() Immediately, he secretly ordered the five thousand soldiers and horses in Jiaozhou Prefecture to keep them secret, and when Li Kaiguo was halfway through the journey, he blocked the exit of Lingshanwei to prevent them from escaping back to Lingshanwei.

The troops from Qingzhou and Laizhou all marched towards Gaomi, but they did not enter Gaomi, but guarded on both sides. When Li Jianguo's soldiers and horses arrived at the foot of Gaomi city, the Qing, Lai, and Jiao soldiers and horses all marched forward. Li Jianguo surrounded him tightly, not letting any rebels go.

This plan is well-regulated, but it uses dignified and upright soldiers to form a cage-fighting momentum, and it is extremely sophisticated when it is shot.Wen Tiren was very satisfied with the battle plan of rushing to Beijing, and the ups and downs smiled, which relieved the trembling ministers a while ago, and they all speculated what Mr. Shoufu was happy about.

On the second day after Li Jianguo's army marched out, Jin Yiwei's spies suddenly discovered that Li Jianguo had released a scout team to keep the army airtight within twenty miles around when it marched.Anyone who finds suspicious behavior on the road of the army will be killed regardless of the reason.

After dozens of battles with the scouts armed with pistols, nearly 200 Jinyi spies died, Jinyiwei Qianhu had to order all the spies to withdraw [-] miles away and investigate on the outside.And quickly reported this situation to General Hou Zongwu.

No one knew that only the five hundred soldiers led by Feng Guoyong were going to Gaomi at this time, and they were extremely publicized along the way, lest anyone would not know that they were going to fight Gaomi.

However, Li Jianguo led his army and quietly lurked in the dense forest on Erlong Mountain, waiting for Feng Guoyong to attract all the spies.

The army rested silently for a whole day until the next morning, when Feng Guoyong was more than sixty miles away from them, Li Jianguo quietly led the army down the mountain and left the heavy soldiers on Erlong Mountain. Take dry food for three days, stop the flags and drums, and go to Jiaozhou.

Erlong Mountain is only more than sixty miles away from Jiaozhou Mansion, but there are many mountains and roads are difficult to travel, but Li Kaiguo spared no effort on the strength of the soldiers, and rushed all the way, and finally arrived at a village five miles away from Jiaozhou Mansion at noon.

The army quickly controlled all the villagers, but did not hurt them. Instead, they hurriedly finished their dry food and began to advance towards Jiaozhou Fucheng.Even if his whereabouts were exposed at this time, Li Jianguo's goal had been achieved. His intention was to attack Jiaozhou from the beginning, not Gaomi.

The only reason why Feng Guo used the fanfare is to confuse the Ming army. As long as he can give him half a day's effort, Jiaozhou will be at his fingertips.This is not because of his arrogance, but because there are no generals who can lead troops in the Jiaozhou Mansion, and the barracks are actually set up outside the city. According to the report of the scouts, it doesn't look like a barracks at all, but like a refugee camp, without any sign of a barracks. Breath, even entering and leaving the camp gate does not need to be checked.

At this time, all the soldiers in Jiaozhou were in the barracks outside the city, while the inside of the city was only guarded by a hundred old and weak soldiers. As long as the Ming army outside the city was defeated, Jiaozhou would be taken.

The well-fed and well-fed soldiers were all in high spirits. Although they marched for sixty miles in a hurry, for them, the usual running training was about the same amount, and they had long been used to it.

Moreover, they use firearms to kill the enemy, so they don't need much physical strength to fight the enemy desperately.Therefore, Li Kaiguo did not cherish military power, but sent one hundred households, leading five hundred troops, and when the battle broke out, he quickly inserted between the barracks and Jiaozhou City to block deserters and prevent deserters from fleeing into Jiaozhou City.

For the remaining soldiers, Li Jianguo organized the army three miles away, formed a battle formation, and marched towards the barracks in unison.

At this time, even if the Ming army was a group of pigs, they could still spot Li Kaiguo's army. What's ridiculous is that at first, the generals in the battalion thought it was the passing Ming army. Twenty feet away, they stopped, pointing their Lumi blunderbuss at the Ming army. The nearly thousand muskets in the black hole were no joke.

The Ming army camp was in a panic, the whole camp was boiling, and the Ming army was running around like headless chickens everywhere.No one is an idiot. Although they don't know where the enemy came from, they can be seen to be an elite soldier just by the neat military appearance.

How can a mob like myself fight against the elite soldiers?

The generals of the Ming army were all frightened, and tried their best to restrain the army, shouting loudly that the whole team faced the enemy.Fortunately, the Ming army still obeyed the command. Under the yelling of the generals, the Ming army gradually calmed down and began to form a team.

During their panic, Li Jianguo did not order an attack, but ordered people to unload the three Francophone guns mounted on horseback and install them on a simple artillery cart. At this time, they were only 60 meters away from the enemy camp. She can't reach it, but muskets and artillery can hit it.Even the artillery does not need to be fired upwards, and the muzzle can be leveled to shoot straight into the camp.

"Load the bombs." Li Jianguo ordered with a blank expression.

The Fran's machine gun reloaded very quickly, and soon the flowering ammunition was loaded.

"Fire." Li Jianguo said lightly.

The artilleryman quickly ignited the fuze on the flower bomb, and following three loud bangs, only three faint black shadows flashed by the naked eye, and three big holes were pierced through the Ming army's barracks wall, followed by three explosions , Three strands of black smoke rose from the Ming army camp, and the shattered shrapnel made a special sound of piercing the air. Even if they were twenty feet away, Li Kaiguo and the soldiers could still hear the screams of the Ming army. .

The Ming army, which had been calm just now, became chaotic again. They did not expect the enemy to have artillery, let alone the power of the artillery. The Ming army saw with their own eyes that only one shell exploded, killing dozens of Ming soldiers on the spot. , Everyone has countless wounds on their bodies, and blood keeps flowing out like rain.

The Ming army was so frightened that they ran around like headless chickens as if they had encountered a rogue naked beauty. They no longer cared about the suppression of the generals, and escaped for their lives.

Facts proved that their choice was correct, but after [-] breaths, another three flowering bombs were shot into the barracks. This time, the generals of the Ming army were unlucky, and one flowering bomb was too close to them, killing them. Three officers were killed.

This time, even the generals panicked and ran away, otherwise they would die.

Standing on his horse, Li Jianguo saw the chaos in the Ming army camp, and his morale was no longer there.Then he stopped shooting the flower bombs.This flower bomb is not easy to make, so we should save it.

He waved the command flag in his hand, pointed at the Ming army camp, and said, "March forward, level the barracks for me."

The Lingshan Guard army was originally recruits, and everyone was extremely nervous when they were fighting for the first time, but they didn't expect that after only firing six cannonballs, the enemy would be in a mess. Everyone is very clear in their hearts that they are not fighting at all now, but slaughtering.

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