Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 151 Arriving at Lingshanwei

() Wei Chuping and the generals were taken aback. If they could really have the heart to kill her, who would make up any lies?Wei Chuping hurriedly said: "My lord, you must not do this. Mazu Mazu said that women are not allowed to board the boat, but if a woman disguises herself as a man and boards the boat, if someone finds out, she must be protected from any harm, otherwise the Sea Dragon King will A hurricane and a big wave are very unlucky."

Li Jianguo frowned, glanced at the generals, and asked, "Is there such a saying?" The generals nodded quickly, and even the soldiers who heard them nodded.Li Jianguo thought for a while, he had heard of Mazu, she was a goddess.I heard that there was such a person in history, so it is possible to pass down this taboo. Its original intention is to protect women from the men on board.

He came from later generations, and the feminism of later generations has reached a heinous level, so Wei Chuping's lies are actually very reasonable.

Li Kaiguo said lightly: "That is to say, you can't behead her, and you can't throw her into the sea? Do you still need to treat her wounds?"

Wei Chuping carefully looked at Li Jianguo's face, and said, "My lord, we can treat her a little bit, and just keep her from dying before we go ashore."

Li Jianguo nodded. Since there is such a statement, he will not deliberately fight to increase the uneasiness of the generals, and said: "You let a few female relatives of the Bi family come over and take care of her first, and there is no need to treat her." , she will not die after being hit so hard by this officer, and she will not die even if she is not cured, that's all."

Wei Chuping, all the generals and soldiers were all overjoyed, but no one dared to show joy. Immediately, someone invited the female family member of the Bi family, made a stretcher, and carried the woman to the room where the female family member lived.

After a while, all the generals secretly sent the best wound medicine to the female relatives to treat carefully, and repeatedly told the adults not to find out.

Li Kaiguo sent another warship to send the North Korean envoy back to North Korea. Of course, what Li Kaiguo took away was the fake imperial decree prepared by Li Kaiguo.

After the assassination incident, the fleet had no more chores. Every day, Li Jianguo called Bi Maokang and his sons and nephews to talk about the firearms.Bi Maokang found that although Li Kaiguo was not proficient in firearms, the ideas he proposed were really amazing, but they were limited to materials, some of which could not be directly realized, and some of Li Kaiguo's ideas still needed to be verified.

He already has a passion for firearms that is different from ordinary people, otherwise he would not have studied firearms as the right servant.With so many feasible ideas, Bi Maokang's already old body burst out with [-]% enthusiasm.I wrote and drew all day, and I often went to the craftsmen of the wooden boat to discuss something with the craftsmen.

Li Jianguo was very proud. He told Bi Maokang all the knowledge of firearms that future generations could learn, no matter whether it was true or not. Bi Maokang felt that all the problems of rifles, primers, and rifling could be realized. As long as you find the right direction, human wisdom is infinite, and you can find a way to solve everything.

So the whole fleet came to the seaside of Lingshanwei in this weird atmosphere of learning and discussing day after day.For the first time, Wei Chuping, Hai Dongguan and other generals dared to appear next to Li Jianguo.In the past few days, they had ghosts in their hearts, and they didn't dare to appear beside Li Jianguo except for asking for instructions sooner or later.

It was time to go ashore. I heard that although the woman hadn't woken up yet, her injuries were getting better. I don't know if my lord will chop off her head with a knife after she goes ashore.These days, they have been racking their brains to find some excuses, but after much deliberation, it is not appropriate. They dared to fool Li Jianguo once, but they did not have the courage to fool Li Jianguo twice. Everyone knows that if Li Jianguo finds out that they are They were lying to him, even if it was not impossible to kill them all, it could be said that they were risking their own lives to save the woman's life.

With this kind of suffering, the craftsmen first began to move to land. Feng Guoyong had been notified long ago and sent a large army to meet him by the sea. The new houses in the craftsman village were also completed a day ago. As long as the craftsmen arrive, they can move in immediately .So everything is organized, busy but not chaotic.

What made Wei Chuping and the others heave a sigh of relief was that Li Jianguo didn't even mention the matter of the woman. He and the generals were all relieved to let the woman go ashore with the female family members of the Bi family and temporarily live in the The Bi family recuperated.

The reason why Li Jianguo didn't mention it was that he no longer cared about this woman.For him, there were too many things to consider, how could he think of a female assassin who was seriously injured by him?

As soon as Li Jianguo came ashore, Feng Guoyong brought the civil and military officials of Lingshanwei to greet him on his knees.Li Jianguo took a look and saw that there were quite a few new faces in the team. He smiled lightly, thinking that he had recruited a lot of new talents in the past ten days since he was away.

Sure enough, after Feng Guoyong finished his salute, he immediately reported to Li Jianguo: "My lord, congratulations. Since you left, the four hundred households have gone to various counties in Shandong to ask for debts, such as Pingdu, Jimo, and Laixi. , Laiyang, etc. have given silver or food that can be traded off, and there are many scholars in the county who are willing to come to Lingshanwei to be official herdsmen."

"However, some counties resisted stubbornly. Wulian and Haiyang counties refused to pay money or goods. At this time, Wulian County was being attacked by the [-]th household, and Haiyang was led by the [-]th household. It’s just that the cannons haven’t been transported up yet, and the city walls can’t be breached yet. The two hundred households are afraid that the soldiers will suffer too much casualties, so they just besieged the city, and haven’t laid down heavy hands yet.”

Li Jianguo narrowed his eyes, and immediately became furious, and said: "Give me an order to order the two of them to break through these two counties within three days no matter what method they use. Chief. There are also those gentry and high-ranking wealthy businessmen whose family wealth is more than 1 taels, all of which are peeled, lingering, and chopped into meat in front of the people of the whole county. This official wants to see which county dare not pay the silver."

Feng Guoyong responded immediately, and sent two teams of messengers to deliver the order.After finishing the important matters, Li Jianguo got up and drove back to the mansion. Here, he is the emperor, and his power is greater than that of the emperor.So what they say is what they say, and those so-called talents who have just joined can't help shivering, all thinking about the danger. Fortunately, the parents and officials in the county know each other, otherwise it will be too late when the disaster comes.

At this time, Lingshan Weibao and Li Jianguo did not change much when they left. After all, he had only left for more than ten days, and apart from repairing some houses in the craftsman village, no one dared to move without his order.

Tie DaPao happily waited in front of the capital commander's mansion, and when he saw Li Jianguo's car coming, he immediately fell to his knees and begged to see him loudly.Li Jianguo got out of the car and waved to him. Tie Dapao trotted over, and when he saw Li Jianguo, he said, "My lord, I want to discuss something with you, and I want to return all the craftsmen in Jianghu Village to Bi." My lord manages it, but this little foreman can't lead so many craftsmen, so I want to come and tell my lord, do you see...?"

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