Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 210 Beating the Princess

That's why Master Wang didn't say anything, and kept watching from the sidelines very soberly, waiting for the opportunity to slip away.Sure enough, he found the opportunity and slipped out smoothly.

Liu Wuzhang looked at Master Wang's sedan chair, and sighed: "There are still smart people among the gentry, cross out his name." The gentleman at the side quickly crossed out Master Wang's name on the list.

At this time, the sound of the artillery has stopped, which means that the ten thousand cavalry troops have left the range of the artillery.Although the gentry heard that the gunfire stopped, their enthusiasm remained undiminished.Because at this time Master Cao's servant ran up again, and as soon as he went upstairs, he ran to Master Cao, and wanted to whisper again.

Master Liu smiled and said, "Master Cao, it must be another news from the officers and soldiers. There are no outsiders here. They all know the basics from the local area. Why don't you let your family members speak out loudly so that everyone can listen to it. It will boost morale."

Master Cao laughed and said, "Since Master Liu said so, well, you can say it out loud."

Seeing this, the boy shouted loudly: "Yes, sir. Just now the officers and soldiers have begun to test the attack on the city, but they were repulsed by the cannons fired by the bandits on the city. But the villain from the same village heard from the general guarding the city that the imperial court had sent ten Wan Dajun will arrive soon. Those who just attacked the city are just vanguards."

All the gentlemen were overjoyed when they heard this.Although the officers and soldiers were repulsed, it didn't matter.Even if the statement of the [-] army is not entirely credible, it will not be groundless, there will always be [-] to [-].In fact, they don't care who wins and who loses. The key is that in this way, they have a reason to raise prices and make money.

Master Cao blushed with excitement, and shouted: "Everyone heard it, this time the thieves and the officers and soldiers must have no time to take care of us. Even if the thieves want to take care of us, they still have to worry about us." Three points. As long as we control the price increase properly, there will be no major disturbances, and the bandit army can only turn a blind eye. As for the official army, if they are victorious and attack, everyone, do you want Cao to continue talking?"

After hearing his analysis, all the gentry were so excited that their eyes were shining with gold, as if a lot of money was rolling in, and it all ran into their hands.

Master Cao knocked on the table suddenly, and shouted: "I have decided, I will increase the grain, oil and salt by [-]% first when I get back, and try the water."

Master Li followed suit and shouted: "My cloth shop and grain shop will also increase by [-]%."

A group of gentry saw someone take the lead.Immediately, they all shouted: "I also have a [-]% increase, and I also have a [-]% increase."

In an instant, a group of daring gentry reached an agreement on a price increase. It seemed that the stern words of beheading the whole family in the Lingshan Guard's notice were useless to them and would never fall on them.

Master Cao was overjoyed.He only took this lead to encourage everyone to raise prices with him.As the saying goes, the law does not blame the public.It is expected that the Lingshan Guards will not kill all the gentry and wealthy merchants. Without these gentlemen, the Lingshan Guards will not be able to control the people safely.

Liu Wuzhang listened to the voice of [-]% rise faintly coming from Juxian Tower, smiled slightly, and said to his subordinates: "Okay, they are already looking for death. You show me everyone, all the gentry and wealthy businessmen upstairs today Write it down so you don't miss it."

The men nodded, they knew.My master is not a kind person, don't look at him smiling all day long, turning his face is faster than turning a book.This time, he has his eyes set on the gentry and rich merchants in Jinan. If he doesn't peel off a few layers of skin, it will be in vain for others to give him the nickname 'Liu Wude' secretly.

When Liu Wuzhang was secretly counting others, he didn't realize that the clerk in the shop was no longer the guy he came in at the beginning, this clerk who kept his head down and pretended to be scared was actually listening to everything with his ears up all the time.

A man dressed as an attendant came in suddenly and said anxiously: "Secretary Liu, Your Excellency has arrived at the governor's office and is summoning everyone."

Liu Wuzhang was startled, then his face changed greatly, and he murmured: "Why? Didn't your lord return to Lingshanwei? Why did you come back suddenly?" Don't forget to remind your subordinates, don't forget what he just ordered.

The [-] cavalry left more than a hundred corpses and retreated for more than ten miles in embarrassment. The damned Lingshan guards were able to shoot the cannon seven miles away, forcing them to retreat even further.

Wu Sangui looked at Jinan City in the distance, and jumped off his horse in anger, kicking a stone out with one kick.Zu Zeyuan shook his head, Wu Sangui is indeed a general, but he has many shortcomings.Zu Zeyuan said: "Sangui, Jinan Mansion is now occupied by bandits, and the city is high and strong. We are all cavalry, and we have no siege equipment, not to mention the shortage of food and grass. It is."

Wu Sangui was furious, and shouted: "Damn Zhu Dadian, who owns a strong city, but he doesn't even have the ability to stop the bandit army for ten days. I will play a book to punish him for losing his land." I didn't know that Zhu Dadian had been killed by Li Jianguo.But no matter how ruthless the words are, there is no real help.

Wu Sangui was helpless, he came here with ambition, but returned empty-handed.He could only issue an order to send more than [-] riders, fly a white flag, to collect the corpses under the city of Jinan, and then retreat to Dezhou.

When Li Jianguo entered Jinan Mansion, he left [-] Liaodong cavalry behind.He didn't care about the movement of the ten thousand cavalry, it was impossible for the cavalry to attack the city.As long as Jinan Mansion is in his hands and Ming Ting is not hurt, these ten thousand cavalry will not be too far away from Jinan Mansion, and sooner or later those war horses will become his.

As soon as he entered the governor's office, Li Jianguo ordered that all officials be called together to discuss matters in the lobby.When Li Kaiguo came to Houya, he changed into his wet clothes, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, and asked the maid, "Where are Miss Hai and Miss Su?"

The maid said: "Returning to your lord, Miss Hai and Miss Su went to Prince De's Mansion. In the past two days, the Princess of Prince De's Mansion became good sisters with them. Early this morning, the Princess sent someone to pick them up to play."

Li Jianguo let out a hey, and stopped asking.After a little washing, the soldiers came to report that the officials had arrived.Li Kaiguo was immediately promoted to politics.

Although he only left for three days, the secretaries and officers who stayed in Jinan Mansion felt as if it had been a long time.One by one, they reported what happened in the past three days.The [-]th household is in charge of the city defense. The east gate has been sealed for three days, and the city defense has been completed, and the defenses of each army have been set, which is enough to support the continuous battle.

Guan Ming, a secretary in charge of civil affairs, reported that everything in the city was in good order.The market was stable, and apart from complaints about the closing of the city gate, the common people did not make any changes.It's just that the gentry are a little restless, and they often run around in the city.



Li Jianguo listened to the reports from various parties. Generally speaking, the situation in Jinan Prefecture is good, but there is one point that was not mentioned in the reports from all parties.

Li Jianguo asked: "What do the scholars in the city think of us?"

The secretaries looked at each other and lowered their heads. Guan Ming saw that no one came out to answer.Then he said in embarrassment: "My lord, there are many criticisms from the scholars in the city, but they did not act to encourage the common people. They were just discussing among the scholars. The subordinates thought it was nothing important. So they did not report it."

Li Jianguo glanced at him lightly, Guan Ming is also a scholar.It's just that he is a scholar in the eyes of scholars in Jinan Prefecture.Obviously, he is no longer the same person, and Guan Ming should have suffered a lot.

Li Kaiguo suddenly said: "Guan Ming, I ordered you to act as the procurator of the procuratorate from now on, to be stationed in the procuratorate of the procuratorate, and to accept the people's release. From now on, the lobby will be open for trial every day, and the people can watch it. At the same time Post a notice. Anyone who has a grievance can sue, and the people are not allowed to sue the government, and there is a limit to whether there is a reason or a crime."

According to the punishment, the procurator is the third grade.In charge of prisons, justice, and supervision in a province.It can be said that he has the power of life and death.Guan Ming was overjoyed, he quickly knelt down on the ground, and said loudly: "Your Majesty will definitely live up to your lord's trust."

Li Jianguo smiled slightly and said: "You can find two more people in the secretary to be your deputy envoys, and set up five people each for the rest of the affairs and branch inspections, and choose from among the scholars in Jinan Prefecture. Maybe you can do well? "

Guan Ming was startled, and then understood that Li Jianguo wanted to win the hearts of scholars in Jinan Prefecture.What are you reading for?Be an official.What is the purpose of being an official?Privilege in the palm of your hand, making a fortune, a person who is above the adult.But there are so many scholars in the world, if you want to be an official, you have to take the five-level examinations such as the scientific examination, the township examination, the general examination, the palace examination, and the Shuji examination.

Now Li Jianguo has given out as many as ten official positions of the fifth grade. Although Li Jianguo's rule is somewhat unfair to the orthodox Ming Dynasty, but at least with the support of King De, it can be justified.Scholars in Jinan Prefecture know that they have a chance to become a fifth-rank official, except for some people with abnormal heads who think that they will definitely be the top of the high school list. I don't believe they are not tempted.

As long as they are tempted, these scholars will in turn think of Li Jianguo.Gao, Guan Ming can figure it out just by thinking about it, even the scholars in Jinan Prefecture can figure it out, but unfortunately, this is a blatant conspiracy, so what if you figure it out?The fifth grade officer's hat is placed there, who can not be tempted?

Guan Ming said: "My lord, please don't worry, I understand what your lord means, and I will definitely do this well."

Li Jianguo nodded, and said to the other secretaries who were calm on the surface but turbulent in their hearts: "Don't be envious or jealous, do your job well, the days are still long, and I will definitely not treat you badly."

Strange to say, Li Jianguo gave them a promise, and immediately healed the knots in their hearts. The secretaries all knelt down on the ground and said in unison: "I am willing to work for you." Then they climbed up with joyful faces. stand up.

At this moment, there was a woman's "hee hee" laughter outside the lobby, and then disappeared.Li Jianguo's face darkened, and he looked at the soldiers outside the hall.The captain of the personal army was so frightened that he immediately ran up and knelt down on the ground. Just as he was about to speak, Li Jianguo waved his hands and said, "Stand back."

The officers and clerks withdrew, and Li Jianguo said: "Who was laughing outside the hall just now?" The captain of the guards fell on the ground and said: "Returning to my lord, it's Miss Hai, Miss Su, and the princess of Prince De's mansion." .”

Li Jianguo understood right away, because he kept Hai Lanzhu and Su Moer by his side, others thought they were his concubines, so in some matters, Hai Lanzhu and Su Moer were actually a little bit different. Some inexplicable privileges.The reason why the soldiers didn't stop them was exactly the same.

Li Jianguo said angrily: "You guys, I understand, don't say that they are not my women, even if they are, unless I give special orders, they can't have any privileges, do you understand?"

The captain of the personal army settled in his mind, and quickly said: "This subordinate understands."

Li Jianguo waved his hand to let him go down, and then shouted: "Aren't you going to get out?"

Two women turned out from the hall, it was Hai Lanzhu and Su Mo'er. The two women looked scared, and no one else knew.They knew very well that Li Jianguo only regarded them as money that could be exchanged for horses, not the concubines that the officials of Lingshan Wei had been guessing.At this time, since Li Jianguo explained the matter to his opponents, they must not be able to escape the charge of disturbing Li Jianguo's promotion.

Hai Lanzhu and Su Mo'er managed to move to the courtroom and were about to salute when Li Jianguo said, "Come here, invite Your Royal Highness to come out."

Immediately, the guards turned to the side of the hall, raised their spears, and forced out a woman with a veil. It was Zhu Xinrou, the princess of De Wangfu.

Zhu Xinrou opened her two big eyes.He was extremely angry, this Li Jianguo was just a governor, and he dared to yell at the princess like this.She selectively forgot Li Jianguo's true identity - a thief who stole the governor of Shandong, and rushed to the court with a burst of anger.Just about to question Li Jianguo, he was swept away by Li Jianguo's cold eyes.The courage that was still masculine just now shrank suddenly.He hid behind Su Mo'er, not daring to look at Li Jianguo.

Hai Lanzhu and Su Mo'er looked at each other, and all they saw were wry smiles. If Zhu Xinrou hadn't heard that Li Kaiguo was being promoted, he would have been curious and insisted on taking a peek.If peeking.If Zhu Xinrou didn't laugh at the secretaries of Lingshanwei, they wouldn't be discovered by Li Jianguo.Without being discovered by Li Jianguo, they can still get along freely.

But now that things have been revealed, it's hard to say.For Li Jianguo's temperament.Hai Lanzhu and Su Mo'er knew a little bit, and Zhu Xinrou even witnessed how Li Jianguo beheaded a Shandong governor.Therefore, the three women would not think that, as women, they would have any advantage in front of Li Jianguo, and the punishment they should bear would not be less.

Li Kaiguo slapped the gavel suddenly, and shouted: "I've seen Ben Fu, I'm still not kneeling." Hai Lanzhu and Su Mo'er quickly knelt down, Zhu Xinrou hesitated, and knelt down on the ground too.

Li Kaiguo snorted coldly, and said, "It's nothing more than the three of you eavesdropping on Ben Fu's promotion, but you dare to sneer. Who was the one who laughed just now?"

When Li Jianguo asked who was laughing, Hai Lanzhu and Zhu Xinrou pointed at themselves at the same time and said, "It's me." Seeing that what the two said was different, the two girls became anxious immediately, and Hai Lanzhu said anxiously: "Zhu Xinrou Don't fight me, sister, I was the one who laughed just now."

Su Mo'er said: "Sister, you don't need to take the responsibility for the Princess, it was the Princess who laughed, so let the adults punish the Princess."

Zhu Xinrou's eyes widened, and she said softly, "Sister Lanzhu, you didn't laugh just now, it was the princess who laughed. Hey, that—my lord, listen, hehe." Zhu Xinrou will not let new acquaintances laugh. Sister Lanzhu helped her take the responsibility, so what if she laughed, can you still punish a princess?A little angry, she thought this way, but she forgot that she was kneeling in the hall like a prisoner. If he didn't dare to punish the crime of a princess, how could Li Jianguo let her kneel down too?

Zhu Xinrou smiled, and Li Jianguo immediately confirmed that it was Zhu Xinrou, the princess of King De, who disturbed his promotion just now.

Seeing that Hai Lanzhu was about to grab her, Su Mo'er betrayed Zhu Xinrou without hesitation. Li Jianguo slapped the gavel and shouted: "You and the other three, since you all admit to disturbing Ben Fushengtang, you are all guilty. Come on, each person has [-] big boards, and after finishing the fight in class, I will give special approval to not remove the clothes." After speaking, he was about to throw down a fire stick.

As soon as Zhu Xinrou heard that he was about to hit us, he hurriedly called out: "What law are you using to hit us?" Li Jianguo narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "The secretary in the hall, tell her."

The secretary who was recording quickly stood up and said, "My lord, the governor follows the law of the Ming Dynasty. Anyone who disturbs the court will get ten slaps with the mouth for the light ones, and twenty sticks for the serious ones."

Hai Lanzhu and Su Mo'er were dumbfounded. They thought that a reprimand would be fine, but they didn't expect to slap their mouths and hit them with a board.Zhu Xinrou was not afraid at all, and said: "The princess committed a crime, who should try and convict him?"

The secretary was startled and glanced at Li Jianguo, not daring to answer.Li Jianguo withdrew his hand holding the torch, as if he suddenly found Zhu Xinrou very interesting, stared at her and said slowly: "Just tell her."

The book remembered the order, and then said: "According to the law of the Ming Dynasty, if the royal clan members are guilty, they have to be sent to the clan's residence for trial, and ordinary officials have no right to deal with it."

Zhu Xinrou was overjoyed, raised her face, and said: "This princess is a real princess, even if you disturb the court, you, a small governor of Shandong, can't beat this princess." Then she stood up, as if she had won a great deal. Victory is average.

Hai Lanzhu hurriedly pulled her to kneel down again, and Hai Lanzhu pleaded: "Lord Li, I was not optimistic about the princess just now, if you want to hit me, hit me alone, don't hit Su Mo'er and the princess."

Su Mo'er also said: "My sister and I didn't laugh, why did you hit us? If you want to hit the princess, you don't hit my sister." She would not plead for the princess of Daming, if Hai Lanzhu didn't like Zhu Xinrou, she would She would never be sisters with Zhu Xinrou, a princess of the Han nationality. Just now she made her sisters guilty together. Although she also admitted that Zhu Xinrou is innocent, has no intentions, and is a good girl, she will not help her worry. Therefore, she only interceded for Hai Lanzhu and did not bring Zhu Xinrou with her.

Li Jianguo ignored Hai Lanzhu and Su Mo'er at all, just sneered at Zhu Xinrou, and said, "You're right, I can't beat a princess, but if a husband wants to beat his wife, I'm afraid no one can control it." .”

As he said that, he slapped the gavel suddenly, and shouted: "Leave the hall." Then he got up and went to the back hall, and he just left like this, and he didn't mention punishing the three girls anymore. (To be continued..)

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