Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 122 Miracles

() General Mingjia was about to answer when suddenly countless soldiers rushed from the direction of Wansui Mountain. The soldiers who ran in the front came straight to Bei'anmen, but turned east at Shangyijian.

General Ming Jia breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Amitabha, the army is here, the queen is saved now." What happened to the queen?Army?Could it be that the queen was kidnapped?Li Jianguo couldn't believe it, except he had the guts, who would dare to kidnap the queen?

General Mingjia's words answered his question, "My lord, you may not know that the queen heard that she was kidnapped in the needlework bureau. More than 50 guards died, so now I can only surround the needlework bureau Don't let the thieves escape. Sigh, I didn't expect my Ming Dynasty to be so troubled, and the mother of the country has thieves who dare to attack in this inner city..."

Li Jianguo shook his head. These kidnappers are absolutely awesome. After doing such a thing, their names will definitely be recorded in the history books, even though they are notorious.But these are none of his business, he still has to go out of the city to go to the factory outside the military battle bureau. At this time, let General Ming Jia open the city gate for him, even if he dies, he will not dare to open it.Then there is only one more descent from the city wall with a rope.

Li Jianguo turned around and was about to go up the city tower. He wanted to fall from the city wall, but no one dared to stop him, but this time, trouble would eventually find him, and he couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

At this time, another group of soldiers and horses came from the direction of Wansui Mountain. Looking at the guard of honor from a distance, one knew that it was the Emperor Chongzhen who came, but they moved very quickly and completely lost the dignified and dignified demeanor of the royal family.

Emperor Chongzhen was sitting on the tall chariot, burning with anxiety. He was a flowery and jade-like queen, and he had already fallen into the hands of the kidnappers for two quarters, just in case...Emperor Chongzhen's face showed murderous intent, the anger of the emperor was extraordinary, bleeding thousands of miles, that's a trivial matter.

After a long distance, Emperor Chongzhen saw a familiar person. In front of Bei'an Gate, the conspicuous red helmet and the cloak of Jin Yiwei, who is it not Li Jianguo?Emperor Chongzhen immediately said: "Chuan Jinyi Tongzhi Li Yu hastened to see me." He pointed to Li Jianguo who was going up the tower.

Jin Yiwei, who surrounded his car, dared to be negligent, a master of lightness kung fu used eight steps of lightness kung fu to drive away the cicada, and it took only three breaths for more than twenty feet before landing beside Li Jianguo, bowing and saying: "My lord, the emperor calls you!" past."

If he knew that he shouldn't have stopped just now, Li Jianguo shook his head. Now is not the time to turn his face, so he can only go there first.

Emperor Chongzhen's car was parked next to Shangyi Prison, surrounded by dense police soldiers. In the northeast corner of a small inner city, more than 3 soldiers can be summoned in two quarters. This is already the fastest possible The soldiers summoned.

Before Li Jianguo arrived, Emperor Chongzhen was asking Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, "Aiqing, how is the situation at this time?" No matter how sensitive you are, try your best to use words and sentences immediately, "Return to the emperor, now the officers and soldiers have surrounded the needlework bureau, and it is difficult for those kidnappers to fly without wings."

Emperor Chongzhen said angrily: "I didn't ask you this, I asked you, how is the empress doing now?"

Zhang Fengyi shook his head and said: "I don't know, there are countless police officers outside the needlework bureau, they can attack at any time, but they are concerned about the queen's safety, in case the empress is hurt..." His meaning is obvious, It is easy to kill the rat, but there is no way to guarantee the queen's safety.

Emperor Chongzhen gritted his teeth, finally suppressed the anger in his heart, and said: "You send someone to talk to the kidnappers. As long as they let the queen go, I can issue an order on the spot to pardon them."

Zhang Fengyi smiled wryly in his heart, before these people were kidnapped, how could they not know who they were kidnapping?Since this is done, there will be reasons for doing so, only if their conditions are known.

But he will not correct him, but keep silent, and he will deal with it by himself later.As soon as Zhang Fengyi left, Li Kaiguo arrived in front of the car, and as soon as he cupped his hands, Emperor Chongzhen called out: "Li Aiqing, go and see quickly, and find a way to rescue the queen."

Li Jianguo nodded and said, "Please rest assured, Your Majesty." He turned around and walked towards the needlework bureau. He was a little curious, who did this?As for saving the queen, give him a reason first.

Arriving at the door of the Needle Industry Bureau, Zhang Fengyi, Minister of War, was shouting at the top of his voice: "Listen, the kidnappers inside, old man, Zhang Fengyi, Minister of War, the emperor said that as long as you release your mother, you will be innocent and let you go. If you have any requirements, you can also raise them, and the old man can return to the emperor."

There was a burst of laughter from the Needlework Bureau, and a rough voice shouted: "We only have one request, let go of the congregants of our sect you caught last night, and we will let Niangniang go."

When Li Jianguo heard this, he was furious. It turned out that the people of the White Lotus Sect did it.Originally, he planned to stand by and watch, but at this moment, this thought was completely thrown out of the blue, these rebels of the White Lotus Sect, you are looking for your own death.

He didn't care what Zhang Fengyi said, he went straight to the fence of the Needle Industry Bureau, exerted [-]% of his strength with both hands, and pushed hard, the three-story brick wall was like paper, and there was a loud "bang" There was a loud noise, and he pushed down the fence about five meters away. Suddenly, there were exclamations inside and outside the wall, and dust flew up.

Zhang Fengyi was shocked, and shouted: "What are you going to do? Be careful not to hurt the queen."

The rebels of the White Lotus Sect were actually very nervous. Although they laughed and pretended to be relaxed just now, they were all tensed up. After all, what they did was too big. Kidnapping the mother of the country is beyond the psychology of ordinary people. Pressure, that is, the Bailian bandits are all people who have been brainwashed by religion. If it were other people, even if they were killed, they would not dare to do such a thing.

Even so, they were still very nervous. At this moment, they suddenly saw a gap in the good wall, and dozens of strong arrows shot towards the gap immediately.

In the dust, only the sound of "ding ding" can be heard endlessly, as if it was shot not on a person, but on steel.The White Lotus Sect bandit was surprised when a long snake-like thing flew out of the dust, flashed past in a fan shape from left to right, made a violent whip, and then shrank back like a long snake .

The leader of Bailian yelled: "Hurry up, everyone, hurry up and shoot out the dog officials." After he finished speaking, he didn't see any arrows shot. He was about to be furious when he suddenly saw those archers and The slaves spurted a column of blood from their necks, followed by throwing themselves forward, and fell to the ground dead.

It turned out that with the sweep of the long whip just now, 23 archers had been killed.With the blessing of Li Kaiguo's supernatural power, the steel whip, which was close to [-] meters, could have killed so many rebels with one blow.

The members of the White Lotus Sect were stunned. They always talk about the vacuum hometown, lifeless old mother, and they always yearn for miracles, but the killing technique of the long whip that they saw just now is not a miracle. ?

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