Immortals just want to get off work

Chapter 174 Superman or Homelander?

Chapter 174 Superman or Homelander?
Inside the Maoershan Treasure House, the space of a few hundred square meters is not very large, but looking around, various environments such as ice and snow, green grass, and dry land in hot summer coexist, and different natural treasures are planted respectively. without affecting other plants nearby.

A glass lamp like a small sun floats back and forth in mid-air, staying in different areas with different light intensities for different times according to the set trajectory and program... It gives people a sense of confusion and charm. Feel.

Du Kang looked at the scene in front of him, but his eyes were very empty, and he was in a daze.

He was thinking about what he just wanted to understand, and wanted to sort it out and make it completely certain.

Some things were basically determined long ago—Du Kang already knew that he had a considerable background in the past, and he must be a practitioner with extremely powerful supernatural powers. There are many examples to prove this point.

For example, no matter what spells he casts, he can automatically improve them, and he can even add my thinking power, change the way of action at will, and have a set of autobiographical patterns, etc... Geniuses don’t have such a genius method, even if they look at it Don't forget, you can understand it once, learn it, and even draw inferences from one instance, then at least you have to read it.

This is the same as when you ask a baby how to solve a big object competition problem, the other party not only solves it, but also gets it all right, and even optimizes the standard answer, adopting a simpler and faster method.

This is not the category of genius. "God is chasing and feeding the food" cannot be described. It is said that an evil scientist invented the soul transfer technique and transferred the soul of a physicist into the body of this baby. It is believable. The speed is even higher...Of course, the first reaction of ordinary people when encountering this situation should be "Mengpo soup is full of water".

Du Kang's performance in the spell is basically of this nature.

Du Kang did know how to use some spells after reading the records, but he released some spells after thinking about them in his heart, and he had never been exposed to even similar spells before.

For those who are born with knowledge, it is only possible that the Mengpo soup in the previous life was mixed with water, or there was no such thing as a previous life.

In short, I must have learned these spells before, and I have studied them deeply, and they have penetrated into the deepest memory in my heart, so that they are no longer memory or understanding, but have reached the level of instinct... So Naturally, no matter what spell you want to release, you only need to think about the desired effect, and you can release the corresponding spell.

Others learn, memorize, understand, and release spells, but Du Kang has turned it into his own way, something that exists naturally in his body, just like ordinary people don't need to specialize in controlling breathing.

Of course, generally speaking, whenever someone realizes that his breathing is actually automatic, his breathing will also switch to manual, and when he is distracted by other things, it will become automatic again...

In short, I have a great background, Du Kang is sure of this, coupled with this name, in fact, at the beginning Du Kang also doubted whether he was the legendary Dionysus, but the fact that the Dionysus does not drink is really a bit strange Weird, and his instincts told him he wasn't.

If not Dionysus, then who could it be?Why is the name Du Kang used? Where is the real Dionysus?
So far, Du Kang has not found an answer to these questions, not even a clue.

With these questions, various questions about substitutes will naturally emerge.

For example, what is going on with this replacement software?Why did it suddenly appear on the phone, and whose arrangement was it?

And, Du Kang still remembers the first time he was acting as a substitute, he first heard the words Bai Lao said - "You are sent by the gods", in which, who is the god who communicated with Bai Lao?

At first, Du Kang thought that Youxian was taking a commission while he was replacing him, but this kind of subconscious guess could not stand up to scrutiny.How free and poor must the gods be to get a commission in such a substitute class?With this ability to summon the consciousness of modern people to ancient times, travel through time, and change things, what else is wrong with it?
So there are only two possibilities left.

First: There are indeed gods who played a key role in it, but the intention is temporarily unknown.

Du Kang has basically determined that his identity has a lot of origins, and it is a common plot in some novels that the boss is reincarnated or loses his memory for some other reason. Combined with what he has learned so far, the pain of the gods From a daily perspective, it is hard to say that there are other gods who want to take the opportunity to retaliate.

So the question is, why take revenge on yourself?
Is it because I offended you before?It doesn't make sense, if it is, then it shouldn't be such a painless thing as a replacement. To be honest, this kind of work intensity is no different for Du Kang from a holiday, and he can even benefit from it...

Second: This is a mechanism that I created by myself to gradually revive my memory. At the same time, it can even affect time to a certain extent and change some things that have happened in history.

At present, the "dual mechanism of memory recovery + time travel effect" that Du Kang just identified did not allow him to determine the next one from these two possibilities... Although as far as he is concerned, he thinks it should be the second one that is more accurate. Reasonable, but the first option is not impossible.

If he created the work system of those gods 007, then Du Kang felt that it was very possible that he would replace him... What?Why not exact some revenge?Then there is no need to ask, of course I can't beat it!
The maker of the rules is often the one with the biggest fist. If the fist is not big enough, why should others listen to the rules?
Obviously, the vast majority of immortals, including those who are extremely powerful, are abiding by this set of rules.Otherwise, it would be impossible for this set of rules to run until now, and one would be punished for violating it... In this way, many things seem to make sense.

Of course, there are those who make the rules, but Du Kang didn't think that person would definitely be himself.

Judging from the current situation, the heavens can exist without being attached to the human world, and can even directly isolate the passage when the spiritual energy of the human world is cut off. Created, Du Kang thinks it is better to regard it as an alien planet that can be connected with the earth.

An alien planet whose overall strength and individual quality are far beyond the unknown.

As for why such a god from an alien planet wants to achieve such a harmonious coexistence relationship with human beings, Du Kang is not very clear.There are many wonders in the universe. Some universes are dark forests, and no one knows who is the hunter and who is the prey. Some universes may have entered a situation of peaceful coexistence and harmonious development because of the existence of a well-intentioned civilization that far exceeds other civilizations. , although it sounds ideal, but what if?
Du Kang imagined wildly, but the intuition that just appeared not long ago did not have the slightest intention to move, as if he had gone to sleep again.

"Young Master Du, Young Master Du?"

The call from Xiaoxuan awakened Du Kang from his daze.

"Ah, what's the matter?" Du Kang looked at Xiaoxuan.

"I thought you were going to spend the night staring at these grasses in a daze." Xiaoxuan finally breathed a sigh of relief seeing Du Kang come back to his senses, "What are you going to do with these things? They have been planted here long enough , The seeds that have blossomed and bear fruit have been changed several times, I have collected them and stored them before, here, they are all on the shelf over there..."

"It seems that Xiaoxuan has done a good job of taking care of you." Du Kang looked in the direction where Xiaoxuan raised his claws and pointed, and saw the wooden shelves that he didn't pay attention to at first, which were full of various mature plants. Body, preserved by different means, can not help but praise.

For hundreds of years, plants will grow and grow old, and time in the secret realm is not static. Naturally, these natural treasures will continue to grow, bloom and bear fruit, and die.If there is no special person to intervene, not to mention the overgrown by then, it is easy to have a chain reaction leading to overall loss.

"Of course, God Ji taught me very hard at that time!" Xiaoxuan, who was praised, raised his head proudly, very easily satisfied.

Such a good posture is simply tempting to commit a crime.Du Kang couldn't bear the temptation at all, so he stretched out his big sinful hand, landed on Xiaoxuan's head, and rolled it up vigorously, feeling refreshed and extremely comfortable.

This is not an ordinary cat, this is from Wang Wei's poem... Ahem, this is a mysterious cat that has lived for hundreds of years, became a spirit, and even became a mountain god!Not to mention, for an ordinary person, it is estimated that masturbation would give a sense of accomplishment, not to mention that Xiaoxuan is well-nourished, and his fur is smooth and silky.

Of course, even in such a high-end enjoyment, Du Kang still did not forget what he had to do, which is to let some of these planted treasures play the role they expected when they were planted.

Not everything in this treasure house is useful to Du Kang.On the contrary, a large part of them are things that are not even tasteless to Du Kang.

For example, the five grains of spiritual power that have been given out before, and the palms, Yinghuozhi, and Duyixiang planted in front of me... the palms can make people fly, Yinghuozhi makes people smart, and Duyixiang eats them all. You won't be hungry for a month, these are all that Du Kang doesn't need at all, and they don't have much effect, mainly for ordinary people, the effect is particularly obvious.

Du Kang planted them not in the hope that they could absorb nearly infinite nutrients and spiritual power and then produce mutations in this long period of time, but because they could help ordinary people...whether it is flying or not being hungry for several months, Still becoming smart is something that many people will need.

In any case, even after guessing, and even now basically confirming his extraordinary background, Du Kang still has no special change of mind...just very calm.In his world view, he is first a person, an ordinary person, and then a monk who has mastered some special powers.

From the perspective of an ordinary person, while protecting himself, Du Kang hopes that the world can become a better place, and that he can help others... This is actually a portrayal of many ordinary people.People tend to radiate kindness when they are well enough not to worry about something.

It is impossible for him to give selflessly like Superman and even make his life impoverished, unable to uncover the pot, and even the house at home will be taken away.It is also impossible to go up and down like the people of the motherland, who is the only one who respects me, whoever obeys me prospers, and whoever opposes me perishes.

The culture and education of Chinese people follow the golden mean. If you don't mess with me, I won't mess with you. If you mess with me, I'll kill you.Repay kindness with kindness, complain straight, neither do good unreservedly, nor do evil recklessly.

Therefore, Du Kang actually disagrees with the statement that "most people will become natives of the motherland after possessing superhuman abilities". It is nothing more than making excuses for the original flaws in his character.It is true that power and strength will magnify the desires in people's hearts, but if they cannot restrain their desires independently, they are no different from beasts, and there are few beasts among people after all.

Du Kang glanced at the time, it was nine o'clock in the evening, after thinking about it, he sent the message to Han Wei.

"I suddenly remembered that I had planted some good things before. If you have time, you can arrange for someone to come and pick them up."

Less than five seconds after the message was sent, Han Wei replied immediately: "Yes, I'm free anytime!"

"Good guy, hasn't Han Bu got off work yet?" Although Du Kang had expected it, he couldn't help feeling sorry for Han Wei.

"24 hours on call work..."

Han Wei replied weakly, this is his working schedule after he became the private docking commissioner with Du Kang, any special concerns and exclusive reminders must have been arranged a long time ago, to ensure that Du Kang sends the news, he can be the first time received and processed.

It doesn’t matter if he didn’t see the notification because he didn’t hear the notification tone, because once he receives a message and doesn’t reply within a certain period of time, his background will notify other personnel to remind him...

It can only be said that Du Kang's schedule is so stable that he doesn't look like a young man at all, nor does he look like a freelancer. If he really follows the schedule of those authors that Han Wei knows, then in case something happens... ...Han Wei can only say that even if he is a practitioner now, he may not be able to hold on!
"By the way, what did you say is there? Where is it? I'll arrange someone to go there right away!" Han Wei came back to his senses and asked immediately.

PS: These days, the authors are here to have a silver party... The update content is a bit weak... But I am asking them to soak their feet so that they can teach the scriptures!Correct it immediately after absorbing it!
(End of this chapter)

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