Chapter 263 Pure Yang Supreme Art

Tianshan, Misty Peak.

Among the white snow, the mountains are scattered, the clouds and mists do not disperse all the year round, and the sky is full of snow.

There is a steep peak in the mountain, which rises from the ground and soars into the clouds, as if it can touch the moon and reach the blue sky.

Suddenly, a misty figure squeezed out and came from the foot of the mountain.

"Don't go back to the Vulture Palace, go to the right. There is a lonely peak there. There is a hidden cave on the top of the peak. It is the place where I used to retreat and practice. No one knows about it."

Hearing Wu Xingyun's words, Chen Zhuo changed his footsteps and headed straight for a lone snow peak in the distance.

"Wu Yazi is the head of the 'Xiaoyao Sect'. Now that he has left the 'Leigu Mountain', he will come to Tianshan Mountain sooner or later. Besides, I don't know if the old ghost of the Murong family will come after him, and that bitch Li Qiushui is really If you dare to come, just let my junior brother deal with them."

Since the battle last night, the two have been almost sure that the mysterious master is the existence they guessed, a martial arts myth that was invincible 200 years ago, and now it appears alive in front of them, how can they not be surprised.

Rao Wu Xingyun, who claims to be a god in the world, also finds it a little unbelievable.

But for Chen Zhuo, it has long been commonplace, and he is used to it.

"Junior, how can you be a bit disapproving of the appearance of that Murong Dragon City?"

Chen Zhuo's pace was extremely fast, but after a few breaths he had reached the foot of the isolated peak, so he took a deep breath and lifted himself up, using his strength to move on the precipice, running like flying, as if walking on flat ground.

Seeing such a brilliant movement of his, Wu Xingyun's eyes were full of splendor, and he was secretly amazed.

Chen Zhuo kept on stepping, and said: "The reason why you are surprised that those people are still alive is because you haven't lived to their age; people in this world are greedy for fame and fortune, and most of them are common people, but those who are greedy for life and life , can always live longer than ordinary people, and moreover, the world is infinitely miraculous, and it is not uncommon that there are many talented people who have figured out clever ways to seize nature."

Wu Xingyun nodded: "There is some truth to it."

Thinking about it, it's true that Daytime Ascension has popped up, and it's nothing to live longer.

The flying snow that was flowing backward suddenly slowed down, Chen Zhuo's eyes moved, and he saw a hidden cave with half a person's height on one side of the precipitous steep wall, and he immediately drilled in.

Unexpectedly, there is a cave in this mountain cave, as soon as they enter, the pervasive chill on the Tianshan Mountain recedes instantly, and a sense of warmth envelops the two of them.

Moreover, there are several strange scenes in the cave, the walls are inlaid with luminous strange stones, exuding a glimmer of light, and there is actually a two-foot-square deep pool in the depths of the cave, overflowing with wisps of warm air, A few lotus flowers in the pool are swaying and beautiful, as white as jade, so miraculous, you can tell that they are not ordinary at a glance.

With the help of Guanghua, there are still many writing marks carved on the four walls, as well as all kinds of grotesque portraits. There are a total of eight murals, marking the meridians and acupoints, which is extremely mysterious.

"This is the "Pure Yang Sovereign Skill", junior, if you think you have done something to save me, this should be a reward from this Child Elder. This skill has a mysterious origin, I don't know where an expert left it, it dates back to my master 'Xiaoyaozi' It existed before entering the Tianshan Mountains. I am the only one in the world who knows how to practice. Even Wu Yazi and Li Qiushui don't know the mystery of it. My "Eight Desolation and Liuhe Only I Respect Art" is also formed by reversing this art. How about you? Take a look and see if you can learn anything from it."

Wu Xingyun rolled over from Chen Zhuo's back, walked to the edge of the pool and sat down cross-legged, raised his hand and grabbed it in the air. He had already plucked a lotus flower, took a petal and put it in his mouth, and hurriedly explained a few words before adjusting his breath. He recovered from his injury.

Nowadays, there are endless masters in the world, and even the number one in the world hundreds of years ago has emerged. There will be big changes in the future, so it is natural to prepare early to adapt to the unexpected.

But she never noticed that in the corner of the cave, Chen Zhuo, who was looking around casually, suddenly stopped in his tracks after seeing the contents of the mural, and stopped in place.

"Hey, why is this mural..."

Looking at the mural on the wall, he was a little surprised at first, and then his eyes seemed to be fixed on it, and it was difficult to move away, his eyes kept changing, his brows were slightly frowned, as if he had encountered something extremely confusing.

Turning his eyes again, Chen Zhuo moved his feet, walked around the stone wall in the cave step by step, scanned every word, and waited for all the traces of the murals to be in his eyes. He was silent for a long time, and then Let out a sigh of relief.

"Oddly enough, the things on this mural actually hide the shadow of "Neijiaquan"."

At the same time, he was also very surprised.

"How is it? Can the method on your treasure map compare to this supreme miraculous skill?"

Wu Xingyun felt that his breath had changed, so he asked without opening his eyes.

Chen Zhuo laughed dumbfounded and did not respond, but his eyes were shining brightly.

Because what really surprised him was that this kung fu not only has "inner boxing", but also a unique method derived from the combination of inner boxing and inner breath, which is extraordinary.

"Pure Yang Supreme Skill?"

According to the theory of Taoism, if the inner alchemy is completed, it should be the body of pure yang.

However, if the internal boxing is successful, it will be able to keep the essence and energy, and become a body without leaks, and regard itself as a great pill.

"This kung fu also has a name, it's called "Eternal Spring Kungfu of Everlasting Eternity." Wu Xingyun said.

There was a flash of light in Chen Zhuo's eyes, and his mood was also changing.

"That's it, live forever."

There is also a statement in Taoist internal cultivation that the number seven and nine are positive numbers, and returning from seven to nine is returning to the source.

To put it simply, seven is the number of the heart, nine is the number of the lungs, the heart governs the blood, and the lungs govern the qi. This skill is a different path from the deity after the body has become a pill and the qi and blood are vigorous.

This deity is the master of "God", and this kung fu is the master of "Qi", complementing it with the inner breath of true energy, and accomplishing this miraculous skill.

Chen Zhuo looked at it a few more times, and the more he looked at it, the more weird he felt, and he secretly deduced it, and his eyes were already bright.

If you practice according to the method on the mural, the body will turn into pure yang, and you should seek the strength of qi and blood to help each other, just like fire takes advantage of the wind, and the wind follows the fire to strengthen the inner breath, so that the inner force can be self-generated, endless, and endless. Extremely extreme; the achievements may be extremely domineering, not to mention the tyranny of the physical body, the ordinary fists and feet will also have great power, which is similar to the deity's spiritual power.

"It's really good!"

Chen Zhuo looked at it secretly and sighed again and again.

At the beginning, the deity visited thousands of Taoist treasures, and tried to think about this path, but unfortunately, the five-element thunder killed it, and it was difficult to store internal energy in the body, so I didn't go into it. I don't want someone here to leave such a skill.

"Wait, there are only eight murals, and they are incomplete!"

Chen Zhuo glanced over and frowned unconsciously.

According to his deduction just now, there should be the last picture of this work.

The Supreme Pure Yang should correspond to the number of nine extremes. Although these eight pictures contain all kinds of mysteries, their power is not exhausted. Since "qi" is the main one, the number of "nine yangs" in the lungs should be taken.

And the ninth picture is the key to completely transforming into a "Pure Yang Body".

Otherwise, the power of this skill will be greatly reduced. Only with a body of pure yang can it be completely accomplished and have extraordinary skills.

Chen Zhuo looked at the ninth empty stone wall, and thought for a moment: "Could it be that the man failed to understand the ninth mural? Or did he deliberately leave it for the latecomers to test their comprehension and let them complete it by themselves? Interesting."

He scanned the first sentence of the mental method again.

"For the first time to practice this skill, you need to hold the body of a boy."

Chen Zhuo smiled: "Since it is the Supreme Pure Yang Art, it is better to change it to the Nine Yang Divine Art."

He said it unintentionally, but suddenly froze after he finished speaking.

"Jiuyang Divine Art?"

Wu Xingyun smiled when he heard this, opened his eyes suddenly, and praised without hesitation: "Okay, as expected, the sky is a genius, even this child elder has been studying and comprehending painstakingly for several years before realizing that there is something missing in this mural. Based on this, counter-training creates another, I don’t think you, a junior, can see through the mystery just by taking a quick glance.”

After she finished speaking, she suddenly raised her hands and rolled up her sleeves, and a strong wind blew through the cave, destroying all the writing marks and murals on the stone wall.

Chen Zhuo's expression changed, he frowned and said, "What are you doing?"

Wu Xingyun closed his eyes again, and said casually: "If you have the ability, just make up for it as much as you can...Nine Suns Divine Art...Excellent!!"

(End of this chapter)

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