Gwen Spider: I'm from Prototype

Chapter 158 Make a miracle!

Chapter 158 Make a miracle!
Pepper looked at Peter in front of him in astonishment.

She never imagined that Peter would appear in front of her in this form.

And looking at the woman's attitude towards Peter, it seems that Peter is the main one.

He saved himself again? !

Little Pepper had mixed emotions in his heart.

"I'm running out of time."

Peter said directly to Pepper: "Miss Potts, you just need to know that this is your nightmare, and everything in front of you is not all real."

Master Ancient One has discovered the trace of "Nightmare" and is calling him to the past.

The secretary of the future Iron Man in front of him has no effect on "Nightmare", and Peter doesn't want to explain to her.

Let the black widow take her out of here.

Under the gaze of the bewildered Pepper, Peter opened a door that appeared out of nowhere in the rainy night.

After opening the door, Peter signaled the Black Widow to bring Pepper to the door first, and then went in by himself to escape Pepper's dream.

Little Pepper, who was in a daze, saw a sudden change in the scenery in front of him. The space that was originally full of heavy rain turned into roads that spread out.

In the middle of the road stood a woman in a yellow monk's robe.

Peter walked towards Gu Yi.

As soon as he walked to Gu Yi's side, he felt a huge vibration resounding in the space.

Some little peppers who couldn't stand steadily supported the black widow with a cold face, and barely managed to keep from being overwhelmed.

With the appearance of a ripple-like space, a strong aura exuding an ominous atmosphere began to permeate the entire space.

"It's too late! Master Supreme, this world already belongs to 'Nightmare'."

A hoarse voice echoed throughout the space.

The rippling space fluctuated, and a person riding a tall horse appeared.

The opponent has yellow devil-like eyes, sharp ears hidden in the curly hair, and an aura that cannot be approached.

The horse he was riding had red eyes, like a creature from hell.

The suspected "nightmare" creature with devil's eyes let out a palpitating laugh, and slowly approached Peter and Gu Yi on horseback.

"My God! What's that?"

Little Pepper, who was far away, felt the terrifying momentum, took a step back, and asked the Black Widow tremblingly.

"I don't know, stay here and don't move."

After saying something to the other party, she walked towards Peter.

"This farce is over! 'Nightmare'."

Master Gu Yi stretched out his hand with a serious expression.

As her hand stretched forward, a pair of chains appeared in her hand out of thin air.

Then the chain extended towards the opponent as if it had life.

Seeing Master Gu Yi make a move, "Nightmare" pulled the rein.

The black horse he was sitting on let out a roar, and rushed towards Peter and Ancient One carrying the "nightmare".

At the same time, a black long sword appeared in the opponent's hand.

The black long sword that "Nightmare" was wielding was suddenly bound by chains.

The chain created by magic bound the black sword, and "Nightmare" stopped the horse's charge.

He flicked the black sword casually, and the chains wrapped around it collapsed in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

"You are still the same, mage, but now, the rules of the game have changed."

"Nightmare" pointed forward and said, "Come out! 'Nightmare'!"

As he shouted, countless floating soul-like existences poured out from the doors on both sides of the road.

Creatures like Hogwarts "Dementors" rushed towards Peter and Gu Yi overwhelmingly.

The ancient mage immediately built a magic barrier to resist himself and Peter.

"Can I ask, if I die here, won't I wake up?"

Peter looked at these rushing creatures, despised the opponent's naming level, and asked Gu Yi.

"We are creatures walking in a dream, and if we get lost here, we will be trapped here forever."

While using the magic barrier to resist the monsters in the sky, the Ancient One mage said to Peter.

"Well, it sounds a little dangerous."

Peter narrowed his eyes and held up his right hand.

There was a loud "boom", powerful air pressure spurted out from his palm, and all the surrounding "Nightmare" were blasted out by this high air pressure explosion.

Peter stomped his feet on the ground and flew high into the air.

Moving with his thoughts, the black substance in his arm squirmed, and alienated to form a black sharp blade.

Like black lightning, it struck these monsters instantly.

There was a dull impact sound, countless monsters were chopped into their bodies, and they disappeared into the air with a palpitating roar.

Little Pepper in the distance watched the fierce battle in the middle of the battlefield, his mouth was wide open in shock, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

"what is this?!"

She has never seen this kind of creature, nor has she seen a battle of this level, so that she was terrified when she saw it for the first time.

Seeing Peter entangle the group of "Nightmare", Gu Yixiang launched an attack on the "Nightmare".

A yellow hood covers her head.

The left and right hands instantly created a circle of rotating streamers.

Holding a small streamer circle, Gu Yi moved in front of "Nightmare" in an instant.

A shock of yellow energy burst out from the magic circle in his left hand, hitting "Nightmare".

Facing Gu Yi's attack, "Nightmare" calmly swung his sword.

The energy emitted by the ancient magic circle was bounced away, and the "nightmare" disappeared in place in an instant.

The air fluctuated, and a door suddenly appeared from behind Gu Yi.

"Nightmare" appeared from the door, and then slammed her into the air.

But Ancient One's reaction was faster, throwing out the magic circle with his right hand.

The magic circle instantly turned into a yellow rope, rushing towards the opponent.


The yellow rope was dodged by Nightmare, and with the momentum of the forward charge, "Nightmare" rushed in front of Master Gu Yi and thrust out a sword.

The attack pierced through the air, making a piercing sound.

Facing the opponent's attack, Gu Yi set up the magic circle with his left hand to resist the slash.


The offensive and defensive magic circle was shattered by "Nightmare".

Without waiting for Master Gu Yi to react, "Nightmare" kicked.

Master Gu Yi was forced to use his arms to meet the kick, and was kicked back a few steps.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, mage, I am full of energy now. I have absorbed the pain of countless people and I am already extremely powerful. But you are still using the old tricks to deal with me, it will not work."

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Nightmare's mouth.

Standing in place and not allowing himself to retreat, "Nightmare" blocked the attack of the ancient mage, and at the same time grabbed the opponent's right arm, and charged into the distance with a strange posture.

After being restrained by the opponent's arm, Mage Gu Yi didn't panic, the spell was activated instantly, and a yellow energy ball suddenly burst into Gu Yi's hands.

Controlling the energy ball, she directly bombarded it on "Nightmare"'s chest, shooting him down like a cannonball.

A planet suddenly magnified under "Nightmare".

The planet formed a space full of water, surrounding the two people who were fighting.


There was a bang on the surface of the water, as if a torpedo had been thrown into the sea.

Drops of water were blasted into the sky, and the sky seemed to be raining heavily.

Master Gu Yi stood in the sky and frowned as he watched the original road turn into water.

This is the opponent's home field, and the opponent can use space magic to restrict themselves at will.

Constructing a magic circle to surround himself, Gu Yi entered the water.


As soon as Master Gu Yi got into the water, he saw "Nightmare" swimming towards him like riding a horse.

The opponent's speed was like lightning, and the black sword in his hand stabbed towards his neck.

She quickly used magic to construct a portal, and the moment the opponent rushed towards her, she pulled the opponent and herself back from under the water to above the sky.


The air exploded, and the figures of the two appeared in the air in an instant.

The black sharp blade was narrowly dodged by Mage Ancient One, but it cut through the yellow hood on her face, and a hole appeared on her face.

The "Nightmare" who had the absolute advantage was so powerful that he punched the body of a medieval mage, throwing her backwards.

Between melee attacks, "Nightmare"'s fists deal deadly damage.

"You can't protect everyone, even if this is your territory, the Supreme Mage hiding in the dark, you can't even stop me."

Facing the other party's yelling, Gu Yi didn't speak, but his eyes were sharper.

"Not always."

Following Gu Yi's words, countless yellow chain-like existences suddenly surged up from all directions, quickly surrounding "Nightmare".

"Nightmare" was startled, and wanted to dodge the attacks of these energies.

But Master Gu Yi grabbed his arm with his backhand.

"You don't want to go anywhere."


"Nightmare", who had been winning for a long time, finally burst out with foul language for the first time.

His arm was grabbed by Master Gu Yi, unable to free his hand.

In the end, he had no choice but to use his control over this world to open up countless spaces to sweep away the powerful energies attacking him.

The space fluctuated violently, as if the mirror space had broken.

The divided space will continuously devour the yellow energy "rope" attacking him.

But the endless "ropes" kept coming, and the fragmented space of the "nightmare" couldn't sweep them all away.



Two dull impact sounds sounded, and the ancient mage and "Nightmare" who were suddenly impacted by these energies were smashed down to the ground.

Countless dust was splashed on the ground, the ground trembled slightly under the impact of the huge roar, and the entire space seemed to be unstable.

The Ancient One mage tried to use a way of hurting both sides to severely injure the opponent.

But it is clear that "Nightmare" in its own dimension, both in terms of strength and resilience, far surpasses the weakened Ancient One.

As soon as Gu Yi stood up with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, he found that "Nightmare" had disappeared.

next second!
Under the control of its owner, the black steed of "Nightmare" transformed into a huge octopus.

The monster's tentacles attacked Gu Yi, wrapping her tightly.

Master Ancient One immediately noticed that his physical strength and mana were rapidly draining.


A door was opened, and the "nightmare" reappeared in front of Gu Yi.

"Don't you understand? Supreme Mage, my world - I am the master!"

However, before the declaration of "Nightmare" could be said, he received a heavy punch.


Peter dodged a punch and hit the opponent's chin hard.

"Nightmare" was hit backwards by Peter's fist.

For the first time, the overlord of the dream world was attacked in embarrassment.

"If you didn't talk so much nonsense, maybe I wouldn't hate your face so much."

Peter said coldly to the other party.

"You despicable human being!"

"Nightmare" stood up in embarrassment, staring at Peter viciously.

"And you, the supreme sorcerer who is willing to degenerate, has formed an alliance with such a brat!"

After "Nightmare" taunted Gu Yi, he immediately ordered the octopus transformed by the black horse to attack Peter.

"Master, what can you do to deal with him?"

Peter asked the ancient one who was entangled in tentacles.

"With so much soul supply, he's grown too powerful!"

Gu Yi rubbed out the magic circle with one hand, cut off the tentacles entangled with him, flew to Peter's side, frowned and said, "You can't fight him with brute force."

"is it?"

Peter nodded thoughtfully.


The next moment, a huge explosion occurred in the air near the octopus, as if something exploded inside, squeezing the air and swinging around.

Hurricanes kept coming from all around.

Peter released a strong air pressure, hitting the octopus and detonating the atmosphere at the same time.

At the same time, he moved in front of "Nightmare", grabbed the opponent's breastplate, and under his incredulous gaze, he rushed him into the sky.

Against the "nightmare", Peter and him rushed to a planet together.


The two bombarded the surface of the planet together, "Nightmare" on the bottom and Peter on the top.

There was an explosion on the surface of the planet, and countless energies exploded outward. The black widow and pepper, who were so far apart in shock, couldn't help but dodge backwards.

The crackling sound of the air caused the two of them to cover their ears, but they were still unavoidably hit by the explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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