() Hundreds of households in Lingshan Guard left immediately.When he came out this time, Li Jianguo had already planned everything properly. These landmines were ignited and detonated with steel wheels. Not only that, the craftsmen in the artisan village also made group mines and mother-child mines according to secret methods. .

There were [-] soldiers, each carrying two landmines, a total of [-] landmines.Among them, [-] spontaneous strikes, [-] strikes in group strikes, and [-] strikes from mother and child strikes are the least.

Pedestrians and horses on the official road from Tianjinwei to the capital have disappeared. Tianjinwei was captured by the Lingshan Guards, and grain ships will not be allowed to enter Beijing for a while, so the waterway is suspended, and no one even wants to go by land. Courage, after all, many people have seen with their own eyes that a large number of soldiers and horses are heading towards the capital by land.

Therefore, only the pedestrians and horses coming from the direction of the capital need to be diverted, but this group of people and horses are here, and they dare not come over. Baihu led three hundred soldiers and went five miles forward to stop all pedestrians and horses. Any disobedient intruders will be killed in haste.This is not the time to be soft-hearted, this is war.

Other soldiers immediately dug the official road and buried mines.Group thunder is at the front, mother and child thunder is in the middle, and spontaneous thunder is at the back.Then dig horse pits around the spontaneous thunder, not the kind of large pits that can make horses fall into, but small pits designed to trap horses' legs.These are very easy to dig. Soldiers use the engineering shovels they carry on their backs to dig a horse pit in a few strokes. 1 pits are only a dozen or so per person.

It's just that the official road is not easy to cover. Fortunately, there is a small forest two miles away. There are lush trees in it. Pick more leaves and cover it with floating soil, so you can't see it at a glance.The work of digging holes and laying mines was completed in less than half an hour, but the scouts still didn't get any rewards.

It's just that the tripping rope is not enough. Some soldiers asked Li Jianguo whether to peel the bark and twist the rope. Li Jianguo shook his head, this is enough.He himself felt a headache when he saw the setup just now. If he was asked to bring cavalry and encountered such a prepared battlefield, he might have to choose another place to fight instead of rushing forward rashly.In the end, it depends on whether the generals of the Ming army have this vision.

Half an hour later, the scout finally came back and reported that ten thousand cavalry had set off and would arrive in an hour at most.

Li Jianguo nodded, and immediately sent an order to the hundred households who blocked pedestrians and horses five miles away, asking him to drive all these pedestrians and horses back to the direction of the capital.

Not long after, gunshots were heard in the distance. Obviously, there is no shortage of such unbelievers in the world, and the Lingshan Guards are on a killing spree.

After a while, Baihu hurried back with [-] soldiers and said, "My lord, all the passers-by have already rushed back. It's just that they will definitely encounter pursuers on the way. Doesn't this expose us?"

Li Jianguo smiled and asked, "If you were a pursuer and knew the news of the person you were going to kill, what would you do?"

Baihu thought for a while and said, "This subordinate will definitely order to chase him quickly."

Li Jianguo nodded and said: "They will get the news when they are more than ten miles away from us. If the horses gallop for more than ten miles, the horsepower will be lost. This place is too vast, there is no place to ambush, no matter what They'll all find us, so it's better to let them know that we're waiting here, and use up [-]-[-]% of their horsepower first."

It was only then that Baihu suddenly realized, and flattered him: "My lord is a magician, and my subordinates can always learn a lot of knowledge by following my lord. My lord, my subordinates are willing to study by my lord's side forever, and I hope my lord will allow me."

Li Jianguo gave him a strange look, as if he had just heard this sentence, could it be that his Baihu and Jinyiwei Baihu are in love with each other?Thinking of this, he couldn't help kicking Baihu, and said: "Pig head, don't use your brains and learn to flatter others. If you don't win this battle well, I will let you raise horses."

The hundred households laughed, and he didn't care if his lord didn't like this. As for saying that this battle can't be fought well?With an adult here, it's no wonder he can't fight well. He will definitely not be allowed to raise horses.

After a while, the scout came to report that [-] cavalry had learned their location from the driven back pedestrians, and they were chasing them with all their might, and they would arrive at any time.

Li Kaiguo got up immediately and ordered the soldiers to retreat one mile away from the place where the mine was buried, line up in line, and wait quietly for the enemy.Bai Hu shook his head. If according to his idea, he should line up 50 meters away from the place where the mine was buried, why did the adults retreat one mile away instead?But this was Li Jianguo's own order, and he dared not speak out against it.

Not long after, the sound of horseshoes sounded like thunder, and a large black shadow appeared in the distance. After a few breaths, the black shadow was clearly identifiable, it was the galloping cavalry.The sound of [-] war horses stepping on the ground at the same time was like thunder beating drums. Before they approached, the sound and momentum of the huge kinetic energy brought by the galloping had already changed the color of many Lingshan guards.

The hundred households of the Lingshan Guards were no exception. Only now did he know that the difference between ten thousand cavalry and infantry was that the horses charged up really felt like a mountain pressing down on them. The momentum is suppressed, so the cavalry is the nemesis of the infantry, relying on the speed of the horses and the power of the group charge.

The guards of Lingshan began to breathe heavily all of a sudden, it was against strong psychological pressure.If not for a mile and a half of the ground covered with mines and horse traps.If it weren't for Li Jianguo to sit in the formation, I'm afraid they would not have the courage to fight this battle with one against ten even if they had firearms.

At this time, although they subconsciously wanted to turn their heads and run away, their rationality told them that with adults in this battle, they would surely win.

Li Jianguo saw that although his soldiers were a little scared, none of them escaped, so he nodded, feeling relieved.It is not a bad thing to be afraid. It is normal to be afraid when encountering such a situation where the few are against the many, and the weak are against the strong.As long as you have the courage to fight, you are a first-class strong soldier.

The cavalry had spotted them a long time ago. Originally, they had received news that there was a group of soldiers blocking pedestrians ahead. Everyone was overjoyed and immediately caught up regardless of their horsepower, ready to make a great contribution.At this time, I saw that this team of soldiers only had more than a thousand people, and they were standing in the way, and they did not run away when they saw them. The leader of the team came back from Liaodong, and he immediately felt strange. He was afraid that there was a fraud, so he sent an order immediately , Let the cavalry stop, first explore the truth, don't be fooled, and also raise horsepower.

It’s just that it’s not easy for the cavalry to stop as soon as they run. Soon the forward entered the mass minefield and stopped completely until they entered the son-mother minefield. They were lucky. No one stepped on the mother mine ten feet away. Observe each other with the Lingshan Guards separated by a mile.

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