Chapter 189


The winding turbid waves roll eastward, stretching between heaven and earth.

From the farthest point of view, there was a long howling sound, like a wolf howling.

The sun rises in the east, and under the shining morning light, two ethereal figures approach with the sound. At first sight, they are still in the sky, as small as gravel, like dust. When they see each other again, they are as big as a fist. With another glance, the two of them have come close, and their movements are as fast as the sky. Ghosts, terrifying boatmen and fishermen on the shore are all weak-legged.

This long howl seemed to arouse the fierceness in the hearts of the two.

Their eyes met, like two wolves looking at each other, full of ferocious and evil looks, showing their murderous intent.

Yuan Shisan turned his neck and twisted his neck, unexpectedly he also looked like a eagle watching a wolf.

But when he saw Chen Zhuo's ferocious face, he couldn't help feeling jealous.

The two are actually the same fate.

Also at this moment, Yuan Thirteen Limited seemed to be stunned, and suddenly realized.

In his eyes, Chen Zhuo is already his old enemy.

One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

But it was also his opportunity, the opportunity of turning his fortune, as long as he got the archery method from this kid, and combined his abilities and means into one, he would reach the pinnacle.

Chen Zhuo didn't think so much, he only had pure killing intent in his eyes, and his thoughts were very simple, only "kill".

The two of them came very quickly, crossing mountains and rivers, crossing waters, even when encountering turbid waves blocking the way, they never stopped.

In Yuan Thirteenth, the place where the qi energy flourished was turbulent, the grass and trees collapsed, like a fairy Buddha crossing, with a stretch of both arms, it turned into a phantom with just a lift, flying to the top of the wave, stepping on the waves without a trace Shen, Ling Tao stood up, shocking the world.

Chen Zhuo turned his neck and revealed a smile that didn't contain a hint of a smile. From the beginning to the end, he just lifted his feet, walked across the land, stepped on the turbid waves, as if walking on flat ground, his black boots were as stable as Mount Tai, and when he walked on the water, he could see the vortices one after another. , and then based on the heart of the river.

Simplify the complex and simplify the way.

Yuan Thirteen's face was as deep as water, and he said indifferently: "Looking at the past forty years, looking at the world, you are the first among the rising stars who dare to compete with the old man."

"A rising star?" Chen Zhuo's cheeks trembled, and he said in a neutral tone: "In terms of age, you are just a baby in front of us, and even your master Wei Qingqing is not enough to be friends with me in person."

He raised his hands and flicked them outward, and the turbid waves under his feet were immediately as flat as a mirror, as if there were invisible big hands caressing them, it was extremely weird.

"Crazy enough!"

The corner of Yuan Shisanxian's eyes twitched, he was proficient in all kinds of things, how could he fail to see that Chen Zhuo's spiritual thoughts were even stronger.

But when he heard the words Wei Qingqing, his eyes were already wrong.

Even though he had turned against his senior brother, he still had a longing for his master and did not dare to offend him. Now that he heard Chen Zhuo's outrageous words, the muscles on his face froze first, and then he grinned, "You..."

Yuan Thirteen was about to speak, when he suddenly realized what Chen Zhuo said, could this kid really be a hundred years old?

Although there were rumors about this person's "hundred-year-old body" in the palace, but he had never seen it with his own eyes, many people scoffed at it. It was a joke, but Chen Zhuo's words were so convincing that it made people feel hairy.

The words are exhausted.

In the thirteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty, a flute was used instead of a staff, with one stroke and one finger.

Once the originally turbulent river changed its momentum, with the source of the Yuan Thirteen Limits, it set off layers of ripples and waves, and went upstream, rushing towards Chen Zhuo, with an astonishing momentum.

Chen Zhuo stared at the other party without any haste, his right hand by his side trembled slightly, and with a lift of his index finger, a wave of water in the river below his feet floated up without any reason; he flicked his fingers again, and the water flew horizontally When it is shot out, it turns into a water arrow, pierces the wind and waves, and shoots directly at Yuan Thirteen.

Then he clenched his fist with his right hand and threw it out. It was originally a countercurrent water wave, just like a river bursting its embankment, blown away by the fist, and scattered into rain foam all over the sky.

Yuan Shisanjian saw this move of bullets turning into water arrows, his eyes lit up, he lifted his staff and smashed them apart, his face became even more grinning, the crane cloak spread out against the wind, his momentum was vigorous, his eyes were like eagles and falcons, and he shouted: "Fall!"

One drink of magic power.

It's a pity that Chen Zhuo's spirituality has long been different from what it used to be, and the sound of drinking is like a spring breeze.

He didn't fall, but Wang Xiaoshi and the few figures who came after the bank, heard the word "fall" in their ears, and immediately felt as if they had been hit by a sap, their bodies swayed, and they swayed as if they were drunk.

Yuan Shisanjian vomited out a drink, and suddenly laughed wildly again, his figure swayed, and several shadow clones jumped out of his body, even the reflections under his feet seemed to come to life, they got up one after another, and flew across the river, with fists, palms and legs pointing, each Apply various methods.

Phantom clone Dafa.

Chen Zhuo was unmoved, "Repeat the old tune!"

At the end of his words, he opened his mouth and gulped like a long whale sucking water.

Immediately afterwards, a strong heartbeat spread from the river.

The heartbeat was weird, vigorous, like thunder, and like a beating drum, very clear, it actually overwhelmed the rumbling waves, and with invisible strange power, it fell into everyone's ears.

But strange things happened one after another, Yuan Shisanxian's face changed suddenly, he suddenly felt that the heart was beating into his ears, and his own heartbeat was actually affected by it, the beating gaps overlapped and resonated.

not good! ! !

Not to mention the Yuan Thirteenth Limit, even the spectators and uninvited guests who were hiding in the dark on the shore all changed their expressions.

Even Wang Xiaoshi backed away without hesitation, wanting to get out of the range of the abnormal heartbeat.

As for the rest of the people, some were cross-legged, some were calm and concentrated, some were pale, and they all stood still, as luck resisted.

Just because there was a violent heartbeat in the chests of these people, which seemed to be out of control, like a beast and a poisonous dragon, and it was intensifying. Under the beating, everyone's muscles were tense, their blood was boiling, and their faces showed pain.

Hurting someone with the sound of a heartbeat, what kind of magic is this?
All the people waiting were shocked.

Yuan Shisanzhi's skill is powerful, and he can still resist it. Even if other people cover their ears tightly, the sound of heartbeat penetrates everywhere. It can't last for three to five breaths, and the blood is already surging up, making it hard to resist.

But seeing that the heartbeat was about to climb to the extreme, bursts of shocking laughter were heard on the shore, "Hahahaha..."

A person came striding from the sky, with a black robe hanging out, a wild smile, evil spirit, the sleeves of the robe fluttered as if he was about to fly into the wind in the next moment, and he was laughing up to the sky.

This laughter was also unusual. He opened his mouth and let out a sound, like a lion roaring and a tiger roaring, blasting across both sides of the strait.

This smile actually caused the situation to change, it competed with Chen Zhuo's thunderous heartbeat.

As soon as this person arrived, the eyes of Chen Zhuo and Yuan Shisanxian became very subtle, and the person who came must be a very strong opponent.

But at this moment, the murderous intent of both sides has been revealed, and they can't care so much anymore.

The visitor seemed to sense the intentions of the two of them, and said with a bold and arrogant smile: "Don't worry too much, there is someone Yan here today, whoever dares to interfere with this battle and sneak up on the dark hands will surely let him die without a place to die... You guys And let go of your hands and feet, and have a good fight!"

Chen Zhuo went in the opposite direction, clenched his fists, the violent heartbeat in his body stopped abruptly, started fast and stopped quickly, breaking common sense, and it was unimaginable for ordinary people.

As for the control of the physical body, no one can surpass it in this world.

This is one of the methods he has realized recently, using his own heart to lead others' hearts, using spiritual thoughts to transmit voices, using inner strength to arouse their resonance, and killing people with heartbeats.

Although it is the first enlightenment, as far as this situation is concerned, the power is not bad.


The beating of the heart suddenly stopped, and the eyes of all those who resonated with it were darkened, their chests felt tight, and there was an unspeakable severe pain, as if they were tightly squeezed by an invisible big hand, and there was a cloud of blood mist when they opened their mouths, almost Did not die on the spot.

The several incarnations that were originally separated in the Thirteenth Period of the Yuan Dynasty were also affected, and they collapsed like a bubble.

Yuan Shisanxian himself vomited red at the corner of his mouth, but he didn't feel the pain at all, instead he said with a strange smile: "Good method!"

As soon as he spoke, there was a domineering fist in front of his eyes, as well as Chen Zhuo's sharp eyes, cold and cold, like two ghostly will-o'-the-wisps, and a ferocious and grotesque Rakshasa face.

Yuan Shisanjian turned his palms and swept them at a slant, rubbed his palms, and suddenly water vapor gathered in his palms, turning into a big handprint, covering the back of Chen Zhuo's heart.

But how could that fist just avoid it, like a gangrene attached to the bone, with a twist of the right arm, it followed closely behind, meeting the palm strength.

He was far away before, Yuan Thirteenth Limit didn't notice it, now when he was fighting close to him, he felt that there were five wisps of extreme energy permeating Chen Zhuo's fist, wrapped in both fists, and gathered him in the palm of his hand. It melted away a lot, and the killing intent became even worse.

This son must not stay.

It's only been worth less than a year, and this kid's advancement is so amazing, if he is given a few more years to let him grow, wouldn't there be no one in the world who can control him.

The two of them had a pair of fists and palms, Yuan Shisanxian was holding the flute in his hand, and the one-line stick technique turned up and down, the shot was like flying, the shadow of the stick poured down violently, poking at the vital points of Chen Zhuo's body.


Chen Zhuo's fists fluttered with killing intent, he shrugged his shoulders and bent his waist, and stretched out his ape arms, seemingly soft and boneless, but like two whips, combining strength and softness, his fists shook the air, and the fist was fierce.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them retreated abruptly, like a fleeting glimpse, a fleeting flash, they were already several feet away, one of them was like a small boat, slipping backwards with the waves.

Two big waves followed closely behind, seeming to cut off the turbid waves, and beat to both ends, with a frightening momentum.

When retreating, Yuan Shisanxian already had a small crossbow in his hand, his face was indifferent, and his eyes were even colder.
"Fire the arrow!"

Take an arrow!

open strings!
Shoot the arrows!

All in one go.

The arrow stood like a shooting star, and the green light broke through the waves of the water and rushed straight away.

Chen Zhuo's brows turned cold, his face darkened, his left hand was held flat like a bow in his hand, and the fingers of his right hand made a gesture of opening the string.

He had no bow in his hand, no arrow on his finger, but just after he opened the bow, between his hands, he suddenly saw an invisible and tangible arrow congealed out of thin air, seemingly absent, like a dream.

Invisible Arrow!

(End of this chapter)

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