Chapter 108

Not three days.

Someone saw a head hanging on the wall of Chaoyang Gate.

The head hung in the air, disheveled, hanging from the round arched city gate, dangling in the cold wind, with a white flag hooked on it, falling straight down.

There are words on the banner.

"Kill the latter, Chen Zhuo!"

The banner cloth fluttered with the wind, and a few big characters written in dragon and snake were clearly visible, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

"This is... the head of the Queen Mother?"

So far, the sky has not yet dawned, and the whole capital is like a frying pan.

As soon as the news spread, everyone in the martial arts school in the capital, all the three sects and nine streams in the rivers and lakes, as well as the gangsters and knight-errants in the market, black and white, righteous and evil, all gasped.

This is piercing the big day, and it is a big hole.

The sky is falling! ! !

The whole Sijiu City immediately became turbulent, some people clapped their hands and applauded, some stayed behind closed doors, some fled away from Beijing...everyone was at risk.



Jiuhe Xiashao Tianjinwei, Fengshui is on the top of the boat.

On the South Canal, an old large wooden boat was moored quietly on the bank, with a shed on it, a few small windows on the left and right sides, and a thick cotton curtain covering the door.

It looks inconspicuous, but along the shore, some fishermen, oarsmen, hawkers passing by, and fellows who come and go are all looking around, extremely vigilant.

It's cold and freezing, although there is no snow falling in Jinmen, but there is wind and frost blowing on the face, which is bitter and oppressive.

Squatting on the bow of the boat were a few young men who were fishing for crabs and fish. They seemed to be squatting casually, but their eyes were looking at the other side or the surroundings from time to time, with murderous intentions hidden around their waists.

Inside the hut, the heat is rising.

There are more than [-] large chairs facing each other on the left and right sides, as well as tea and dried fruits, and on the wooden wall in the front, there is a vermilion wooden sign with a red silk tail on every person who enters.

Up to now, 17 yuan signs have been hung, and each sign has written words, such as Yanqing Gate, Eagle Claw Gate, Seven Star Mantis Gate, Three Emperors Pao Hammer, Cha Quan, Spring Legs, Split Hanging, Tong Arm...

Those who came were all representatives of the northern Wumen sects.

After waiting for a while, a few more figures came to the bank and boarded the boat one after another, before the wooden boat left the bank and entered the river.

Chen Zhuo sat on the top seat, his face was still pale, and he was afraid of the cold because of his blood loss. He was wearing a black fur coat, his thick black hair was parted in the middle of his shoulders, and he sat on the big horse with a golden knife, and he was paired with two The piercing knife eyes are only half closed and half down, just like the bandit leader who came down from some mountain.

"Everyone, forgive Chen for being unfamiliar, let's get to know each other!"

The two people in the first seat on the left got up one after another, and greeted Chen Zhuo with fists, "I have met the leader!"

Then he looked back at the crowd, "I have seen you heroes!"

"Swallow Gate, Li Xian!"

"Swallow Gate, Li De!"

One is thin and the other is fat, one is dressed in gray and the other is dressed in blue.

The thin one has a dignified appearance, with a pair of red phoenix eyes, the tails of the eyes are long and upturned, the skin is slightly dark, the body is thin, the eyebrows are sparse, and the eyes are bright. Looking at the age in his early forties, he has an ape back and a wasp waist, and his lower body is light. He is a master of lightness kung fu.

The fat one is in blue clothes, but he only looks fat, but his figure is strong. He looks less than forty, with round eyes and big face, big hands and feet.

As soon as the two spoke their names, they sat down again.

Then a young man in his twenties stood up and clasped his fists, "I have seen the leader... I have seen all the heroes... Huo Diange, a boy, is a disciple of Baji Sect!"

Then another person stood up, his movements were like eagles flying, his knuckles were thick and powerful, and his eyes were full of light, "I am Chen Zizheng, a member of the Eagle Claw Sect. I have met the leader and everyone!"

"I've seen the leader... I've seen all of you... Kid Guo Zhongsan, a member of Yanqing's sect."

"San Huang Pao Hammer Chen Youqing, I have met the leader and all of you!"

"Han Muxia of the Xingyimen, I have met the leader and all of you!"

"Ma Gui of the Eight Diagrams School, I have met the leader and all of you!"

"Piguamen Ma Fengtu, I have met the leader and all of you!"


A group of people reported their names one after another.

But when it was the last person's turn, the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

There are nineteen plaques on the wall, but the representatives of the nineteen sects have all reported their names, but this last person is an extra, whose identity and origin are unknown.

Chen Zhuo took a sip of the hot tea, then raised his eyelids, looked away, with a flat expression on his face, and said softly, "May I ask who is your honor? Anyone who comes is a guest, so give me a name." number."

The rest of the people also looked at it one after another, their eyes changed, and their breath raised secretly.

It was an old man, thin and thin, wearing a black padded robe.

The old man smiled faintly, shook out a handful of salt-dried peanuts from his sleeve, crushed them with the ball of his index finger and thumb, peeled one, threw it into his mouth, chewed it, and then said amazingly: "Old man, Taijimen... ... Yang Banhou!"

As soon as this remark came out, the shed suddenly became silent, and a needle could be heard.

All the people in Wumen looked at each other in blank dismay, with as weird expressions as possible.

This Yang Banhou is not an ordinary person.

Yang style Taijiquan, in addition to Yang Luchan who beat invincible hands all over the capital, the Yang family also had an invincible domineering guy, that is, his son Yang Banhou, who continued the title of "Yang Wudi", and the boy was already famous. Zhen Jinghua has a strong personality, he can distinguish between life and death, and he has killed countless people in the world, so he has a great reputation.

But isn't this person already dead?
Evil door.

The old man said softly: "The one who delivered the letter to that tiger-headed young man is the old man."

Others didn't know what he meant, but Chen Zhuo knew it.

He had guessed before, but he didn't expect it to be this one.

"I've seen Lord Banhou!"

The old man smiled and waved his hands, "Let's talk about you, don't pay attention to me, I just haven't moved around for a long time, I want to join in the fun, and I have something to say to you by the way."

After all, the old god drooped his lower eyelids, as if he had fallen asleep.

When Chen Zhu saw this, he stopped talking and looked at everyone, "Chen invited everyone here today to talk about the incident in the capital... That head is Li Xian from the Swallow Sect. Mister hung it up."

When everyone heard it, they all came to the spirit.

Just because the imperial court released the words, the Empress Dowager Xi happened to be enjoying the scenery in the Summer Palace. By the way, she also passed on a few verbal orders to arrest Chen Zhuo wantonly. Whether the head is true or false, death is inevitable.

Someone couldn't help asking: "So, that head is real?"

Li Xian nodded, and said in a serious tone: "It's true, Mr. Li once visited the deep palace at night with my senior brother Swallow Li San and Mr. Wang Wuye, and met the Empress Dowager. It is absolutely unmistakable."

So many things that people dare not even think about, have actually been done.

The one who killed was the Queen Mother.

Looking at Chen Zhuo's weak appearance, he must have gone through a fierce battle.

"Hehe, interesting, the one in Ganqing Summer Palace is a fake."

"Paper can't hold fire, there will always be a day when it will be revealed."

"It seems that the imperial court will not be here for a few days."

"A man should be like this!"


Everyone spoke a few words, some mocked, some contemplated, some surprised, with different expressions.

"Cough cough!"

Suddenly there was a cough, and the shed soon became quiet again. Chen Zhuo's eyes dimmed, and he continued, "Besides, today I plan to explain clearly the reason why the old martial arts seniors disappeared."

After saying this once, everyone became even more energetic.

In just a few years, many of the older generations of martial arts masters in the north just went to the south and then disappeared without a trace. It seems that the world has evaporated. , I was so anxious that I was invited to come now, and it was mostly for the elders of the teacher.

Chen Zhuo greeted the brothers outside: "Bring the things in."

As soon as the curtain was lifted, cold frost flew in, and a young man entered the shed carrying a bundle of straw mats.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the straw mat was spread out, and a headless body as thin as a withered wood immediately jumped into the eyes of everyone, causing people to change their colors.

Chen Zhuo lowered his eyelids, and said softly: "To tell you the truth, after killing the Empress Dowager in the Summer Palace, Mr. Chen withdrew, but he was hunted down by this person on the way, and he narrowly escaped death. Afterwards, he joined hands with two senior brothers to fight fiercely all night. , just now consumed most of this person's energy and beheaded him."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, their expressions all changed, and their brows were wrinkled.

With Chen Zhuo's skills, since he was able to kill the Empress Dowager in the Summer Palace and escape alive, his strength is beyond doubt.

Chen Zhuo continued in a slow voice: "The ones joining me are Senior Brother Gong Bao Tiangong from Bagua Sect and Senior Brother Sun Lutang Sun."


All the members of the martial arts sect who were still in shock at first couldn't sit still now, they were no longer shocked, but horrified, all of them opened their eyes sharply, looking at the corpse, they were all moved.

Sun Lutang is the "No. [-] in the world", Gong Baotian is the head of the Eight Diagrams Sect, and Chen Zhuo, the world's No. [-] assassin who is famous in the martial arts world, the three of them teamed up and fought fiercely all night, it is simply unimaginable.

"Who is this person?"

Someone asked in a hoarse voice.

Chen Zhuo glanced at Yang Banhou, then looked at the corpse on the ground, and said softly, "This man's surname is Gan, and his name is Gan Renlong."

A group of people look at me and I look at you, but they have never heard of such a number one person.

Chen Zhuo paused, "You may not have heard of this man's name, but his father is a very important person..."

He looked around at everyone, his eyes twinkling.

"It was Gan Fengchi who was known as the Jiangnan hero during the Yongzheng period!"

(End of this chapter)

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