Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 158 Iron Cards

() The person wearing the military boots is of course Li Jianguo. He has always believed in his own feelings, but the person hiding in the dark is very patient. He doesn't have so much time to play with him, so he played a very simple trick to lure the snake out of the hole. Bring out the hidden Tartars.

At this time, the Tartar dared to attack him, Li Jianguo kicked it out, and it hit the Tartar's chest. After a few clicks, the Tartar's ribs were broken, he flew up, and then fell heavily. He spat out a few mouthfuls of blood violently, thinking that his internal organs were shaken, he passed out.

This is the result of Li Jianguo's mercy. If he didn't want to save his life and ask what the iron plate is, he would have died long ago and could not die again.

Picking up the iron plate, the iron plate is very ordinary, but the engraving on it is very exquisite, there are a total of eight small dragons, forming a gold character, and the topmost herringbone is two dragon mouths close together, head to head.On both sides of the head is the sun and the other is the moon, as if flying away.

The eight small dragons are portrayed very vividly, and the gold characters are exactly eight paintings. This gold character actually gives the iron plate a sense of mystery.Li Jianguo was amazed, he didn't expect that there were such skilled craftsmen among the savage-like Tartars.He took a closer look and found nothing else, only the eight dragons, the sun, the moon, and nothing like a word.

Li Jianguo had no intention of waking up the fainted Tartars. He couldn't understand Manchu, and he couldn't ask if he woke up. It was almost noon soon, and the army of Lingshanwei should be arriving soon, so he waited for them here.

Not long after, five thousand troops came slowly, and Li Jianguo didn't let them rest. He sent orders and ate some dry food at the same time. After walking for more than ten miles, there was a Tazi village. There are more than a hundred Tartars, young and strong, no more than twenty, and the rest are all young and old and women.

After another hour, we arrived at the outskirts of the village. Li Kaiguo immediately ordered to send a team of 2000 people to surround the village. The whole village was slaughtered, and no one was spared. If there were horses in the village, all the horses would be killed. Pull up, and the remaining [-] soldiers bypassed Zhuangzi and continued to advance.

Li Jianguo did not stay to watch the command, and continued to advance with [-] soldiers, ignoring the sound of flintlock shooting from the village of the Tartars, and the screams of the Tartars when they died. Shouting did not soften the hearts of the soldiers of Lingshanwei at all, instead they showed happy expressions one by one.

Hate the Tartars, these hatreds have been carved into the bones.Before the expedition, no one knew that their lords actually took them to the land of Liaodong to kill the Tartars in their homes. This made their hatred burn like a flame, and there was no need to say a word of morale encouragement. The soldiers of Lingshanwei They have already mustered all their strength, and they plan to kill enough money even if they die in Liaodong.

The [-] soldiers had only traveled more than ten miles, and the [-] Lingshan Guard soldiers had already jogged to catch up. The hundred households leading the team reported to Li Kaiguo that according to Li Kaiguo's order, the whole village had been killed, and no one was left. The village had been burned, only one of the soldiers was bitten by the Tartars, and no one died. Thirteen horses were harvested, and ten of them could be used as war horses.

Li Jianguo nodded and said nothing.But the three thousand soldiers looked at the two thousand soldiers with envious looks on their faces, wishing that they were the ones who killed the Tartars just now.

Soon they were no longer envious, because another small village appeared in front of them, this time only a small village with more than 50 people, Li Jianguo sent a thousand soldiers, and the same village was slaughtered.

In this way, until dark, the Lingshan Guard army slaughtered a total of seven villages, killing about 400 men, women and children, and harvested a total of 73 horses. There are so many horses in the broken village.The scouts came to report back, the Phoenix Fort was four miles ahead, Li Jianguo ordered to set up camp on the spot, and open outposts for a mile around, all strangers, regardless of Man or Han, would be shot to death.

As usual, Li Kaiguo drove his horse to Phoenix Fort to check in the dark, and saw that the entire fort was in the style of Ming Dynasty, with a circumference of more than three miles, a height of more than ten feet, and a gate to the south.There are moats on the east, north, and west walls, more than two feet away from the city, two feet wide, and one foot deep. There are Tatars patrolling the city, about a dozen people, and torches are planted all over the city, shining brightly.

The geographical location of Fort Phoenix is ​​very important. This is the road leading to North Korea. In order to guard against North Korea, the defense is very strict. However, due to the cold weather, it is expected that North Korea will not attack at this time, so they did not send scouts to let Lingshan The guards approached quietly without making a sound.Li Jianguo chuckled and said, "Go back and kill all the Tartars here tomorrow."

After driving back to the camp, Li Jianguo called thousands of households to draw the figure of Phoenix Fort, and said, "This is the figure of the castle. Take a look, how do you attack?"

The first thousand households and the hundred households looked at each other, and then said: "Master, there are graphics on the outside of the castle, but they don't know how many guards are inside, what weapons are there, and it's difficult for the subordinates to plan."

Li Jianguo nodded and said, "According to your opinion, what should we do?"

The first one thousand households knew that their lord was testing them, so they immediately said: "Of course the best way is to catch a tartar and ask him. By the way, my lord, don't we have a tartar? Bring him here." Ask."

Li Jianguo gave an 'hmm' and said nothing.The first thousand households immediately sent someone to bring the tartar at the side gate, and sent two soldiers who were proficient in Manchu to translate.

The tartar had woken up at this time, but was tied up with five flowers, four ribs on his chest were broken, his internal organs were also injured, and he hadn't eaten for a whole day, so his spirit was very listless.

The thousandth household immediately asked him to translate for him, and asked him how many soldiers there were in Phoenix Fort.The tartar didn't seem to hear it, but closed his eyes instead.The first thousand households were furious, and immediately had the Tartars' fingers cut off one by one.

The Tartar screamed every time a finger was cut off, but he never opened his mouth. He just stared at the thousandth household with fierce eyes.After cutting off all ten fingers, the tartar still didn't speak.The first thousand households got angry and simply cut off both of his hands. The tartar didn't speak, but he cut off his feet again. The tartar still didn't speak. He was dying, and he still couldn't ask any questions. , and then use the severe punishment, I am afraid that people will die.

The first thousand households finally had nothing to do, and said to Li Kaiguo with a wry smile: "My lord, it is useless for the subordinates, there is no way to make him speak." Li Jianguo shook his head and said: "That's not how the confession is asked, come and see Now, what did the officer ask?"

As he spoke, he took out the iron plate from his pocket, and said to the soldier who was doing the translation: "Tell him, if you don't confess again, this officer will make people line up on this iron plate to urinate and shit on it. Then chop it into pieces."

After hearing the translation, the tartar, who was half dead, suddenly shouted excitedly. The soldier didn't dare to translate, but said: "My lord, he is saying that the Changshengtian will punish him or something."

Li Jianguo's face sank, he threw the iron plate on the ground, and said, "Come on, take a pee on this iron plate."

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