Chapter 266 Beiming Rebirth Method


Just when Murong Bozhizhu was in his hands, thinking that the chance of victory was certain, what he got in return was Wu Yazi's lukewarm laughter.

That laughter implied contempt and disdain, extremely contemptuous.

"Junior, it's just a small sword wound, and it's worth your ecstasy? Don't say it's a magic weapon. Even if the owner of the sword comes in person, we have to fight it to see who is stronger and who is weaker."

Murong Bowen's face froze when he heard that he was called "junior", but he soon opened his eyes wide and lost his previous composure.

Seeing that Wu Yazi's face suddenly turned blue again, then turned red again, but after several rounds of rotation, it returned to the original.

"Ah, look at his sword wound!"

Jiumozhi's eyelids trembled, and a look of horror suddenly appeared on his face.

Everyone heard the sound and saw the sword wound on Wu Yazi's heart healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just when everyone was dumbfounded, Wu Yazi rolled up his sleeves, squinted his eyes coldly, showing his madness, and wrapped himself in his pocket towards Murong Fu who had just secretly attacked him. past.

Murong Fu suddenly felt blurred in front of his eyes, dizzy and dizzy, his pupils shrank sharply and he was about to retreat quickly, but he couldn't help being sucked by a huge suction out of thin air, his body was like a spinning top, it was difficult to tell the direction, and it was also difficult to break free.

What's more, the strong wind is weird, cold and hot alternate, yin and yang blend together, Murong Bo tried to rescue him several times but he was forced to do so, and he was able to relieve himself.


Fortunately, Li Qiushui saw the opportunity and made a move, stepped forward and smashed the force with one palm.

But it was only for a few moments, when Murong Fu was rescued, the faces of several people became solemn and strange again.

It's just because Murong Fu's physical strength is ten to eighty-nine, and his whole body is ruined in one go.

If there is no accident, this "Nan Murong" can be regarded as useless.

Wu Yazi paced around, looked at Li Qiushui and said calmly: "You are more hopeless than Wu Xingyun... You are right, I have been sitting on the 'Leigu Mountain' for dozens of years, and the injuries in my body have already intensified. Although I have the help of the strange scriptures, it is extremely difficult to recover in a short time; and I have already guessed that once the "Zhenlong Chess Game" is withdrawn, this scoundrel and I will not let me go, so, as early as in the "Leigu Mountain" I died once before."

Li Qiushui was in shock at first, but when he heard this, his clever eyes opened wide, as if he understood something, subconsciously took half a step back, and blurted out: "Northern Rebirth Method?"

Wu Yazi stretched out his hand to wipe the blood on his chest, there was no sword wound there, he said softly: "This "Shan Zi Jing" is really miraculous, it almost made me have another new understanding of what I have learned, even the time of rebirth The law has also become more subtle, specious, and now I can't hurt, I can't die, I can't kill."

Hiss, can this Beiming Divine Art be reborn?
Murong Bo, Jiumozhi and the others were all shocked beyond words.

Even Chen Zhuo squinted his eyes and looked at it carefully, concentrating on it for the first time.

With the help of the "Shan Zi Jing", this person realizes the law of rebirth and obtains immortality. When the other party completely settles and comprehends, a peerless and invincible figure will most likely appear in the world.

Looking at the invincible Wu Yazi in front of him, looking down on the world with disdain, Murong Bo's eyes were cloudy and cloudy, he was apprehensive but at the same time he miscalculated, and he was also dissatisfied with Li Qiushui, such an important detail, how could he miss it.

He suddenly looked solemn, and said in a sonorous and forceful voice: "Your Majesty has thoroughly realized the miraculous skills and the heavenly principles, and we admire them; however, everything today is purely a misunderstanding, and we are also here to find a bad person; The power of this man caused boundless bloody storms in the rivers and lakes, and speaking of it, that strange scripture came from this person, we might as well stop and make peace, so that we can find that person and eradicate a great harm for the world."

Hearing these words, Chen Zhuo raised his eyebrows, his expression became weird and subtle.

This guy actually wanted to bring disaster to the east, he was really treacherous and cunning, and he became a human being.

Wu Yazi fell silent when he heard the words, as if thinking about it.

Seeing this, Murong Bo only thought that the other party's heart was moved, he hurriedly continued: "That person possesses the secret of ascension by daylight, and his methods are weird, it's not trivial."

Wu Yazi nodded thoughtfully, and said with a light smile, "Looks like this is a world of great disputes, I think it's okay for me to give up and make peace with you, isn't it?"

Murong Bo hurriedly asked: "But what?"

Wu Yazi smiled lightly, and said softly, "I want your lives!"

As soon as the words came out, a cold murderous intent enveloped everyone in an instant.

Murong Bo is an old man, he has already been extremely vigilant, seeing this, he grabbed Murong Fu, and retreated quickly.

The rest of the people also moved one after the other.

At this moment, several people also realized that the person in front of them was already transcendent and invincible.

But they retreated quickly, and Wu Yazi moved even faster under his feet. After walking around, Lingbo spread out with small steps, and for a while, dozens of phantoms seemed to appear out of thin air in the crypt, and each phantom was in front of him. It's hard to distinguish the real from the fake, and it seems that all of them are real, and they are all real.

Murong Bo's back felt cold, but he was startled by Wu Yazi's endless tricks, his eyes changed viciously, and he pointed out with a sneaky finger with his left hand, not the menacing Wu Yazi, but the one nearby. Ding Chunqiu.

Ding Chunqiu was alarmed by the strong wind coming from his back, his face turned dark immediately, he didn't need to see who he knew who did it, he hurriedly parried with his backhand, hurriedly dodged, and then cursed: "Good job Murong Bo, you are still very famous in the world The heavy old Su actually crossed the river and demolished the bridge, so shameless, fuck me..."

"Hmph, heretics, the old man is just letting you experience what you have done."

Murong Bo didn't take it seriously at all, he responded righteously, and then retreated even faster.

Li Qiushui's pretty face also turned cold, and she was about to help, but a few drops of bright red blood suddenly splashed on her fair and delicate cheeks, and her heart trembled; looking at it again, it was just a face-to-face, and Ding Chunqiu was killed on the spot and was killed by no one Yazi pressed his palm on Tianling, spewed out a mouthful of blood mist, and immediately fell to the ground, his body spontaneously ignited, and was turned into ashes by the Northern Dark Qi, burning out a foul-smelling gas.

Seeing Wu Yazi's terrifying skill, Li Qiushui gritted his teeth, he couldn't care less about other things, self-protection is the most important thing, he and Murong Bo went two ways, each picked a fork in the road, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Jiumozhi didn't dare to hesitate, recently he was not as arrogant as he was when he first came to the Central Plains.

I thought that if I hugged the thigh of the Murong family, with that mysterious master sitting in the town, there would be no danger in the future, but I didn't expect to meet such a shocking enemy in a blink of an eye, and I escaped very quickly.

On the other hand, Wu Yazi seemed to be very interested in Murong Bo and his son, with a sneer on his face, he followed them leisurely.

After a long time, the crypt returned to silence.

Chen Zhuo walked out from the darkness, looked at the ashes on the ground that belonged to Ding Chunqiu, his eyes moved lightly.

"What a domineering internal force. The yang is like fire, and the yin is like ice. It seems that it is not accidental that this person can realize the law of rebirth. After the ups and downs, is he fully enlightened after the catastrophe of life and death?"

The good fortune of yin and yang coincides with the great way of heaven and earth, and it was the same with "Guan Qi" in those days.

He looked at the direction the other party was leaving again.

If the guess is correct, this person must have gone to find the ancestor of the Murong family.

A war is inevitable.

"It's getting more and more interesting."

He shrank back, and immediately returned to the dark passage, disappearing.

With the effort of the front and rear feet, not long after, another fork in the crypt suddenly saw two figures sneaking around, and they ran out stealthily.
"Monk, have you seen clearly? My master and the others really came in here?"

AhZi looked at the strange rocks all around, muttering to herself while walking cautiously.

Xu Zhu at the side is also cautious and cautious.

"The little monk saw it with his own eyes, and he is absolutely unmistakable."

"Why is there such a place under Vulture Palace?"

The two walked and watched, and after a while they arrived at the place where the battle was just now.

Seeing the ashes of the human figure on the ground, Ah Zi was taken aback for a moment, then picked up an accessory on the ground, rolled her eyes, then opened them wide and widened.

"Master, you just died like this? It's really... great!"

Xu Zhu was surprised and said: "Miss Ah Zi, are you out of your mind? Your master is dead, you can still laugh?"

AhZi rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Smelly monk, I will teach you, auntie. Some people in this world sound very close, but it doesn't mean they are really close. Brothers fight each other, parents turn against each other, husbands and wives rebel, everything must be done. It varies from person to person."

Xu Zhu seemed to understand, he scratched his head, he didn't know how to respond, his eyes paused suddenly, he stared at a stone wall, he was stunned for a moment, then he moved closer and took another look, hesitantly said: "Miss Ah Zi, Look, is there a person in this stone?"

Ah Zi was a little impatient.

"How can there be people in the stone?"

She originally replied as if she was dealing with it, but when she really looked at it, she was also taken aback.

But on a stone wall, it seems that due to the previous fierce battle, the stone shell was sliced ​​off by the sword energy, and now the stone wall is faintly glowing with jade color, and there is indeed a human figure appearing in it, if you don't look closely, you can see it. I really can't see it.

The man sat cross-legged among the rocks, with white clothes and white hair, like a young man...

AhZi took a closer look, and excitedly said: "Look, there seems to be a book in front of this person, maybe it's some kind of treasure, let's dig it out!"

(End of this chapter)

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