Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 177 Arrogant Entering the City

() Li Jianguo loves them?He was just talking casually, and if he didn't say that, how could the thousandth household accompany him to Shengjing wholeheartedly?Li Jianguo was just acting. In fact, he was ruthless and would never trust anyone except himself.

After traveling for about five miles, the guards came up from behind, handed Li Jianguo a piece of human skin, and replied: "My lord, this was peeled off Yang Qi's back, it seems to be a piece of writing."

Li Jianguo took the human skin and took a look, and sure enough, it was densely covered with characters like earthworms.Li Kaiguo frowned, and asked the thousandth household: "Go and ask the soldiers, is there anyone who knows Mongolian characters?" The thousandth household immediately assigned the task.

After half an hour, there really was a soldier who knew Mongolian characters. When he was young, he followed his uncle to Mongolia to sell tea, so he learned Mongolian characters.Li Jianguo handed him the human skin and asked him to translate it.

The Mongolian soldier took the human skin and began to translate the text. After the paragraphs were translated, Li Kaiguo and the thousandth household knew that Yang San and the others really had a problem.The text above is actually Mang Gurtai's suicide note, which was written to his sister Mang Guji.

The letter said that Huang Taiji wanted to kill him, and he poisoned him. The poison was brought by the Han people, and the Manchu people could not find out.The letter also said that when the seven people made an oath, one of them was an informant, possibly Zonomuduleng.He is already dying of poison, so write this letter to tell Dege to be careful.Let Mang Guji contact Dorgon and they killed Huang Taiji to avenge themselves.

The soldiers stuttered in translation, but the meaning was already very clear. Mang Gurtai was poisoned to death by Huang Taiji, not a sudden death.This letter was written the year before last, that is to say, this letter has been written for two years, and it was not delivered to Mang Guji, but stabbed in Yang San's back instead. There is a lot of content in it.

Li Kaiguo took the human skin and smiled. It really means that there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain.I have thought of several strategies, but all of them cost a lot of lives.Shengjing was repaired by Huang Taiji last year. It can be said that it is a strong city. I heard that there are nearly a hundred artillery pieces in the city. If there is another way, I certainly don't want to attack Shengjing with only 5000 people.

This letter came at the right time. Mang Gurtai is one of the four Baylors and the owner of the Zhenglan Banner.Being poisoned by Huang Taiji, just by targeting this point, the whole Shengjing Li Jianguo can be turned upside down, stirring up internal strife among the people.

Li Jianguo immediately ordered that the scouts go to investigate, whether it is possible to bypass Fengji Fort and find a place in the mountains that is only one day away from Shengjing, where they can lurk for more than two days.The scouts rushed away immediately. Fortunately, it was the first lunar month, and the eyes of the Tartar scouts were all fixed on Ningyuan. The eastward border, except for the local Tartars, no one passed through.

After counting the days, this year is almost over, and there are still four days until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.In other words, before the fifteenth day, the things to be done in Shengjing must be completed, otherwise they must be withdrawn to Lingshanwei immediately.That night, Li Jianguo did not order to rest, but personally led the march at the front, divided the Lingshan Guards into two teams, took turns to wipe out villages and tribes, and finally waited for news from the scouts ten miles away from Fengji Fort.

All the scouts brought were bad news, only one was good news.First, seventeen scouts were discovered by a group of Tartars near Fengji Fort and died in battle.Fortunately, the Tartars were all wiped out, and the bodies of the scouts were snatched back and buried on the spot in the mountains. The Tartars could not find the bodies for the time being, but the dead Tartars would definitely alarm the Manchu nobles in Shengjing.

Second, there is no place that is one day away from Shengjing and where you can hide for two days. Moreover, it is impossible for the scouts to search for it if the Tartars are alarmed.

Thirdly, some scouts had already seen Shengjing City from afar, and Huang Taiji made it impossible for horses to be repelled by trenches everywhere, and the city was full of guns and cannons.Not to mention that they only came with 5000 people. Without artillery, even if they brought 30 people, they might not be able to break Shengjing City.

The only good news is that the scouts detected that the firearms field and the horse field were outside Shengjing City, but they were very close to Shengjing City, almost under the city wall.Watching the scouts mark the location of the firearms field and the horse farm on the map, although there is a difference between the location of the three horse fields that Makata said, the difference is not big.

It’s no wonder that the ancient people drew maps with freehand brushwork. There was no scale and no strict comparison with the field. They were able to reach the edge of Shengjing without getting lost. It was entirely because the king of Korea specially made maps according to Li Kaiguo’s requirements. s reason.

Li Jianguo immediately ordered that the whole army stop advancing and hide in the mountains on the spot.He went to Shengjing to have a look in person before he could finally make a plan.Before leaving, Li Jianguo confessed that if there was an emergency, he would use a secret method to tell him that once he left this time, he would return within two days at most, so he must be careful not to show his whereabouts. If there is a mistake, not even one of the five thousand Lingshan guards will be able to escape.

This time, Li Jianguo went to Shengjing alone. He changed into a Tartar costume, with a hat on his head and a fake braid. It must be Mongolian, which means Baylor.

There are still three days left, which is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Li Jianguo must hurry up and mess up Shengjing so that he can fish in troubled waters.

Fengji Fort was already in chaos, a group of sixty Tartars were shot to death with muskets, but the murderer was nowhere to be seen. The Jiala who guarded the fort was one head and two big, and sixty people died The pure Manchus are not those Han army flags or Mongolian army flags. If the murderer is not found out, the flag owner will definitely cut off his head to vent his anger.

Jiala jumped and cursed, and divided the [-] Tartars into five teams. Each team was led by a Niu Lu. They had to search all places and arrest all suspicious people, otherwise they would not be able to report to the banner owner. .

It seems that this Jiala is a rough person, but in fact he has many twists and turns in his heart.As long as he finds a scapegoat, he won't bother to find the murderer.Since he dared to kill sixty Tartars, he would not mind killing another thousand Tartars.Some time ago, the incident of Zhenglan Qi crying at the grave made Shengjing smell like a bloodbath was coming. At this juncture, he dared to report that the murderer could not be found?

I can only find some surrogates for the dead, and then slowly deduct these dead Manchus as losses, and no one dares to expose him.So don't look at his yelling all over the world. It's just for the soldiers under him to read. It can't be done. If a person dies, if he doesn't investigate, who will believe him in the future?

So as soon as Li Jianguo appeared on the border of Fengji Fort, he was targeted by a Niulu Tartar.It was really because although Li Jianguo was wearing Tartar clothes, his shape, temperament, and even the way he rode a horse did not look like a Manchu.

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