Chapter 273
As soon as the red light was reflected, it instantly fell into Murong Fu's ashen and dull eyes, causing a strange change.

Seeing this, Xu Zhu hurriedly hid the jade book and wrapped it tightly; this skill is extraordinary, if it flows into the rivers and lakes, at that time the learners will all return to the "demonic way", people will be wiped out, it will be a catastrophe for the world.

However, a hand suddenly grabbed it.

Although Murong Fu's kung fu has been completely lost, but suddenly he strikes, he is still as flexible as lightning, moreover, Xu Zhu is also suffering from a strange poison, although he has learned the "Yi Jin Jing", his kung fu is still weak, he feels his hands are weak Ruan, empty in his arms, the jade book has been taken away.

Xu Zhu hurriedly braced himself and said anxiously: "Benefactor, no, this skill cannot be practiced!"

But Murong Fu seemed to be dazed at this moment, he didn't react at all, as if only the jade book was left in his eyes.

After the package was put into his bosom, Murong Fu came back to his senses like a dream, looked at the anxious Xu Zhu, then looked at the evil jade book in his bosom, then turned his head pale in panic, and fled outside.

"Leave the antidote!"

Suddenly heard a shout.

Jiumozhi, who had been using cross-legged kung fu to force poison, suddenly pinched his hands together, flipped his index finger, and a strange force flowed out from the fingertips. The flip was obscure, and there seemed to be golden lights blooming in the void. , a ray of sharp air was released out of thin air, like a sharp arrow, an invisible arrow.

He got this method from the treasure map, it is a spiritual method, it is called "Sad Little Arrow". Combining the invisible arrow with it, the arrow is formed with spiritual thoughts, tempered and practiced day and night, and many changes have been added; therefore, although the inner strength cannot be used, the spirit is still there. For the essence, but at this moment when he shot with anger, the power is also amazing.

After Murong Fu was startled, he felt a sharp pain in his heart, the road was not good, so he escaped faster.

Seeing this, Jiumozhi flicked his sleeves outwards, clasped his hands together, joined the tantric mudra, focused his thoughts, put his index finger and middle finger together, and pointed towards Murong Fu in the air.

Originally, this spiritual method was extremely difficult to understand, mysterious and mysterious, but for a monk like him who practiced Zen meditation and visualized the Buddhas, it was like seeing the moon through the clouds and mists.

It's a pity that I was involved in this right and wrong before I had time to study and refine it.

Just pointing at a distance, the aura instantly approached Murong Fu.

Although Murong Fu said that he wanted to die, he didn't really want to die.

In a hurry, he threw away the antidote of Sad Su Qingfeng, and at the same time restraining everyone, he felt a pain in his chest, and a bloody arrow choked out of his mouth, and rolled out.

But Jiumozhi had no intention of killing, one blow failed to kill him, he was too busy with detoxification, he didn't care about what the other party snatched from the little monk's hand, so he wrapped the antidote into his hand with his big sleeves in the air.

Looking at Murong Fu again, there is only a pool of blood left on the ground, and there is no trace left.

In the snowstorm, a figure rushed straight into the depths of the Tianshan Mountain in a panic.

I don't know how long he ran, Murong Fu was exhausted until he fell into the wind and snow exhausted.


Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, looked around, looked at the vast world, covered with snow, couldn't help feeling sad, and laughed maniacally, but as soon as the injury was affected, he opened his mouth and poured blood, staining his clothes.

But one day, he was reduced from the world-famous "Nan Murong" to a useless person, how sad and ridiculous.

Such a huge gap would be difficult for anyone to accept for a while.

The great wish of the ancestors of the Murong family, everything, has nothing to do with him.

But he said that he was losing his mind when he suddenly felt a burning sensation in his chest.

And the blazing heat became more and more intense, like a raging fire burning the body.

The moment he came back to his senses, Murong Fu hurriedly took out the things from his arms.

jade book.

The jade book, which was originally evil before, is now even more evil, it is glowing red, and the moment it falls to the ground, the snow on the ground melts instantly.

Looking at the jade book, even Murong Fu himself was a little dazed for a moment, wondering why he wanted to snatch such a thing back.

The evil is unknown, it is definitely not a good thing, and it seems that there is an indescribable demon just now that pushed him to make a choice.

What's even more unbelievable is that his eyes changed suddenly, and then he stared at it firmly, because there were some blood stains on the jade book before, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye, as if being swallowed by the jade book, the red light immediately became more intense.

The red light emanated from the inside and was stimulated by the blood. During the circulation, the jade book was like a cracked ice surface, cracked cracks, and then shattered with a "bang".

Unexpectedly, there is another strange thing hidden in the book. There is a page of gold paper with hidden words engraved on it.

Different from the "Nine Deaths Demon Art" that Xu Zhu saw, Murong Fu was surprised and suspicious, when he looked intently, what came into his eyes were three large characters that twisted and twisted.

"Blood Demon Chapter!"

"This method is the secret of the "Nine Deaths Demon Art". Most warriors in the world seek the ability to breathe true energy inside, absorb the energy of heaven and earth, and pursue the vastness of the outer world, but few people know that the essence is hidden in the blood; as strong as a beast, The strength lies in the abundance of energy, and the blood of a warrior is still better than a beast. The stronger the skill, the thicker the energy in the blood. This is the wonder of the inner world; Blood is Dan, so called 'Xue Dan', if the blood coagulates successfully, the pills can be harvested for use..."

Murong Fu's pupils shrank, and he almost threw away this evil kung fu, it was practiced with human blood.

But he suppressed his fear and looked down two more times.

"The strength of this method is that you can swallow the essence of others for your own use. Even if you haven't practiced the "Nine Deaths Demon Art", you can become a world-shattering ability if you master this method. , take its blood, take its essence, strengthen your body internally, and make the best of it, but you will never grow old, and your essence will last forever, surpassing the common people."

The more Murong Fu looked, the more his breath became short of breath, his whole body trembled violently, his eyes protruded, and his bloodshot eyes filled the air, this method is truly unprecedented, moreover it's unheard of, never even heard of it.

Moreover, the evil nature is terrifying. If you use human blood to practice kung fu, how can you still be human?

But this method is also miraculous, it does not need to practice breathing hard day and night, just hunt for the strong, then the weather will be self-contained, the more pills you pick, the higher the realm.

Murong Fu pursed his parched lips, his eyes were cloudy, his face was flushed, his eyelids trembled violently, as if he was in a daze, he was weighing the trade-offs in his heart, in this way, his skill is nothing.

But in the end rationality prevailed, Murong Fu was startled, and suddenly woke up, as if he had been rescued from drowning, panting heavily, he looked away from the golden paper.

Although his power has been lost, at least he is still a human being with flesh and blood, and he is still young. If he starts all over again, he will still have a chance, but if he practices this kind of inhumane magic power, he may not even be considered a human being. What face would he have? Facing the ancestors of the Murong family.


Thinking of this, Murong Fu's eyes turned hard, he picked up a huge stone beside him, and smashed all the remaining jade books, together with the gold paper, so that it was beyond recognition, it's hard to see the real thing.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps in the wind and snow behind him.

"Fu'er, are you okay?"

Murong Fu turned around in surprise.


It was Murong Bo who came.

(End of this chapter)

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