Gwen Spider: I'm from Prototype

Chapter 210 Gwen's Martyrdom?

Chapter 210 Gwen's Martyrdom?
But the power emanating from the space-time rift made it impossible for the spider silk she shot to wrap around Peter.

The gust of wind and the energy pouring down instantly swung to the surroundings.

Gwen was bombarded by the energy onto the roof of the crumbling apartment building.

Countless broken stones splashed around along with the alienated building surface.


Gwen's back hit the ground, and there was a sharp pain.

But at this time, the pain in the body is already secondary. Compared with the existence that I am about to lose, that is what I care most about and suffer the most.

She reached out, using all her strength to let the spider web shoot out of her wrist, trying to hold Peter.

But the figure of the other party was quickly absorbed into the space-time gap.

In the roaring and shaking space, colorful "mosaics" quickly covered her sight.

"No! No! Don't leave me.! Don't do that! Peter!"

Gwen staggered to her feet with tears welling in her eyes.

But soon because of the weakness of his legs, he fell to his knees on the ground.

In an instant, the heart that I supported completely collapsed emotionally.

Queens, a coffee shop.

Nick Fury greeted Captain America who was on time for the appointment.

"What coffee do you want?"

"Let's have a latte."

After Steve Rogers replied to the other party, he sat across from Nick.

Just after sitting down, Sharon Carter in casual clothes came up to greet Steve.

"Hi, Captain Rogers."

Steve didn't quite realize that the other party would appear here, and would greet him warmly, he was taken aback for a moment, and hurried back to her.


"The last time you met, she is Peggy Carter's niece, currently working for S.H.I.E.L.D."

Nick Fury introduced him.

Steve nodded, and when he heard Peggy Carter's name, his eyes were a little complicated.

What happened to the woman who owed her a dance?

Married, or alone?

He really wanted to know the other party's recent situation, but he couldn't muster up the courage to face it all.

Maybe it's the best choice not to disturb the other person's life.

"If you have any problems in life, you can consult her. From now on, captain, she is responsible for your life problems."

Nick Fury said to him.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I don't think I need a personal assistant."

Steve politely declined the other party, "Although my progress in integrating into modern life is a bit slow, I still don't need someone to take care of me."

"And I'm living at Parker's house now, so... I don't even need a life assistant."

Nick Fury nodded, opened the bag of sugar cubes, put the sugar cubes in, and stirred the coffee.

"That's what I want to say to you, Captain, for your own safety and the safety of others, you'd better get out of there."

Hearing what the other party said, Steve frowned.

"My safety?"

"Yes, for your safety, I believe that Mr. Parker and Mrs. Parker are not malicious, but about Peter Parker"

While talking, Nick Fury took out a document and put it on the table.

"This is the information about him collected by S.H.I.E.L.D., 'Black Death', 'Black Watch'. These dangerous identities are inseparable from him. He is not what you said, just an ordinary teenager."

Steve didn't speak, picked up the documents on the coffee table, and browsed them roughly.

After a few minutes, he put the file on the table.

"It looks incredible."

Steve said to Nick Fury.

"But I don't think a child who values ​​the feelings of his loved ones will be a dangerous person anyway."

He glanced at the watch on his wrist and stood up.

"Sorry, I have an appointment with a friend to deal with some things, so I'm sorry."

He wasn't looking for excuses to prevaricate the other party, but made an appointment with the people in the city library to check some documents.

After nodding politely towards Sharon Carter, he turned and walked out.

Regarding Peter Parker, although Peter told him before that he was not a responsible person.

Not the kind of person who would sacrifice himself for others.

But he didn't agree with everything the other said.

Probably because I saw something in the other person's eyes that Peter himself hadn't noticed.

Walking out of the coffee shop, he got on the motorcycle he rented with money and turned on the gas pedal.

As for where I got the money from
The last time we met at the cemetery, Nick Fury gave him a veteran's allowance.

He had just started the motorcycle when he suddenly felt something was wrong.


Abrupt mutation!

The earth suddenly trembled!

The ground shook violently, the tables and chairs placed outside the cafe collided with each other, and people who lost their balance fell and rolled on the ground.

The chandelier inside the cafe shook and then fell to the ground with a loud bang.

The waiter who was serving the guests also lost his balance and fell heavily on the ground, knocking down the coffee table and making a loud bang.

The waiter who fell on the ground stepped on the coffee, and his body slid and knocked down the unresponsive guests.

At this time, a word popped out of everyone's heart-earthquake!
The crowd ran out screaming, crowded each other, and some were pushed to the ground.

Amidst the screams, Steve saw a car out of control and hit a passerby on the side of the road.

He immediately launched his fastest speed, moved in front of passers-by and knocked them away.


The body of passers-by was hit by Captain America and fell into the pool on the side of the road, becoming a drowned chicken.

At the same time, he started to rescue the rest of the people from the chaotic and unsafe cafe.

Nick Fury, who was shaken and fell to the ground, cursed, "Damn Falk!"

"Agent Carter, are you okay?"

He stood up quickly and asked Sharon Carter.

"I'm fine, sir."

Sharon Carter replied to Nick Fury.

She breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the other people who were screaming in horror, her eyes were full of puzzlement, "Was that an earthquake just now? Why did an earthquake happen here?"

"I don't know, this is abnormal. I haven't received any earthquake warning information recently."

Nick Fury shook his head and said with a serious face.

The "earthquake" ended after only a few seconds. The shock was not very strong, and the cafe did not collapse.

However, many people in the cafe were stained red because of the stampede and the impact of falling objects.

Glancing at the rescued Captain America, Nick Fury said to Sharon Carter, "Agent Carter, call the hospital."

As he spoke, he took off his clothes and prepared to save others.

Steve didn't stay on set for too long.

After noticing the strange color on the horizon in the distance, he felt the ominous atmosphere in it, without hesitation, he immediately turned on the accelerator and accelerated towards the destination.

In the process of rushing to the black cat apartment at the fastest speed, Steve turned his serious eyes to the scene outside.

Trees were toppled by the "earthquake" and buildings were damaged.

He saw many people on the side of the road holding their bleeding heads and calling for medical help.

As he accelerated towards his destination, he felt more and more uneasiness in the air.

When he rushed to the black cat's apartment on a motorcycle, what he saw was the building eroded by colorful "mosaics".

The air is filled with countless floating things, and the building seems to have been destroyed by something, it is already extremely dilapidated, and it is covered with weird colors.

Looking at the gap above the apartment building (barely recognizable as an apartment building) in shock, there was an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

what is this? !!

Some kind of weather disaster? !
Do not!
I have never seen such an unusual meteorological disaster.


In his sight, Spider Woman and "Black Watch" jumped heavily onto the rooftop.

The two seemed to be preparing to resist the colorful and beating "snowflake screen" or "mosaic" that came out of the gap.

Seeing that Gwen was about to be swept by the "Mosaic", he was planning to step forward to help.

As a result, in the next second, "Black Watch" pushed Gwen away and accepted the impact of "Mosaic" head-on.

Watching Peter being swallowed by the crack, he was completely stunned.

"Black Watch" is Peter, right? !

Before the two separated, Peter said that he was not the kind of person who would sacrifice for others.

But looking at everything that happened in front of him now caused a tsunami in his heart.

On the other side, Gwen watched in pain as Peter disappeared into the gap, kneeling on the ground, tears filled his eyes instantly.

Clenching her teeth tightly, she stood up and let go of her clenched fist.

Glancing at the space-time rift that hadn't been closed yet, she made an instant decision in her heart.


Without hesitation, Gwen shot the silk into the air.

The strong pull of the spider silk instantly lifted her into the air.

Stretching her figure in the air, her black and white uniform magnified in Steve's eyes.

In an instant Steve knew what she wanted to do.


Steve immediately jumped towards the top of the apartment as fast as he could.

"Don't. Do that!"

As he shouted, Gwen's body flipped vertically in the air, and then jumped into the gap with determination.


The moment Gwen jumped into the gap, there was a loud bang.

An invisible shock wave was released from the gap in the sky, rushing in all directions along with the strong wind.

The buildings and ground that had been eroded and changed by the "mosaic" all returned to normal in an instant.

Steve stood on the roof of the building that might collapse at any moment, looked at the remaining color of the sky, slowly lowered his head and closed his eyes.

The black cat and Erica next to them also froze in place.

Since it happened in an instant, the two of them didn't react at all.

The black cat looked up at the sky that was gradually returning to normal, and then looked at his room that was almost in ruins, and sighed slightly.

Not simply sighing over the damage to the apartment, but sympathizing with what happened to Peter and Gwen.

Both parties can sacrifice for each other.

What is their relationship?
Friends, or lovers?
Or a relative?

With an extremely heavy heart, she looked at the man in a baseball cap standing on the top of the apartment, and then glanced at Jin Bin, who was lying on the ground in the distance.

Will that mysterious man, Blackwatch, come back? !


An invisible airflow wrapped around Gwen's body, passing through the tunnel at high speed.

In the beginning, there is boundless darkness, followed by colorful colors.

In the vast and boundless space, there are countless suspended neural networks and other planets dotted across it.

A strange scene flashed by her, and Gwen's body pushed forward uncontrollably.

Consciousness began to withdraw chaotically, and the head felt dizzy from the high-speed movement.


Gwen, who made the sound, was instantly pushed near a strangely colored exit.


Gwen fell heavily from the sky!

Feeling the whistling wind in her ears, Gwen immediately reacted, shooting out spider webs to wrap around the stone sculptures on the roof of the building.

After swinging a few times in the air, it landed on the roof of the building.

After calming down, she stood up and looked around.

Bustling Times Square, row upon row of office buildings
This is New York? !

No. It seems something is different.

The buildings don't seem to be all the same.

And the billboards hanging on the square are different from the Times Square I know.


"Peter, are you there?"

Suspicious, she called Peter's name.

After shouting a few times to no avail, her eyes were attracted by a video on a large screen.

The video shows a man in a red spider uniform.

The host's voice came to her ears:

".Fortunately, the appearance of Spider-Man saved them!"

 Thank you "Wei Ming Wuhu" and "Book Friends Tail Number 9361" for your reward.

  Recommendation: Guai Tan Novel "This Guai Tan Word Game Is Absolutely Problematic", you can enjoy it if you like it!

  The author is very talented, but it's a pity that the new book is not in the library, what a tragedy!
(End of this chapter)

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