Chapter 24 Gong Baotian

The long street was snowed at night, and several figures rushed from the west.

"Senior Brother Gong, if someone really dares to break into the door of God's hand, I'm afraid we won't be enough to see it!"

The young man's eyes flickered, and he only twitched his nostrils twice. His face was already watery, his legs were tense, and his speed was astonishingly fast.

"What a bloody smell!"

Hearing the words, the rest of the people behind took a deep breath, and suddenly felt a pungent blood flow to the nose, rushing into the mouth and nose, so strong that even the wind and snow could not blow away; All the warriors also showed horror.

"It's okay, I'll go in by myself, and you guys are on guard outside, so be sure to guard it." His voice was deep and thick, but the implication was that he wanted to go alone, as if he looked down upon the world.

This person is No. 1 among the three generations of disciples of Wumen in the entire capital, the commander of the Ouchi guards, Gong Baotian.

"It's near!"

Looking at the high wall in the snow, he bent his legs to the bottom, leaped up to a height of five or six feet from the ground, stepped on the wall with his feet, and was already on the top of the wall while he was moving, the speed was dizzying.

But with a glance, Gong Baotian's figure was shocked, his bright eyes narrowed into slits in an instant, and his eyes swept across the entire God's Hand Gate like lightning.

"It's all dead, go find Senior Brother Liu!"

Without looking back, Gong Baotian jumped off the wall and ran straight to the depths of the courtyard.

"The direction of this knife is single-handed!"

"Soft fists and soft palms, the ruthless hands in Taijimen."

"Is this a bite mark?"

"The whip method of the Great Saint through the arm door."

"Mantis Fist!"

"Amazing skill in playing the game!"

"Huh? There are also masters of Bajimen."

Scanning the wounds of the corpses along the way, Gong Baotian stopped suddenly, his eyelids drooped, his eyes fell, and he stopped in front of a corpse on the ground.

A human face with distorted facial features, full of pain, bright red eyes almost bulging out, flesh and blood pale, and a bloody hole on the neck that was torn open.

Flower boxing champion.

Gong Baotian raised his eyebrows, hooked the corpse on the ground with his toes, and the frozen body of Huaquan King immediately turned over.

Looking at the torn clothes on the back of the corpse, his eyes flashed brightly, and he turned the person over again, peeled off the robe on the front chest, and saw a black and blue bruise like an ink spot on the cold white chest It landed on Hua Boxing King's chest.

The bruises are not inconspicuous, but what is really moving is that around the bruises, veins and blood vessels protrude like the roots of old trees, extending outwards, almost spreading to the entire chest.

Gong Baotian was rarely moved.

"What method is this?"

Before he had time to take a closer look, he rushed to the other side, and the most important thing right now was to see if he could find someone alive.

"Senior Brother Liu!"

Hearing the wailing, Gong Baotian's expression darkened, and he searched for the sound, only to see several senior brothers rushing in crying loudly holding a dead body, the thick chest seemed to have been dug out by some ferocious beast. My heart disappeared.

"There's nothing to cry about when a kid from Jianghu dies in Jianghu. I told him a long time ago, don't be too utilitarian and practice more, otherwise you won't be able to get involved in this unreasonable incident. But how dare you kill me, a kid from the 'Baguamen', heaven Underground, I want to find him out."

Gong Baotian was disturbed by the cries of several old men, turned around to go out, and suddenly heard an urgent greeting from not far away.

"Commander, let's take a look at this!"

The voice was thin, like a duck's voice, but it was the father-in-law who came with him.

Gong Baotian walked over with a sigh of relief, and his expression became weird after seeing it.

In the open space of the martial arts arena, there were several corpses lying.

A dwarf who looked like a rich man, with a Peking Opera white face on his face, and a hole in his chest. He died exactly like his senior brother. The wound was backward and forward, as if he had been attacked by surprise, with the stubble sticking out.

The prince's face was pale, and he pointed at a severed hand on the ground with his orchid fingers trembling.

It is said to be a hand, but in fact it is a sharp claw covered with black hair, the nails are curved like hooks, and there is a deformed heart in the palm of the hand.

"Scared our family to death, it must be that the monsters on the mountain came down to eat people?"

Gong Baotian's eyelids trembled, "It's not a fairy, it's the paw of a big horse monkey. In the early years, I went to the mountains to work with monkeys in order to practice monkey-shaped fists. When it gets too extreme, it will go down the mountain to eat people, and it will only pick on young children... This one is most likely raised by humans on purpose."

He looked at the other corpses on the ground. A man with a single knife was kicked to death with his throat broken.On the opposite side, lay a man who looked like a porter, his legs were thick and powerful, and there was a leopard head-shaped anklet on the toe, which was made of pig iron with edges and corners, but he was disemboweled and killed on the spot.

"A good player who pokes his feet, bounces his legs, and counts the moves, fights desperately to win, and dies together."

The other two corpses nearby are also very strange, they are still entangled with each other even when they are dead.

One is tall and burly, but his face is blue, and the other is also dressed as a porter. The whole body is hung on the former, his body is like a giant python, bleeding from all seven orifices.

"Baji! Xingyi!"

"There are also two Mantis Fist and Yan Qing Fist who were killed at the same time, like a counterattack, violently launched a rebellion, but lost, and rushed to death."

His eyes changed slightly, and he picked out a dead body with a broken chest on the ground, looked at the other's tense arms, and stretched his frowning brows, "If I'm not wrong, these will be destroyed." The murderer of the Shenshoumen, it seems that there was another infighting afterwards, but there should be some escaped alive... Wait, show me the severed claw again!"

"This knife is fierce and fierce, and cuts the stubble flat. It is a bit different from the routine of single-handedly picking the intestines and guts. Facing this big horse monkey, if you want to make meritorious deeds with the knife, you must use force and speed. The long knife is very powerful. Difficult to do, only a short blade under two feet can take the enemy and make meritorious deeds in a flash of thunder, and it also depends on the habits of the person who wields the sword."

"Fast knife! Short knife!"

Gong Baotian's eyes froze for a moment, and his face was gloomy, as if thinking of something.

"This person still has a sword wound on his body, and there should be a master of the sword."

Wang Gonggong also paid close attention to it, and found something else.

Gong Baotian shook his head, "It's not one, it's two, one is double swords, the other is a lone sword. Look at this sword wound, which slanted in from left to right. It's clearly two hands holding swords and making quick moves, while the throat sword Injury, the wound is wide, it should be a single sword, and this person, his body was severed in two, that is, he was cut by a sharp knife. In this way, there should be at least four or five people who got out alive."

When he got up, the fire was bright outside, and the sound of footsteps approached quickly, but the reinforcements had already arrived.

"Seal the Nine Gates! Find the murderer!"


"It's the fourth watch!"

The watchman beat the watch drum tremblingly.

Outside Yuanshun Escort Bureau, the cold wind was blowing, and the apricot-yellow dart flags fluttered and fluttered.

Several figures, headed by Gong Baotian, rushed over.

"It's late at night, who is it? Just fell asleep, isn't this disturbing people's dreams."

Hearing Cheng Tinghua's voice, Gong Baotian lowered his momentum, "I've met the master master!"

Gong Baotian exhaled bursts of scalding hot air, which turned into white frost in an instant, "I want to see Junior Brother Chen!"

With a sigh of relief, Cheng Tinghua's two spectacle lenses were suddenly white, "What's the trouble in the middle of the night, you have so many hidden stakes staring outside, no matter how capable Chen Xiaozi is, he can grow wings and fly out?"

Gong Baotian's tone eased, "Uncle, I also acted according to orders. The Shenshou Sect was killed. This matter is no small matter. I'm afraid it will alarm Lafayette. Also, Senior Brother Liu Bingyi is dead."

Hearing this, Cheng Tinghua's expression tightened and his eyebrows frowned, "Do you suspect it's Boy Chen?"

Gong Baotian replied: "I just want to see him."

Cheng Tinghua rubbed his glasses on his sleeves, pointed to the backyard, "That is the single room at the back."

Gong Baotian signaled the people behind him not to follow, and went in by himself, and when he followed Cheng Tinghua to the single room in the backyard, before the people around him could speak, he had already taken the opportunity to push the door, the force of his palm was darkened, and the wooden latch immediately became silent The wooden door was broken by the wind and snow.

With a "creak", everything in the house came into view.

On the bed, a pair of knife eyes suddenly opened, looking straight at him.

"Gong, you are too deceitful!"

Chen Zhuo was only wearing a coat, and with a single hand, a knife was pulled out of its sheath under the bedding.

It was a Guanshan knife, three feet long, and the snow was bright and cold.

Gong Baotian squinted his eyes, the light in his eyes flashed out suddenly, his hands on his sides were already stretched, but his eyes fell on the long and narrow knife, his brows were slightly frowned, as if thinking about it.

"What are you doing? Is there any old man in your eyes?"

Seeing this tense scene, Cheng Tinghua immediately became angry.

At the very moment, a person rushed over from outside the house.

"My lord, brothers have encountered a cruel hand. There was a woman who used two knives to kill the three of us and escaped. By the way, I heard from the watchman that I saw a monkey at Xishikou earlier, A man ran away on the roof, scared to death."

The man whispered in his ear, although he lowered his voice, everyone in the room could hear him clearly.

Gong Baotian took a deep breath, took a deep look at Chen Zhuo who was standing up with a knife on the bed, and said, "What an offense! These days the capital is not peaceful, it's better for Junior Brother Chen not to go out, so farewell!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left.

Seeing this, Cheng Tinghua shook his head, gave Chen Zhuo a few more words of advice, and then changed the latch and closed the door.

When there was no more sound outside the door, Chen Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes lowered, and under the quilt, he saw a pair of eyes opened.

(End of this chapter)

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