Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 135 The Great Movement in the Capital City

()(Chapter 130, the fourth chapter was updated twice in a row, because the automatic update was not working in the past two days, so I clicked to publish directly. I didn't expect the automatic update to stop, but it was automatically updated after 10 minutes. So it wasn't until seven hours later that I found out that a chapter was repeated, and it has been corrected, sorry everyone.)

He didn't intend to let the inspector of ceremonies go, he didn't want to miss the blank imperial decree in the palace, but he felt uneasy if the inspector of rites didn't go once.Immediately said: "You gather all the craftsmen who can build warships in the capital, and I will use them today, and someone will come to mention these craftsmen after dark. I will try my best to solve your affairs in the emperor's hands." In front of you, I will help you turn around, remember, this matter is related to whether you can save the lives of your family, you must do it well, otherwise I will not be able to help you."

Zhou Shipu repeatedly said yes, he had to agree at this time, he was now a piece of meat, let Li Jianguo want to cut that piece and that piece.Don't just want some craftsmen, even if he wants his concubine, he has to give it.

Li Jianguo ignored him and asked the hundred households, "Have all the brothers arrived in the West City?"

The hundred households said excitedly: "Go back to your lord, it's already halfway here, please give me instructions."

Li Kaiguo snorted and said, "Then you all will follow Mr. Zhou to move the money, and all of you will move to the Zhen Fusi. If the silver carts are not enough, you can find a way by yourself and leave a team behind. You can go now."

Then he stood up, patted Zhou Shipu's face, and said with a smile: "Zhou Shipu, the fate of your family is up to you. I am going to Xue Guoguan's house now. Are you interested in going to see it?"

Zhou Shipu trembled, knowing that Xue Guoguan had also committed a crime, and he couldn't escape the palm of the Lord Jin Yiwei in front of him.It's just that he still doesn't know Li Kaiguo's name, so he hurriedly said: "I won't go, my lord, please take care of me a little bit, I will definitely do what you ordered properly. I just don't know yet Sir's first and last name?"

Li Kaiguo snorted and walked out of the hall first. Du An shouted: "This is the celebrity in front of the emperor. Jin Yiwei knows Li Yu and Master Li." Pin Shangshu was not at all timid before speaking, and quickly followed Li Jianguo out of the living room after speaking.

Only then did Zhou Shipu suddenly realize that he had actually met Li Jianguo, and at the court meeting, wasn't it Li Yu who captured King Tang just now?He hurriedly followed behind, shouting loudly: "Respectfully send Master Li out of the house." He accompanied Li Kaiguo to the door all the time, and he wanted to send him again. Brothers are waiting anxiously for money to do things."

Zhou Shipu hastily responded, and invited the hundred households into the mansion again to raise the money. He knew very well that the 400 million taels of silver could be found there for a while, so he could only take the 20 taels from the mansion and the materials from the Ministry of Industry. 130 million taels of silver tops one first.For the rest, I had to go to Jinbao Bank to pick up the money, and it was done quickly, and Xue Guoguan also had to pick up the money if I didn't have to wait for a while.

Li Jianguo didn't think of this. If he knew that Zhou Shipu would go to Jinbao Bank to withdraw money, he wouldn't play this game.The cash was originally prepared for him.

It's just that he didn't know this yet, so he took Jin Yiwei to Xue Guoguan's mansion to kill a group of people, and then took out all the hidden stakes of the White Lotus Sect in Xue Guoguan's mansion, which was very intimidating Xue Guoguan. Jianguo's hands didn't survive a few rounds, so he obediently obeyed Li Jianguo's wishes and made a confession, and confessed that he had fornicated with the Bailian sect bandit.Li Kaiguo had nothing to ask for from Xue Guoguan, so he immediately ordered Xue's mansion to be copied.

Countless gold, silver, jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and paintings were produced from Xue's mansion, and the entire Xue family was sent to prison. Li Jianguo didn't take any of the silver and jewelry, and sent them all to the Forbidden City, directly to Emperor Chongzhen.

Emperor Chongzhen was stunned. Although he was an emperor, he had been struggling with money and silver since he ascended the throne. It is pitiful to say that when Daming came into his hands, he added "Liao pay" to his original taxes, and his annual income was no more than It is 740 eight taels.

And the estimated value of the property and the land deed shops found from Xue Guoguan's mansion is about—the Hubu Langguan replied respectfully: "Your Majesty, these add up to about 110 million taels. This is the detailed list." The detailed list was submitted to Chongzhen.

Chongzhen took the list, his hands trembling with anger, Wang Chengen quickly stepped forward and helped Chongzhen push the acupuncture points on his back, this is the fault of Chongzhen when he gets angry, Wang Chengen is familiar with his body, and immediately used the symptomatic method.

Chongzhen took a breath, and said angrily: "I raised a pack of wolves, a pack of wolves that ate my flesh and blood, Daming, come here, cut Xue Guoguan at the waist and abandon the market, and kill the whole family." Immediately, a eunuch responded in a low voice, and went to spread the word. purpose.

Wang Chengen was silent at the side, while Eunuch Cao was shocked, wondering if his plan should be slowed down. This Li Yu, who killed another second-rank Shangshu as soon as he made a move, is not easy to mess with.He looked at Wang Cheng'en who was silent, and his heart moved, Zajia couldn't do it alone, he had to be dragged along.

He was making up his mind, but he didn't know that the entire officialdom in the capital was shocked.Although Xue Guoguan had a grudge against the Donglin Party and had always been the person that the Donglin Party hated deeply, he failed to bring him down after several setups.Unexpectedly, as soon as a Jinyi Tongzhi made a move, a Shangshu was cut in half.

This cannot but make the Donglin Party, the most powerful at this time, start to be vigilant and notice Li Jianguo.Immediately, countless spies began to inquire about Li Jianguo's background. At this time, the hidden danger of Li Jianguo's identity was finally exposed, but Li Jianguo didn't care at all. At this time, a picture flashed in his mind, his fleet had arrived. Only fifty miles away, that is to say, Tianjin Wei can be attacked at any time.

This is a few days ago, he asked the captain of the soldiers to release the pigeons, sent the information to Haidongguan, and finally recruited Haidongguan's battleship fleet to Tianjin Wei to stand by. The only thing that Haidongguan didn't understand was , the last part of the secret letter said that after he was asked to complete the order, he must silently recite Li Guo's name in his heart, and then say the last sentence 'the mission will be completed'.

Of course he didn't know, only in this way, the images around him would flash in Li Jianguo's mind.

Li Jianguo grinned grimly. He had only been in the capital for a few days, and he had done so many things. At this time, it was finally the final stage.Without further ado, he immediately went to the agreed place to inform the captain of the bodyguard, and asked him to act according to the plan.

And he came to the Zhenfu Division and handed out the salaries owed to Jinyiwei over the years in units of thousands of households.The royal guards cheered like a new year. Everyone felt that they could die for Li Jianguo. If they got a good official like Li Jianguo, they would no longer have to worry about salary. It was only an hour's work. The prestige reached its peak in Jin Yiwei's heart.

Li Jianguo looked at the excited Jinyi guards expressionlessly, and suddenly said: "Now that you have received your money, are you going to do something practical for the court?"

The brocade guards knelt down together and shouted: "Your Excellency, you have orders. In water, in water, in fire, in fire, please give me your orders." A word said.In the past, they couldn't help it when they said it, but today the guards in Jinyi are very excited when they say it. Even if Li Jianguo asked them to die, they might think about it, but they won't really die.

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