() Iron Cannon said excitedly: "My lord, this is the electric gun created by Mr. Zhao during the Wanli period. We have always wanted to make a flintlock gun that is not afraid of wind and rain, but the little old man only found out yesterday that Mr. Zhao has already made it." Yes, and the rear-loaded sub-gun is also used. Every time a bullet is fired, only the sub-gun needs to be replaced, and there is no need to waste time and effort to reload the ammunition, all of which are loaded in the sub-gun. My lord, this is a Lumi gun It’s such a good gun, even if it doesn’t meet the requirements of adults, then loading the gun will solve the big problem.” He explained to Li Jianguo the beauty of this electric gun in detail.

After he talked for a long time, Li Kaiguo smiled and said: "Well, how about you make one first, and I will take a look first?"

Tie DaPao showed embarrassment, and said, "My lord, I can't make it."

Li Kaiguo wondered, "But what's missing?"

Tie Cannon shook his head and said, "It's not lacking, but it's just that the little old man can't make it without the size of the electric gun."

Li Jianguo was about to get furious, but he held back all of a sudden. Even if Tie Da Pao had the guts, he didn't dare to play tricks on him.

"Then where is the drawing size of this electric gun?"

Tie DaPao said: "At that time, the four types of firecrackers created by Mr. Zhao were all made in the capital, so there were no other places in the world except the military bureaus and military bureaus of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Industry. That's why the little old man Come to my lord, please find a way to buy the blueprint."

Li Jianguo was startled, and said, "Is this firearm blueprint still available for purchase?"

Tie Cannon smiled and said, "Of course, Mr. Zhou Shi Puzhou, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and Mr. Xue Guoguan, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, jointly opened a Jinbao Bank in Beijing. I heard that everything can be bought with silver there. Money, that is, to buy officials to make things right, to help people impeach, to create unjust prisons, to help people get rid of crimes...you can just buy a drawing of an electric gun from the Wanli period, it shouldn't be difficult."

Li Jianguo remained silent. The two majestic six ministers openly opened a place for buying and selling power at the feet of the emperor, and used the rights given by the court to do business. How could such a Ming Dynasty not perish?

But he was familiar with the Jinbao ticket number, so he waved his hand to make Tie Dapao retreat first, and he didn't say whether to buy the blueprint or not.Tie DaPao didn't dare to ask any more questions, since the lord let him go, he hurriedly left.

Li Jianguo immediately summoned Wei Chuping and took out the record of Liu Xiang's hidden silver taels. Sure enough, he saw the words "Jinbao Ticket Number" on a record of 700 million taels.

Pointing to the Jinbao ticket number, he asked, "Do you know if this ticket number can be exchanged in different places?"

Wei Chuping understood at a glance that he was very familiar with this Jinbao ticket number, not only in the three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fuzhou, but also in the capital. Okay, I will explain it to Li Kaiguo now.

Capital, blueprints, silver, navy, training... Li Jianguo kept thinking in his mind that he wanted to develop in the shortest possible time. At this time, although he had tens of thousands of troops and had a retreat at sea, his future was still full of thorns. Cong, if you want to break through the thorns and clear the obstacles, you must keep moving forward, otherwise you will die without a place to die.It seems that it is time to go to the capital and find out the real details of the Ming Dynasty by the way.

Now that he brought Liu Mianmian here again, he didn't have time to play any tricks with him, so he personally tortured him, throwing away his original idea of ​​slowly draining the land of silver, and directly used the fastest method.

Li Kaiguo's method of torture is unbearable even for a hero. Liu Mianmian is not a hero, not even a bear, but after only 5000 breaths, he was all recruited. A total of nearly [-] million taels of Liu Xiang's Tibetan silver was confessed, which made him Li Jianguo thought that Liu Mianmian was tortured for talking nonsense, so he personally used the torture again, and saw that he confessed the same twice, so he spared Liu Mianmian's life, but it was not worse than death. Having said that, I couldn't see with my eyes, I couldn't write with my hands, and I couldn't even move my feet.

Li Jianguo asked Wei Chuping to record all the proofs and methods for extracting the silver in the capital, and he kept it close to him. This time, he wanted to forcefully transport the silver from the capital of Daming.

On August 23, Li Kaiguo ordered the four hundred households to lead troops to collect debts in various provinces in Shandong. If they did not pay the money, they would attack the city. After the city was broken, all the officials would be skinned and delayed.But it is strictly forbidden to harm the common people for no reason, and those who violate it, ranging from hundreds of households to soldiers, will be executed immediately.

On August 26, after leaving Feng Guoyong to guard the fort, Li Kaiguo personally led the navy to go to sea for training. He said that the training took one month, and the whole fort was ordered to guard their homes. Li Jianguo left a kit to find a way to contact him.

Li Jianguo repeatedly told Feng Guoyong not to open the kit unless it was a matter of life and death. Feng Guoyong agreed awe-inspiringly, and led civil and military officials to kneel on the shore of Lingshanwei to send Li Jianguo and Wei Chuping away in a small boat.

Li Kaiguo first came to Lingshan Island and had a long secret talk with Haidongguan. It was not until a day later that he used up all his warships and headed for Tianjinwei.

This time the boat sailed close to the coast, and did not land along the way, and did not disturb the coastal guards.First, he bypassed Weihaiwei quietly, and then carefully passed the defense line of the Dengzhou Navy. Although the Dengzhou Navy only had three Cangshan ships, Li Kaiguo's trip was a secret and must not be leaked.

After passing Dengzhou, we were not far from Tianjin Wei. We encountered a few merchant ships along the way, but when we saw the Ming flag on the navy, we didn't dare to approach it, and we were not afraid of leaking it.

On the seventh day, the fleet sailed seventy miles away from Tianjinwei. Li Jianguo boarded a pre-prepared merchant ship, left the fleet, and headed for Tianjin.The fleet retreated and went to the coast of North Korea to perform training missions.

More than seventy miles is only three hours' journey. Li Jianguo stepped on the land of Tianjin Wei in a suit of silk and satin, only to find out that Tianjin Wei is actually divided into three guards, because it is the place where grain is transferred. Therefore, the freight industry is extremely prosperous, and there are constantly running trucks and countless Liba (poor people who work hard) everywhere.

After disembarking from the merchant ship, Wei Chuping, who was on board the ship, went to handle the tax by himself, and he had to pay taxes and fees when entering and leaving the cargo ship.

After a while, the inspection soldiers came to inspect the goods. The merchant ships carried only ordinary grain. Such ships could operate more than a hundred ships in Tianjin Weiyi a day, but the number of ships transported by sea was much less, most of them were It is a canal boat.

The inspecting soldier clicked his tongue and said with a smile: "You really don't know how to make money. I don't know how much I will pay for this shipment of grain when it arrives in the capital. If you listen to my advice, sell it at the local warehouse, and how much money will you have left?" stature."

Wei Chuping smiled and said, "This is home-produced grain for my master, not for sale in Beijing. If our master didn't produce his own grain, he wouldn't be able to eat a single noodle."

The inspection soldier was unbelievable. He had never seen such a grand master who wanted to transport grain from his home to Beijing. He must be a big shot in Beijing, so he became cautious when he spoke immediately. He just inspected in a hurry. Then go back.

Even the tax money that should be collected was honestly collected according to the law, without adding a penny. In fact, this ship of food was not worth much, but they didn't know that in the carriage that got off the ship, there was a treasure hidden in the wall. Nearly [-] Lumi guns, [-] thunderbolts, [-] fire dragons, and [-] catties of gunpowder.

After paying the tax, Li Jianguo took seven carriages and more than 100 guards to the checkpoint for Tianjin Wei to go to Beijing. There was a long queue here, covering more than four miles.

Li Jianguo waited for an hour, it was almost noon, and the long team had only advanced half a mile, but the official road on the other side was empty and no car dared to drive on it.

This official road is specially set up for officials. It is different from the roads built by officials in the ordinary sense, but it is a road for officials to pass quickly.

Li Jianguo took a look at the sky. If you go at this speed, it will be good to pass the checkpoint before dark. He immediately ordered: "Zhang Qi, let the carriage go on the road next to it."

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