Chapter 295
"Once there is a grievance? Are you worthy of fighting with me?"

Seeing Murong Bo using pills to forcibly boost his power, Murong Longcheng couldn't help but look even more ugly.

He reached out to take out the medicine bottle handed over by the other party just now, glanced at the two pills in it, and said coldly: "So I made preparations earlier, so these pills must be fake."

Murong Bo swallowed two "Wuji Immortal Pills" in one go, but he didn't have much confidence in his mind; just now, in Shaolin Temple, all parties were fighting, this elixir was originally refined and looked after by the "enemy of the king of hell" Xue Muhua, and when the pills were completed, they were scrambled again. The scene was extremely tragic; all those who broke into the alchemy room survived one out of ten, and almost died. Even he had to spend a lot of energy to snatch two elixir in the chaos. Although he didn't know the effect of the medicine, he did witness someone taking it After applying the elixir, his skill greatly increased, which shows that the rumors are true.

In fact, he still wanted to wait, if he could find out the efficacy of the elixir, and then find out Murong Longcheng's confidence, maybe it would be safer.

But now that the variables have come to an end, and Murong Longcheng is seriously injured and has lost an arm, he can only take risks, otherwise he will not have another chance when he recovers from his injuries and gets the elixir again.

Feeling the majestic and terrifying medicinal power in his belly spreading in his extraordinary meridians and limbs, Murong Bo replied: "That's right, originally I didn't want to do it too early, but you shouldn't mention Fu'er, Don't think that I don't know, you've been plotting against him secretly, it's because of Xiaoyaozi's magic skill."

Feixue was getting anxious, Murong Longcheng looked at the heir of the Murong family in front of him with disdain, and said sarcastically: "All you have learned is from me, I will know what you know, and I will know what you don't, but It’s all about external help, even if I’m seriously injured, it’s not difficult to kill you.”

He stopped talking, but unexpectedly heard a sneer from Feixue: "Is that so? Add us."

A man in black walked out with his arms folded, his eyes teasing.

"Amitabha!" The Buddha's chant sounded, and Jiumozhi came out, stepping lightly on his straw sandals, raising his long eyes slightly, his dark face was as cold as ice, "Unexpectedly, Layman Murong is that monk from India back then. The old debts of the past are liquidated today."

Murong Longcheng looked at the two people who came out, his cheeks squirmed, as if he was gnashing his teeth.

He may not pay attention to the power of one person, but these three are all powerful opponents in the world, and Murong Bo has obtained the effect of elixir, so the three of them join forces, it is not easy.

The man in black lowered his hands, and greeted: "I'm afraid of changing things later, let's make a quick decision!"

Murong Longcheng looked at the three of them with all his eyes, and suddenly with a long howl, he jumped into the air first, his body whirling like a spinning top, and the frost and snow beside him were torn away in an instant; within a breath, there was a snow dragon in the air Scrolls emerged out of thin air, wisps of sword energy circling and turning, densely packed, like layers of waves, annihilating the world in all directions.

Where the sword qi fell, the earth and rocks turned into powder, and the vegetation turned into ashes. The dilapidated house in the rain was wiped away by the thousands of sword qi like the scorching sun in winter snow.

"The martial arts myths of the past are really powerful." The man in black exclaimed when he saw such a scene for the first time, and then sneered, "It's a pity that it's the end of its strength, let it die."

He didn't retreat a single bit from his feet, the innate scorpion energy circulated, and an invisible barrier four feet away was instantly opened, and the gas turned into gray light, not only blocking the wind and snow, but also isolating the sword shadows all over the sky Come on, use your palms to gather internal strength and compete with it.

Murong Bo is even more straightforward, his skill is not good at all, now that he has the majestic medicinal power, he can climb layers of his body, the sword will rise in his body, extremely ruthless, stride towards Murong Longcheng, the energy in front of him Qiang actually forced the torrent of thousands of sword qi to the sides, flying away like waves.

He walked very slowly, every step he stepped down seemed to be stabilizing his steps, taking root on the ground, but every step he took, his aura rose to a higher level, the brilliance overflowed from his pores, flickering, gray hair flying, If there is any overflow of energy, it is because the elixir is too powerful.

Jiumozhi put his left palm upright in front of his chest, but at the moment when the towering sword energy was added to his body, he moved his right hand and turned himself backwards, holding a spear in his hand, and said slowly: "I've offended you!"

The tip of the gun is bright, and the body of the gun is black and cold. This is just an ordinary iron gun bought at the foot of Shaoshi Mountain.

But the moment he lifted the gun, the cold light on the tip of the gun suddenly burst into brilliance, like a bright star shining in the dark night, shocking the world, and even more stunning, not only amazed himself, but also amazed everyone present.

The cold light is getting brighter and brighter, so bright that it is indescribable, it is impossible to see it, it seems to pick out a sun, and then quickly shrinks and restrains, as if it has exhausted all energy, absorbed all light and heat, and returned With one shot, the sky was darkened, and then it pointed directly at Murong Longcheng.

Murong Bo walked in big strides, slowly raised his right hand, turning out a sword finger, also pointing at Murong Longcheng.

Several tyrannical air machines converged like thunder and earth fire, each incompatible, and the brilliant brilliance reflected four completely different faces in the wind and snow, as well as each other's expressions.


An earth-shattering explosion exploded between heaven and earth.

The horrifying momentum almost suppressed all movement, the world was miserable, and everything was horrified.

After a few breaths, the remaining strength of the terrifying air wave died down amidst the mighty whistling sound, disappearing completely.

The wind and snow repeated as usual, and looking again, a large pit with a diameter of several feet was looming in the wind and snow. Everything in the pit was turned into dust, several figures stood still, and the expressions on their faces had changed.

A section of the sword finger sank straight into Murong Longcheng's heart, and a drop of blood flowed out.

This is Murong Bo's sword finger.

With the sword pointing to the left and to the right, Murong Longcheng protruded with one arm, holding a long spear tightly in his hand, most of the point of the spear had pierced into his chest.

And behind Murong Longcheng, the man in black pushed his palms together and landed on his back. The three of them formed horns with each other and made a move together.

"Cough cough... wow..." Murong Longcheng was hit hard again, coughed lightly, and immediately saw the reverse blood vomited wildly, hanging his jaw straight, incomparably miserable, "It really is a member of Murong's family, a Tubo national teacher, a Khitan Master, it seems that you have a lot of plans."

It turned out that during the battle just now, the skirt of the man in black was torn, and a tattoo of half a wolf's head was exposed on his chest, which was the Khitan totem.

Murong Bo met his eyes, and said hoarsely: "Kill you, my Murong family will still follow the ancestor's will, but I don't need you anymore, without you, my father and son can still recover Dayan."

"Really?" Murong Longcheng's expression changed suddenly, he grinned ferociously, his one arm suddenly shook, the tip of the gun in his hand broke on the spot, and sent it into the body of the person in front of him, "Since I can single-handedly build the Murong family , You can also destroy it with your own hands, rather teach me to betray the world, don't teach the world to betray me, die!"

Murong Bo showed pain on his face, but he didn't back down, his eyes were equally ferocious, and he pointed his sword again, piercing his heart, and said sharply: "Okay, then let's go to Huangquan together, so as to give the Murong family a new start, you and I together Go down and plead guilty to your ancestors."

Murong Longcheng spurted blood wildly from his mouth, his painful veins twitched violently, and his ferocity was also aroused, he roared: "Death!"

This scene was really unexpected, the man in black and Jiumozhi at the side were about to help when they saw this, Murong Bo and Murong Longcheng suddenly separated again, the blood arrows of the two of them flew wildly, each was drenched all over.

Murong Longcheng's eyes darkened, he staggered back a few steps, his expression froze, and he fell down straight.

Murong Bo gasped heavily, and sat down on the ground, looking at Murong Longcheng who died in the snow, his eyes didn't have any pleasure, instead there was a kind of tiredness and pain.

He slowly closed his eyes, with hot tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, thinking how many people his Murong family had buried for this so-called ancestor's will, but in the end it was just a dream.


The wind and snow were thicker, and suddenly someone came.

Murong Fu rushed over with disheveled hair and a panicked expression, behind him were many confidantes of the Murong family, as well as several beautiful women, all exclaiming in surprise.

Jiumozhi and the man in black looked at each other, then retreated and disappeared.

Murong Fu saw that Murong Bo's face was like gold paper, he couldn't help being shocked: "Father, are you alright?"

(End of this chapter)

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