Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 207 The Disappearing Ming Army

The princess smiled faintly, and said: "Okay, you go about your business, and don't forget what the emperor expects of you." Zou Weilian knelt down and kowtowed again, and then withdrew.

The sword held by the female Taizhenzi in black suddenly came out of its sheath with a "clang" sound, and Taizhenzi's jade face turned pale. From last night until now, she has always felt that danger is approaching, but she has never found the source. His real martial arts sword actually came out of its sheath by itself, which was obviously a warning.

She went to Wudang Mountain to ask for this precious sword. The real martial arts sword handed down by the real Zhang Sanfeng. Zhang Sanfeng held this sword and beat all the invincible hands in the world. It is the treasure of Wudang, and it is very psychic. Special, and holding an imperial decree, Wudang's head teacher would definitely not borrow a sword.

And she borrowed the True Martial Sword just to deal with Li Jianguo. Last time, she was defeated by Li Jianguo with miraculous footwork and brute force, and she fell into a coma for several months. Xiao Yu died.So this time, in order to be sure, she specially borrowed an extremely sharp real martial arts sword, just to be sure to kill Li Jianguo.

But Zhenwu warned her, apparently her premonition had come true, Princess Taizhen was going around in the tent, very anxious, and her heart was in turmoil for a while, she couldn't think of any countermeasures, which made her even more angry. Danger of going mad.For Princess Taizhen, this is something that has never happened before. With her more than ten years of moral practice, her cultivation base can make her calm like water. It is obvious that the danger is imminent.

As soon as Gao Yingyue took over the position of forward general, he immediately dispatched troops to prepare for the attack.He, the general soldier of Fujian, fought with one sword and one gun, and he was not a generation of wine and rice bags. Moreover, Fujian has many contacts with overseas people, and he also knows a lot about firearms.Knowing the power of firearms, he made special arrangements for the more than 500 tiger squat guns.

Among the firearms commonly used by the Ming army.There is a series of rockets called Baihu Qiben, also known as Yiwofeng.One can fire a hundred rockets in succession.There are three hundred hundred tigers running together in the forward battalion, with a range of one hundred feet.However, the range of the tiger squatting cannon is only eighty feet, and its bullets can effectively kill only seventy feet.

After seventy feet, the bullet will not cause any harm to the body.So Gao Yingyue planned to shoot all the tigers in three waves, one wave at a hundred feet, to attack the artillery of the tiger crouching gun, causing heavy casualties.

The Ming army took advantage of the situation and charged forward, staying more than thirty feet away.Send out a second wave, and hit the newly recruited artillerymen of the Tiger Crouching Cannon again, so that the Tiger Crouching Cannon can't even fire a single shot.

Presumably after two waves of shooting, the artillerymen of the Tiger Crouching Cannon were also killed and injured, so there was only one wave left.It was prepared for emergencies.

Gao Yingyue thought about it again, and felt that this strategy was absolutely foolproof.As long as the Ming army rushed forward to fight.Those tiger crouching guns are useless.In hand-to-hand combat, how could the Lingshan Guards stop the continuous attack of the Ming army? This battle can be won immediately with one effort.

Gao Yingyue was full of confidence, and immediately ordered the soldiers of each battalion to attack according to the order.The war drum "rumbling" sounded, and ten thousand Ming troops lined up in an offensive formation.Among them, there are about [-] Ming soldiers armed with muskets, [-] sword and shield soldiers, and [-] spear soldiers.The sword and shield soldiers are in the front, and the musketeers are in the middle.The spearmen were in the rear, and when they heard the sound of the drums, they immediately marched forward bravely.

In an instant, the sound of killing shook the sky, and the Ming army rushed forward screaming at the top of their lungs. Although they were still 150 feet away from the Lingshan Guards, they seemed to be fighting desperately with the Lingshan Guards.

But when they rushed to a hundred feet, the roaring Ming army immediately stopped, stopped to take a breath, took a break, and let the burst rockets push up and launch.Shicai's sudden rush was not because of being insane, but because Gao Yingyue wanted to trick the Lingshan Guards into launching a round of shelling first, so that the hundred tigers could rush closer together and be more powerful if it took a while.

If it was an ordinary Ming army, they might be tricked into a wave of shelling by him, but the Lingshan Guards had a strict shelling distance.Just like the tiger crouching cannon, if the enemy is less than eighty feet away, it is never allowed to fire a single cannon. Anyone who shoots indiscriminately will be beheaded.

The first thousand households looked gloomy, watching the Ming army stationed in formation a hundred feet away, and immediately ordered: "All retreat to the second line of defense, hurry up."

He didn't realize that the Ming army was going to launch a hundred tigers, but he was afraid of some conspiracy by the Ming army, not to mention that the camp wall was meant to bluff people, and it had no defensive ability at all.Even the tiger squatting cannon was only inserted into the ground with an iron pestle, and the gunpowder was only loaded once.It was originally planned that as soon as the Ming army rushed to eighty feet, it would fire a cannon and then retreat.

Now that the Ming army's abnormal attack has attracted the attention of the thousandth household, he immediately decided to retreat immediately, just in case the Ming army has any powerful means.

Facts have proved that his decision is very wise. The tiger squatting cannon is very convenient to carry. Since a cannon weighs only 36 catties, even a soldier can pick it up and run away. What's more, the Lingshan Guards also prepared a lot of horses for transportation.As long as you pick up the cannon and put it in the noose on the horse, you can lead the horse away with four cannons, which is very flexible.

So the Lingshan guards gave the order to the thousandth household, and it only took ten breaths of effort to set up their tiger squatting guns and start to retreat.At this time, although someone in the Ming army discovered the abnormality, why did the black muzzle disappear just now?But because of the stronghold wall blocking it, I couldn't see clearly. Although someone wanted to report to Gao Yingyue, the first wave of hundreds of tigers had already set up. The hundred tigers running together were ignited.

In an instant, [-] burst rockets with a peculiar whistle sound and long afterimages of the fire line swooped down on the wooden pile camp wall of the Lingshan Guards. After only one breath, at least half of the [-] rockets passed through the camp wall. The gap in the middle shot into the camp and exploded suddenly.The other half was shot at the wood, which exploded and caught fire, immediately igniting the entire wall of the village.

Gao Yingyue saw the success of the burst of rockets from a distance, presumably at least destroying most of the artillery of the Lingshan Guard, and immediately ordered the drums to march in.

When the Ming army heard the sound of the drums and saw the raging fire on the wall of the Lingshan Guards' stronghold, they all mustered up their courage and shouted "Kill..." and rushed forward with all their strength.They all know that the faster they run, the safer they are.No one is stupid, knowing that this is a race against time with the artillerymen of the Lingshan Guards, so they rushed as hard as they could.

But the fact is that the Lingshan Guards had already retreated before the burst of rockets were fired. They had just withdrawn twenty feet away when they heard continuous whistles behind them, followed by a series of explosions. They were still intact just now. Wall positions.It has become a sea of ​​flames.

All the artillery soldiers of Lingshan Guard broke into a cold sweat in fright. Of course they knew what the Ming army fired just now.And I also know the power of a hundred tigers rushing together. If the thousandth household hadn't made a decisive decision to let them retreat, this wave alone would have blown up and burned all four hundred of their artillerymen.

The first thousand households were also in a cold sweat, and hurriedly urged: "Run, quickly retreat behind the line of defense." The artillerymen of Lingshanwei pulled their horses and ran away, with rockets chasing behind them, and they could catch up. The horses are gone.

The Ming army was blocked by raging fire.But he didn't know that the duck he got had already flown away, and Gao Yingyue was still faithfully implementing Gao Yingyue's plan. After rushing forward thirty feet, the Ming army would send another wave of tigers to run together regardless of the three or seven.Then continue to run wildly.

At this time, Gao Yingyue had also received the news that the Lingshan Guards were abnormal.But at this time the Ming army had rushed nearly half of the distance.It is impossible for the Lingshan Guards to retreat without firing a single shot.At this time, the arrow is already on the string, and it has to be launched.Therefore, with a livid face, he immediately ordered that the other Wanming Army as a backup also rush up immediately, in case there were any plots by the Lingshan Guards.

The distance between the [-] Ming troops was fifty feet.They ran desperately one after the other, broke through the wall of the Lingshan Guards, but were dumbfounded to find that they couldn't find an enemy.Don't say it's human.Except for the burning wood, not even a single weapon, military uniform, or chariot was seen.It was as if the Lingshan Guards disappeared in an instant.

The Ming army, who ran at full speed for a hundred feet, looked at each other while panting and panting, and they all saw the frustrated look in the eyes of their comrades.It's no wonder that he punched the empty space with all his strength, no matter who it was, it was very uncomfortable.

Fujian General Soldier Gao Yingyue felt this way at this time. After receiving the news, he came to the wall of the village that had been breached by the Ming army, and said angrily: "Shameless thief, how dare you tease me, why don't you hurry up?" In his rage, he forgot that the morale of the Ming army had been exhausted, and the enemy's situation was unknown.At this time, the Ming army should be allowed to stabilize first, and wait for the reconnaissance of the enemy's situation to be clear.

But Gao Yingyue was dazzled by anger, and gave an order that was enough to make him lose his head.After receiving the order, the Ming army could only chase wildly again, and it was impossible not to chase. Seeing that the commander-in-chief was furious, it was better to stay away from him.Therefore, the Ming army moved quickly, rushing out of the gunpowder smoke and rushing towards the real line of defense of Lingshanwei.

Seeing the emergence of a second line of defense, this line is no more than the empty barracks wall in front. This line of defense has everything from horse repelling, trenches, and traps.The Ming army stopped immediately, and everyone's scalp felt numb looking at the neatly lined defense line.This time it was no longer a wooden camp, but a real wall made of earth and stone.

One of the generals shouted: "Back up, back up quickly. Orderer, go and report back to your lord." The Ming army immediately pressed their feet and retreated slowly.No one is a fool. The Lingshan Guards have set up two lines of defense, real and fake. Obviously, they have been prepared for a long time. If they rush forward at this time, I am afraid that the Ming army will suffer a big loss.Therefore, as soon as someone ordered the Ming army to retreat, it immediately obeyed the order and retreated steadily.

It's a pity that it was too late at this time. Just as the Ming army had just stepped back, they suddenly heard a few cannon shots from the direction of Lingshanwei, and then more than a dozen shells came into their eyes.

Someone in the Ming army shouted: "It's a shell, lie down quickly." The Ming army knew very early on that the best way to deal with shells is to lie down on the spot and let fate decide their own life and death.The Ming army in the direction where the shells fell lay on the ground, and no one dared to look up.More than a dozen shells exploded on the ground after a short breath, and dozens of Ming soldiers were killed by the bombs.

This is thanks to the Ming army lying down in time, otherwise there would be at least hundreds of casualties.More than a dozen generals shouted at the same time: "Stand up quickly, and withdraw your troops quickly." They all knew the habits of artillery, and the first to fire must be the fixed artillery. A large number of shells fell.

It's a pity that they were wrong this time, and they were very wrong. Lingshanwei had only a dozen cannons in total, and they had already fired all of them this time.This gun is not for setting the distance of the gun, but for notifying the soldiers lurking in the pit that they can pull the rope.

A long rope suddenly emerged from the floating dirt, collapsed, and then snapped.After a breath, hundreds of columns of black smoke rose from the Ming army's feet, followed by huge explosions, and more than 5000 Ming soldiers were blown up and injured by these explosions.For a while, the retreating Ming army was in chaos.

Gao Yingyue stared dumbfoundedly at the messy Ming army with heavy casualties in the distance, and quickly ordered: "Quickly call gold." In fact, he didn't need to call gold. Can't stop it.They are afraid.If he ran slower, he might be attacked by another round of explosions.

Where is this explosion coming from?In fact, it is very simple. The Lingshan Guards planted string mines on the position.The only reason why they didn't plant spontaneous mines was because they were afraid that when they retreated, the Lingshan guards would step on them, and that would be a disaster.So this time, all the landmines were buried.All the soldiers who pulled the strings dug a hole on the battlefield and covered their bodies with a piece of cloth similar to the color of the ground, as long as they heard the sound of the cannon.Just yank the rope.

This idea was collectively thought up by the officers of the Lingshan Guards. There is no way, who asked Li Jianguo to lead them to bury them in the ground with explosives during the battle with the Ming army Hou Zongwu.The fact that the Ming army was killed was too impressive.So this time, the officers did it again.It's just that the explosives are replaced by string mines.This effect looks very good, killing thousands of Ming army forwards.

The first thousand households sighed: "The landmines are really good, but unfortunately there are too few. Otherwise, we will bury this section of the road with landmines. Even if the Ming army has a million troops, it is impossible to rush over." Nodding again and again, but the production of landmines has always been very small.This time, it was the [-] landmines forced out by the army defending the beach, all of which had just been used up in this round of explosions.

Feng Guoyong looked at the corpses of the Ming army all over the place in the distance, and said, "I don't know where your lord is now? Come on, let's go to the beach and have a look. Have the Ming army landed yet?" The army has been abolished by Li Jianguo and will never come again.

The messenger had just left for half an hour, and came back on horseback. When he saw Feng Guoyong, he shouted: "Good news, good news, our lord has already fed fifty thousand Ming troops to sea fish at sea, now We have asked our navy to transport the ninth and tenth thousand household teams to copy the retreat of the Ming army on land."

Feng Guoyong and the others were all dumbfounded, unable to believe what they heard.The seventh thousand household pulled him up and shouted, "Is what you said true?"

The messenger smiled and said, "It was the adults who told the younger one himself, so there is still a lie? Now the [-]th household team is embarking, and the [-]th household team has been loaded. The adults said, let us pay attention Listen to the movement, as long as the Ming army in front of us is in chaos, it means that the adults have already attacked behind the Ming army, let us attack back and forth, and wipe out the [-] Ming army."

Feng Guoyong and they were all overjoyed, and the whole camp was jubilant.The [-]th household was cautious, and sent another team of scouts to verify it. The news came back saying that the [-]th household had just finished loading the ship and had already headed south.There were no defenders on the beach defense line. Although they did not see Li Kaiguo, what the orderly said should be true.

Feng Guo used them to rejoice for the second time, and this time he was really relieved.The seven thousandth household laughed loudly and said, "My lord is indeed a man of gods. He just went for a swim in the sea, and the [-] Ming army fed the fish. This time is an unprecedented victory for our Lingshan Guard."

The first thousand households also smiled and said: "I have seen the power of your lord many times, and I will go to the Shengjing of the Tartars with your lord in the next year..."

Before he finished speaking, the seventh thousand households stopped and said, "Okay, okay, isn't it just that I went to fight the Tartars once with my lord? We are tired of hearing it every day. If it's our first time The [-]-family team, as long as there are adults around, can kill the Tartars to the brim, what is there to show off? Tell the truth, if you don’t have an adult to lead, you dare to go to the capital of the Tartars?"

The first thousand households were not angry when the seventh thousand households satirized him. Instead, they were extremely proud and said with a smile, "Lao Qi, you are jealous. We don't blame you, hehe." The seventh thousand households punched hard, But it hit the cotton, and was about to continue to fight, Feng Guoyong said with a smile: "Okay, don't show off, you have heard what your lord said, hurry up and get ready to attack the Ming army back and forth. If this Something went wrong in the first battle, be careful that the adults peeled your skin."

Although Feng Guoyong has only managed the training of recruits and some auxiliary soldiers until now, and his position is not as high as that of the thousandth household, but no matter who it is, including Wei Chuping, the number one celebrity under Li Jianguo, seeing Feng Guoyong They are all very respectful.So as soon as Feng Guoyong spoke, the two thousand households immediately put aside the joke and prepared to go out.

After a while, the news of Li Kaiguo's victory over the Ming army at sea spread throughout the Lingshan Guards. Every soldier was overjoyed when he heard the news. military.

On the sea, more than 60 Lingshanwei naval warships escorted five wooden boats, carrying [-] Lingshanwei soldiers, and drove along the seaside for five miles.Hai Dongguan and other admirals looked at Li Kaiguo standing at the bow of the ship and watching the situation on land with binoculars. Everyone felt as if they saw a god in their hearts. People couldn't help but want to kneel in front of Li Kaiguo and beg him. bless yourself.

This is what Haidongguan and the others heard about Li Kaiguo's miraculous achievements, the sailors on the Haicang ship and Huang Hailong's report, and after the sentry ship reported that they saw Zheng Jun's fleet heading for Fuzhou with their own eyes. Feel.Only a godlike person can perform such a miracle, only a godlike person can have such courage, only a godlike person...

Hai Dongguan's minds are full of gods, gods, gods... and they have never thought about how to fight this battle.There are godlike adults around, so they don't need to worry about these things.

Li Jianguo frowned and turned around, saying: "The situation on land is not right, why did the Ming army disappear?" (To be continued...)

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