Gwen Spider: I'm from Prototype

Chapter 137 I seem to be on a thief ship?

Chapter 137 I seem to be on a thief ship?
"Just ten dollars?"

Jeff's new partner, looking at the bill in his hand, then pulled another ten from his own pocket.

"Maybe we can add some chips, how about twenty dollars?"

The new partner is quite young, not a serious person, he likes to joke with Jeff.

"Hmm, I agree."

Jeff took the money from his partner in satisfaction, turned around and looked at the motel standing in front of him.

"I still remember the last time I found a rotting and smelly corpse from a motel. One of the other's feet had been sawed off. It was enough for me to experience that smell once."

As he walked forward, he said to his partner.

"However. It's not the motel in front of me. It's similar. Anyway, the smell from this place is the same."

Before he finished speaking, he heard an exclamation from his partner behind him.


Immediately afterwards, he felt that something suddenly fell from the top of his head.

The sound of the wind driven by the black shadow falling downwards sent out a sharp whistling of air.

Subconsciously, he slammed to the side, avoiding the impact of the shadow.

There was a "bang", which seemed to be the existence of a corpse, and it hit the ground heavily, making a dull sound.

Throwing on the ground, Jeff, who narrowly escaped the smash, let out a breath of shock, looked at the corpse in front of him, and stood up staggeringly.

"What the hell is this?"

Looking up at the roof of the hotel, and then looking down at the man lying face down on the ground, he couldn't help cursing: "Is this guy jumping off the building to pull someone on his back?"

The partner took out a pistol and walked cautiously towards the corpse.

He bent down and roughly checked the other party's situation.

"He appears to be dead."

"Smash it head down. Unless he has a head of steel, this guy is dead. Call someone."

Now that there was a fall from a building at the scene, the two of them could no longer handle it, so Jeff asked his partner to call the police station for support.

"Although the situation just now was thrilling, I won!"

Jeff, who escaped from the dead, returned to his original nature, tidied up his police uniform, and took out the 20 dollars they had bet just now.

"Looks like I've won the bet."

"Take it, buddy, I don't feel any envy about the money you make, you deserve it."

The partner said that Jeff was almost hit just now, and he was almost thrown into the hospital by his own prophecy.

So this is what Jeff deserves.

"Hmm, we should make a bigger bet next time, otherwise I think I'm at a loss."

Jeff complained as he walked to the car and smoked a cigarette.

As a result, as soon as he lit the cigarette, he discovered something was wrong.

The fingers of the corpse lying on the ground suddenly moved.

"and many more."

Jeff, with a cigarette in his mouth, froze and pointed his eyes at the corpse lying on the ground, signaling his partner to look over there.

"what happened?"

The partner didn't understand what he was doing, but followed his gaze.


In the next second, a roar came from the corpse's mouth.

The dead body that was lying on the ground suddenly jumped up, with a terrifying expression on its hideous appearance, and rushed towards Jeff's partner.


With a curse, Jeff immediately pulled out his pistol and slammed the trigger towards the opponent.

The dull sound of the bullet sounded, and then it hit the opponent's body with precision.

The monster, which was hindered for a while, didn't jump at Jeff's partner, but jumped onto the police car.


The car was hit hard, making a loud noise that shook the space.

With the light in front of the motel, Jeff, who was holding a pistol, could vaguely see the opponent's face.

Under the hideous appearance, fangs were exposed in the mouth, and the eyes were blood red, staring at the two of them like a beast.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The partner, who was sweating profusely and survived the disaster, immediately pulled out a pistol and pulled the trigger to fire all the bullets.

The man with fangs in his mouth and blood-red eyes jumped out of the car, making a loud bang.

The monster that dodged the bullet did not attack the two of them, but ran forward and left the scene in an instant.

Staring at the disappearing back of the "monster", Jeff put down the gun, gritted his teeth and cursed "bastard".

"Then what is that?"

The partner came to Jeff in shock, and asked him tremblingly, "What monster?"

"I don't know, but our job will not be easy, call the headquarters for support!"

In the motel room, Jessica Jones watched Grant jump off the building, then resurrected and attacked the police until the other party disappeared into the night.

It took her a while to realize, and she asked Peter in disbelief, "What was that just now?"

"As you think, he is dead, but his body and soul have been used by me."

Peter walked to the window, looked at the two policemen outside through the blinds, and then glanced at the bloodstone ring and the amulet of life ring in his hand.

" is it possible?"

Jessica turned to Peter in astonishment, "How can you control the dead? Are you a wizard? Or, can you bring the dead back to life?"

She knew that Peter's strength might exceed her imagination, but she never thought that the other party could do this.

what is this?
The ability to bring the dead back to life?
This is no longer what the human side can do, right?
"You don't know enough about the world, Jessica."

Peter stared at Jessica with a flat expression, and said to her: "As long as I want to do, then... no one can stop me."

"Are you a god?"

Jessica's heart was beating rapidly, and an incredible idea that horrified and stimulated her appeared in her mind.

"Do not."

"Then are you human?"

Jessica continued to ask.

Hearing this question, Peter was slightly taken aback, then shook his head, "I'm not sure, but... In a sense, I should still be human."

Are you human now?

Occupied by the black light virus, it completely lost its human characteristics and became the highest existence in the food chain.

If you say you are human, you are deceiving yourself.

But from the very beginning, I was a human being, thinking with human thinking and acting with human principles.

In this respect, I have never left my human identity.

On the other hand, Jessica was slightly disappointed when she heard Peter's answer.

But she quickly adjusted her mood, facing this classmate who was full of mysteries, she was full of strong curiosity about him.

"You just said that you want me to work for you, are you serious?"

"Do you think you can stay out of it after knowing so many secrets?"

Peter asked her back.

"That's right, we all know each other's secrets and belong to the same boat."

Jessica nodded, "I won't reveal anything about what happened here."

She reassures Peter, "And I promise you, I won't tell even to my closest people."

"I don't believe in oaths."

Peter looked into Jessica's forcedly calm eyes.

He could feel Jessica's emotional tension at this moment.

His breathing became heavier, his heart was beating wildly, and his eyes never dared to meet him.

Although her words were very calm, her heart was far from being as calm as she showed.

"I prefer the system of punishment and reward."

Watching the police cars coming in one after another, Peter shook his head and turned to leave.

"This place is not suitable for living, leave here and live in another place."

As he spoke, he took out a wad of dollars and threw them on Jessica's bed.

Seeing the green dollar bills on the bed, Jessica looked a little surprised.

"Is this... for me?"

"Since you work for me, this is what you deserve."

Peter opened the door and walked out.

At the same time, black and red blood covered his face.

Then the black-red wriggling substance disappeared, and his face turned into another white youth again.

"Will you find me?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Jessica felt that the words were too silly.

Although I am still in school, it is not very simple if I want to find him, or the other party wants to find me?
Peter turned to her and said, "If I want to find you, it's easy to find you wherever you are."

Jessica was completely stunned watching Peter talking to herself with a face she didn't recognize at all.

She didn't recover from the extreme shock until after Peter went downstairs.

Returning to the room with a little dizziness, she closed the door, and slowly slid onto the floor while holding onto the edge of the bed.

What kind of monster did he provoke? !
Jessica had a faint feeling in her heart.

I have stepped into an extremely dangerous vortex, and it is the kind that cannot escape.


With the appearance of the person he devoured, Peter brushed past Jason and other policemen.

The police arrived one after another, and soon sealed off the open space in front of the motel.

Peter stood under the streetlight in the distance, watching the policemen coming and going.

The black tentacles crawled onto his face and disappeared in an instant.

He turned back into "Peter Parker", turned around and walked into the depths of the dark night.

at the same time.

At Stacy's home, George Stacy was watching TV.

NBC's "The Tonight Show with Jimmy" was on.

The host Jimmy used to be a funny one-man show actor, and he is a very lively host who can create atmosphere.

He once starred in the TV series "Band of Brothers", the unlucky soldier who appeared at the end of the fifth episode, leading to the classic dialogue that "the paratroopers should have been surrounded".

The subject of this interview is a star hunter named Kraven.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, George used the remote to turn off the TV.

"Hi Dad, good evening."

"Good evening, Gwen, how was dinner at Harry's?"

"Good, just a little tired, I think I need to rest."

Gwen greeted George and entered the room.

(End of this chapter)

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