() A bright knife light made a soft 'chi' sound, and the old man struck with all his strength as if he had hit a steel wall, his body was suddenly split in two, rushing from his split body With a burst of saber energy, it flew for more than a foot, and it disappeared after cutting off the arm of a master.

The master screamed in pain, but the others exclaimed: "Sword Qi? Not good, quickly protect the master and escape, we can't stop this man."

Immediately, those masters turned around and fled to the backyard, but two of them stayed where they were, trying to block Li Jianguo and buy time for the master to escape.

Although Li Jianguo beheaded the old man with a single sword just now, it took the energy of hundreds of people to form the sword energy. If he hadn't used this move in time, he might be the one who got the steel needle now.Although the old man definitely couldn't pierce the skin on his body, his internal organs would inevitably be shaken, and the energy supplied to him by the army in his hands could not strengthen his internal organs.

The group of masters moved very quickly, after the remaining two masters were beheaded by Li Jianguo, more than a dozen masters rushed into the market with a carriage.

Li Jianguo chased a few steps, but he had to stop. He couldn't kill people in the market, unless he wanted to kill all the people who saw him in the market. Kill nearly a thousand people.There is no precedent for his butcher knife to attack the common people.

As luck would have it for you, Li Kaiguo ground his white teeth hidden behind the face towel, turned around and sank into the darkness, he didn't care about the frenzy of the market being suddenly rushed out by a group of people and a carriage.

Li Jianguo, who returned to the yard, nodded to Wei Chuping and the captain of the guard who had been waiting for him, indicating that he was fine.Then he came to the well in the courtyard, took a bucket of cold well water, and rushed it down from the head, and traces of blood were washed into the water channel in the courtyard.

He flushed five buckets in a row to clean it up, and then he opened his mouth and asked: "Then Miss Bi's house is settled?"

The captain of the personal army replied: "The subordinates have already placed them in the west wing room, living with the two maids, and Uncle Li is still in his original room. Would you like to see me, sir?"

Li Jianguo snorted and said, "What the hell, at dawn tomorrow, you send two people to carry old man Li to the Hu's Inn, and when the people sent by Mr. Bi arrive, we will go to Beijing together. It's getting late, everyone wash up and sleep." After speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Wei Chuping who was full of doubts to continue holding back.

In summer, the dawn is early, and it is already dawn at half past Yinshi (four o'clock in the morning), but the city gate will not open until Chenshi (seven o'clock in the morning).This is already opened early, if it is not because this is the capital but other state cities, the city gate will not open until Sishi (nine o'clock in the morning).

For those Liba, they don't have the concept of daylight and darkness at all. Except for four hours of rest every day, they are all working, so the outside of Qihuamen is always so lively.

But today's excitement is different. The city gate just opened, and a group of people rushed out from inside. There were more than 3000 people. Anyone with discerning eyes could see that this was the soldiers of the Wucheng Army and Horse Division, so it was enough. The tenfold increase in manpower must have something to do with the attack on Bingmasi last night. <Knife, the people in the capital don't know that the Xiuchun knife is the special knife of Jinyiwei.

How did Jin Yiwei get involved with Wucheng Bingma Si?Immediately, countless rumors spread, some said that the spoils were not evenly distributed;

For a while, people were talking about this attack and killing, and there was another news that even the emperor was alarmed and furious this time, and he had already issued a verbal order saying that he would strictly investigate and deal with it....

All of this seemed to have nothing to do with Li Jianguo. He had been sleeping in his room until noon before getting up for lunch. The captain of the guard came to see him with a man who looked like a housekeeper.

This butler is the housekeeper of the outer house of Bi's mansion, who came here specially to welcome Miss Bi and her party.Looking at his face, Li Jianguo knew that neither Miss Bi nor Uncle Li had told him about Bi Gao.This is also reasonable, the shadow side in these mansions can only be known to a few people, and the one in front of me is probably not qualified.

So Li Jianguo immediately ordered to set off for Qihua Gate.The horse-drawn carriage team had been prepared long ago, and they could start immediately. In the scorching noon, a grain cart marched neatly without attracting the attention of others. There are such fleets everywhere.

Even if it was because of the attack on the soldiers and horses last night that the city gate was much more tightly inspected, but the steward of the right servant of the Ministry of War, Mr. Bi, showed a token, and Li Jianguo's horse convoy carried a large number of firearms with ease. Entered the capital.

After entering the capital, Li Kaiguo was very disappointed. He also went to the capital in later generations, but compared with Beijing at that time, the capital was just a big garbage dump. It's all stinky water and domestic garbage.Traces of urine and urine can be seen everywhere, and you can step on gold if you are not careful.

But as we kept walking, the situation gradually improved. Although we could still see garbage, it didn't smell so bad.It wasn't until the butler brought them to the Suzhou Guild Hall next to the imperial city that the surroundings of the Guild Hall were clean, and there were shades of greenery everywhere, and every tree was a big locust tree as thick as a person.After entering the guild hall, there are even more moving scenes. Inside the hall, there are small bridges and flowing water everywhere, rolling rockeries, and dense forests and gardens. It actually creates a scene of Jiangnan in this northern land. <Xiaoyuan.The scenery in the garden is very moving. There are flowers blooming everywhere but not too many, and the gurgling water is not annoying.There is also a small waterwheel in the garden, which is very elegant and interesting with the continuous flow of water.

Only then did Li Jianguo nod his head. This is the beauty of the south of the Yangtze River, and this is the extravagance. Only then did he realize how speechless the extravagance of the rich in the Ming Dynasty was.With such a scenery and such a location, if Emperor Chongzhen sold this garden, the military pay owed by Liaodong would be made up immediately.

The housekeeper settled them down and left. Before leaving, he said that he would let the young lady rest for two days, and then he would pick up the young lady and meet him at the mansion, so that they can stay here without worry, and all the expenses have already been paid by the lord. up.

Wei Chu calmly said: "I'm afraid that the Suzhou Guild Hall will not only dare not accept Mr. Bi's money, but will even honor Mr. Bi's money."

Sure enough, after a while, when they settled down a bit, the owner of the Suzhou Guild Hall made a special trip to visit. Of course, he couldn't see Li Jianguo, nor did he see the young lady. Only Wei Chuping came forward to deal with him for a while, and accepted it. His contribution of 2000 taels.

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