finished speaking, and waited until Yan Chixia handed over After taking the order to leave, he looked at Du Kang again and invited, "Brother is here, please come in and talk."

"……it is good."

This sentence "Brother Taiwan" reminded Du Kang of the title from Guan Gong when he first performed the substitute shift a few days ago.

At that time, he naturally felt baffled and terrified, but now after so many things, Du Kang had some vague guesses.

However, it wasn't too important, so Du Kang didn't make a special trip to find the answer. Anyway, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, and he will know when the time comes.

Du Kang did not hesitate, and followed Guaxian into the thatched cottage.

The thatched hut looks small, but the space inside is quite spacious, and it probably has been blessed by some formations to achieve the effect of forming a space inside.But at this moment, Du Kang was not in the mood to pay attention to the principles of these formations, but focused his attention on Gua Xian in front of him.

"Brother, please sit down." Guaxian took Du Kang to the couch and sat down, then picked up a pot of tea, poured it into the teacup that had been prepared, and the steaming hot tea fell into the cup in a strand, but there was no tea in the middle. The slightest splash of water is harmonious and natural, and the fragrance of the tea permeates, making people feel at ease.

"Knowing that Xiongtai is coming, I specially brewed some tea grown by myself. The heat is just right. Come, have a taste."

"Okay, thank you... I don't know what to call your Excellency?" Du Kang finally couldn't help asking after picking up the tea.

"Isn't my outfit already quite obvious?" Gua Xian was taken aback when he heard this, and smiled, "It seems that the time has not come yet."

"...Kong Ming?" Du Kang took a sip of tea, felt the fragrance of the tea spread on the tip of his tongue, and saw Guaxian nod his head, confirming his guess, and asked again, "What does it mean that the time has not come yet?"

"Brother, don't you already have the answer in your heart?" Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, shaking his feather fan lightly, "It's not time yet, I can only feel it, not express it in words."

"Tsk..." Du Kang shook his head, roughly understood what was going on, changed the subject and asked, "You are not in Wuhou Temple, why are you here?"

"In Wuhou Temple, people come and go, but my personality likes to be quiet." Zhuge Liang also took a sip of tea and said with emotion, "Plant some things in this hill, teach some apprentices, and do fortune-telling when you are free. , this kind of life is what I want..."

"Don't you have to go to work?" Du Kang asked curiously.

Zhuge Liang's figure and movements obviously froze for a moment: "Work...of course you have to work, but you can't work all the time, you have to know how to combine work and rest."

"Oh, then you are running away from work now." Du Kang was stunned, so why don't Zhongwuhou have to go to work?nonexistent!

"Brother Tai is still as sharp-tongued as ever... But we are okay, Yunchang is the one who has worked hard." Zhuge Liang smiled wryly, and said, "On my side, I only need to do fortune-telling occasionally, and let the apprentice do some things. It can be regarded as fulfilling my duties, but Yun Chang, his character prevents him from learning from us, and he has more things to do."

"I've seen it before... Yun Chang, he came up with a big cry, which shocked me." Du Kang recalled the scene at that time, and took another sip of tea to calm his shock. At that time, he was not as shocked as he is now. Experience and strength.

"Hahaha, no wonder, if it's not like that, it's because my address today made you jump." Zhuge Liang laughed, "There will be this time sooner or later."

"Is this what you calculated?" Du Kang asked curiously.

"Of course not. I can't figure out anything about brother Taiwan." Zhuge Liang shook his head and said frankly, "It's just a reasonable guess."

"What does it mean that nothing can be counted? Can the secret of heaven not be leaked?" Du Kang asked.

"How is it possible? There is no such thing as 'secrets must not be leaked'. If it can be counted, it can be said. If it can't be counted, it means that it is not capable enough," Zhuge Liang said, "However, in terms of my ability... it should be There is no secret in the sky, so it can't be counted as a brother."

"It sounds very powerful." Du Kang raised his eyebrows.

"It's really powerful." Zhuge nodded, and said slowly and meaningfully, "If you don't do this, how can you achieve your goal?"

The thatched hut was suddenly silent, only the chirping of birds and insects in the mountains.

After a long while, when nothing happened, Du Kang urged: "Go on, I'll wait, the Riddler is terrified of me."

"How do I know what Xiongtai's purpose is? Xiongtai didn't tell me, and I can't figure it out." Zhuge Liang was very calm, "I was thinking about asking Xiongtai if I could tell."

"I can't remember either... Maybe it will be later, are you sure you didn't lie to me?" Du Kang first sighed helplessly, and then looked at Zhuge Liang suspiciously.

"Of course not, I never tell lies." Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan and said firmly.

"I remember saying that too." Du Kang was speechless.

"I learned it from my brother."

"Do you want to learn from the good ones and learn from the bad ones?"

"Brother, don't talk about yourself like that, I'll feel bad about it."

After some verbal contests, Du Kang finally gave up the idea of ​​getting some useful information from Zhuge Liang, but he felt that it was too bad that he only got this information that he had guessed a long time ago. With the mentality of trying it out, I asked: "Is there really nothing that can be counted?"

"...I have learned something new recently. I can help you check your palm." Zhuge Liang hesitated for a while, then said, "I should be able to help you check your marriage."

"This is good, this is good!" Du Kang immediately passed his hand over. As a person who has been born in solo, he is also quite curious about this point.

"Okay, let me see..." Zhuge Liang fell into deep thought when he saw it, and after a while, he was full of hesitation.

"Your expression makes me panic... Is it because you can't figure it out, or is the result not so good?" Du Kang couldn't help asking.

"I figured it out, the result... how should I put it, it's very good for Xiongtai." Zhuge Liang said slowly.

"Then why are you so hesitant?"

"Because I figured out that if I said something, I would probably suffer a bloody disaster." Zhuge Liang said.

"That's none of my business?" Du Kang blinked and asked confidently.

Zhuge Liang: "???"

PS: This chapter is [-], and the schedule has been messed up... I will write another chapter later, but it is estimated to be two or three o'clock, everyone, go to bed first, good night

(End of this chapter)

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