Chapter 186

The alchemy furnace stands erect, and the fire is booming, dyeing the deep cold alchemy hall with a dazzling fire color.

The leaping and trembling red flames instantly engulfed the cross-legged figure in the furnace.

There was a smile in Master Heiguang's eyes, as if it was a stick in his throat, and now he could vomit quickly.

The eunuch master also laughed, and while lighting the fire, he did not forget to add various herbs, his face was full of madness, his eyes were fixed on the looming figure in the flames, and he wanted to see what a living person could do. What can be practiced, fell into a daze.

Suddenly, Master Heiguang slashed out a palm without any warning, hitting the air with the power of his palm, and directly attacked the person opposite.

What was even more unexpected was that the eunuch had the same idea, he moved his fingers together, moved his right palm, and Lei Mang walked on the palm lines, making exactly the same move.

The two people who were still working together before, now wanted to kill each other again, and wanted to kill each other with their own hands.

The two palms collided, and the two met each other and smiled, the smile was sinister and cruel, the murderous intent in the eyes was undisguised, as if they saw the same kind, saying that you really are such a person.

"Little girl, that thing you said just now... what is that thing?"

Master Heiguang pressed his palm to perform the exercise, and the palm was dark, as if it could swallow the surrounding fire, but also seemed to spread a cloud of black air, treacherous and evil.

The reason why this person is called "Master Black Light" is because he has practiced a marvelous and extraordinary evil kung fu, with strange aura, and his movement of energy is like a black hole. Master Lazy and Disabled" Ye Aichan was seriously injured and fled all the way to the capital.

This Ye Aichan is Zhuge Zhengwo's elder brother, and also the master of Shen Huchan, the leader of the "Seven Great Bandits", who can be regarded as the best in the world.

As soon as Master Heiguang thought about that thing, the eunuch facing him shouted sharply, "Don't tell me!"

But the more he was like this, Master Heiguang became more interested and became more interested.

"You tell me, I let you go."

Zhao Shirong just stared at Chen Zhuo in the alchemy furnace quietly, and turned her eyes when she heard the shout, her curled eyelashes trembled, and her delicate and delicate face like a lotus showed a shallow smile, which was a little scary , the smile is only the eyebrows, but there is no smile in the eyes.

"That's a few pills."


Master Heiguang's mind turned sharply, without thinking much, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes immediately turned red as he thought of something.

There is only one kind of elixir that can make such masters not hesitate to turn into eunuchs and hibernate in the palace, become crippled, and risk their lives to kill Chen Zhuo.

"Unexpectedly, I have been looking for it for so many years, and it is actually hidden in the inner garden of the imperial palace. It is really hard to find it. It is easy to get it... Wuji elixir."

Hearing Master Heiguang uttered four words, the eunuch's eyes shot up with murderous intent.

The two of them withdrew their palms and walked around the alchemy furnace. They were already in one place around the alchemy furnace. Their fists and palms exchanged. During the fierce fight, they left a series of clearly visible palm marks and fist marks on the alchemy furnace, attracting fire. Climb steadily.

Zhao Shirong who had been watching calmly from the sidelines suddenly seemed to see something, and hurriedly lowered his gaze.

In the fire, a pair of eyes that were obscured by the flames slowly closed.

The two are still fighting endlessly.

Fighting strokes and fighting skills, each has its winners and losers, and each has its disadvantages. While moving around, Master Heiguang pressed his hands on the hot furnace wall, moaned and raised his breath, and his strength has been lost, pressing out two palm prints with clear texture.

With a sound of "bang", the flames under the furnace rose up, and the flame seedlings slanted, like a direct impact from a waterfall, rushing towards the opponent on the opposite side.

The huge alchemy furnace was almost lifted off the ground by this palm, but was immediately pressed down by another pair of fleshy palms.

The eunuch master took a deep breath and lifted his breath, his center of gravity sank, he put his hands horizontally, his eyes widened with anger, as if holding a vat and holding a pillar, he gave a deep drink, put his palm on the alchemy furnace, and pressed it down.

Now that they are in the palace, the two of them don't dare to be too blatant and reveal too much prestige. At this moment, their true qi collides, and they coincidentally compete for their internal strength through the alchemy furnace; more importantly, they really have feelings for Chen Zhuo's unimaginable means. Afraid, he wanted to burn it to ashes as soon as possible, so that he would die without a place to bury him.

The two of them didn't realize that the pill furnace was scorching hot, their eyes were shining brightly, they had enough internal energy, their true energy collided and opposed, their robes stirred, the furnace was blazing, and it was split into two; half of it soared into the air, almost blowing the entire pill furnace away. Submerged in it, half of it swept across the ground, like a sea of ​​fire spreading, and a fire snake swimming away.

The two stalemates were placed in the flames, not long after they felt their hair scorched and their hearts and lungs hot. Their faces were originally cold white and sallow, but within a few breaths they were already very red, like drinking strong wine.

Forced by the overwhelming fire, the two of them withdrew their hands, turned around, moved a part, and fought again.

Master Heiguang repeatedly parried five thunder palms, and retreated abruptly, "Hold on slowly, I don't know how to call you?"

The eunuch stopped when he heard the words, and said expressionlessly: "I am Qingyangzi."

"You are the 'Dan Chi' Qingyangzi from the 'Dan Dao Shuangjue' of Wuyishan Danxia School? This senior brother is 'Dao Chi', isn't he also in the palace?"

Qingyangzi smiled coldly, "That guy was killed by me a long time ago."

Master Heiguang smiled even more, "In my opinion, there are twelve elixirs in total. Why should we fight to the death? It's better for you and me to share them equally and escape from the mundane world. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be happy and happy, how about it?"

Qingyangzi smiled and said: "You are wrong, now there are only ten left."

He raised his chin towards the pill furnace that was gradually closing in, and the implication was self-evident.

No wonder.

Master Heiguang immediately understood, no wonder Chen Zhuo was poisoned so well.

"However..." Qingyangzi rubbed his bare chin, pondered: "This method is really good."

Master Heiguang laughed, "That's an elixir, not to mention five pills for one person, even two pills for one person can be used infinitely. At that time, there is no need to work for others. We have to let others work for us."

Qingyangzi nodded with a smile, "That's right, this idea is really good. Now that the troubled times are approaching, all the heroes of the world will be born one after another. With the elixir, why worry about big things not coming to fruition."

The two of you said something to each other, as if they were moved by each other's words, with smiles all over their faces, they approached each other, as if they wanted to stop talking.

But the moment they stretched out their hands, the two of them had already secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and they both broke out violently.

Qing Yangzi sneered: "Your boy is really sinister and vicious, you are not good-hearted."

Master Black Light's smile never disappeared, but became more and more cruel, "To each other."

During the confrontation, there was a sudden "chi" sound, Master Heiguang's right sleeve suddenly shattered, and a white dragon struck out like a white dragon, which was both firm and soft, wrapped around Qingyangzi's left hand, and slammed into his chest. , swept away.

It was a whisk.


With a muffled snort, the black clothes on Qingyangzi's chest seemed to have been cut with thousands of knives, and blood dripped out. He also took a few steps back and hit the alchemy stove. , face flushed, eyes cold.

Master Heiguang's eyes were fierce, he took advantage of the victory and pursued him, he raised his head and rushed forward, his single palm was slapped like thunder, and landed on the alchemy furnace, silently, and the palm print was seen again.

Qingyangzi dodged in embarrassment, but suddenly a blur appeared in front of his eyes, a white train wrapped around the alchemy furnace like a python, just wrapping it around his neck unexpectedly.

Master Heiguang sneered, "You are an 'alchemist' and have been looking for 'Wuji elixir'. You must have realized the prescription to understand erysipelas. Hand it over, and I will make your death easier."

Feeling the murderous intent on his neck, Qingyangzi didn't dare to move, but when he heard Master Heiguang's words, he sneered and smiled, "Wait, someone will come to avenge me, you..."

He originally wanted to say a few more words, but his mocking eyes suddenly glanced at the alchemy furnace behind Master Heiguang inadvertently, and the words on his lips swallowed back into his stomach with saliva, his pupils trembled violently, and his expression changed drastically. His eyes were straight and unblinking, and cold sweat was visible from his temples.

Dou Da's cold sweat flowed down his cheeks and hung directly on his chin.

Master Heiguang grinned when he saw his appearance, and said with a strange smile: "It's a pity that you are also an old Jianghu, and you still use such a clichéd method to seduce me, really..."

Before he could speak, the laughter stopped abruptly, his pupils shrank, and there was only a strange "giggle" sound from his open mouth, as if a knife had been stuck in his throat, and his whole body was trembling, like falling into an ice cave .

Two big hands with bruises and bruises quietly stretched out from the alchemy furnace and grabbed the two of them by the neck.

"Take out the detoxification pill, and I can make your death easier."

Similar words, different tone.

The majestic and hoarse voice sounded from the alchemy furnace, and the heart and lungs of the listeners trembled, and the muscles and muscles of the whole body shivered uncontrollably.

" lured me out on purpose?"

Qingyangzi stood on tiptoe, eyes full of disbelief.

"If not, would you be willing to show up easily? It's just that I didn't expect that there would be someone who wanted to kill me, so I had to see what tricks you guys can come up with first; besides, the smell in this alchemy furnace is very comfortable, but I still have to take care of it." Thank you, it turns out...the turtle and the snake are intertwined, and the golden lotus is planted in the fire..."

The two of them coincidentally clasped the thick wrist in front of them with one hand, and forcefully raised the rest of their strength with the other palm. They slapped the pill furnace with all their canthus cracked, sparing no effort and risking their lives.

As soon as the two terrifying palms fell, the pill furnace that had already been overwhelmed shook first, and then cracks appeared from the palm marks, "Kaka" spread and scattered, and there were wisps of fire from it.


There was no time to react, and the alchemy furnace exploded.

The two of them took advantage of the five fingers on their necks to loosen, and immediately retreated a few steps in horror. They stared carefully. Amidst the scattered waves of fire, a figure stood proudly and walked out.

 With 50 words, it is one step closer to the end of the book.

(End of this chapter)

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