Chapter 210 Guan Qi Reappears
The turmoil throughout the night, amidst the anxiety of countless people, finally settled at dawn.

The rooster crowed for the first time, and many people who went out to sweep the snow suddenly realized that those imperial mansions that were unattainable in the past had changed their names and owners at some time.

Except for the faint smell of blood floating in the air, it seemed that nothing had happened.

Everything remains the same, but everything seems to be renewed in Vientiane.

The heads of Cai Jing and his son are still hanging there, frozen into lumps.

Not only was the prime minister beheaded, but the world also changed its master.

As early as before dawn, there were messengers rushing out of the capital and scattered in all directions, announcing the news of the new emperor's ascension to the world and spreading it to all states, which naturally caused another great shock.


In a side hall in the imperial palace, Zhao Shirong was flipping through the memorials of the ministers in a dignified manner, and dealt with many trivial matters, from dispatching manpower, issuing orders, to solving problems, everything was going on in an orderly manner.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Zhuo saw that the child might have been flustered at first, but with his natural intelligence and Tong Guan's guidance, he got used to it very quickly.

Tong Guan was amazed, "The Holy One is really a born emperor."

Zhao Shirong smiled disapprovingly, "If a person has searched through the thousands of books in the palace, from scriptures, histories, zi, anthology, to the emperor's ingenuity and scheming, it is nothing if it is true."

Chen Zhuo's eyes softened when he heard the words, "You have performed well enough to achieve this situation at such a critical moment, but it may not be too difficult to sit on it, the difficulty is to sit firmly on it; my master once said to me Words, whether it is martial arts or life, cannot escape the word "offensive and defensive". In my opinion, the same is true for governing the world and sitting firmly in the country. Today I give this sentence to you. Defense is not only defense, but defense For others, that is the inferior vehicle, but if you can guard yourself and keep that original heart, you are the superior vehicle.”

Zhao Shirong raised her small face and smiled very unhappy.

"Master Rong understands."

Seeing the appearance of the two, Tong Guan couldn't help but sigh secretly, Cai Jing died, and now there is Chen Zhuo, with shocking martial arts, destined to be an extremely powerful minister and a great influence.

Looking at Chen Zhuo's series of vigorous and vigorous actions, the things he did are almost superficial and simple in terms of scheming and scheming, and they are not even worth mentioning. Still can't change the result, being destroyed and crushed, oppressing people with force, oppressing people with power, dominating the world.

As soon as he thought about it, Chen Zhuo glanced over.

"The biggest scourge right now is not that Zhuge Zhengwo, the new emperor ascends the throne, as long as people's hearts are stabilized, the situation will be stable. What we really need to beware of is the Jin Kingdom's iron cavalry."

Tong Guan smiled sheepishly, "That's right, Jin Bing is always on the lookout, so we need to be careful this time around."

No matter how strong Zhuge Zhengwo is, he can't compare to the Jurchen iron cavalry who is like a wolf and a tiger.

Chen Zhuo thought for a moment, "The top priority is to stabilize people's hearts and eliminate public grievances, and at the same time restart the old famous generals in the court, reuse the virtuous to increase the army and strengthen the Song army. For the time being, stabilize the chaos first, and then make plans."

Zhao Shirong nodded, "Just as Mr. said."

At this time.

Dao Nanshen suddenly strode forward.

"Your Majesty, Lord Hou, Grand Master, there is news from Chuhe Town!"

There are several people behind him.

At first, one person was pale and thin, and his whole body was wrapped in a thick fur. He was very thin and full of sickness. His body was probably not less sick than Su Mengzhen, and the two were very similar.

But Su Mengzhen still looks chic, but this person is not going to die, it seems that he is only half breathed.

Su Mengzhen is all-powerful and unrivaled in the world, this person is not ordinary.

He is one of the five tiger generals of "Jiangnan Thunder Martial Hall", and also the most difficult number one person in Leijiabao, "Little Cold God" Lei Juan.

Before Qi Shaoshang entered "Lianyunzhai" in the past, he lived and died with this person. He entered the martyrdom and gained a great reputation. Later, due to some grievances and enmities, the two parted ways.

I thought the two sides would break up, but after Qi Shaoshang cheated to death, this person sneaked into the capital with Xi Honglei and others, wanting to find Chen Zhuo to avenge him, instead of a coincidence, they formed an alliance instead.

And most of the people behind him are women. These people are all beautiful, with various styles, each with its own merits, and they are all from the world, including Xi Honglei, Tang Wanci, Qin Wanqing, etc. people.

Xihong said with tears: "Master Hou, Mr. Su specially asked us to protect the safety of the Holy One."

Chen Zhuo nodded and looked at Lei Juan, "What's the matter?"

Lei Juan has thin cheeks and high cheekbones. "Several key figures didn't show up, but the 'time-honored' Wen family stepped in, and the four great families of the 'Fengyun Escort' also came, plus the four famous arresters, After a few fights, there were winners and losers, but Situ Twelve never made a move."

"Zhuge Zheng, didn't I show up?"

For this result, Chen Zhuo was not surprised at all.

Lei Juan was thin and lonely, with sunken eyes, as if he was dying of illness, he said: "We guess, those people are..."

Chen Zhuo said, "The capital city."

Lei Juan asked calmly, "What should I do?"

Chen Zhuo rolled his eyes and glanced at the gloomy sky outside, "Soldiers are coming to block, water is coming to cover, Qi Shaoshang and the others are back?"

"I'll go ahead, they're all on the way." Lei Juan nodded "Yes", "This matter is a bit unusual. Compared with Chuhe Town, the capital is more dangerous. If they return to the capital, if they are not very sure, they will never act like this."

Chen Zhuo squinted his eyes first, then opened them wide, and said softly: "Then come on, I want to see what tricks they want to play, look at the world, unless Wei Qingqing reappears in the world, Guan Qi reappears in the world, I will come Those who do not refuse."


Two days later.

Cai House.

The plaque fell obliquely and fell into two pieces.

These two words, which were originally known to everyone in the capital, are now covered with footprints, dust, and drips of wet blood.

The Ministry of Criminal Justice and the Six Gates worked together to handle the case. It didn't matter if they didn't investigate. It took a full two days for the investigation, and it was the third day. It was almost dark, and everything in the Cai Mansion hadn't been counted yet.

There are so many gold, silver and jewels that cannot be calculated, the antique calligraphy and paintings are even more astonishing, and there are secret letters between Cai Jing and many courtiers for private purposes. Most importantly, a silk book made of gold documents was found.

Wu Ri Shenqiang's spear tactics.

The torches were held up four times, and the people from the Criminal Department and the six doors came and went, came in and out, moved and moved, and lifted and lifted.

The empty field in front of the courtyard was almost filled with objects of all sizes. When the flames shone, the moonlight shone, and the jewels soared to the sky. They were full of rare treasures, even more astonishing than the treasure house in the palace.

Zhu Xiawu was speechless, with greed in the depths of his eyes.

Fame and wealth, he is considered a little famous now, but it is far from the word "li", so it is inevitable that he will not be tempted.

But when he saw Zhu Yueming looking at him with a half-smile, he hurriedly gave a simple and honest smile to hide his greed.

But he said that he was counting things, and a small policeman hurried over with a torch, "Boss Zhu, the brothers seem to have heard something in a dry well in the backyard."

Zhu Xiawu and Zhu Yueming glanced at each other and rushed over immediately.

But before they got close, the two had already noticed something strange.


extremely cold.

And this coldness is oozing from the mouth of a dark well under the bright moonlight.

It was an old well made of green bricks, the rim of the well was blackened, several arm-thick iron chains were attached to the mouth of the well, and there were a few boulders scattered beside it, as if it had just been moved away.

Zhu Yueming's whole body trembled violently, it was not a cold feeling, it was clearly a killing intent so strong that it seemed real, as if a ferocious beast had woken up and wanted to pounce on it.

The murderous aura was aroused, all the police officers, big and small, together with Zhu Yueming and Zhu Xiawu couldn't help their scalps tingling and their skin shuddering, as if they were in a world of ice and snow.

Those who are weak in courage, seeing the phantoms appearing in front of them at first glance, opened their mouths and exclaimed, just like being killed by a ghost, pulled out the waist knife, and slashed towards the colleagues beside him with a ferocious face.

"Are you crazy?"

Zhu Xiawu slapped this person away with a gloomy face.

"Stay away, there must be a terrible murderer in this well."

A group of people withdrew far away, leaving only Zhu Yueming and Zhu Xiawu cautiously approaching the mouth of the well, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Suppressing the throbbing in his heart, Zhu Xiawu sullenly, using all his internal strength, shouted at the mouth of the well like a thunderous voice: "Where is the sacred place? Report your name!"

It was fine if he didn't open his mouth, but he just spit out the scolding.

The long fine iron chains trembled suddenly, stretched straight for a moment, and flew around the inner circle of the wellhead several times, flying sparks everywhere.

Zhu Xiawu and Zhu Yueming's whole bodies tensed up, and they took a few steps back.

However, the iron chain suddenly calmed down again.

Just as they were about to continue to go forward to investigate and wait and see, there was a faintly long breath from the depths of the well.

Immediately there was a strong wind.

That aura is so majestic, as if it could swallow the heavens and the earth in the whistling.

Everyone took a breath, only to feel a wordless sense of oppression welling up in their hearts, their hair stood on end, and their faces turned pale.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of exhalation gradually slowed down, and then turned into the sound of inhalation, as if someone was pinching his mouth and inhaling for a long time.

With just this inhalation, both Zhu Yueming and Zhu Xiawu were moved and turned pale.

But seeing in the night sky, a stream of condensed and substantial moonlight slowly descended from the sky amidst the stunned crowd, and threw it into the well.

"Good guy, this guy can actually absorb the moonlight."

Zhu Yueming's mouth was dry, and the fat on his cheeks was trembling. He rushed out in a few steps, kicked half of the rockery, and swept the hill towards the old well, trying to block the mouth of the well.

Zhu Xiawu was about to join hands, but his face changed drastically, "Back!"

With a loud shout, he flew back.

Zhu Yueming also retreated in a hurry, and a group of policemen scattered in a panic, their legs were so weak that they rolled and crawled.


As soon as the rockery fell, it exploded instantly.

The riotous breath spread, and a hoarse voice gradually came out from the bottom of the well, and it turned into an earth-shattering roar as soon as it came out of the well.


Under the roar, the situation changed color, and the roof tiles were cracked.

The floating clouds in the sky disintegrated in an instant, and the moonlight fell again. As the tight iron chain trembled, a ball of thick long hair flying like flames came into everyone's eyes first, followed by a pale face, which was opening its mouth to swallow the air. Beaming moonlight, skin and flesh are clear, like an eternal iceberg, and there is also an evil energy, soaring layer by layer, soaring into the sky...

Zhu Yueming let out an "ah" and hissed, "You are... Seventh Lord?"

He said that the first two words are still shaking, but the last two words have fled.

When Zhu Xiawu heard the name, his pupils trembled, he turned around and ran out grabbing his two confidants without looking back.

"Guan Mudan!"

(End of this chapter)

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