() Although it seems that killing people at the gate of the palace is a big deal, even if he doesn't care about it, he doesn't care.He didn't really think that he was the Jin Yiwei Tongzhi who ate the rice of Emperor Chongzhen, and that he still had a great and bright future of rebellion waiting for him.

Looking at the main entrance of the Supervisor of Rituals, there are Dongchang fans guarding everywhere. Li Jianguo didn't want to enter through the main entrance. This is to steal, not to grab, otherwise there will be too much movement, and it will be useless to snatch it.

The main reason he came here was to observe the terrain so that he could come back at night.Li Jianguo started from the main entrance of the Supervisor of Rites and circled the Supervisor of Rites for half a circle to the north of it, which is the back wall.The back wall is not a good place to start, because it is more lively than the main entrance of the Supervisor of Rituals, and the gate of the needlework bureau is facing the back wall of the Supervisor of Rituals.

The Needlework Bureau is a place for women to sew clothes, bedding and embroidery in the palace. All needlework and thread work must be done in the Needlework Bureau. There is no money, and nearly 5000 people are raised, so the bustling here is no less than a small factory in later generations.

Li Jianguo glanced lightly, and saw that both men and women were dressed as handymen, and he didn't care, but it was half as lively at night as it was during the day, so this place was not suitable as an entrance and exit for sneaking in and out of the supervisor.

At this moment, I wanted to go around to the east side to have a look. At this moment, suddenly a large group of people came running. Li Jianguo looked, it was a group of Luanyi guards, who lined up to the gate of the needlework bureau. It seemed that the queen was coming. Because it is marked on the flag that this is the honor guard of the queen.

Didn't the queen say that she gave classes to those family members and Miss Qianjin in Taiye Pool?What do you come to the needle industry bureau for?Li Jianguo thought for a while, and felt that there was no hindrance to his actions, so he wanted to leave. <>

At this moment, a person suddenly ran over from Luan Yiwei, and shouted in surprise from a long distance: "My lord, why are you here? It's me, my lord."

When Li Jianguo saw it, it turned out that it was Zheng Ming, wearing a bright red bodyguard, running with sweat all over his face.Li Jianguo frowned and asked, "Why are you here? Have you become a Luanyi guard?"

Zheng Ming smiled and said: "Yes, my lord, I was promoted to Luan Yiwei after I was promoted to a higher level. I will spend two years here and spend some money before I can release it. At that time, the money will be rolling in like The Yangtze River is average."

Li Jianguo stared at him. He had a good impression of Zheng Ming at first, but when he heard his words, Li Jianguo shook his head. This kid is worthless, it seems that he is useless, so leave.

Li Jianguo turned around and left.Zheng Ming was taken aback, what happened, my lord?Why does it feel like I look down on myself.But he didn't know that in Li Jianguo's heart, no matter what kind of person you are, the path to progress you are looking for is the one to take, but your goal can't be wrong.If the goal of a military commander is only money and such things, why does Li Jianguo need to continue talking with you?Unless you are a financial expert in the Ministry of Accounts.

Zheng Ming was very disappointed. Although he had only fought side by side with Li Jianguo for one night, in his heart he had long since cast his admiration for Li Jianguo.At this time, seeing Li Jianguo's faint eyes like a passerby made him feel as if he had lost the most important thing.

But he didn't have time to think about it now, because the queen's luanjia had arrived, followed by a string of sedan chairs, large and small, all of which were court wives and family members of the Confucians.

Empress Zhou is very happy today. She has been in the palace all year round. Although her status is stable and she is an empress, she is still very lonely. It is no wonder she is not happy when she sees so many female relatives. She had already married dozens of days ago The maids practiced it over and over again, and they knew all the procedures by heart.

Even if something like that happened to my sister a few days ago, she was only allowed to stop for a long time, and then rehearsed non-stop, trying not to make any mistakes, and not to embarrass the royal family.So this morning's 'Women's Precepts Class' was held perfectly, everything went as expected, there was nothing wrong with it.

Unexpectedly, when it was about to end, a court lady who didn't know who it was suddenly asked, could I come to the needlework bureau to have a look and learn needlework embroidery.This question was really very appropriate, even the appropriate Queen Zhou couldn't refuse, looking at the bright eyes of those female relatives and young ladies, Queen Zhou couldn't say no to it.

So there was an accident, an accidental setting up of the needle factory.Fortunately, this is also the inner city, so there is no need to worry about the guards, so the guard in charge of the palace did not send any more manpower, but just added a group of guards at the main roads.

The Needle Industry Bureau was unprepared, and only learned that the Queen was coming before a stick of incense. The management of the Needle Industry Bureau had never received the Queen, and there was one head and two big ones. Notify one month, or even three months in advance, and check all the people in the sewing bureau. There are rules for who can pick up and who can't. If there is a collision, the Royal Every breath could kill someone.

But now the incident happened suddenly, so the inexperienced needlework bureau was in a mess. The management quickly lined up everyone and prepared to pick them up. But these people are not officers and soldiers, and they have never been lined up before. There is a good way to line up in a hurry. of.The management looked at the chaos, but couldn't stop complaining, but the queen had already arrived at the door, and she couldn't stop her, so she had to bite the bullet and lead the male and female workers to kneel on the ground.

Empress Zhou frowned slightly. Of course she was dissatisfied with such a mess, but she had no choice but to do so.So she forced a smile and led the way, and entered the sewing bureau first.

Dozens of guards from the Dianqian Division had already entered the Needlework Bureau to guard the safety. At this time, they didn't take these men and women workers seriously at all, they just stood there casually, pretending to be.

Just after the queen and all the female family members entered the sewing bureau, dozens of arrows were suddenly shot out from the crowd of male and female workers, and shot into the chests of dozens of guards. With loud screams, the three thousand male and female workers suddenly went into chaos, and everyone screamed run around.Amidst the screams, the door of the Needle Industry Bureau suddenly closed, catching the guards and Luanyi guards who had just discovered something was wrong by surprise.

At present, the face of the commander in front of the palace turned pale, and the sudden change made him turn pale. This is not a trivial matter. If something happened to the queen this week, his nine clans would not be enough to kill him.

"Quickly, attack in and protect the Queen's safety. If something happens to the Queen, we will all kill the Nine Clans..." The commander in front of the palace shouted in despair.

The guards are all terrified. Everyone knows that a big accident happened. Compared with the explosion of the East Factory, more than 1 people died. If something happened to the queen, it would not be 1 to 10. In human affairs, it is very possible to bleed thousands of miles.At present, everyone is scrambling to be the first and stepping forward desperately. They are fighting for the fate of their nine clans.

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