Chapter 125 The Death of Wang Wu
The figure fell heavily.

Bloody spread.

Under the starry night, everyone staggered and fell to the ground.

Terrible! !
Severe gasps, surging heartbeats, and... the sound of the wind...

Just when everyone thought the battle was over, the fallen figure suddenly stood up straight again.

Under the starlight, from a distance, Gan Fengchi can't see the slightest bit of human appearance, with disheveled hair, blood in the seven orifices, two blood holes in the eyes, and a severed arm piercing through the chest.

Everyone's hearts are tense, and they are all shocked...

With such an injury, could he still fight?
But without waiting for everyone to move, Gan Fengchi swayed and stopped suddenly, his ferocious face also froze, and then fell on his back.The pores that were originally constricted are now all open, and the blood can't stop gushing wildly. The scene is both surprising and treacherous.

Yang Luchan's face was as golden as paper, and he strode up to Wang Wu's side, stretched out his hand to touch the broken part of his left arm, and sealed several key points with force.

Seeing that the bleeding stopped a little, Yang Luchan let out a long sigh, "Ming Kui, get back!"

Dong Haichuan let out a foul breath, took a deep look at everyone present, especially Li Cunyi and Cheng Tinghua, and said softly: "Sutang, Yingfang, I'm going to be my teacher!"

After finishing speaking, he stretched his sleeves and left hand in hand with Yang Luchan, just to retire after the accomplishment.

The corners of Li and Cheng's eyes were red, probably because the two patriarchs held their breath just to fight this Ganfeng Pond, now that the battle is over, their strength is gone, and they will soon follow in Li Luoneng's footsteps.

However, the two of them are already outsiders, and even if the oil is exhausted and the lamps are dry, they will not reappear in the mundane world.

Regardless of the pain, Li Cunyi and Cheng Tinghua looked at Wang Wu lying on the ground again, their expressions were utterly miserable.

Liu Yubai and Sun Lutang also regained their strength, looking at Wang Wu who was exhaling slowly with his broken arm, they were also silent.

Li Cunyi's eyes were wet, and he bent over and asked softly, "Zhengyi, do you have anything to tell me?"

Wang Wu looked at the boundless starry sky, shook his head, smiled slightly, and said in a low voice: "I have done what I should do, and the rest will be left to the successors."

After a few words, his heaving chest gradually calmed down.

At this time, a figure in the distance ran back in big strides, bathed in starlight.

It was none other than Chen Zhuo who returned the aid.

His face was frighteningly pale, originally he had a tense expression when he saw the situation here from a distance, he was overjoyed at first, but when he got closer and took a closer look, he could already see the incomparably miserable death of the chaifu.


At the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, his expression was startled, and then he froze, his eyes fell, he looked at Wang Wu on the ground, and plopped down on his knees.

Looking at the terrible fracture where the muscles were torn apart, Chen Zhuo's eyes flashed with a bit of painful struggle.

He stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to cover it, but his arm trembled, and then fell back, his white lips moved, and it took a long time to call out in a hoarse voice, "Master!"

Hearing the sound, Wang Wu came back to his senses, turned his neck slightly, and looked at Chen Zhuo. Seeing that he came back alive, his dim eyes suddenly brightened again.

He paused for a long time, his chest lightened, "Now that the serious trouble is gone, from now on, the world of martial arts, rivers and lakes, and the world, I will entrust you..."

Wang Wu looked at Chen Zhuo again, and said, "Phew... I have spent half my life on the road, since I stepped into this human battlefield, I have been greeted by swords, lights and swords. I have never had a day of peace of mind. You must not learn from me, go see more Seeing all beings in the world... I came all the way as a teacher, and what I saw..."

As he was talking, Wang Wu stopped talking, and smiled faintly, "The rest, I want to tell another old friend, so I won't tell you."

He finally let out a long breath as if relieved from a heavy burden, and slowly returned to his eyes, and his chest, which was panting violently, gradually calmed down.

Looking at the starry sky, Wang Wu's eyes gradually became lax.

It's like, it's more like the stars in the sky that I counted when I toasted with that person on the roof and shared my lofty ambitions many years ago.

But the stars are still there, and the old friend is gone.

"Zhuang Fei, here I come!"

With a murmur and a soft sigh, a generation of masters closed their eyes and passed away.




warm spring.

On the wooden boat rippling with the waves, it was getting bright early, and Chen Zhuo, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly woke up from his dream, full of murderous intent, just listening to the dogs barking and rooster crowing on the shore, and watching the people cooking fish in the stove on the bow Third Master Xu suddenly froze again.

He looked at his arms full of old scabs and covered with wound medicine, as if thinking of something.

The old man, with his skinny upper body naked, was looking at the heat in the pot. Suddenly, he gave a jolt, and knew that Chen Zhuo had woken up.

As if he had gotten used to it a long time ago, Mr. Xu rubbed his hands full of fishy smell on his dirty knee trousers, turned his head and bared his teeth and said, "Master Chen, lie down again, this soup We have to wait a little longer."

Hearing this, Chen Zhuo lay back down again, looking at the slowly shaking shed, for a while, his eyes trembled, suddenly feeling sad.

When Mr. Xu heard the painful and depressed moan behind him, his shoulders trembled, and he said with a wry smile, "Oh, what are you singing about? You were able to hold on when the fifth master was buried in Cangzhou. Humph, it's been half a month now, why did I suddenly start crying."

It turned out that almost a month had passed since the battle of Tongxuan.

The old man smiled and wiped away his tears.

"Fifth Master has been a hero every day in his life, and there is nothing to cry about... Master Chen, although you are full of courage and martial arts, but many truths are not as clear as my old man. With this shit world, how can everything be as you wish? , it is enough to ask for no regrets, we should all look forward..."

Seeing the fish soup in the pot gradually turning milky white, Mr. Xu took out a small spoonful, took a sip, tasted the taste, his eyes lit up, "Hey, the taste is... authentic!"

"Mr. Cheng said that you suffered a great loss of energy and blood, suffered internal injuries, and was shocked again. In addition, your mood was ups and downs. When you came back, you vomited blood all the way, which almost scared you to death. You need to take good care of yourself, otherwise you may be at the root of your illness..."

Seeing Chen Zhuo lying motionless on the boat, he talked to himself one after another.

"This fish soup is the most nourishing. I specially asked for the prescription. I heard that those girls who have given birth rely on drinking this to produce milk. I will cook two old hens for you tomorrow. It will definitely make you alive and well." of."

The weather is getting warmer, Chen Zhuo is also shirtless, his naked upper body has lost the scars and scars left by years of licking blood, even the old skin has faded away.

"Third Master, have my uncle and the others come back?"

he asks.

Mr. Xu waved his hand, "Hero Li told me, don't worry about those things these days, the rest is trivial work."

Chen Zhuo got up and walked out of the shed. The warm wind was blowing on his face, and the green shadows were flooding, reflecting the green willows and peach blossoms on both sides of the river.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down on the bow of the boat. A layer of black stubble grew on his cold and hard face, which lost a little bit of sharpness and added a little bit of fortitude. His cheeks were also thinner, and his cheeks were slightly sunken. , seems to have been ill for many years, full of sickness, extremely pale.

In this battle, most of the masters of the northern and southern martial arts will be lost, and the old monster Tongxuan will almost die... Kung Fu has entered a period of complete decline.

Taking the soup bowl passed by Mr. Xu, Chen Zhuo blew it. He had just taken two sips when he suddenly saw three people walking from the shore, one tall and two short, all middle-aged.

Although he looked at the rags and rags, his eyes were full of brilliance. One of them was holding a strange long gun, and the two beside him had both hands behind their backs.

It turned out to be Wudang Sword Immortal Song Weiyi, Natural Sect Master Xu Ai, and Li Shuwen.

It is estimated that after running around for too long, the shoes on the feet are worn out, and each one is tanned and gray-headed.

Chen Zhuo hurriedly stood up and greeted, "Uncle Xu, Uncle Li, Uncle Song!"

The three of them got on the boat, originally they wanted to talk, but when they smelled the fish soup, they moved the stools and sat down cursingly.

"The first one is not bad, it has the guts of a warrior. Although it took a little effort, it is not difficult to deal with. How can we think that the second one is amazing, slippery, and it is still the way of assassination, which hurts us. He didn't have a full meal, so he was afraid of being poisoned, so he circled around the north and blocked the guy when he was outside the pass."

Li Shuwen smacked his mouth, took the bowl and chopsticks handed over by Xu Sanye, and dropped the chopsticks to pick the meat.

The other two did not fall behind either.

This sounded like a complaint, but the implication was that he had killed two Tongxuan old monsters.

Master Xu Ai's silver hair hangs down, and he said with a gentle smile: "It's not all due to the three of us. The first one met several southern sect masters, fought fiercely, and finally we found the trace."

Song Weiyi ate very politely, and asked casually, "I heard that your master has gone?"

Without waiting for Chen Zhuo to respond, Li Shuwen glanced at him, "He's gone, God will keep it!"

Chen Zhuo nodded, "I know!"

When everyone heard the words, they stopped talking.

A large pot of fish soup was divided up by the three of them in a blink of an eye, and they just waved their hands when they got up, and they went their separate ways.

When Li Shuwen was leaving, he caught a glimpse of Yixiantian on the bank peeing and playing with mud, suddenly changed his mind, stayed overnight, and went to the capital with Xu Sanye's consent the next day.

Another almost two months.

The season of cicadas singing is dry.

Jinmen, Gold and Silver Building.

The prostitutes and gamblers who used to come and go in the past are suddenly rare, replaced by some martial arts masters and people from the rivers and lakes.

On the high-hanging signboard, a stone is still firmly embedded in the plaque, spotless.

Upstairs and downstairs, there are mostly young girls who are looking around, as well as the accountant, and pay attention to the large and small teapots that come in and out of the guests.

Such scenes were not seen in this building in the past, not to mention those self-proclaimed first-class figures would never do big things in such a dusty place.

It was dark, and outside the resplendent and resplendent building, one could already see carriages approaching. They lined up and stopped for half a street. The people who came and went were dumbfounded. There were nearly a hundred coachmen alone. Many disciples of the sect also came.

The hooligans who used to come to the door to "eat the treasure bureau" all seem to have disappeared now.

Apart from these, you can still hear the sound of gongs and drums beating and singing in the building. As soon as the voice is raised, you know that it must be Yang Xiaolou, the most popular actor in Peking Opera today.

Gold and Silver Building, third floor.

There are more than [-] wooden chairs in the huge private room.

The bright and dark lights all around set off faces with different outlines, all of which are solemn.

Through the glass of the window and door, many people were crowded.

The first person, with a simple green robe, holds three big sticks of incense. Under the lingering incense, one can see that there is an apricot-yellow banner standing in front of him, with the words "Shenzhou League" embroidered on it.

The man straightened his waist and bowed, and raised the incense flag and bowed three times in the air.

Immediately seeing a waiter with his eyes wide open, he shouted in a long voice, "Shenzhou Juyi!"

All the people in the audience stood up and bowed their hands, bowed their flags, and said in unison: "Together we live and we die together, and we will show our utter sincerity!"

Outside the building, the lights are feasting, only the chirping of cicadas is heard, only the music is heard...

(End of this chapter)

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