The moment he rushed into the cavalry group, Li Jianguo suddenly changed his mind. The invisible black hood was retracted, and a curved black line passed over the neck of the cavalry. His neck hit the blade by itself without even making a sound. The huge impact caused his head to soar into the sky, and a column of blood spurted out from his neck.

But ten steps away, how can a horse that has already sprinted stop?The cavalry tried their best to aim their spears at Li Jianguo, and were ready to release the spears at the moment they hit Li Jianguo, otherwise the huge momentum would break their arms or knock them off their horses.

Although seeing the heads of the first cavalry flying into the sky, the cavalry were not afraid, but death made them inexplicably angry, screaming and wanting to let the spear in their hands penetrate Li Jianguo's body.

A strange scene appeared, Li Jianguo was like a ghost, always dodging the high-speed collision of horses and spears at the moment, and the big knife in his hand was lightly blocking the necks of the rushing cavalry. The neck without any protection let the intimate heads go away one after another.

In just five breaths, the Ghost Crying Broadsword in Li Jianguo's hand had killed fifteen cavalrymen, and the fifteen long spears didn't even touch his side.

But this was enough for the cavalry behind to react. Although they continued to attack habitually, fear had already grown in their hearts?Is that human being?Dozens of cavalrymen fought against one infantryman, and he killed fifteen cavalrymen?

Jiang Baihu rushed to the No.17 riding position. This was originally the best position. The others were crowded in the middle. He was neither afraid of acting as a striker nor hindering the killing of the enemy. He even escaped faster than half of the others. , but at this time he found that there was no one in front of him, and the Guiku sword in Li Guo's hand was spilling the blood of No. 16 rider, blocking the place where his neck was about to pass.

At that moment, Jiang Baihu felt a chill on his neck, and his pores stood upright stimulated by the murderous aura on the big knife.Suddenly, Jiang Baihu let go of the spear in his hand, and with a touch of his right palm, he held a saber in his hand. At the same time, he shrank back and hid himself in one step. The chill on his neck disappeared instantly.

At this moment, Jiang Baihu saw from the corner of his eyes that the saber was only a hair away from cutting Li Jianguo's chest.A thought flashed in his mind, this kid is dead, under the huge impact of the horse, the saber doesn't need him to swing at all, just relying on speed can cut Li Guo in half.

With a soft sound of "wiping", a human body suddenly separated from the middle, and a large piece of blood was scattered with a "squeak", and the internal organs of the stomach poured out, and fell to the ground along with the upper body, while the lower body was stuck by a horse. The feet in the pedal galloped away, and a long intestine was dragged, flying in mid-air.

The one who died was of course that Jiang Baihu. At the same time that he changed his body shape, Li Jianguo turned around strangely as if he had expected it long ago, and the saber slid across his waist, and the ghost crying sword in his hand tilted as he turned around. , Li Jianguo used force with one hand, as if dragging a long knife in mid-air, Jiang Baihu's chest just rushed away from the blade, and it was divided into two parts lightly and skillfully, and the armor he was wearing was also cut off. It became two pieces.

When did the subsequent cavalry see such a fierce general who kills people like mowing grass?Frightened in their hearts, they reined in their horses quickly, and no one wanted to put themselves on Li Jianguo's ghost crying sword to commit suicide.

How can a horse galloping at high speed be held in a hurry?Even if the front is held back, the cavalry behind will also bump into it. In an instant, several cavalrymen were knocked off their horses by their fellow robes behind. Dozens of cavalrymen were in a mess, horses neighed, cursed, and screamed. Can't stop ringing.

Fortunately for the cavalry who hadn't stopped, Li Jianguo took the initiative to kill them.At this time, the cavalry were in a mess, without any attack ability at all. Li Jianguo slashed horizontally and vertically with a big knife, and killed all the cavalry who fell to the ground with just a few knives.

When the other cavalrymen saw Li Jianguo approaching, they were so frightened that they turned their horses around and tried to flee, but it was too late.For the cavalry who had lost their morale, Li Kaiguo was like chopping melons and vegetables. With the wind under his feet, he ran faster than a galloping horse. In just three strides, Li Jianguo rushed more than ten meters away. Wherever he passed, The sword light was sharp, and the cavalrymen fell off their horses one by one, all of them were decapitated, and there were only five cavalrymen left alive.

Chang Wenzhong stared dumbfoundedly at Li Jianguo who looked like a monster. From the time when the cavalry began to attack, until Li Jianguo killed five cavalry left, it took only [-] breaths to fight and count. This group of cavalry was almost dead.

How can this be?Chang Wenzhong couldn't believe his eyes, this team of cavalry was not ordinary soldiers, each of them was a hundred households under his command, and there were four thousand households among them.In his army, only generals with more than a hundred households can ride a war horse. It's not that there is no money to buy it, but that the Ming Dynasty lacks horses.

If it was another battle, Li Jianguo would not have allowed Li Jianguo to gather and kill the hundreds and thousands of households commanded by the grassroots.Reluctantly, from the very beginning, no one from the Lingshan Guard to the commander Chang Wenzhong to the hundreds of households regarded Li Kaiguo as a strong enemy.

Even if thousands of troops were dispatched, they only wanted to wipe out Li Kaiguo and the four hundred soldiers in one go.Therefore, the hundreds of households were too lazy to stay in their own team and command their own soldiers, but gathered around the commander, flattering the commander and the adults of thousands of households.

Among them, in order to compete with the soldiers below, one of the hundred households had an idea and came up with an idea, asking the hundred and thousand households to kill a few people with their own hands, and when the time came to report to the court, they could brag like tens of thousands. The bandits attacked the city, the officials fought bravely, Lai Sheng was blessed by God, the generals... and so on.

As long as the Holy One is happy, wouldn't all the generals be able to get promoted and get rich?As soon as this remark came out, hundreds of households were immediately moved, and they went to battle and gathered a team of cavalry temporarily. It's not that they are not thick-skinned enough to dare to report in vain, but that they can be justified, so that there will be no future troubles. The hundreds and thousands of households are all Jing, so there is no reason why they don't understand.

Therefore, the cavalry team formed by this team of generals looks majestic, but in fact it does not have the power of a real cavalry attack at all.If it was the impact of real cavalry, they would never charge towards Li Jianguo one by one, but would go forward in unison, stabbing with several guns.In this way, even if Li Kaiguo has the ability to defy the sky, it is impossible to kill so easily. Basically, except for Jiang Baihu's kick to hide, no cavalry has ever launched an attack that could threaten Li Kaiguo. .

Seeing that the remaining five cavalrymen could not escape, Chang Wenzhong's eyes were red, beside him, there were only a dozen personal guards protecting him, seeing that Li Jianguo was only ten steps away from him, The soaring murderous aura made him terrified. In terms of courage, even though he was a commander, he was not much more courageous than the hundreds and thousands of households under his command.

He almost howled, "Fire Gun Squad, aim at Li Guo, fire, fire." The voice was so shrill that it hardly sounded like a human voice.

The gunpowder team that had been prepared for a long time had loaded the gunpowder and bullets. Upon hearing the command from the commander, they quickly lit the matchlock, stuck the matchlock in the matchlock clip, glanced at Li Jianguo's position, and closed their eyes. , pull the trigger.

"Bang bang bang..." gunfire flashes and smoke appeared on the battlefield.The scene of more than a hundred firecrackers firing is still amazing, and the smoke from the gunpowder blocks the sight of the firecrackers.

The gunners didn't care to see if Li Jianguo had been hit, and hurriedly began to clean the fire door and barrel, and pour in the primer.Then pour the propellant and projectiles from the barrel, tamp the projectiles and gunpowder with a cleaning rod, take out a matchlock again, light it and clamp it on the matchlock clip, raise the gun and aim at the place where Li Guo was just now, waiting for the smoke dispersed.

It's just that most of the firecrackers stretched out the firecrackers this time, as far away as possible from themselves. This is not surprising, because most of the firecrackers are crudely made at this time, and the bombing rate is quite high.Once the barrel explodes, the gunner is in danger of death.

Usually, for the first shot, gunners try to charge as little powder as possible, so they are not afraid of the musket exploding, but because the second shot is loaded with gunpowder in a hurry, if you are not careful, you will pour too much powder, and the possibility of exploding is high. Therefore, more than [-]% of the musketeers will try to take the second shot as far as possible. As for whether it is accurate to take it far away?Don't be kidding, it's more important to save your own life.

The smoke cleared, and the gunners saw Li Jianguo hiding behind a person, looking at them coldly.Just as he was about to shoot again, shooting both of them to death, the man standing in front of Li Jianguo suddenly shouted: "Stop, stop everyone. Get back, stop hitting..." Listening carefully, it was Chang Wenzhong the sound of.

When the fighting soldiers heard the order, they turned their heads and saw that it was Lingshanwei's commander Chang Wenzhong who stood in front of Li Kaiguo?Everyone was at a loss for a while, and Chang Wenzhong shouted orders again. At this time, hundreds of households were all dead, and thousands of basic officers of the Ming army were almost wiped out. They could only obey orders and retreat, and let go of Li Jianguo's soldiers. s attack.

In just this short period of time, more than ten recruits under Li Jianguo died in battle, while more than forty veterans died.The veteran wanted to surrender, but the Ming army would not surrender at all. Even if someone knelt down and shouted to surrender, they would still be killed.It was not until more than twenty people were killed that the veterans gave up their hearts to surrender and resisted desperately.

The recruits never had the intention of surrendering, and fought desperately from the very beginning. Although they were besieged by several times the enemy, they were like trapped beasts, bursting out with 100% fighting power.Even so, they were outnumbered, more than ten people died, and the remaining two hundred people were all wounded.

At this time, seeing that Li Jianguo actually captured the commander of the Ming army, and the Ming army obeyed the order to retreat, everyone was overjoyed, and felt that there was hope of escape from death. The founding of the country surrounded Chang Wenzhong in the middle.

No one knows how Chang Wenzhong suddenly fell into the hands of Li Jianguo, especially how did Li Jianguo escape the fireball?At such a short distance, even if you are skilled in martial arts, it is impossible to escape from the hundreds of firecrackers. So, what happened just now?

Just when Chang Wenzhong ordered the firecrackers to shoot, Li Jianguo felt a huge danger coming, and the omens in his heart rang loudly. This was a warning from his supernatural power. Gathered more than a hundred firecrackers.The warning of the ability is to let him choose, whether to avoid it by himself, or to let the ability control it.

But even if the body is handed over to the supernatural power to control, there is a [-]% chance of being shot at such a close range. Do you believe in yourself or the supernatural power?what to do?The gunners had already clamped the matchlocks, and after three breaths, they would fire, leaving only a moment for Li Jianguo to make a choice.

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