Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 143 Bombarding Tianjin Guard 2

() Once the plan is made, it will be implemented immediately.As a result, all the grain boats that were entering the mouth of the Haihe River for transshipment were horrified to see the huge warships approaching them. I didn't realize that these warships were here to attack Tianjin Wei, and they were all standing on the board and pointing.

The warships lined up in three rows in the deep-water port. Each ship loaded with ammunition and looked at the flag bearer on the flagship. The flag bearer received Haidongguan's order and waved the flag fiercely, "Boom tom..." Nearly a thousand doors The cannons fired together, and the sea seven or eight miles wide was immediately plunged into the smoke produced by the gunpowder.The huge recoil pushed the battleship violently, pushing up a wave of waves.

More than a hundred of those outer grain ships with heavy draft and deep water entered the water immediately. At this time, the people on those grain ships were dumbfounded. They didn't come back to their senses until the second round of shelling sounded, and there were screams everywhere. The sound, the sound of calling for people to get off the boat and flee, for fear that the warship would not like them, and if they came to shoot a cannon, they would die without a place to bury them.

At this time, the fixed forts on the coast were already in flames. Although the waves of the sea were swaying and it was difficult to aim, nearly a thousand artillery guns fired at once and completely destroyed all the forts, and there was no need to shoot again.Haidongguan reacted very quickly. Seeing this from the binoculars, he immediately changed the battle plan. The second round of shelling originally planned was no longer carried out. The Cangshan and Haicang boats took advantage of the fact that the Ming army had not reacted, and attacked those scattered Ming warship.

Medium-sized warships and large warships immediately fired artillery at Tianjin Sanwei, blasting the fortress of Tianjin Sanwei to the ground.Immediately, except for the red-clothed cannon, all the Franco cannons within reach aimed their muzzles at the fortress of Sanwei in Tianjin.It only took half a moment to adjust, and the firepower has been allocated.

From the binoculars, it can be seen that the Ming army is forming a team in a panic. Hai Dongguan waved his hand expressionlessly, "Tom tom tom..." The flowering bullets and solid bullets fell into the fortress with a scream.The fortress of Sanwei is very large, even if the ballistic trajectory is a bit inaccurate, most of them can hit the fortress.

With the earth-shattering bang, countless black smoke exploded in the fortress, and the blasted human body could even be vaguely seen flying in the air through the telescope.

In the history of Tianjin Wei, under the witness of many grain boatmen, for the first time, many people saw the power of nearly a thousand cannons firing together.

Not to mention the earth-shattering loud noise, the choking smoke, and the explosion bomb that killed dozens or even hundreds of people, but the round solid bullet, which is pushed by the gunpowder and has huge kinetic energy. , Hitting the nearly one-meter-thick fort wall is as easy as an adult pricking a piece of paper with his fingers.

Hundreds of solid bullets just passed through the fort wall, and Tianjin Sanwei's fort wall collapsed. Through the collapsed fort wall, Hai Dongguan saw those solid bullets passing through such a thick fort wall Finally, it didn't stop, but continued to bounce around, no matter what was in front of it, it would pass through without stopping, whether it was a human body or a building.

Three rounds, only three rounds were fired, not enough time to drink a cup of tea, the fortress of Sanwei in Tianjin completely collapsed, under the ravages of nearly [-] shells, all the buildings collapsed.

Countless Ming soldiers died under artillery fire before they could react, and some of them became ghosts without even running out of the house.Many Ming soldiers were deafened and frightened by the dense blooming and solid bullets. Most of them stood there blankly, as if they had lost their souls.

No wonder they are so vulnerable.First, there was mental calculation and no intention. No one thought that the enemy would come from the sea, and there were so many artillery pieces, and they were not prepared at all.Second, they had no experience in dealing with artillery. When the artillery came, they didn't know how to deal with it, and they didn't even know how to lie down on the spot. Most of the Ming soldiers subconsciously ran into the house after being hit by the first round.

Third, the Ming soldiers did not know that this house could not stop the solid bullets from the artillery jumping and destroying it. Many of the houses suddenly collapsed, crushing half of the Ming soldiers in the room.Fourth, the Ming army has trained too little. Up to now, they can't find generals, and they can't find soldiers. There are dead bodies of Ming soldiers everywhere, stupid Ming soldiers, and Ming soldiers who are frightened and run around. military.

It can be said that Haidongguan's battleship only took four rounds of bombardment to completely defeat Tianjin Sanwei.Nearly 3000 Ming soldiers killed nearly [-] people in four rounds of shelling, less than [-] died directly under the artillery, and more than [-] were crushed to death by houses.

Seeing these situations through the binoculars, Hai Dongguan was overjoyed. This was the first time he led the fleet to fight a regular army, and it was a sea and land battle. Up to this point, the battle has been won without losing.

Hai Dongguan immediately ordered that the soldiers who were ready to land immediately set off and land to clean up the battlefield.To be on the safe side, during the landing period of the soldiers, another round of salvo will be fired, and then the fire will cease, and the ships will wait quietly, ready for artillery support at any time.

It is worth mentioning that the warships of the Ming army were directly captured by the Cangshan and Haicang ships. There was no Ming army ready to sail into the sea to fight the Lingshan Guard fleet. They were not stupid. Exchanging fire with such a huge warship?Zhu Tou is the only one who can do this, so when the battle started, the guards who were originally on the warship immediately abandoned the ship and fled, fearing that if they were too slow, the artillery fire would hit the ship.

Li Kaiguo has been watching the battle between the Lingshan Guards and the Ming Army with cold eyes. When he saw the Ming Army's disastrous defeat and was completely powerless to fight back, he did not feel the joy of victory in his heart, but felt a little heavy.With a Ming army of this level, it’s no wonder that they couldn’t beat the Tartars, and in the end they couldn’t even beat Li Zicheng’s peasant army. The good Ming Dynasty was forced to be destroyed by the rogues.

Thinking of this, Li Jianguo's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he ordered: "I order that no one will be left alive in this battle, and all Ming troops will be killed."

Hai Dongguan felt a chill in his heart. He didn't know why Li Kaiguo gave this order, but he responded immediately and asked the standard bearer to pass the order to the Lingshan Guards who had successfully landed.

Hai Dongguan thought that Li Jianguo was cruel and easy to kill, either to deter the court, or to keep his actions secret.Here he guessed two things correctly. It is wrong to be cruel and easy to kill. If Li Jianguo was really cruel and easy to kill, how could he let go of the grain boats who were watching the battle? There are tens of thousands of these people. The Ming army is much more numerous.

It was his original intention to frighten the court and make the court realize the power of artillery. He wanted Emperor Chongzhen to pay attention to the upcoming battle with the Tartars, and to protect the artisans and artillery.Another meaning is to try to keep the secret that they are the Lingshan Guards for two months, two months, he only needs two months, he will make a move in Shandong, as long as next year, the general trend of the world will appear, and the times have changed people.

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