Gwen Spider: I'm from Prototype

Chapter 205 Captain America, he really made me cry to death!

Chapter 205 Captain America, he really made me cry to death!
"Snitch, burglar, thief."

In the room, Gwen repeated these words over and over again.

Although it has been several days since the black cat escaped from her hands, she still has a heart for this matter.

Like the previous investigation of the Kim Bin crime group, Gwen used his father's internal ID in the police station to log in to the police station's internal network and search for relevant keywords.

With Betty's help, she has access to the police's internal network database.

After entering the keywords, Gwen quickly browsed the searched text.

Peter said to himself that when the black cat was fighting the female killer, he once said "I will not be my father, tell your master, tell him! I am not my father".

This shows that Black Cat's father may also be related to occupations such as theft.

As she pondered, several names appeared on the computer monitor.

"The known snitches are as follows:
Abner Jenkins
Benjamin Poindexter

jack hardy
Thomas Flameheart"

Since there are too many names included, Gwen can only click in to check them one by one.

Finally, after clicking on Jack Hardy's information, I saw a photo.

In the photo, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, holding a little girl by the hand, was interviewed by the media outside the court.

The silver-haired girl held her father's hand with a panicked expression on her face.

Gwen stared at the photo for a moment, then began to read the text beneath it.

"The court has begun the trial of the snitch Jack Hardy!"

The title is in huge font, and there is a line of text below it that reads "Written by Ben Ulrich - Special Contributor to the Daily Bugle".

"On the steps of the courthouse, the media surrounded Jack Hardy, the accused snitch, surrounded by his defender, Franklin Nelson, and her daughter, Felicia."


Reading the name, Gwen paused.

"District Attorney Craig Schmidt, who didn't shut up about Jack Hardy's silence, 'this is a very clear case,'" Schmidt told reporters on the courthouse steps. : 'Hardy accused of stealing $2000 million in jewels set for auction downtown'."

"All of his physical features matched those of a series of burglars and burglaries that have plagued the city for two years," Schmidt added: 'Justice will be served, and Hardy will serve him. to pay the due price for his crimes'."

Reading the report on the computer, Gwen understood a little.

She thought for a while, then continued to read:

"Attorney Franklin has a different point of view in the defense of Jack Hardy. He believes that 'Jack Hardy is accused of crimes far greater than the crimes he committed. Although he does not deny his theft, he should not Bear such a heavy legal responsibility.'”

After reading all the information, Gwen thought about it, opened Google, and tried to enter the name "Felicia Hardy" on it.

I thought nothing would be discovered.

But what Google searched out surprised her.

"Felicia Hardy
36th Street 3rd Avenue
Alphabet City

Occupation and employment unit since 2009:
Accountant, Fisker Industries”

Reading what she searched, Gwen couldn't help taking a breath.

"Oh, my God!"

She felt as if she had touched the truth of the matter.

If my guess is correct, the black cat is this Felicia Hardy!

Her father is Jack Hardy.

Then there is a reasonable explanation for what the other party said about his father.

"I figured it out now. Like a detective, I found out the truth, although I'm still a little confused."

What is puzzling is why the other party uses the identity of Catwoman to steal the slate of the Fisk Group.

The other party is obviously an employee of Fisker.

Could it be that the black cat was just lurking in Jin Bin's company and came out at night to steal things from his own company?
After confirming the identity of the black cat, she took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Peter.


But soon Gwen stopped the thought.

I am just speculating now, not sure.

Moreover, the woman Black Cat seems to want to "conspire against Peter".

She put a dangerous label on the black cat in her heart.

Compared to the silent and gloomy Jessica Jones and the outgoing Mary Jane, she felt that the woman called "Black Cat" in front of her was a greater threat to herself.

Thinking of this, she put the phone back in her pocket and shrugged.

"If I'm not wrong, it will definitely not be so easy."

Gwen took a deep breath, stood up and looked outside.

Today is the weekend, and she can finally do what she wants without going to school.

Picking up the schoolbag containing the spider suit from the bed, Gwen opened the door and walked out.

At the same time, in Jin Bing's manor.

The underground emperor of the underworld in New York City does not have the prestige and momentum in front of outsiders at this time.

Wearing a black hat, he walked slowly forward in the corridor.


A door was pushed open by him, and he entered a dimly lit room.

Curtains were hung in the room, which almost blocked the entire outside sunlight.

Even in broad daylight, with the desk lamp turned on indoors, the light here is dim.

There was a smell of western medicine in the room, and when the door was opened, the pungent smell of medicine came out.

Jin Bin walked to the bed in the middle of the room, looked at the woman with a weak face lying on it, and sighed slightly.

Taking off his hat, he gently leaned over and kissed the woman's face.

Then he sat down on the chair next to him with his strong and muscular body.

"Vanessa, I have a little trouble today, but... honey, I will take care of it, don't worry."

The needle of the syringe is inserted in the woman's hand, and the life-sustaining nutrient solution is injected into the woman's body from the hanging bottle.

Next to her are various instruments for monitoring the woman's physical condition.

If ordinary people enter this place for the first time, they will guess that this is a ward of a certain hospital.

The woman lying on the bed is Jin Bing's wife, Vanessa Fisk.

Jin Bing had exhausted all methods, but still couldn't wake up his sleeping wife.

"Actually, I don't believe in that tablet."

Jin Bing lowered his head, buried his head in his palm, and said in a painful voice: "If modern technology can heal you and wake you up, I will try my best to do it, but I have tried all the methods. All failed."

"This stone slab. I really can't find out what kind of power this thing has, or maybe like you once said, I don't really believe in those supernatural things."

Jin Bing slowly raised his head and stared at his wife on the bed.

"I want to give you that slate, because you believe in these things, you believe that magic and miracles exist in this world, so that slate has a special meaning to you."

After a pause, he stared at his wife and reached out to hold her cold hands.

"That's why I would rather spend so much money than find it and give it to you. It's all because of you! Vanessa!"

He told the reason why he tried so hard to get the slate.

It is not to satisfy one's own ambitions, nor is it brewing any attempt to destroy the world.

To him, that kind of thing was just a useless stone.

At most, it has some cultural value.

But in the eyes of his wife, the significance of the slate is extremely important.

Feeling the coldness of his wife's hand, he held it gently, trying to convey the warmth in his hand to her.

"That ancient document says that the stone tablet can find a way to open your eyes, because the doctor can't do anything for you, and because I have no choice, I have exhausted the methods."

He closed his eyes and said in a heavy tone.

The dim environment covered his entire face, and in the darkness where the sun couldn't reach, his expression suddenly became cold and serious for an instant.

"But you know what? Do you know what they did?"

He said word by word to his wife lying on the bed with her eyes closed: "They have taken away our only hope of regaining happiness!"

"They laugh at us, they laugh at our marriage, they are punishing us, but I will punish them too, let them pay the price they deserve, no tolerance!"

While talking, he stood up.

Letting go of his wife's hand, he tucked the corner of the blanket, and he turned and walked outside.

On the other side, Forest Hills.

After Uncle Ben and Aunt May leave, Peter's bat-sight catches Erica in action.

After seeing the other party appear in Fisk Mansion, he immediately knew who this woman was hired by.

The slate belongs to Jinbin. As an employee of the Jinbin Group, did the black cat steal the slate?

Touching his smooth chin, Peter fell into deep thought.

"Try the cassava pancakes?"

Peter was lost in thought, when Captain America stood in front of him and handed him a weird food.

"This is.?"

Peter looked at the strangely shaped food and asked him, "Is this the new food you made recently, Captain, based on the food program you learned?"

"No, actually, I would have done it in the last century, I love Brazilian food."

"Well, this is the first time I've heard of it."

"Did you know, Peter, during World War II, the Department of Defense had a super-soldier program."

"I know. It is estimated that almost everyone who knows your history should know it."

Peter stated that he knew his past history.

"Okay, but there is a secret you must not know, that is, they identified a super soldier at the beginning, of course, it was not me, but a young man named Michel von Patrick, whose code name was MVP."

"He has infinite strength and a speed that surpasses that of ordinary people. You must not know where he got these special abilities?"

"Well, I'm looking forward to your answer."

Peter nodded.

"His superpowers are mainly derived from special eating habits and long-term exercise. Patrick has been paired with a special Brazilian diet and long-term exercise program for a long time, which can then change genes, but this breeding method is very slow, and usually takes almost a lifetime. time, but the advantage is that the genes changed by this method can be passed on to the next generation.”

Steve said solemnly: "Although he didn't become a super soldier later, I think his exercise method and diet method are worth learning."


Peter nodded without expressing any opinion.

However, for Captain America's painstaking advice to young people to exercise and eat regularly, he deliberately made up a story, and Peter felt that the other party was pretty good.

He really. I cried to death!
(End of this chapter)

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