Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 195 Racecourse and Firearms

Su Mo'er hurriedly whispered: "Egeqi, don't shout, quickly help me find a way to untie the rope on my body, let's escape back."

Hai Lanzhu wondered: "How to solve it? We are all tied up so tightly."

Su Mo'er rolled her eyes and said, "Turn around quickly, I'll bite it open for you with my mouth." Hai Lanzhu turned around as she said, and in the darkness, Su Mo'er struggled to find the knot. It's a pity that her teeth are not strong enough, she can't bite through any knots Li Jianguo tied casually, and instead makes her teeth sore.

At this moment, a large group of torches suddenly appeared in the distance, and Su Mo'er exclaimed in surprise: "Egeqi, look, someone is coming, hey, come and help me." She used Manchu here, and wanted to come here At that time, with so many people holding so many torches, there must be only full people.

Hai Lanzhu was very disappointed, she didn't expect to be found by the Manchu people so quickly, could it be that they were also chasing after her non-stop?

The torches are getting closer and closer. It is estimated that there are thousands of them.Su Mo'er was stunned, and said, "Egeqi, you are so lucky that the Great Khan sent so many soldiers to rescue you."

Hai Lanzhu shook her head, she didn't think it was a blessing, she would rather stay with the Han who wanted to kill her.The people holding the torches finally approached, but to their surprise, under the light of the fire, these people holding the torches were neither Manchus nor Mongols, but all Han Chinese wearing Ming army uniforms.

Looking at a carriage and nearly [-] horses, the thousand and one hundred households really couldn't believe that your lord went out once and brought back so many horses.And I heard that there was a beautiful woman in the carriage that the Mongols gave to the Manchu Great Khan Huang Taiji, and he was also brought back by the adults.

But no one spoke. When the adults found them just now, they had already issued a battle order. They raided the racecourse under Shengjing City, snatched all the horses, burned down the firearms field under Shengjing City, and then returned the same way as quickly as possible. Lingshanwei.

No one asked Li Jianguo what would happen if the Tartars came out of Shengjing.The soldiers of Lingshanwei believed that since the adults let them kill people and steal horses.Everything must have been considered.They just have to follow suit.

The fact is indeed the case, all the elite soldiers of the Eight Banners are fighting in the paddock, and it is impossible to fight in the dark, because in this era, at least two-thirds of the people have night blindness, and they cannot see clearly at night.So Huang Taiji and Yue Tuo Dorgon must be negotiating with Dege and Duoduo.

Perhaps there is no negotiation.Instead, he was preparing to fight again tomorrow, and had to decide whether to live or die.Anyway, all in all, tonight, they couldn't care less about Sheng Jingcheng.This is the best time for the Lingshan Guards to attack.

As for why Li Jianguo didn't take advantage of the situation to attack the city, just kidding, Shengjing City is so strong.The defense facilities are complete, just his 5000 people, and whether there are siege equipment, as long as there are [-] Tartars in the city, it is enough to bury [-] Lingshan Guards.

Li Jianguo would not do such a stupid thing, so his goal has not changed, which is to rob horses, kill people, and burn firearms.

The carriage was wrapped in the center of the Five Thousand Spirit Mountain Guards.Go back the way you came.Five thousand troops marched.Not even a sound came out, even more than 500 horses.The horses held one in their mouths to keep them from making a sound.

In the dark night, only the sound of footsteps can be heard.Hai Lanzhu and Su Mo'er looked at the soldiers of the Ming army marching neatly in the dark in fear. They couldn't figure out their beautiful heads. How could these Ming soldiers appear here? Are they all blind?Su Mo'er whispered to Hai Lanzhu: "Er Geqi, are they going to fight Shengjing? Just this few people, probably not enough to fill the moat."

Hai Lanzhu shook her head and said, "The Han people are not stupid. They must have another purpose, but we can't guess it."

Although they were on foot, the army moved very fast. When the scouts in front reported that they had seen Fengji Fort, Li Jianguo ordered the whole army to extinguish the torches, secretly surrounded Fengji Fort, and killed all the Tartars inside.

The Lingshan Guards had already killed two of this small Ming-style castle, and they were familiar with it. Although they inevitably alarmed the Tartars during the siege, they still blasted the gate of the castle to pay for it. At the cost of more than 30 lives, it took only one hour to kill [-] Tartar soldiers.

Hai Lanzhu and Su Mo'er were dripping with cold sweat and sat by the car window watching the whole process. The Lingshan Guards' attack on Fengji Fort could only be described in four words, it was devastating.From suppressing the Tazi soldiers on the castle, to blasting open the city gate, attacking the castle, and then the sound of dense musketry never stopped, all of this was very rhythmic, as if every soldier of the Ming army had a plan in mind.

It only took an hour, and all [-] Tartars died.What kind of army is this?How could there be such a terrifying army in the world?In fact, they looked up to the Lingshan Guards.Blowing up the door with dynamite is fine against this kind of small castle.If it is a city gate like Shengjing's, with a series of defensive measures such as Qianjin Gate, sandbags, earth bags, urn city, etc., the only way to do it is to use red cannons, which have to be bombarded for a long time without interruption.

If the door cannot be successfully broken through, and if the Tartars are prepared, only musket attacks will be used to take down this small castle, and at least 2000 of the Lingshan Guards will die.

This time, the Lingshan Guards did not clean up the battlefield, but quickly assembled the army and headed for Shengjing City in the dark.After marching for three and a half hours, the Lingshan Guards finally arrived at the first racecourse thirty miles away from Fengji Fort.The only reason why they moved so slowly was that even with Li Jianguo's night vision eye leading them, marching in the dark would be very difficult.

Seeing that it would be dawn in an hour and a half, Li Jianguo ordered that the whole army rest on the spot and eat dry food. After this meal, there would be no time for An Sheng to eat.Therefore, the soldiers of the Lingshan Guard quickly ate their fill, drank a few mouthfuls of hot water that the cooking soldiers dug to avoid the light, and then fell asleep.

Hai Lanzhu and Su Mo'er were lucky that they didn't need to walk on both feet.It's just that they were tied up all night. Hunger and sleepiness are not the most important thing. The most important thing is that they are anxious.

Su Mo'er has endured and endured, but this kind of thing cannot be endured if she wants to.Finally she whispered: "Egeqi, I want to urinate, what should I do?"

In fact, Hai Lanzhu also wanted to relieve herself a long time ago. When Su Moer said it, she became even more anxious. She blushed and said, "I want to too, but we are all tied up..."

Su Mo'er said anxiously: "Then I'll call someone to untie them, we can't let us urinate in the car." Hai Lanzhu was relieved, Su Moer wanted to call someone, she couldn't ask for it.

Su Mo'er stuck her head out of the car curtain, and was about to call for someone, when Li Jianguo had already appeared in front of her.Stretch out your finger and stroke the rope.The ropes broke as if being cut by a knife.

His hearing was amazing, how could he be fooled by what the two women said in the car.He let go of Su Mo'er, brought Hai Lanzhu out again, cut off the rope on her body, and said in a deep voice, "Go and come back quickly." Although Su Mo'er and Hai Lanzhu didn't know why Li Jianguo knew they wanted I urinate, but I am still very happy to be able to urinate.

The two women looked around.Immediately, one foot deep, one foot shallow, and go to the distance.The No. [-] household watched the two women disappear into the darkness, and said to Li Kaiguo in a low voice: "My lord, do you want to send two soldiers to check on them? What if they run away?"

Li Jianguo smiled and said, "They can't run away. You should rest first, after this sleep, you won't be able to sleep well after that."

The [-]th household followed the order to go to rest, while Li Kaiguo sat on the spot and thought about the plan silently. The reason why he didn't launch the attack overnight was that the soldiers of Lingshan Guard were exhausted, and the second was that they could disperse to kill and catch horses at dawn. , is conducive to combat.The third is that the racecourse is close to the moat.Attack at night.It is easy to get lost and cause unnecessary loss of soldiers.

He wasn't worried that Hai Lanzhu and Su Mo'er would take the opportunity to escape.Because he was surprised to find that a rainbow line would emanate from the top of Hai Lanzhu's head, which connected to his Baihui acupoint.This is only when you obey yourself from the heart, will there be such an active rainbow thread to provide energy.To put it simply, Hai Lanzhu voluntarily classified herself as his own, just like his soldiers.

Therefore, no matter what Hai Lanzhu does, this rainbow thread will completely betray her. Even if she wants to escape from Li Jianguo's clutches, once the rainbow thread is broken, Li Jianguo will know immediately, and then go find them It's not too late, and the two women can't go far.

Sure enough, after a while, Li Jianguo found that the rainbow line representing Hai Lanzhu was slowly approaching him. Knowing that the two women had finished urinating and did not escape, Li Jianguo fell into the carriage and fell into a deep sleep.

Along the way, Su Mo'er muttered in a low voice, trying to persuade Hai Lanzhu to change her mind and run away at night.Hai Lanzhu disagreed. The reason was simple. With them, they couldn't escape very far. The Ming army would soon catch them, and then they wouldn't be treated as safe and sound as they are now.

In fact, no one knows what she thinks in her heart, including Li Jianguo who accepted her rainbow line.The two women returned to the carriage, only to realize that Li Jianguo had occupied their carriage and had already fallen asleep.There was no other way, the two women could only sit beside the carriage, and then took the dry food handed to them by the cook, and ate it bit by bit.

There are two types of dry food for Lingshanwei. One is fried noodles, which is a military ration invented by the Red Army. The flour is fried with about [-]% hot butter, and salt and seasoning are added after frying. It is very delicious.Not only can it be eaten dry, but also with cold water.If you can make a bowl with hot water, it is really the ultimate delicacy in dry food.

The other is noodles and jerky, most of which are pork jerky, and some are beef jerky.There is nothing to say about this ancient traditional dry food.Both of these are easy-to-carry dry food. Not to mention winter, even summer, fried noodles can be stored for more than [-] days without deterioration.

What the cook brought over to the two women were fried noodles, jerky, and two bowls of hot water.Hai Lanzhu and Su Mo'er were also very hungry. They didn't know fried noodles, so they grabbed the jerky and ate it first. The jerky was too hard to bite, and the two girls had toothaches from being tired.

Hai Lanzhu came across a piece of jerky with tendons and couldn't bite it, so she dropped the jerky, picked up fried noodles, grabbed some with her hands and put it in her mouth.Suddenly she whispered in surprise, "Come and taste this, it's delicious." Su Mo'er was also frowning, when she heard this, she dropped the jerky, grabbed a handful of fried noodles and said, "What's so delicious about dry food? .” As he put it in his mouth, he was immediately overwhelmed by the aroma of fried noodles.

The two women immediately threw away the jerky and only ate fried noodles. After taking a sip of hot water, they soon warmed up all over their bodies.In the middle, Li Jianguo woke up and stared at them once, but the two women didn't notice.Li Jianguo continued to sleep a little depressed. Now he regretted saving their lives for war horses. These two women are two burdens. When they retreat, it will be difficult to keep up. They kill them, and the horses will rob them later.

Li Jianguo made up his mind and immediately fell asleep again.The sky had just turned pale when Li Jianguo opened his eyes on time.At this time, the soldiers had already begun to eat for the second time, and took care of their personal hygiene collectively.

The two women hid in the carriage that Li Jianguo let out of the way in fear. These Ming soldiers were so shameless that they all brought a small shovel and gathered together to dig pits to defecate.Although they didn't see it with their own eyes, they obviously took off their pants and squatted down. What was they doing?

When everything was ready, the soldiers of the Lingshan Guard were lined up.Li Kaiguo issued an order.The Lingshan guards immediately divided into five teams, spread out, and marched five miles forward to surround the racecourse.

There are no strong young Tartars in the racecourse, but most of them are Mongolians. Compared with the Manchus, they are better at raising horses.There are nearly 700 Mongols and [-] Tatars in this racecourse, a total of [-] people, taking care of the [-] war horses.

Therefore, the Lingshan Guards didn't make any effort, and didn't even waste precious ammunition. They just grabbed [-] horses and walked away. The Mongols and Tartars didn't even dare to move.Only this time did the Lingshan guards know.Why did Li Kaihui require everyone to be able to ride a horse before setting off? It turned out that the adults had already planned to go to the Tartars to snatch horses.

With the horses, the mobility of the Lingshan Guards was greatly increased. When they arrived at the second racecourse, it was just dawn.After the second racecourse was robbed, the Tartars at the head of Shengjing City finally realized that something was wrong, and immediately sent troops out to investigate.When they learned that there was a large Ming army coming to grab the horses, they were shocked.The third racecourse was also robbed.

It's just that Li Jianguo is not satisfied.The third racecourse only has two thousand war horses, that is to say.Li Jianguo only snatched a total of [-] horses, not the expected [-] horses, and [-] of them were young horses.

But this was also a bumper harvest. Li Jianguo immediately ordered the whole army to go to the firearms field, kill people, and burn the field.Zhenghuang Qi Gushan, who guarded the city in Shengjing City, was really shocked, and immediately climbed up the tower to watch.Since the racecourse and the firearms field are located by the moat, the whole picture can be seen from the tower.

I saw about 2 Ming troops with more than [-] horses and a carriage roaring towards the firearms field.Gu Shan Ezhen's head was dizzy, and he shouted: "No, they are going to the firearms field." The two Jiala under his command shouted: "Erzhen, let's lead the troops to rescue quickly, otherwise the firearms field will be lost. Has the sweat not peeled our skins?"

Gu Shan'er really didn't know this truth, Huang Taiji always valued firearms, if the firearms field was also lost, then people like himself would be punished.But now he only has ten Niulu in his hand and nearly three thousand soldiers. It is okay to defend Shengjing City, but if he attacks, it will be terrible if it is a trick of the Ming army to lure the enemy.

Gu Shan Ezhen made up his mind to ensure the safety of Shengjing City first.He immediately ordered to send someone to the paddock to inform Da Khan that the Ming army suddenly appeared under the city of Shengjing for some reason, and asked him to come to the rescue.

As for the firearms field, Gu Shan Ezhen shouted: "Quickly turn the red cannons to the south wall, let's fire them to scare away the Ming army." Among the 35 cannons, the other five red cannons are located in the east of Shengjing City. side.Immediately, the artillerymen of the Han army began to lift the red cannons.But these red-clothed cannons weighed two thousand catties. Although there were tools to help them, it took a lot of effort to put them on the cannon carts and push them to the south.

At this time, the Tartar supervisors in the firearms field also found that the Ming army was attacking, and they immediately panicked. There are only 300 Tartar supervisors here, and nearly [-] Han craftsmen, all of whom are traitors and Tartars. conquer captivity.

Seeing that some Chinese craftsmen actually picked up firearms and prepared to resist, Li Jianguo ordered with a sullen face: "Dismount, form a team, rush in, and leave no one behind."

Immediately, the four thousand Lingshan guards dismounted and formed a battle formation, divided into four teams, three teams outflanked three sides, and one team served as a reserve team to monitor the movements of the Tartars on the top of the city.There are more than 800 Lingshan Guard soldiers riding horses around the firearms field to prevent Tartars and craftsmen from escaping.

"Bang bang" dozens of musketeers were fired. It was the Tartars and craftsmen who fired first. Although the shots were fired 150 meters away, three musketeers were still shot, but the bullets just entered the flesh. The Tartars The imitation musket seems to be not very powerful, it is far from the range of the Lumi gun made by the Lingshan Guards, and its power is much smaller.

150 meters penetrate the cotton clothes, only to enter the meat.If it was a Lumi blunderbuss, at least it would have been seriously injured, not lightly injured.Moreover, the flintlock guns used by the Lingshan Guards are as long as the Lumi blunderbuss, but not as short as the matchlock guns. Within 200 meters, they can penetrate light armor, and within 150 meters, anyone who is shot without wearing seven layers of cotton armor will definitely die.

Some soldiers were injured, and the Lingshan Guards were not in a hurry. The thousandth household commanded the formation, and the hundred households pressed their steps and approached step by step. When they reached 120 meters, more than a dozen people had already been shot by the muskets of the Tartars and craftsmen. Injured, and some craftsmen launched imitation Fran cannons and tiger crouching cannons.

Only then did the thousandth household give the order: "Shoot." "Dididi..." A sharp copper whistle sounded, "Bang bang bang bang..." Four thousand flintlock guns were fired together, forming a volley of fire. The metal storm swept across a large area almost like a gunshot.The Tartars and craftsmen who had no experience in musket battles were shot to death nearly 700 people immediately.

It is no wonder that the lethality is so great. The Tartars and the craftsmen crowded together, and ran around in a mess, and no one commanded them to hide behind obstacles. They were like prisoners waiting to be executed, and they shot 700 dead in one shot. There is nothing unusual about many people.What's more, four thousand muskets were fired at the same time, and even one of the four middle schools was not achieved. In fact, there is nothing to be happy about. (To be continued..)

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