Gwen Spider: I'm from Prototype

Chapter 134 I Killed Someone? !

Chapter 134 I Killed Someone? !
"Well, I thought so too."

Gwen wanted to experience the taste of kissing for a moment, but finally suppressed this idea.

calm down.
Peter is still sick, and I can't scare him now.

With many thoughts flashing through her mind, Gwen took Peter's hand and walked towards Osborne Manor.

In the process of walking by, Gwen's cell phone accidentally exposed a corner.

Peter looked at the mobile phone that Gwen had replaced, frowning slightly.

"Gwen, have you changed your phone?"

Hearing Peter talking about changing his mobile phone, Gwen panicked.

She glanced at the cell phone protruding from her pocket, and slowed down unnaturally.

"Yes, there was an accident about my previous mobile phone."

"What accident?"

"let me see"

Seeing the weird gaze Peter cast on her, Gwen quickly explained:

"It's like this. When I was on the bus yesterday, my mobile phone fell into the gap between the stop sign and the covered bridge, and it fell into pieces on the tarmac road. Then a luggage truck crushed it from above. past!"

"Followed by a tanker truck, god bless the guy who was trying to swerve around my poor phone and hit another car. The explosion was so powerful it flipped the car over and pinned my phone underneath , where it is still buried somewhere!"

The more Gwen talked, the more she felt that the lie she told was too outrageous.

"Well, I actually lost my phone, so I got a new one."

she said dejectedly.

The real reason is of course not that the phone was dropped, but that she sold it.

She traded out her expensive cell phone to save some money.

It can not only help Betty build the website, but also use the pocket money to help Peter buy some gifts or medicines for psychological problems.

She didn't want to ask her father for money, and she didn't want to use the identity of Spider Woman to make those illegal money, so she could only find a way to make money by herself.

"But this phone is cheap, Gwen."

"I like this brand, it's good quality and cheap."

Gwen proudly waved the phone in front of Peter.

Peter stared into Gwen's eyes, his eyes softened a little, and he didn't speak for a long time.

On the other side, Jessica Jones, wearing a baseball cap and a black jacket, hid behind a car parked on the side of the road.

I just follow the other party from afar, can I still be discovered by him?
Jessica's eyes were full of confusion.

Was that man in the bar last time who killed all the vampires wearing a "sexy" spider mask really Peter? !
Jessica had always suspected that the man was Peter, so she had the desire to investigate the high school student who had confessed to her.

Last Halloween, his super power was known by the other party, but Peter seemed to have known it for a long time.

Unlike Gwen's shocked expression, Peter's mood seemed unusually calm.

So this made her start to follow Peter, wanting to confirm whether the boy she had confessed to was a real superhero.

After Peter's figure disappeared, Jessica came out from behind the car.

Looking up at the gradually darkening sky, she sighed slightly and walked forward.

After ten minutes, she returned to her little nest.

It was a motel.

After quarreling with her stepmother and sister, she left the home where she didn't feel any warmth.

In the hotel, she ordered the cheapest room with the only money she had.

The shutters of the hotel were in dilapidated condition, cars whizzed by on the road from time to time, the glare of light shone into the windows, and the room flickered.

A car passed by, and by the light, Jessica Jones saw herself in the mirror.

Look at you like you just rolled off the road. It's terrible for people who know you to see you in a mess!

Jessica thought to herself.

He took off his black leather jacket, revealing his off-white jeans and white tight-fitting T-shirt.

Even though the clothes looked a little old, they still couldn't hide her graceful figure.

Since the awakening of superpowers, her body has also changed, gradually changing from the firewood girl before to the sexy girl now.

After taking off her coat, she turned on the lamp beside the bed.

Dim yellow lights immediately filled the shabby and dilapidated room.

A cockroach was sprawled in the middle of the floor, motionless, perhaps disturbed by the sudden light.

Frowning, Jessica didn't scream like an ordinary girl, but kicked the cockroach.

She didn't purposely aim at it, and the cockroach whose life was spared seemed to be pardoned, so it burrowed under the folding bed and disappeared.

After driving away the cockroaches, Jessica stood in front of the mirror again.

Jessica heard what her stepmother said to herself: "You have a guilty soul hidden in you!"

"Guilty soul? Why should I carry all my sins and live?"

Whispering to herself, she looked at herself in the mirror, and the scene of the car accident replayed in her mind.

I quarreled with my brother because of boring questions, and my father turned around and scolded me.

In the end, there was a truck full of waste in front of him, and the car driven by his father slammed into it.

With a "bang", her fist hammered heavily on it.

The mirror broke immediately, and blood slowly flowed down the mirror.

Ignoring her injured hand, Jessica stared dejectedly at herself in the mirror.

My own face in the mirror became my father's, then my mother's, and finally my younger brother.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Jessica recovered from her daze, and immediately walked to the other side of the bed vigilantly, and took out a dagger from under the bed board.

The motel where dragons and snakes are mixed is a dangerous place frequented by drug addicts and gangsters.

So she was always wary of her surroundings.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound outside the door continued to ring.

Jessica, dagger in hand, stepped behind the door and looked out through the peephole.

There is a middle-aged man standing outside the door!
His appearance was not handsome and unrestrained. Although he had already entered middle age, his figure was not fat and out of shape. He was still as thin as a bamboo pole, and his arms and calves were still strong.

The other party was the owner of the motel - Grant.

Jessica tucked the dagger in her belt and opened the door to the room.

"Hey Jessica, good evening!"

Grant gave a self-conscious smile.

Jessica greeted him awkwardly. She knew what the boss was here for, and it must be for the latest rent.

"Forgive me for disturbing you so late, went out very early in the morning, and I haven't been able to find you."

Grant explained the reason for his late visit.

"Sorry, I don't usually stay in hotels during the day."

Jessica shrugged and said to him.

"OK, actually, I want to tell you that you haven't paid the rent for the last week."

Grant had no interest in knowing what Jessica was up to, whether she was a student or a tramp by profession.

He straightforwardly stated his purpose to Jessica.


Jessica pretended to be enlightened, "You mean the room fee, maybe... maybe you can give me two more days, maybe one day, I will definitely get the money, I've been a little out of luck recently."

"I can't believe that!"

Grant changed a serious face, "I've heard this sentence several times! Jones, now you only have two choices, either give me the money now, or - get out now!"

Jessica looked at the angry boss and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Perhaps because he thought he had calmed down Jessica, Grant suddenly showed a weird smile.

He squinted at Jessica, as if studying a three-dimensional painting, as if vowing to find out the little secret hidden in it.

With such disgusting eyes, he looked Jessica up and down.

"I remember you said that you are still a student, right?"

Grant asked her suddenly.

"The old story."

Jessica didn't tell the truth, she didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the other party's gourd, so she could only deal with the other party.

"Maybe we can have some fun and that will offset your room bill."

Grant finally showed his big bad wolf face.

Jessica shrugged her shoulders, pretending to be stupid, "Really? To be honest, what is fun? I really don't know, maybe you can explain it to me."

"The fun is. You can take off your clothes and let me have a good look at them."

After Jessica heard the other party's dirty thoughts, she stared at him coldly and said in a low voice:

"Grant, I have some bad news for you: I'm not a chicken, and I'm not the roadside pheasant you think. So put away your dirty thoughts! I don't have one-night stands, and I'm not for sale!"

She tried her best to restrain her anger, afraid that she would accidentally draw out the dagger and kill the opponent.

Grant tightened his jaw and stared into her eyes, "But you owe me rent, which is a reasonable transaction request!"

"I'll give it to you, but not now!"

Jessica and Grant confronted each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Damn it, you are always plausible, you must like your mouth very much, right?"

Grant couldn't help cursing.


Jessica clenched her fists, her expression becoming more indifferent.

"You are a liar, a liar with a small mouth but full of lies, and you haven't told me a single truth."

Jessica looked at the boss who was furious, and replied to him: "My stepmother often told me that I was like a sailor. I was a master who ran the train with his mouth, but the taste of the words was different. She always It's about blaming me for cobra sneezing - mouth full of poison. So you're right, I'm a full mouthed liar, so what?"

Grant looks a bit at a loss

He had never met such a tough woman.

His nostrils flared slightly, like a bull pissed off and about to charge.

"You told me you were a student that's why I gave you a discount. This morning you told me you're an adult so you're a liar whore!"

Grant snarled and pushed Jessica hard, and the two of them entered the room together.

Jessica didn't resist, and was immediately pushed into the room by the hotel owner.

It is most appropriate to describe the actions of the hotel owner as moving like a rabbit.

After entering the room, he punched Jessica.

But in Jessica's eyes, this guy's movements were as slow as a snail.

She just punched the opponent casually and fell backwards.

Grant hit Jessica hard in the eye!
The capillaries burst, and he felt that the sky was spinning, and countless small stars were spinning around his head.

Panting for breath, he struggled to get up from the ground.

Jessica didn't use much strength in this punch, so he only suffered some skin trauma.

"You Bichi!"

The hotel owner was ready to punch again.

Jessica took a defensive stance and punched hard.

The punch was a bit heavy.

Her anger was ignited, and she couldn't control the intensity.

Grant was punched and fell heavily to the ground.

He lay on the ground, twitching all over.

Sadness, confusion, anger, fear?
Jessica couldn't tell what emotion the other party was showing.


The alarm clock on the bedside table ticked 10 o'clock.

It was an old-fashioned alarm clock, and it took a long time to jump back to a number, and it was accompanied by a crisp sound of "click".

Grant lost consciousness and stopped struggling.

(End of this chapter)

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