The bandits finally appeared in the distance, and they rushed towards the county in a dark mass.

Seeing that there are so many rebels, there are more than a thousand people, but the soldiers defending the city are no more than a hundred, most of them are old and weak, and the young and strong are less than thirty.The soldiers on the city wall immediately started to mobilize, everyone's faces were full of fear.

County magistrate Zhang was also terrified, turned his head and asked, "Officer Lu, why are there so many rioters?"

Lu Cai was already terrified at this time, tremblingly said: "I don't know why there are so many bandits. My lord, this city can't be defended anymore, let's run away."

County magistrate Zhang was furious when he heard the words, and shouted: "Nonsense, you are the city guard officer of my Ming Dynasty, and you wanted to escape before fighting the enemy. Aren't you afraid of the law of the country and want your head?"

Lu Cai was taken aback, and quickly said: "My lord, don't be confused. There are a thousand bandits in this riot. If the city is destroyed, it will be too late to escape."

At this time, the bandits were getting closer, and the black crows seemed to be very favored. The county magistrate Zhang was also frightened, and he wanted to escape, but the law of the Ming Dynasty stipulated that the county magistrate had the rule of guarding the land, and there was no order to abandon it. Those who fled from the city will be killed all over the house.

Magistrate Zhang only felt that his mouth was full of bitterness, should he run away or not?Lu Cai saw that the magistrate Zhang was a little strange, and quickly said: "My lord, don't worry, I heard that Mr. Guo of the Ministry of War has an antique shop in Fucheng. As long as you go to buy a few antiques, someone will excuse you from the responsibility of guarding the city." .My lord, the bandits are powerful at this time, let's stay away for now."

Hearing this, County Magistrate Zhang was silent for a while, and said, "But what about the tens of thousands of people in this city?"

"Don't worry, my lord. The bandits must want money, and they won't do anything to the common people. But to officials like me, the bandits will never show mercy. My lord, let's retreat quickly."

County magistrate Zhang sighed. In fact, he had been persuaded by Lu Cai long ago. He asked the people what to do, but it was just to cover their faces.

"Since the people are fine, I feel relieved. Officer Lu sent an order to withdraw from the county."

Lu Cai was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately shouted: "Master Zhang has an order to withdraw from the county and temporarily avoid the rebellious bandit Fengrui." As soon as he finished speaking, a knife shadow flashed by, and Lu Cai's head flew into the sky, blood in his neck It sprayed all over the sky.

It was Li Kaiguo who beheaded him. At this time, Li Jianguo was full of murderous intent and shouted: "Anyone who dares to speak falsely about the escape will be killed."

The soldiers who obeyed the order were already ready to flee, but when they saw Officer Lu's head cut off, they were frightened and didn't know what to do.

County magistrate Zhang was so frightened that his legs went weak, and he shouted: "Captain Li, how dare you kill the court official without authorization?"

Li Kaiguo grinned and said, "When Lv sentry officials want to abandon the people in the city, he is no longer an official of the court. The Ming law stipulates that those who abandon the city and flee will die. Why, Master Zhang also wants to abandon the city and run away?"

As he spoke, he raised the bloody steel knife, and fixed his eyes on Zhang County Magistrate's neck, as if if Zhang County Magistrate made a wrong sentence, he would end up with Lu Cai.

County magistrate Zhang was frightened out of his wits. This Li Kaiguo dared to kill the city guard, so he might not dare to kill him.Hastily said: "No, no, I love the people like my son, how can I leave? This is Lu Cai's false pass on my order. I will not go there, and I will live and die with the county."

Li Kaiguo snorted, and said: "What the magistrate said is that the mere bandits are nothing more than dogs that lose their families. If I lead the army, I will definitely be able to defeat the bandits and keep the county safe." The eyes were aiming and aiming at Magistrate Zhang's neck again.

The county magistrate Zhang would not understand, Li Jianguo's words meant that he immediately said loudly: "There is an order in this county, and Li Butou is temporarily acting as the city guard officer. All officers and men must obey the order. Anyone who violates the order , cut immediately."

As soon as he finished speaking, more than 200 rainbow lines suddenly appeared and penetrated into Li Kaiguo's Baihui acupoint.This time, he could borrow strength, not only soldiers, but also more than [-] auxiliary soldiers.

The power of these more than 300 people rushed into Li Jianguo's body like a rushing river. In an instant, Li Jianguo's body roared like a dragon and a tiger, and streams of heat flowed all over his body. The membranous bone marrow is all immediately tight.

With a flash of red on Li Jianguo's face, the strength of his body has increased by thirty times, and the string of heat flow has not decreased much after transforming his body.Suddenly, like a hundred rivers entering the sea, follow the meridians to enter the position of Qihai point, and hide.Li Jianguo only felt that there was a hot egg under his lower abdomen, which was warm and reassuring.

At this moment, a small black skull suddenly appeared in his line of sight, and that small skull immediately attracted Li Jianguo's attention, and he focused for a while.The little skull suddenly turned into a big net woven with black threads, and threw it within ten meters around him.With a flash in Li Jianguo's mind, he understood what it was, and he almost jumped up with joy.

This is a new ability given to him by the supernatural power after he commanded more than a hundred people. He can consume the power of 100 people at once, and attack indiscriminately within ten meters. After one blow, not a single blade of grass will be left within ten meters.The casting of this move is a direct attack of strength, no weapons are needed, just bare hands.The only drawback is that after this trick is cast, the power of a hundred people will be exhausted, and it will take three days to recover.

Even so, Li Jianguo was so happy that he was about to explode. What he can control now is the power of more than 300 people, which means that this move can be performed three times, three times, and there will be no grass left within a radius of ten meters. What could be better than this? More domineering.

Li Jianguo looked at the gangsters who were getting closer and closer to the city, and wished he could kiss them hard. This time they helped a lot.If it hadn't been for the arrival of the bandits, he didn't know when he would be able to control more than 300 people.Moreover, there are nearly a thousand bandits. These are all mine, and you are all mine. I must have captured you all.

Li Jianguo thought that if his subordinates commanded thousands of people at a time, he didn't know what would happen to the abilities. Thinking of the coolness, he couldn't help laughing.

All this was actually just a short moment. Seeing Qi Yi announcing Li Jianguo as the sentry officer, the county magistrate Zhang laughed wildly, his face turned purple with anger.In just two days, he had already been cornered by Li Jianguo for the second time. It is a great shame that the majestic parents and officials of a county were to be manipulated by thieves.

Li Jianguo would still put County Magistrate Zhang in his eyes. If County Magistrate Zhang hadn't been required to order him to be promoted to a sentry officer to increase his power, the stability of the county would still require Magistrate Zhang to be alive. He would have let his head fall to the ground long ago. .

Li Kaiguo looked at County Magistrate Zhang, sneered, and said: "Since the magistrate is willing to live and die with the people, well, please sit on the tower and see how his subordinates smash the bandits."

He said and shouted: "Come here, set up a chair for your lord in the tower, and let your lord watch the battle."

The soldiers who had seen Li Jianguo beheading Lu Cai with their own eyes dared to be negligent, and someone immediately moved a bench.Magistrate Zhang didn't say a word, and sat down on the stool.

Li Jianguo snorted, thinking that the county magistrate was very clever, otherwise he would have made this old man look good on the spot.The problem of the bandits was still to be resolved, so he immediately asked: "Are there any weapons for defending the city? Bring them up quickly."

A soldier stood up and said, "It's gone, it's all here."

Li Kaiguo looked at the Leimu, the refusal pole, the boiling water, etc., and thought to himself that this is a small county, and these are the only weapons that must be used to defend the city.Suddenly remembered something, asked: "Is there a firecracker?"

The soldier said: "It turned out that there were ten of them, but they were sold by Officer Lu."

Li Jianguo was furious immediately, this damn Lu Cai dared to sell the firecracker, and shouted: "Who did you sell it to?"

The soldier shook his head, and said sadly and angrily: "I heard that I sold it to the Zuo family."

Li Kaiguo shrank his eyes and asked, "The Zuo family? Is it the Zuo family in the south of the city?"

The soldier nodded and said, "Exactly. I heard that the second master of the Zuo family liked firecrackers, so Officer Lu sold them all to the Zuo family."

He nainai, Li Jianguo couldn't complain, he didn't expect that the Zuo family in the south of the city would actually have firecrackers.Although he has supernatural powers, he is not arrogant enough to stand up to firecrackers.

He only had a grudge with the Zuo family in the morning, and now he heard the bad news, if ten firecrackers were fired at him at the same time. Cao, thinking of this, Li Jianguo couldn't help scolding Kai Niang.It seems that this Zuo family can't stay. Li Jianguo's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he made up his mind that this Zuo family must be uprooted, so as not to leave any future troubles.

But this soldier is very interesting, Li Jianguo asked: "What's your name? Do you have a title?"

The soldier clasped his fists and said, "Subordinate Feng Guoyong, now he is the team leader, in charge of some chores."

Li Jianguo let out a hey in his heart, this soldier's name is really grand, and he must have a history.Wanting to ask again, suddenly there was a commotion outside the city, and the gangsters of the black crows finally came to a mile below the city, and some bandit leaders were yelling to restrain the bandits.

Looking around, Li Jianguo saw that there were indeed more than a thousand people in this group of rebels, and they all had weapons in their hands, but most of them were agricultural tools, wooden sticks and the like, and there were no more than a hundred people with knives and guns in their hands.

Li Jianguo was very surprised that this group of bandits came from something strange, so he asked Feng Guoyong, "Do you know where these bandits came from?"

Feng Guoyong said: "I don't know, I just have some guesses."

"tell me the story."

"Look, my lord, among these thousands of bandits, there are many old and weak, only [-]% are young and middle-aged, and there are only more than a hundred people who hold weapons, and everyone is dressed in water clothes. The subordinates concluded that among them, hundreds of people holding weapons The remaining people must be the water bandits of Weishui. The rest are just the people who were threatened by them."

Li Jianguo looked over, and sure enough Feng Guoyong was right.He secretly thought in his heart, this Feng Guoyong is a talent, this person is useful, he must not let it go.

It's just that when he came here for the first time, he didn't understand the situation around Gaomi County, so he asked, "How did the water bandits in Weishui come ashore?"

Feng Guoyong shook his head and said: "This subordinate doesn't understand." He was also very curious, these green forest heroes are very disciplined.Water bandits would never come to land to make money, and land bandits would never plan to make money on water.

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