Chapter 309

"Compared to the sea of ​​internal energy?"

Looking at Yu Linglong, whose palms were empty, Chen Zhuo's eyes brightened, but his heart trembled secretly, and he was also shocked by this whimsical idea of ​​martial arts.

In Neijiaquan, the samadhi of spirit, energy and spirit is based on "essence". However, it is different from those inner exercises. It is the pursuit of the ultimate ability of the physical body, whether it is skill or strength, regardless of the ever-changing, it is impossible to escape the essence as the basis, even the spiritual thoughts are based on the physical body, the spirit is strong, and the spirit is strong.

But human power is exhausted, no matter how extraordinary and holy the physical body is, the energy in the whole body will eventually be exhausted one day.

The longer the internal strength is accumulated, the better the weather will be, but the essence is passing away day and night. Even if Chen Zhuo can lock the essence tightly to the point where the essence cannot be leaked out, but every move, as long as the heart and lungs are vigorous, the essence will always be depleted. The difference is just more and less.

It can be said that Neijiaquan has been going downhill from the very beginning, and the difference between them and ordinary people is that they have extended this downhill way longer.

But this thing actually found another way, and came up with a way to imitate the sea of ​​internal energy, condense this thing, and store essence for use. In this way, the downhill road can almost extend to infinity.

And with this thing in hand, the death of a martial artist can be delayed, and the ability of longevity can be achieved.

Such an idea is really eye-catching.

The voice sounded fast, and dispersed even faster, becoming more and more ethereal, like someone whispering in a low voice, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye. It was still a female voice.

Chen Zhuo realized that it must be the person surnamed Chen, and thought to himself: "Well, there is nothing else left behind, after all... wait..."

Under Wu Xingyun's watchful eyes, Chen Zhuo turned his hands, and as soon as he touched his palm, the seemingly substantial "Yu Linglong" immediately penetrated into his body, and in the night, he saw a cluster of cold star-like light spots in the flesh and blood After wandering around, he quickly climbed up, as if the sun was rising from the east, and finally stopped at the center of his eyebrows.

The brilliance between the brows is intertwined with light and shade, Chen Zhuo closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

"How is it?" Wu Xingyun stared closely without blinking his eyes, his breath was suspended, and his inner strength was raised secretly, "Can it have a miraculous effect?"

The origin of this "Yu Linglong" is mysterious, and the mystery is that Xiaoyaozi is not very clear about it, and she is afraid that something will happen suddenly.

But what to be afraid of.

Chen Zhuo's originally calm breath suddenly changed sharply, his eyes that had just been closed suddenly opened wide, red and blue colors quickly burst out from his fair face, straight down from the center of his brows, one left and one right, clearly distinguishing each other.

But the two internal forces in his body, the cathode and the yang, have changed,

In just a few breaths, the left half of Chen Zhuo's body was as hot as fire, and the red light in his eyes was flowing, and the color of fire was almost sprayed out; the right half was as cold as frost, his eyebrows and eyelashes were covered with a layer of frost visible to the naked eye, and his eyes were as cold as ice. mirror.

In the alternation of cold and heat, even though he had already been indifferent to life and death, he couldn't help but groan, his brows were tangled, his face showed pain, and a bloody arrow rushed out of his mouthpiece.

The blood arrow turned into ice slag all over the ground before it hit the ground.


He vomited again, and another mouthful of blood mist spewed out, which was as hot as boiling, like iron juice.

Just when Wu Xingyun was surprised, Chen Zhuo's eyes were wide open, bloodshot all over them, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Back!"

He let Wu Xingyun retreat.

The words came out on the front foot, and Chen Zhuo opened his tightly pursed lips and teeth on the back foot, and raised his head to the sky and let out a loud roar: "Ah!"

As soon as the roar came out, a mass of fire waves surged out of his body, turning everything in his body into scorched earth, turning the vegetation into ashes, it was terrifying.

The sudden change caught Wu Xingyun by surprise, her expression changed drastically, she felt the air was scorching hot, her hair was scorched, and without thinking, she grabbed Li Canghai's body and hurriedly retreated several feet away.

Looking at it again, Chen Huo's body was full of red light, covered with green light, black and white were hard to see in the eye sockets, as if dotted with two raging flames, and the whole body was covered with powerful fire energy, filling all directions, and the brilliance was distorted, as if he was in a sea of ​​flames in purgatory Among them, the flesh is hot, the red light is flowing, and the eight extraordinary meridians are flickering, as if there are strands of fire flowing.

With a solemn expression, Wu Xingyun put the corpse in his hand, looked at it a few times and noticed something strange in it.

Although the most yin and yang power in Chen Zhuo's body has not reached the point where yin and yang blend together, they are already helping each other and living endlessly, but now the essence in Yu Linglong is the most yang and rigid force, so fueling the flames, The two forces that were originally balanced were instantly incompatible.

Feeling the waves of fire that swept over him, Wu Xingyun was also horrified. This Nine Suns Divine Art is so overbearing. If he doesn't try to suppress this extremely strong Yang fire, Chen Zhuo may not escape the fate of burning himself to death. .

She gritted her teeth, supported her hands, and the most yin energy in her body had been pushed out with all her strength.

Seeing this situation, Chen Zhuo turned red all over, sat cross-legged, and said hoarsely, "You...don't do this for me, step back quickly..."

Wu Xingyun's temples were dripping with sweat, he squeezed in step by step, spat with great difficulty: "Still talking nonsense, I'll help you."

The intensity of this fire is unimaginable, the closer Wu Xingyun gets, the more he feels the air thickens, as if there is blood overflowing from his throat, the overflowing sweat has evaporated before it rolls off, even the white shirt on her body is covered Gradually blackened and scorched, with dry mouth and red ears.

Chen Zhuo pinched his hands again and again, and under the operation of Dao Xin Dao Dafa, he hurriedly contained the fire energy rushing out of his body with his spiritual thoughts.

"I have... peeped... the realm of the 'Ten Suns' above the Nine Suns, don't hold on, back away quickly, this fire power is no small matter, I can't control it, be careful..."

While he was talking, the pores of his body were spraying blood mist, and his voice stopped abruptly.

But Wu Xingyun stopped talking, there was a stubbornness between his brows, his thin lips were tightly pressed, and his arms were stretched out. His sleeves were turned into pieces of fly ash in an instant, and his two white and delicate arms seemed to be on fire. Red hair hot.

Even though the distance was only a few steps, he walked very slowly, like crossing a sea of ​​flames.

The yin force in Wu Xingyun's palm circulated, and she struggled to hold on. In just seven steps, she walked for more than ten breaths, bleeding from her seven orifices, and she was still squeezing in.

Finally, seeing Chen Zhuo who was close at hand, she moved her palms together, and greeted him.

Wu Xingyun sat cross-legged, as if a knife had been cut in his throat, he said hoarsely and calmly: "Don't you still think about reuniting with your wife in the future?"

Chen Zhuo's heart trembled when he heard the words, and when he looked at Wu Xingyun's pale and red face again, he felt the inexhaustible flow of true energy, and his mind was restrained anxiously, holding onto Yuan Yuan and guarding one, the weak and most yin energy in his body immediately Soaring.

The fire of the original riot gradually extinguished, but Chen Zhuo didn't want to stop there. With a shake of his left palm, he received Wu Xingyun's internal force, and his right palm channeled the yang force in his body.

Now the minds and thoughts of the two are united, and the two bodies are one body. The two forces are running crazily in each other's bodies, and they are running into each other.

Pushing Chen Zhuo's palms, driving Wu Xingyun's hands, the two yin and yang qi, which were originally distinct, gradually merged into one and merged into one.

I don't know how long it has passed, the moon is setting and the sun is rising, and as the cock crows and the dog barks, the red and green awns intertwined between Chen Zhuo's eyebrows are instantly like a whirlpool, merging into one, turning into a cloud of chaos, and then disappearing, but it is replaced by a An ice crystal-like strange object was embedded between the eyebrows, and it burst into glory in the rising sun.

That was Yu Linglong.

After a long time, the momentum of the two people's luck gradually calmed down, and they slowly lowered their hands, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Wu Xingyun is in high spirits now, and thanks to Chen Zhuo's help, not to mention turning the corner from danger, his skill has been greatly increased, and the power of the ultimate yin is also transformed into the power of the fusion of yin and yang.

When she withdrew her palms, there was a strange imprint on each palm, one yin and one yang, one hot and one cold.

When Chen Zhuo opened his eyes, there was a layer of gray mist in his eyes, and the brilliance was faintly visible, like the vast starry sky.

Wu Xingyun also opened his eyes, looked at the abnormality on the two palms, then looked at Chen Zhuo, and suddenly smiled, relieved, like a hundred flowers blooming, elegant and refined.

But soon her pretty face changed again, but she noticed that the white shirt on her body was almost completely burned, and said in her mouth: "Boy, don't close your eyes. If you dare to look around, I will gouge out your eyeballs."

When she opened her mouth, she swung herself and plunged headlong into a hut in the bamboo forest. When she came out again, she had changed into a white dress and held a black shirt in her hand. She threw it at Chen Zhuo with a cold expression. before.

Chen Zhuo said: "You..."

But after saying one word, Wu Xingyun immediately interrupted angrily: "What are you, you are fine, get out!"

After all, she picked up Li Canghai's body, turned around and fled away as if drifting away.

Chen Zhuo took a deep look at the back of the other party, raised his eyebrows, then shook his head with a smile, and changed his clothes.

But one after the other, as soon as he left the bamboo grove and just returned to the small town, he saw Jiumozhi striding towards him with an ugly and dignified expression, and the first thing he said when they met: "Master Jintai has lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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