Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 33 No Difference

Li Jianguo opened his mouth wide, he couldn't believe it, this is Lingshanwei Fort, where is a fort?This is clearly a slum.Not to mention the city walls outside the fort, even the stone walls in Nijia'an Village are inferior, and the earth walls, which are about one meter low, are also dilapidated.

Not to mention standing outside the fort, you can see the situation inside the fort at a glance, and even the earthen wall is full of gaps, needless to say, it is to prevent the enemy from attacking, even a rabbit can easily enter the city.

Li Jianguo once suspected that he came to a village, but when he got closer, the four big characters "Lingshanweibao" broke his luck, and he didn't come to the wrong place.

But there are still many places where he can't close his mouth. Entering the fort, there are winding roads everywhere in the fort. This is deliberately designed to prevent the enemy from rushing to the bottom, but the thatched houses on both sides of the road are not intentional. Designed?Could it be to burn the enemies who came in?

Even so, the people living in the fort are all like African refugees, with thin bodies and big heads, and some of them can clearly see the bones in their hands.If not everyone had black hair and yellow skin, Li Kaiguo would really have thought that he had come to an indigenous tribe in Africa.

The people and houses in this castle, needless to say compared with Gaomi County, even the villages around Gaomi are much better than them.How capable is Chang Wenzhong to make a Weibao like this?Li Jianguo suddenly realized that he really underestimated Chang Wenzhong, he is a talent, and when the tartars were caught, he would let Chang Wenzhong be their prison leader.

Finally arrived at the Commander's Mansion, Li Kaiguo finally understood what a mansion is, not to mention the five-foot-wide red-lacquered gate with densely riveted copper nails, but also the three-meter-high wall, all made of city bricks It is built and smoothed with water putty. It can be described as smooth as a mirror. Inside the wall, there are pavilions everywhere, lush and green, and there are clear and clear sounds of women playing from time to time.

Outside the door, eight rows of servants lined up on both sides of the door. When they saw Chang Wenzhong lying on a stretcher with blood on his body, the butler in charge led the servants and fell to his knees with a "plop" sound, regardless of whether his master suffered or not. Injured, he roared: "Congratulations to the master on his triumphant return." At that moment, he actually performed three kneeling and nine kowtows.

Chang Wenzhong's face was gloomy, looking at Li Jianguo who was at the front of the team. It's not like he didn't think about letting the general flags and small flags around him kill him while Li Jianguo was on the order.But every time he thinks of this, he sees the Guiku Dao held in Li Jianguo's hand, and thinks of his extraordinary skill, and then trembles all over his body.

Returning to his door at this time, watching the servants meticulously performing his favorite triumphant gift, Chang Wenzhong wished he could die. This group of colorless things did not see blood on their bodies, lying on the ground. On a stretcher?

In fact, he knew in his heart that he really couldn't blame the servants, on weekdays he didn't kill fewer servants, and if he was unhappy in a day, he would kill a dozen servants at times.The servants were afraid of losing their lives, so they followed his rules meticulously, and they were more dedicated than treating the emperor.

Li Jianguo looked at this ridiculous scene, and seeing the suffering of the people along the way, the anger in his heart had risen to the peak, and he didn't want to let Chang Wenzhong be the prison leader of the Tartars, so he arrested Chang Wenzhong Standing up, holding it in the air, before Chang Wenzhong could react, he felt a severe pain in his stomach, and the Guiku knife stabbed him through, and just stuck him in mid-air, with blood gurgling down, Chang Wenzhong hissed loudly, only After hissing a few times, he died, his eyes wide open, as if he still didn't understand why Li Jianguo killed him suddenly.

This move frightened the group of servants and screamed, and ran to the mansion, screaming: "Master was killed..."

What is strange is that the group of general banners and small banners following Li Jianguo did not panic at all, they were surprisingly silent, looking at Chang Wenzhong's body picked up in mid-air, everyone had a hint of joy on their faces look.

Li Kaiguo picked up Chang Wenzhong's body with one hand, looked at this group of strange Ming officers, and suddenly shouted: "Why, I killed your superior officer, but you didn't respond at all. Are you all beasts? Have no conscience?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the group of officers fell to their knees and shouted: "Your Excellency, you killed well, you killed well."

"My lord has done a great deed for my Lingshan Castle."

"Yes, my lord is a Bodhisattva."

"My lord, I kowtow to you."

At this moment, some people saw Chang Wenzhong's body being picked up by Li Jianguo on the big sword, fell to the ground, suddenly howled, and shouted: "God, you finally opened your eyes..."

Slowly, more and more people gathered. Everyone who saw Chang Wenzhong's body cried bitterly, shouting that it's good to die, and the sky has eyes.

Li Kaiguo watched the reactions of the officers and the common people, and then realized that Chang Wenzhong was so unpopular with the army and the people. No wonder these thousands of troops were captured by him alone. In fact, this was the root cause.

At this time, Li Jianguo suddenly had an idea, so that he could repeat the same trick and steal Chang Wenzhong's position as the commander.

As soon as Li Jianguo exerted force in his hand, the hilt of the Ghost Crying Broadsword plunged half a foot into the ground. He let go, and Chang Wenzhong's body was still held firmly in the air, with blood continuously flowing down the hilt to the ground.

Li Jianguo pulled up a general banner and asked carefully, only then did he understand the bad things Chang Wenzhong did.I said earlier that he drank the blood of his soldiers and paid for nothing. In fact, even the salaries of his soldiers below the general banner were deducted as he said. More than half, the least, were also deducted for a year.The result of such harsh deduction is that every family has people who starve to death because of it, even Zongqi's family is no exception.

That's all, this Chang Wenzhong also likes to drink human blood, take blood baths, and only use the blood of boys and girls. He was forced to send a bowl of blood to the capital command office every day.Countless boys and girls died of bloodletting disease.

If someone is a little negligent, the family will be ruined immediately.Chang Wenzhong's attack was vicious, and anyone he took a fancy to, no matter whether it was people or wealth, was robbed. Anyone who dared to resist would surely lose the head of the whole family.Not to mention the plethora of taxes and handymen. For so many years, which family has no one died at the hands of Chang Wenzhong?The number of people who were wiped out by Chang Wenzhong is too numerous to count. This is the root cause of Lingshan Weibao becoming like this.

Li Jianguo was horrified when he heard about drinking human blood and taking blood baths. Although he killed people without batting an eyelid and never took human life seriously, he still felt ashamed after hearing such heinous deeds.

Seeing the officers calm down a bit, he shouted: "From today onwards, I will be the new commander of the capital, do you have any objections?"

The officers didn't get up at all, and kowtowed together: "My lord Commander." They had been looking forward to this day for a long time, and they had been disappointed with the Ming Dynasty. As long as they could escape Chang Wenzhong's clutches, they would become They also recognized the rogues.

Li Jianguo took a deep breath and said, "They all went in with me and ransacked Chang Wenzhong's house." With a wave of his hand, the officers rushed into the capital command mansion, and immediately the mansion was full of chaos.

Li Jianguo walked slowly into the nave, moved a chair and sat in front of the nave, and without his instructions, the officers sent the property and family members of the commanding envoys here like a stream.

Li Jianguo stared at the busy officers, and saw that the chests of each of them were bulging, and some of them were not properly stuffed, and some corners of their belongings were exposed.Li Jianguo sneered in his heart, but remained silent.Let these wolves run amok in the capital command mansion.

Every female family member who was escorted was crying and crying, with disheveled clothes. Obviously, they had been manipulated before, and some of them had probably been insulted. There are not many good-looking ones, and most of them are crooked. Obviously, Chang Wenzhong has a strong taste for women.

The house ransacked for two full hours, and the property piled up like a mountain. There were more than 360 people including Chang Wenzhong's family members, including Chang Wenzhong's 37 concubines, 37 sons, and [-] daughters, the oldest of whom was [-] years old. The youngest is only eight years old.

Li Jianguo didn't interrogate them, he directly asked them to pick them out, tied them up and pushed them out of the mansion gate, only to hear scolding, screams, and crying outside the mansion gate, it seems that the scene outside the Gaomi county government was staged again .

Hearing the screams of Chang Wenzhong's family members outside the mansion, except for Li Jianguo, all the officers were sweating from the bottom of their hearts. The adult in front of him didn't seem to be a kind person. It was also given to the people outside, how ruthless would it be to do this?

Hearing the screams outside, a general flag couldn't bear it anymore, knelt down and begged for mercy: "Master Commander, the only one who is guilty is the commander...Chang Wenzhong is alone, and his children who are only fifteen years old please forgive me!" They die."

Li Jianguo said coldly: "Alright, you go out and get another one back, and die for him, and I will spare him." As soon as these words came out, they immediately gave up their thoughts of pleading.

After a while, the voice outside the mansion gradually died down, and a general flag who went out to check came back with a pale face, and said: "My lord, they are all torn to pieces by the common people." After hearing this, those servants were all Trembling all over, some officers had the same look.

Li Jianguo stood up, laughed loudly and said: "Good tearing, good tearing, tell me, if you take out the things in your arms outside the mansion now, and tell the things you insulted women, Will the common people tear you apart?" The last sentence was already stern.

The officers trembled all over, and only then did they realize that they had hidden their belongings and insulted their family members, and Li Jianguo had never escaped his eyes.

Li Kaiguo said angrily: "You all say that Chang Wenzhong is guilty, look at you? Are you guilty?" At this time, his murderous look was revealed, and the officers were terrified, and they knelt down together. No one thought about running away or resist.

Li Jianguo was completely disappointed in them. How could such a person be called a human?Not daring to resist when encountering the powerful, and bullying when encountering the weak, what he does is evil is actually no different from Chang Wenzhong.

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