Chapter 137
half a month later.

In the Jingwu Association hall, several groups of people arrived one after another.

Li Cunyi, Cheng Tinghua, Gong Baotian led several disciples from the north and rushed over.

There were also visitors from the south, namely Chen Zhuo's great apprentice Li Shan and his family members, Lao Jiang, Ding Lianshan, Gu Yu's aunt who had been missing for many years, and the third sister in Jinlou.

This time, the sound of "Mizong Fist" spread across the country, and Huo Yuanjia's reputation spread throughout the northern and southern martial arts circles. Everyone came here just to add momentum to the fire, and they stayed here for a while.

Besides, Chen Zhuo and Liang Chaoyun are getting married soon.

Seeing that his apprentice was seeking a home, Cheng Tinghua also let it go.

The third thing is that the establishment of the "Chinese Samurai Association" was preliminarily decided, and it was planned to be established in the north, echoing the "Jingwu Association" in the south.

And the last reason is because Chen Zhuo achieved Tongxuan.

He stood in the courtyard for three full days and three nights, he was out of breath, his heart and lungs stopped, but he scared all the brothers, Gu Yu and Liang Chaoyun were so anxious that they cried.

But he couldn't wake him up, and he didn't dare to touch him. A group of people stood guard for three days and three nights. Only then did Chen Zhuo wake up like a dream. After a few hours, the whole body was finally overflowing with divine splendor, the pores were shrunk one by one, and the scene was astonishing.

Everyone understands that since then, there has been an invincible figure in this world.

On "offensive", kill the enemy and lock the enemy, and you can attack without fail. Within ten steps, you will be the enemy's country;

Compared with the illusory land real fairy, this is the ultimate offensive and defensive.

Chen Zhuo is now walking ahead of everyone, although it is a bit sudden, but it seems to be expected.

Looking back on the way he came, this son made great strides forward, but he managed to find a way to survive when he was in a dead situation.

After spending more than a month, Chen Zhuo sorted out his understanding of "Tong Xuan" in an extremely detailed manner, and stayed in the Jingwu Association.

At the same time, he also accepted Wang Yaqiao as his apprentice, and passed down the three-foot twirling finger, and passed on his perception of using a knife, as well as the ability of fist and palm, to Li Shan and Wang Yaqiao respectively, and by the way, the body of "shrinking the ground into an inch" Fa rubbed the essence of the monkey shape to create another miraculous skill of "monkey turning the sky", which he also taught the two of them.

It was the fall of that year, Chen Zhuo and Liang Chaoyun got married, there was not much movement, they just hosted a banquet for brothers from the same school, elders of the teacher's school, and close friends.

Then bid farewell to everyone, and left with his wife and son...

Since then, his footprints have been fixed, and no one in the northern and southern martial arts can see him.

However, although no one has been seen, there are more and more rumors.

Some people say that in the north, they have seen a solid young man playing with several colorful tigers on the snowy field, chasing them back and forth, showing the spirit of a tiger. Behind him is a middle-aged man who can subdue the tiger without moving. , like a god.

Some people say that in the depths of the mountain in the west, there is a madman who climbs the steep wall of thousands of feet with bare hands like walking on the ground, like a monkey turning the sky, running around in that desperate situation, sitting on the top of the mountain facing the moon, his eyes are full of divine light, and the world is shocked.

Some people say that on the shore of the Bohai Sea, there was a father and son who paddled a boat to break the waves, practiced fists and kicks in a violent storm, and uttered thunder.

Someone said that on a snowy night, an old ghost with disheveled hair suddenly climbed out of a grave mound on the mountain behind his home. , Eyes sent out lightning, and the old ghost beheaded on the spot. It was a god who came down to earth. The local villagers also built temple statues and offered incense.

There are also people who say that in western Tibet, a martial artist came on snow and pulled out a century-old eminent monk from an abandoned old temple, decapitated him, and smashed his bones into ashes.

All in all, there are too many rumors pointing to Chen Zhuo.

On September 1912, 9, initiated by Ye Yunbiao and Ma Fengtu, the Chinese Warrior Association was established in Jinmen Zhongshan Park.

Ye Yunbiao was the first chairman, and the assembly of the northern martial arts began from this.

In 1914, led by Hao Enguang, a disciple of Xingyimen, went to Tokyo, Japan to establish a branch.

Huo Yuanjia also took care of the "Shenzhou League" affairs for the time being, and the reputation of "the world's number one assassin" seemed to be gradually disappearing in wave after wave.

Until December 1915, when Yuan Shikai proclaimed himself emperor, an urgent letter was sent abroad.

In the spring of the following year, Yuan Shikai died strangely in his study, and Xiang Shang's head disappeared.

Since then, Chen Zhuo's name reappeared in the world, shocking the whole world.

In 1920, Gong Baotian succeeded as the second president of the Chinese Samurai Association.

The following year, Li Cunyi, a great master of his generation, passed away in the capital.

On the same day, the gossip master Cheng Tinghua died with his eyes closed.


In the middle of winter, heavy snow fell.

Outside the Yuanshun Escort Bureau in the capital city, all the veterans who can speak in the northern martial arts have arrived.

Since the death of Wang Wuye and the fall of the Qing court, this place was bought back by a group of rangers in Beijing. It was originally intended to be a gift to the widow of the Wang family, but there was no chance, so it has been left unused all these years.

Now that the two masters have passed away, it has become a place of rest.

But right now, no one stepped in first.

On the white snow, a carriage made two ruts and stopped in front of everyone.

The driver was a black-clothed young man, bare-chested, tall and strong, sharp and sharp, with short hair standing up like steel needles, skin like old copper, tiger eyes glowing sharply, imminent, as if he was not afraid of the cold, handsome, full of Stepping on the military boots, there was a faint sense of iron and blood killing all over his body.

"Father, we're here!"

The young man's voice was deep and deep, and his expression was sad.

The curtain of the carriage was pushed aside by two slender fingers, and a broad figure emerged from the carriage and got off the carriage.

This man has long hair and a green robe, with a few streaks of silvery white on his temples, covered with snow petals, and a little black stubble on his chin.

The young man's power is already compelling, but the man who got off the carriage is even more powerful, without any words, expressions, or even actions, just like a fierce tiger that has been lying in the winter forest for a long time, with its own appearance, and It seemed to come out from the bones, even if it was just a slight cough, it seemed to have the weight to subdue all beasts.

"Master Chen!"

"Master Chen!"

"Meet Master Chen!"

"Master Chen!"


When the man got off the carriage, a group of elders who were waiting on the snow field couldn't wait to come up to him. They were all plain and cried a lot.

"Uncle Chen!"

A cold voice sounded from it.

Gong Ruomei, the young lady of the Gong family, gave a salute in sackcloth and filial piety.

The middle-aged man raised his eyelids, glanced at the signboard that was hung outside again, and then at the banner that was erected again in the empty field, his eyes were dazed for a moment, a little moist.

Ten years of time and time seemed to have left no trace on his face, but the power all over his body was getting stronger and stronger.

Behind this person were two charming women, holding an eight or nine-year-old girl in her hand, who was carved in pink and jade, and looked at everything around her curiously and ignorantly.

As soon as a few people came, someone handed them filial piety sackcloth.

Mr. Xu was very old. He was supported tremblingly. He walked up to him and glanced at the person in front of him with difficulty, "Mr. Chen, I never expected to see you again in our lifetime. Where did you go?"

"Go farther!"

While changing his clothes, the middle-aged man said softly, "Everyone, it's been a long time!"

The person who came was none other than Chen Zhuo.

 I feel like it’s not enough today, maybe tomorrow, or else there’s only one chapter left...

(End of this chapter)

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