Chapter 321 Rakshasa
Legend has it that in the absolute realm of hell, there is darkness and no light, and the violent atmosphere breeds vicious ghosts, named "Rakshasas".

This ghost is ambitious, fierce and unruly. He wants to become the leader of all ghosts and overthrow hell, but he is defeated by the Ksitigarbha King, so he fled to the world.

In the middle of the [-]th century, Japan implemented the shogunate system, and the generals were tyrannical and overbearing. As a result, mourning was everywhere, people were devastated, and the world was full of resentment. , hence the name "Raksha Sect".


Kyoto, the main altar of the Raksha Sect, Raksha Castle.

At the Rakshasa Ceremony once a year, all high-ranking, middle-level and high-ranking members of the sect, as well as master Dharma protectors, are required to be present, and rewards for meritorious deeds and punishments for crimes will be judged based on the merits and demerits of the past year.

Without exception, these people are not only masters in the world, but also honored guests by the underworld forces in various countries.

Over the years, the shady businesses in Southeast Asian countries have to obtain the approval of the "Raksha Sect", so that they can operate with peace of mind, and the certificate is the "Raksha Order".

Those who get the order will be given the right to operate for one year. If anyone violates the order, wherever the "Rakshasa Cult" goes, no chickens or dogs will be left behind, and they will be killed without mercy.

It is precisely because of such vicious and bloody killing methods that the famous "Raksha Sect" has been created, and all parties have turned pale.

In the Rakshasa Fort, the ceremony is still being prepared, and before the auspicious time has come, many singers have filed in. All of them are in graceful figures, walking with the floats, and there are also bands playing drums.

It's busy outside, but it's quiet inside.

There was nothing else in the quaint wooden building in the castle. In the empty and quiet space, there was only a large black chair with a strange shape and a strange style placed in the middle, symbolizing its uniqueness and supreme power.

And the person who can sit here, sit on this big chair, must be the only one here.

He is the leader of the "Raksha Sect", the evil god of fire cloud.

But on the wooden chair, a figure was sitting in the air with waves of fire rolling around him. The red cloak behind his back was windless, and on his face was a ferocious Rakshasa mask. In the dark eye holes, a pair of evil and terrifying eyes. People's eyes are looking down at everything in Raksha Castle.

It is rumored that on the day he was born, a vision descended from the sky, covered with clouds of fire, and was regarded by the elders of the sect as the hope for the prosperity of the Rakshasa sect, and he was destined to be extraordinary.

Quiet, extremely quiet.

Even if Huoyun Cthulhu's body was billowing with flames and his cloak was flying, there was no abnormal sound, the surroundings could hear needles falling quietly, and there was not even the slightest movement coming in from outside.

Seeing that the time for the festival was getting closer and closer, the fire wave rolled and pushed, and the Fire Cloud Evil God slowly floated forward a few feet, then put his feet down and walked out.

Now the Rakshasa leader is based in the east. Except for Xiangjiang, all the underworld forces in Southeast Asian countries respect him and regard him as the master. They are indeed much stronger.

But not enough.

The higher one walks, the higher one sits, the more one can feel the sense of crisis that if one is not careful, there will be no end. In this world, there are many people who want him to fall down and be destroyed once, so he still To go further and sit higher.

"Tsk, that's a good idea. A person, a person with power over the rivers and lakes, who controls countless lives, will be satisfied with the status quo and enjoy what they have never enjoyed before, and then they will be afraid of losing, afraid of what they have now. But you still want to go one step further. I have to say that just this thought is destined to be different and have the potential to surpass the common people."

Huoyun Cthulhu was walking outside, but just as he was about to step out of the door, a soft voice came from behind him at this moment, it was very soft and steady, and there was a smile of admiration .

Fire Cloud Evil God paused in his steps, and his eyes, which seemed to be burning with two cold-blooded will-o'-the-wisps that were blue and stained with blood, first condensed, then trembled, and then the pupils shrank suddenly.

Then, the two will-o'-the-wisps in his eyes instantly ignited even bigger, like a bear fire, about to burst out of the eye sockets, and the mask on Ying's face became cold and vicious, vicious and evil.

He turned his head slowly and looked at his seat.

On that big chair, without knowing when, a person sat quietly.

The man's legs were crossed, his elbows were leaning against the wooden chair, his bony right hand was propping his fair cheek, his head was tilted, and he was leaning back, casually watching everything outside the building, with long black and white hair Hanging in the air, wearing an old light blue shirt.

Coincidentally, this man also had a Rakshasa mask on his face, which was a ferocious and grotesque face.

Huoyun Cthulhu turned around, his eyes were cold, his whole body was already brewing, his hair was fluttering, and his cloak was bulging, he suddenly saw the blue aura faintly visible in the palms of his hands, and then the aura turned from blue to white.

But when he held his hands, the white light suddenly disappeared again.

Fire Cloud Evil God put his hands behind his back, and his tall and tall body gave people the illusion of being condescending, as well as a strong sense of oppression when looking down from a high place.

He was about to speak, but he heard the person on the chair turn his head and look at him, asking with a half-smile in his eyes, "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" Huoyun evil god narrowed his eyes sharply, and then opened his eyes wide, "You sneaked into Luocha Castle, and you don't know who this seat is? Then, who are you?"

The man in the green shirt turned his head back, sat down slowly, pressed the chair with both hands, pondered for a while, then looked at the other party, and said in a serious tone: "Then you are wrong, I I didn't sneak in, I walked in openly, and as for who I am, I am... Fire Cloud Evil God."

Hearing this, the fire in the eyes of Huoyun Cthulhu seemed to be constantly jumping and shrinking due to the change of mood. He snorted sullenly, and asked back: "You said you are Huoyun Cthulhu?"

The guest in blue replied indifferently: "It's only natural, isn't sitting on this chair considered Huoyun evil god?"

The evil god Huoyun, who has always been ruthless and unsmiling, and was known as the reincarnation of Rakshasa, actually smiled at this time. He grinned silently, and his smile was extremely cruel. He said, "Yes, this chair only has 'Huoyun'." The Evil God can sit on it, and there are countless people in the world who dream of sitting on this chair."

After saying this in one breath, the will-o'-the-wisp in Fire Cloud Evil God's eyes quickly turned from green to red, and he exuded an evil aura. Then he said coldly: "But there is a price for sitting on it."

The guest in green shirt said "Oh", smiled casually and asked: "What?"

"Your life!"

As soon as the words came out, Huoyun Cthulhu flickered, and a cloud of white energy gushed out from his body, and everything around him was instantly reflected as if it were a pale void.

"Good to say."

The man in blue shirt on the chair also stood up. The moment he stood up, a group of black light surged out from behind him. It was as black as ink waves, like an undercurrent, and the demonic energy rolled and surged. This was the magic method of cultivating demons in the heart of the Tao.

The world outside the building is like another world inside the building, only black and white collide with each other.

Huoyun evil god was secretly startled, not only could this person see through the thoughts in his heart, but also his aura was extraordinary, unfathomable, and he came out of nowhere, and he also sneaked into Raksha Castle without a sound, It was as if she had been by his side before.

His mind suddenly turned, he had already taken action, raised his palms, and immediately turned red, the waves of fire around his body reappeared, gathering from all directions, and carried them into his palms. The palm power surged like fire clouds coming into the world, and the domineering fire power swirled in every square inch. , and slapped the person in front of him.

It is the unique skill that he is famous for, "Fire Cloud Palm".

The palm strength is in the front, and the pale energy suddenly surges, followed closely behind, the former is for probing, the latter is the killing move.

This skill is one of Shaolin's four major magic skills, the "Yi Jin Jing". ".

And what he used was the power of the sixth week, the "white level".

As soon as he made a move, he suddenly saw a strong energy coming through his body, directly approaching the green-clothed guest who was three feet away.

Seeing this, the man in green shirt was not in a hurry or panic, he stepped forward with both feet, but he saw the devil energy rolling outside his body, allowing the two energy forces to fall on his chest, without dodging or evading, the resulting power was like a spring breeze blowing on his face , just raising a few strands of hair.

He kept on stepping, the first step, his muscles and bones crackled, and the chorus continued; after the second step, his muscles and muscles squirmed, and the golden light was hidden; after the third step, energy spread all over his body. Then came the fourth step, the fifth step, the sixth step, the seventh step, the eighth step, then the ninth step, and the tenth step.

Only in the constricted pupils of Huoyun Cthulhu, after ten steps, the opponent in front of him has black energy surging outside his body, gathering and dispersing, and turning into a huge phantom of a bronze bell, hanging and spinning, covering the whole body.

"Golden bell jar?"

Fire Cloud Evil God narrowed his eyes and made a cold sound, turned his hands, and the cloak behind him stood like a blazing flame, and a stream of black energy rushed out of his body.

Black level pagoda.

What frightened Huoyun Evil God the most was the shock caused by this man's previous ten steps.

It is also one of Bodhidharma's four great magic skills, he can see that this person has never practiced "Golden Bell Cover" at all, but every time he steps down, this person breaks one level in a row, ten steps Once passed, the twelfth-story hallway of the golden bell cover unexpectedly forcibly reached the tenth level in one breath.

But it’s only the tenth level.

"Okay, you are qualified to die in my hands."

Seeing that the green-clothed man stopped, Huoyun evil god no longer kept it, and tried to kill him with one blow. He drove out in a few steps, and rose into the air. Teng Nuo has transformed into several phantoms out of thin air, fists and feet sweeping horizontally, falling on the dark bell shadow like a gust of wind and rain.

bang bang bang...

In the midst of the electric light and flint, the Evil God of Fire Cloud seemed to be able to see through the cracks in the door. He flew up to the top of the green-shirted guest and pecked the Baihui acupoint on the top of his head with his left hand.

But seeing a peck with one hand in the air, the energy instantly penetrated the shadow of the bell and landed on the top of the guest in blue.

The golden bell that was originally so powerful collapsed in an instant.

"The golden bell? What a mess!"

When Huoyun Xie Shen saw that he had broken through the door with one move, he slid his left hand down and grabbed his neck. With the other hand, he untied the cloak and threw it in the air. The cloak immediately wrapped the green-clothed man in front of him tightly.

With the situation at this point, the green-clothed man who hadn't made a move could still laugh, his eyes met, and he opened his mouth to see the evil fire cloud god in front of him.

"Not bad!"

Huoyun Cthulhu suddenly trembled all over, and the figure in front of him drifted away like dust, but the voice came from that big chair.

He looked intently again, only to feel as if he had woken up from a dream, his shoulders trembled, and his mind was shaken.

He was still standing at the door, wrapped in his own cloak, holding his throat with one hand, and on that big chair, a figure was sitting upright, with chaotic brilliance flowing in his eyes, never moving.

 What... I have something I want to discuss with book friends and ask for their opinions. Isn't there a call for essays on Gu Long's novels recently, and then should I try it?Just looking for the feeling of Jianghu, of course, if you don't agree, I won't write it. If I write it, I should prepare it carefully and it will not affect the update.

(End of this chapter)

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