The sun rises early in early summer, and when it arrives, the warm sunshine makes people feel lazy, and so do the recruits, one by one excitedly talking to each other about the joy of family members last night and their vision for the future.

This group of simple Shandong men still don't know what will happen to them, but soon they will know that the settling fee of five taels of silver is not so easy to get.

Li Jianguo wore half of his armor and held a ghost crying sword, standing majestically on the tower.Feng Guoyong came up in a hurry to report that all the recruits had arrived, not a few of them.

Li Kaiguo said: "Then send out the spears and military uniforms."

Feng Guoyong was quick to do things, and it was only a cup of tea. The recruits all put on military uniforms and boots, received a long gun, and under Feng Guoyong's command, they lined up in a line of four .Although their lineup was crooked, Li Jianguo was still very satisfied. This group of recruits still looked very promising.

Li Jianguo strode down the tower. The recruits, who were still whispering, saw the murderer coming, and immediately shut their mouths. No one dared to act presumptuously in front of Li Jianguo.

Very well, Li Jianguo didn't speak, and with a wave of his hand, the closed city gate slowly opened.The recruits suddenly screamed, what is this for?It will not be to let them disrupt the bandits.They didn't know that the bandits had already gone to harm the village.

Li Jianguo was able to manage these things, and shouted: "All people follow the official, and no one is allowed to fall behind. If anyone falls behind and deserts, he will be executed immediately."

After speaking, he stood at the front of the team, gave the command loudly, and led the recruits to run around the outer city wall.At the beginning, the recruits could barely maintain the formation, but after five miles, the formation gradually lengthened, and some recruits who were exhausted began to fall behind.

Li Jianguo had been waiting for this to happen. His body was 150 times stronger than ordinary people. Even though he was wearing armor and holding a [-]-pound spear, he didn't feel the slightest bit of fatigue.Immediately, he was running back and forth, yelling to keep formation.

The recruits were still very afraid of him, and tried their best to keep up when they heard the shouts, but after all, they had never run like this before, and physical fatigue could not be suppressed mentally.After running for three miles, some weak people couldn't run any more, they threw their spears aside and fell to the ground, gasping for breath, the sound was as loud as a broken bellows.

Li Jianguo immediately ran over, kicking and holding hands. These recruits who were about to run to death said nothing and didn't run away. When the expected thing finally happened, Li Jianguo immediately stopped all the recruits from marching.

Even those with strong bodies such as Guo Xiaode and Ma Ying, their legs are weak at this time, as if they are stepping on clouds. At the beginning, they led them to run very fast, almost sprinting with all their strength, and they felt that they had done their best if they could persist for eight miles.

Soon, Li Jianguo ordered those who did not fall behind to surround the seven soldiers who fell behind.Three of the seven soldiers who fell behind saw that something was wrong, so they didn't care to stay on the ground, so they got up quickly and got into the team.

Li Jianguo looked at them as if he hadn't seen them, but there were still four recruits lying on the ground, looking like they were about to die.At this time, Feng Guoyong followed quickly on a horse.

Li Jianguo looked at the four recruits who were still on the ground, and shouted: "I will count to three, and stand up for me."

"One, two, three." After counting three times, only one soldier stood up staggeringly, and the remaining three recruits acted as if they hadn't heard it. They died and didn't want to get up and run again. It's going to explode.

Sure enough, they would never run again, because after Li Jianguo counted three times, the ghost crying sword in his hand only flashed three times, and the heads of the three recruits were separated from their bodies, and the blood in their necks sprayed all over the place.

The recruits were still thinking about what punishment Li Kaihui would give to the recruits who could not afford the land, but they did not expect that in the blink of an eye, the heads of the recruits who did not obey orders moved away.Those who were not mentally prepared were immediately petrified, this Master Li is really a murderer.

Li Jianguo didn't care what they thought at all, and said to Feng Guoyong who came over: "Drag away these three disobedient things and throw them away. Their whole family will be imprisoned and asked to be executed after autumn."

Feng Guoyong responded loudly, and hurried back to the city to arrest people.He came fast and went even faster, leaving behind the recruits who still didn't believe their ears.Everyone was killed, and the family was also involved?A group of recruits were frightened immediately, even Guo Xiaode and Ma Ying, who were always bold, only felt their legs tremble.

Li Jianguo didn't explain anything, and shouted: "Hurry up and line up for me? Wait for me to chop off your dog's head?"

Under the pressure of losing their lives, the recruits lined up at an unimaginable speed, and continued to run and march under the leadership of Li Kaiguo.

This time, no one dared to fall behind, even some recruits couldn't bear it anymore, thinking that they would die, and they moved their legs mechanically under the threat of their family members being beheaded together.Fortunately, Li Jianguo was not trying to find an excuse to kill them all. After running half the city to the gate of the east city, he finally gave the order to rest.

After giving an order to rest, all the recruits fell to the ground, including Guo and Ma.Even though they have practiced martial arts for a long time, they never thought that a simple running and marching would be so tiring.

Li Jianguo didn't allow them to lie on the ground, kicked and beat them all up, and ordered them to form a team of two and massage each other's legs.This is to decompress the tense muscles so that they don't really hurt from running.

Li Jianguo looked at this group of recruits who looked like they had lost a battle with satisfaction, and yelled loudly for them to rub each other's legs vigorously.From time to time, he also demonstrated by himself, making the recruit's legs numb with his fist hammer.

Guo Xiaode and Ma Ying are in a group, rubbing each other's legs, and the two of them seem to be running with them all the time, wearing armor and holding heavy weapons, they can only run more than them, not faster than them Li Jianguo, who was young, didn't even shed a drop of sweat, and didn't breathe heavily. The two looked at each other in amazement, full of admiration in their hearts.

The other recruits also had the same thoughts as them. Originally, they were a little dissatisfied with Li Jianguo's murder of three recruits, but now seeing Li Jianguo's inhuman physical strength, they were all convinced.Although there is still some resentment, everyone agrees that Li Jianguo is an absolute strongman.

What Li Jianguo wanted was their approval.After the recruits rested for a cup of tea, Li Jianguo gave another order, and the recruits lined up in a row of four again.Feng Guoyong came out from the east gate this time and brought a bundle of order flags, and replied: "My lord, with the order flags brought, do you want to start training?"

Li Jianguo nodded and said: "You come to direct and practice, and I will study from the side."

Feng Guoyong was taken aback, and said: "My lord is joking."

Li Jianguo waved his hand, signaling him not to talk nonsense.Feng Guoyong jumped up and directed the recruits to rehearse a formation called the Sancai Formation.

This trio is a group of three, with two in the front and one in the middle, one step away from the two in front, no matter how many enemy soldiers there are, all three shots are fired at once.The advantage of this kind of formation is that it can flexibly change direction. Three people form a triangle. No matter which direction they want to change the formation, they only need to turn around and the person behind them adjusts a step, and the attack direction can be changed immediately.

Li Jianguo watched for a long while, and finally understood the various changes in the Sancai Formation.This three-talent formation is very complicated for generals, but it is very simple for soldiers. It only needs three people who can listen to orders to stab forward and turn around.

More than three hundred recruits who couldn't even distinguish between left and right at first, after Feng Guoyong trained for an hour, they actually trained well, even if they changed formations and changed the direction of attack.Of course, this is not to say that Feng Guoyong will train soldiers, but that Li Jianguo's deterrence is too great. He is holding a ghost crying sword and staring at the side. Who dares not study hard for recruits who feel that they have not lived enough?

Li Jianguo was shocked when he saw that the formation had been formed in just one morning. He thought he would have to kill a few more people to make the recruits learn to behave, but he didn't expect to be mad at him Chance.

This formation of three talents is very good, Li Jianguo admires this formation in his heart, this kind of formation with cold weapons is really powerful, this Feng Guoyong is really a talent.

If he studies history well, he will know who created the triumvirate.If you name it, Li Kaiguo must have heard it before. This three-talented formation is a change from the mandarin duck formation of the anti-Japanese hero Qi Jiguang. It was originally created for firearms warfare, but this formation is extremely flexible and can be used for cold weapon warfare. It is also infinitely powerful.

Although this kind of formation is powerful, but due to the excessive corruption of the army in the late Ming Dynasty, it has not been promoted in the whole army, and only a few people know this kind of formation.Feng Guoyong is one of the few people. Looking at his training methods, it can be seen that he is very familiar with these three talent formations, and his methods of coping with various changes are like flowing water, which makes Li Jianguo extremely comfortable.

At this time, of course, he also had doubts in his heart. Even Feng Guo could train such a powerful battle formation with a single team. Why did the elite soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, which were several times the size of the rebel army, be wiped out by Li Zicheng?

No one can tell him the answer because these things haven't happened yet.After the recruits were half-familiar with the training, Li Jianguo also saw how to command, and he also commanded once off the field. The recruits cooperated very well.This made Li Jianguo very happy. Seeing that noon was approaching, he stopped thinking about finding faults and killing a few people to stand up, and ordered to go to the city for dinner.

The recruits had been raped all morning, and they were already extremely tired. At this time, they heard that they could eat, and all of them were happy, but none of them dared to cheer loudly. After a morning of training, they already had soldiers Awareness, began to observe discipline.

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