Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 14 Recruitment

Feng Guoyong looked at the displeased Li Kaiguo, and asked cautiously, "My lord, do you want to choose some weapons for your own use?"

Li Jianguo glanced at him indifferently, and said: "These rotten guys have a fart. I don't think there are any good weapons in Gaomi County."

Feng Guoyong said with a smile: "Your Excellency, I think it's not long since I came to Gaomi. There is a craftsman village 140 miles south of the city. It is specially made for the three guards of Anton, Lingshan, and Weihai. If you want anything Weapons, my subordinates are willing to help adults build them."

Li Jianguo's eyes flashed with joy. He didn't expect that there was a craftsman's village, so he quickly asked: "The craftsmen in the village can make firecrackers?"

Seeing that Li Kaiguo was interested, Feng Guoyong said with a smile: "Your Excellency, you like firearms? This craftsman village can not only make firecrackers, but also cannons. Last year, Qianhu of Tianjin Wei thought the artillery of the Firearms Department of the Ministry of War was not good. , I went to Jianghu Village to order ten cannons, as far as my subordinates know, the ten cannons will be completed by the end of this month, and Tianjin Wei will come to pick them up."

Li Jianguo was overjoyed when he heard the words, this is simply pie in the sky.A craftsman in a village, and ten cannons that are already ready to be built, damn it, all of these are mine.For a moment, Li Jianguo's eyes turned red.

But after a while, Li Jianguo fell silent again. The troops under him were still too small. If he didn't say anything else, he just listened to Feng Guo's tone. There were three guards of Daming around here. There are more than two hundred remnants of soldiers, it's okay to scare the bandits and robbers, but if they fight against the regular army of Daming, even if the officers and soldiers of Ming Dynasty are corrupt, and they have supernatural helpers, they will still be close to death.

He wanted to ask more about Jianghu Village, but he was still not at ease with Feng Guoyong. If he was not sure, he could not let Feng Guoyong know that he wanted to attack Jianghu Village. Too weak, so small that if he wants to eat a craftsman village now, he will 100% die.

Suddenly he remembered something and asked, "Have the bandits outside the city left?"

Feng Guoyong shook his head and said: "Not yet, according to what my subordinates have seen, the bandits seem to have not given up yet."

Li Jianguo wondered: "They don't have siege equipment, so they can't attack the city at all. Could it be that they have some conspiracy?"

Feng Guoyong remained silent.It's not that he didn't have any guesses, but he didn't dare to speak nonsense without evidence.

Li Kaiguo smiled, and suddenly said, "Where is Mr. Zhang?"

"Master Zhang heard that he was ill. He had already asked the doctor to see him. He said that he was frightened, a little weak, and needed to rest. His subordinates were afraid that some bandits would make trouble in the city and disturb Master Zhang again, so they sent a team of soldiers. Protect Mr. Zhang in the back office." Feng Guoyong replied with a serious face.

Li Kaiguo patted Feng Guoyong on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I don't worry if you do things. You don't have to hand over the money you were greedy for. Keep it for yourself."

Feng Guoyong knelt down and kowtowed again and again, and said, "Thank you for your reward. Your subordinates must do their best, and only your lord will follow suit."

Li Kaiguo helped Feng Guoyong up, and said: "It doesn't have to be like this. If you treat me loyally, I will never let you down. I want to recruit more young men in the city to keep out the bandits, will it work?"

Feng Guoyong stood up, how could he not know that Li Jianguo wanted him to hand in the vote, and immediately asked Ying to say: "This matter will be handled by the subordinates, please rest assured. I just don't know how many soldiers you want to recruit."

Li Jianguo stretched out his foot, and a broken blade flew up. He stretched out his hand to grab the handle, and the rust on the broken blade rustled down. In the rustling sound, Li Jianguo said lightly: "How many young and strong people are there in Gaomi County? I will recruit as many soldiers as possible."

Feng Guoyong turned pale in shock, and shouted, "Your Excellency, you must not."

Li Kaiguo seemed to have known that Feng Guoyong would be frightened, and said with a smile, "Why not?"

As soon as Feng Guoyong yelled out just now, he regretted it, and was afraid in his heart. To his surprise, Li Jianguo was not very angry, and immediately said boldly: "My lord, if all the young and strong people in the city have pulled the young men, My lord's act of calming down just now, I'm afraid..." Having said this, he didn't have the guts to go on.

Seeing Feng Guoyong's timid look, Li Kaiguo sighed in his heart, this Feng Guoyong, no wonder a pussy like Lu Cai can hold him down, as expected, when encountering major events, he will show his true colors and be useless .

It's just that there is no one in his hands to use, and he took the initiative to vote, and he is somewhat loyal. Who can use him without him?Forget it, there is no general in the city, so just treat him like Liao Hua as a vanguard.

Thinking of this episode, he stopped talking nonsense with Feng Guo, and directly ordered: "You order people to spread the word in the city, and I want to recruit soldiers to fight bandits. Anyone who is over sixteen and under forty, has no defects, no illnesses, Any able-bodied man can sign up. Those who are selected will receive five taels of housing allowance per person and two taels of silver per month. It will be distributed on the spot and there will be no debts.”

Throwing down the broken blade in his hand, Li Jianguo clapped his hands, turned around and walked out of the arsenal, Feng Guoyong listened blankly, he thought that Li Jianguo was going to force the young and strong to serve as soldiers, but at this time he heard that being a soldier could actually receive silver taels , then suddenly woke up like a dream, full of guilt in his heart, hurriedly chased after him, and shouted: "My lord, my subordinates misunderstood my lord, please forgive me."

Li Jianguo didn't turn his head back, and said: "Before noon tomorrow, all those who meet the requirements and voluntarily sign up will go to the county yamen on their own, and the official will personally preside over the selection. You don't need to follow the official, go and do it quickly."

Feng Guoyong returned to his home in a daze. Seeing that he had come back safely, his mother-in-law was so happy that she recited Buddha's name and shouted: "The Buddha has appeared, the Buddha has appeared." She knew that there were bandits attacking the city outside the city, and she felt very sad Worried, seeing Feng Guoyong safe and sound at this time, a big stone was immediately put down in his heart.

Feng Guoyong sat down heavily on the chair. He had been a team leader in Gaomi for three years, and Lu Cai scooped up all the oil and water, but he didn't scoop up any of it.Therefore, the family used their previous savings to make up for it. They were really poor. This chair was already the most valuable in the family.

His wife was overjoyed and didn't notice Feng Guoyong's expression at all. After thanking the Buddha for a while, she remembered that Feng Guoyong hadn't eaten yet, so she went to the kitchen to bring gruel.The porridge is also willing to eat rice, there are half a bowl of rice grains.

Feng Guoyong brought the bowl and drank up the clear soup in two mouthfuls, leaving the remaining rice in the bowl, pushed it to the woman, and said, "Eat the rest."

The woman swallowed secretly, and said with a smile: "I'm waiting for you to come, I've already eaten, this is for you." She pushed the bowl back as she spoke.Feng Guoyong suddenly grabbed her hand, calluses everywhere, it was no longer the soft and boneless jade hand in memory.Feng Guoyong couldn't help feeling sour, the mother-in-law had suffered too much for following him.

The woman saw that her husband suddenly grabbed her hand in broad daylight, and blushed immediately on her weather-stained face. She twitched vigorously, but Feng Guoyong held her tightly.She thought badly, thinking that Feng Guoyong wanted to proclaim sex during the day, and when she was a little flustered and shy, Feng Guoyong took out a few banknotes from his bosom and handed them to the mother-in-law.

The woman picked it up and took a look, and saw that there was a stamp of Yinzhuang on each of them. She was a person who had seen the world, and knew that the bank notes could not be counterfeited when she saw them. There are as many as 8000 taels of bank notes.

The woman took a deep breath, and immediately turned around and locked the door tightly, turned around and grabbed Feng Guoyong, and said in a low trembling voice: "A lot of banknotes from here?"

Feng Guoyong patted the mother-in-law's hand and said with a wry smile, "This is money from the Zuo family."

The woman was startled, she burst into tears, and quickly put the silver bill back into Feng Guoyong's hand, and said in a low voice: "You don't want to die, dare to take any money? If the officials find out..." Said here , the voice choked up, almost fainting.

Feng Guoyong saw that the mother-in-law was in a hurry, fearing that she would lose her health, so he hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I didn't steal it. It was rewarded by the newly appointed Master Li."

The woman trembled, and said: "Don't lie to me, how could that monster-like person give you such a lot of money? You heard from the slave that it's nothing if our lives are harder, but you can't take the stolen money, otherwise In the future, our son..." At this point, she couldn't bear it anymore, and threw herself into Feng Guoyong's arms, crying bitterly.

Feng Guoyong gently caressed the mother-in-law's rough cheeks, and murmured: "Don't worry, even if I die, I will take my son back. My Feng family still relies on him to honor their ancestors, and you and I also rely on him." End of life."

Li Jianguo changed into an official uniform, the same as Lu Cai's.When he left the arsenal, he didn't go there. He went straight to the city tower. All the officers and soldiers along the way saw him respectfully, and there was deep fear in that respect.It's no wonder that more than a hundred members of Zuo's family were turned into flesh by him abruptly, even young children were not spared. Who wouldn't be afraid of such a murderous maniac?

Li Jianguo understood this look very well. He knew that these officers and soldiers had never really dared to betray him so easily.His previous cruelty was to stabilize the situation, not only the officers and soldiers, but also all kinds of forces in the city.

After all, his foundation is too shallow. If we don't use extraordinary methods at extraordinary times, I'm afraid he will die at any time.Therefore, he must firmly grasp the hearts of these officers and soldiers from the weakness of human nature. Fear plus silver is the most practical method at present.

Sure enough, the bandits outside the city hadn't retreated yet, they started a fire in a chaotic manner, and they seemed to be eating.Li Jianguo stood on the tower and watched for a long time before murmuring: "I'm really not afraid of death."

The officers and soldiers next to him thought he was talking about the bandits. After the battle in the morning, the officers and soldiers had long ignored the bandits. A group of stupid mobs couldn't even climb the city wall. There was nothing to be afraid of. .If it weren't for the fear of Li Jianguo's murderous methods, this group of soldiers who took the money would have gone to the brothel to have fun, and there was not even a bird in the city.

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