Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 28 Crisis

Tao Xiancheng smiled wryly, and said: "I respect the order of your lord, and I must write it with my heart." He understood Li Jianguo's meaning, and naturally he wanted to embellish the events of Gaomi County in recent days with his brilliant pen .

Li Kaiguo said: "Master Tao really understands people, so let's write it down." He actually asked Tao Xiancheng to write it down on the spot.

Tao Xiancheng was startled, but he still didn't understand what Li Jianguo meant.Hao Xi had already sent someone to carry the table, pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Li Jianguo looked at the panic-stricken gentry, and said indifferently: "Have all the gentry arrived?"

Fan Zongquan counted the number of people and replied, "My lord, they are all here."

Li Jianguo smiled and said: "It's good that no one is missed. Master Tao, there are too many things happening in the county these days, I'm afraid the adults above will be a little confused. Fortunately, the gentry are willing to testify and have to press their fingerprints. Don’t you think so?” The last sentence was addressed to the gentry.

Gentlemen, dare you say no?They all smiled and said, "What Master Li said is true, I am willing to testify." But bitter water flowed from their stomachs.

Tao Xiancheng had some concerns at first, but now he was overjoyed to see that the gentry were willing to share the responsibility with him.The memorial written by him alone would definitely lead to disaster if handed over, but what happened in the past few days was too strange, even if it was written in its original form without any changes, no one would believe it.

But with the gentry testifying together, even if he wrote a ghost story, the court would definitely believe it.Because the prestige of the gentry is too great, it can be said that the officials of the Ming Dynasty will not trust their colleagues, but they must trust the gentry, because the gentry is the basis for them to rule the Ming Dynasty, not the people.

Immediately, Tao Xiancheng made a draft in his stomach. He was originally a Jinshi, and he was very good at writing such false memorials. In just a moment, he thought of several ideas to deal with Shangguan.Immediately, I picked the one that looked the most real, picked up the pen, and wrote thousands of words in one go.

The verve that is as fast as a dragon and a snake, with a well-thought-out charm, actually has a faint majesty, which makes Fan Zongquan have to obey.Although he is known as the number one gentry in Chinese literature and calligraphy, compared with a literati like Tao Xiancheng who has passed the Jinshi examination, his two strokes are not worthy of lifting Tao Xiancheng's shoes.

Tao Xiancheng waited until the ink was a little dry, so he wanted to pass it to Li Jianguo for examination.Li Jianguo waved his hand and said, "Just read it aloud and let everyone hear it, right?"

Tao Xiancheng nodded, picked up the memorial and read: "My minister, Tao Weiqian, gave me the memorial..." It took him a cup of tea to recite these thousands of words.He has experienced official affairs for a long time, and this memorial is written in a stable manner, with very strict words and sentences, without using a false word, the whole family of the Zuo family was copied and executed, saying that there were rebels attacking the city, and the magistrate Zhang discovered the Zuo family and the rebels Collusion, but want to arrest.

Unexpectedly, the Zuo family hid firearms privately, and instead beat Zhang County Magistrate and Lu Cai to death.Then Tao Xiancheng recruited warriors, and Li Guo was ordered to lead Feng Guoyong, Hao Xi and other Gaomi soldiers and civilians to fight against the bandits bravely. They fought against the rebels several times in a few days, changed hands several times, and recaptured them several times.In the end, under the blessing of the emperor, the army and the people united, and under the leadership of Li Guo, all the rebels were captured.

Tao Xiancheng's memorial pointed a deer into a horse and turned black and white. The gentry were sweating and felt cold when they heard it. Now they finally know how powerful this official word is with two mouths and one mouth that can speak.According to this memorial, the whole family of the Zuo family died in vain, the county magistrate Zhang also died in vain, Lu Cai also died in vain, and many, many people died in vain...  

In the end Tao Xiancheng said that all of the above were evidenced by gentry.Looking at Li Jianguo's face after reading it now, it means, do you see anything else to modify?

Li Jianguo was naturally extremely satisfied. In this memorial, he was praised as a savior, but the cause of death of the Zuo family, County Magistrate Zhang, and Lu Cai was lightly mentioned.

"Well written, Mr. Tao's writing skills are really good. Gentlemen, do you have any opinions?" Li Jianguo turned the ghost crying sword in his hand.

Fan Zongquan said: "Master Tao is skilled in writing, and every sentence is the truth. I am willing to draw a pledge to testify." A group of gentry has done it twice in the past, and this time they are familiar with the way, and they lined up to sign and press their fingerprints one by one. Organized and not fussy.

Li Jianguo took the memorial, and after a brief look, it is expected that there is no serious problem, no one would dare to risk their lives to play tricks on it.Said: "Hao Xi, you and Guo Xiaode will be sent to Fucheng right now, don't let me down."

Hao Xi heard his own name in the memorial. Although he didn't understand the meaning of those sentences that he didn't understand, he really heard the names Feng Guoyong and Hao Xi, even though Feng Guoyong was in front of him. , he didn't care, this book was played, and with the merits of suppressing bandits and defending the city, he could earn a decent official no matter what.

At that moment, he took out the sweat towel from his bosom, wrapped the memorial in a precious and important way, put it in his bosom, pressed it with one hand, and said: "Don't worry, my lord, the small one will be handed over to the Lord Fu Zun personally." With a smile, he took Guo Xiaode there.

Some of the gentry saw Hao Xi and Guo Xiaode gradually disappearing on horseback, and when they finally disappeared, their faces were all black and green, so they sent someone to kill Hao Xi and the others halfway, and sent the memorial to them. grab it back.

Unexpectedly, Li Jianguo seemed to have expected it. He stood at the gate of the city like a wooden stake, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath slightly, as if he didn't see Tao Xiancheng, the gentry and the soldiers.If he didn't speak, no one dared to move, and the people who came in and out of the city gate all circled far away. Who would dare to annoy Li Kaiguo?

In this way, Li Jianguo stood at the gate of the city for a full two hours. During this period, half of the gentry fainted, and more than a hundred veterans fainted.Standing motionless for two hours, no one could stand it except the tough guy.

Finally, all the gentry fainted, and they didn't know if it was true or not. Then Li Jianguo said calmly: "Everyone is dispersed, and the recruits will return to the camp with the officer."

As soon as he said this, the remaining veterans and the tottering Tao Xiancheng fell to the ground, and finally survived.

At this time, the families of the gentry dared to come up, and they all hugged their masters and yelled.Among them, the gentry with ulterior motives looked weakly at the groups of new recruits, with great hatred in their hearts. Even if they wanted to send someone to kill Hao Xi and the others this time, it was too late.

Fan Zongquan was sitting on the ground, his family members were rubbing his chest continuously, and he slowly regained his breath.He didn't expect that just standing still would be so tiring.Turning his head to look at the few people in the gentry's team, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his murderous intent had already moved.

He only stood for half an hour before he understood why Li Jianguo punished them for standing, it was to buy time for Hao Xi.Fan Zongquan knew very well that some of the gentry had good friends with the Zuo family and the county magistrate Zhang. Li Jianguo's approach was absolutely correct. He blocked the city gate for nearly three hours, preventing anyone who could endanger the memorial from moving. move.

Although Li Jianguo didn't know who was going to kill Hao Xi, Fan Zongquan knew how he, a local snake, could hide these things from him.

As soon as he realized it, he broke out in a cold sweat. As early as the day before yesterday, he had given up the idea of ​​fighting against Li Jianguo. At this time, someone actually wanted to plot against Li Jianguo. Pulling him to pay for the funeral, who made them all gentry.After Fan Zongquan escaped this catastrophe, how could he not be murderous?These bastards actually wanted to conspire behind his back, and Fan Zongquan was not a vegetarian either.

When he arrived at the barracks, Li Jianguo did not dismiss the recruits, but took out the silver box, and cashed out the reward for killing the bandits on the spot.At this time, his net worth is rich, with more than one million taels of silver, and this mere reward of nearly a thousand taels of silver is really not in his eyes.

But the recruits were full of cheers. This superior officer will do what he says, and he will be rewarded for his meritorious deeds. Everyone respects him at the moment, and everyone with a smile on his face received the money.Even for those recruits who did not kill the bandits, Li Jianguo also gave a reward of one tael to each of them in the name of stabbing the bandits.

Ma Ying received four taels of silver and was about to leave when Li Jianguo took out another five taels and said, "You and Guo Xiaode have made meritorious service in attracting the enemy, and I will reward you with these five taels."

Ma Ying was startled, her face flushed, and she waved her hands again and again: "The little ones don't dare to take credit, and they don't dare to accept it. If the adults want to give it, then give it to Guo Xiaode."

Li Kaiguo smiled and said: "Take it, when Guo Xiaode comes back, let him come to this official to receive the reward."

Ma Ying received five taels of silver, plus this, he got a total of nine taels. For the first time in his life, he had so much money.I couldn't help but knelt down and kowtowed firmly to Li Jianguo, and shouted: "Thank you for your reward, and the villain is willing to die for you." The recruits also kowtowed to Li Jianguo firmly.

Li Jianguo was proud of himself, but he didn't show any clues on his face, and shouted: "Get up, don't thank me, this is what you earned by killing the enemy."

The recruits stood up, and everyone looked at Li Jianguo with admiration. They knew who was good to them. Li Jianguo was clear about rewards and punishments. Who would not obey him from the bottom of their hearts?Unknowingly, they respected Li Jianguo more than they feared him.

Li Jianguo was overjoyed, but said with a straight face: "It's all gone, you are allowed to rest today, but you are not allowed to leave the camp, and those who violate the order will be executed."

The recruits answered "Yes" in unison and dispersed happily.

It wasn't until noon on the second day, when the recruits finished their training and were eating lunch, that Hao Xi and Guo Xiaode came back covered in dust.

As soon as Hao Xi saw Li Jianguo, he shouted: "My lord, I personally handed over the memorial to the Lord Fuzun. After reading it, the Lord Fuzun was very happy and applauded repeatedly. He ordered Tao Xiancheng to take charge of the county affairs temporarily. Once he received the reward, he will wait for you." The imperial court issued it." He couldn't help but be happy as he said it, without any sign of fatigue.

Li Jianguo swallowed the last bite of the white noodle cake, feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of anything, so he immediately praised them, gave them rewards, and sent them to eat.

Feng Guoyong waited until Hao Xixi left happily, then came over, and said in a low voice: "My lord, this subordinate feels something is wrong."

Li Jianguo narrowed his eyes and said, "You also feel this way? Tell me."

Feng Guoyong frowned and thought about it, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong, he just felt uneasy.

Li Jianguo was also at a loss. He was not familiar with the official affairs in ancient times, and it was commendable to be able to sense something was wrong at this time.

If he couldn't figure it out, he simply didn't want to. Li Kaiguo was so heartbroken that he called Feng Guoyong and said, "Tomorrow, you will guide me. Let's go to Jianghu Village and get some lighters."

Feng Guoyong nodded.

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