Chapter 350

"Gods? Haha, if there are gods in the world, how could there be so many disasters and disasters in the world? Are generals, ministers, gods, and gods not done by mortals?"

The speaker was a big man with a purple face, a high nose and deep eyes, well-defined cheeks, a strong and tall body, a short black beard, and even sideburns. Although he was dressed in casual clothes, his movements and gestures exuded an air of iron and blood, majestic. His body is like a weathered stone, tough and cold.

The man reined in the horse, sat on it, rested on a high hill, and looked at the wilderness at the end of the world with a commanding air, as if he was overlooking thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and the land of the Han Dynasty in the Central Plains.

A soldier in front of the horse was reporting everything that happened in the border wilderness.

The man on horseback is Fu Jian, the leader of Di Qin who currently dominates the north and controls most of the country.

Since he defeated Tuoba and Xianbei seven years ago, all the five barbarians have bowed their heads and unified the north. After ending the "Yongjia Disaster", various tribes competed in the world, and the leaderless chaos was achieved. His achievements can be said to be astonishing in the past and impressive in the present. The world has the momentum to unify the Central Plains.

It is unprecedented for him to enter the Central Plains as a foreigner.

Now that the Southern Expedition has begun, in his eyes, those Jin clan members who are fleeing and "crossing south in clothes" are nothing more than a group of dying lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Now he has Fu Rong as commander, generals Murong Chui and Yao Chang as assistants, and has a combined army of nearly a million. He is just waiting to march south. The world is at his fingertips. Who can stop him?
"However, we should try to see whether the immortality medicine is genuine or not." Fu Jian's eyes were bright and restrained, "And you said that the immortal said that the Dharma will not be passed on to the Hu people? Haha."

As soon as he laughed, the dozen or so generals behind him who were in command of the three armies and who fought for him in the north and south also laughed, their eyes filled with cruel and cold light.

These people are all the most outstanding figures of the northern tribes. They are the leaders of each tribe and have made great contributions to Fu Jian.

Some have followed Fu Jian for a long time and have come step by step to where they are today, while others were recruited and surrendered by him, made great military exploits, and became marquises and generals. Because of Fu Jian’s idea of ​​​​"conquering the world", they should have The existences that were hostile to each other had just gathered together to have such a grand occasion today.

Now that the iron hoof is about to move south, some people dare to speak so wildly. If they are not seeking death, then they are nothing.

A wicked man with a beard said with a joking smile: "Hahaha, from what I can see, that god must be a Han."

Looking at the world, only the Han people can speak like this, and only the Han people will have a deep hatred for the aliens who are causing trouble in the Central Plains, and they all want to kill them quickly and get rid of them happily.

"Haha, they are just a bunch of lambs. They occupy the most fertile land, eat the best food, and sleep with the most beautiful women, but they raise a bunch of softies. In this world, the weak can only hate and only the strong can Worthy of enjoying everything.”

"Hey, when the army comes, I want to see if the immortal can survive by cutting off his head and surviving by digging out his heart."

"No, if you ask me, just cut him into pieces with a knife!"

"There are no Han people or barbarians in this world. There are only strong and weak people!"


Listening to the words of the soldiers behind him, Fu Jian said nothing.

From the perspective of the Han people, they are also a foreign race. If they cannot be tolerated, they cannot be kept.

How can a heroic leader and a person who wants to achieve great things achieve great things if he does not have the heart to accommodate the world?

"The life in the Jin Dynasty is too comfortable. However, we should not be careless in this battle. The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. Besides, there is Xie Xuan in the south. Hehe, he is a person. When I conquer Jiankang, I can keep him for now. Life."

This Xie Xuan is a master of swordsmanship in the South and is known as the "Ninth Grade Master". He commands hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the Northern Prefecture and is the leading figure among the nobles; his father Xie An is the No. 1 scholar in the Central Plains. He is an outstanding figure among the Han people.

The person closest to Fu Jian was a handsome young man with majestic appearance and handsome hair. He was as tall as a mountain, with a steel band around his forehead, dark hair shawl, and deep black eyes like two gems embedded in his eye sockets. As hard as stone, it exudes an intimidating aura that intimidate all living beings, like a demon god.

"In the opinion of the Lord, are we going to launch an army now?" the young man asked.

Fu Jian chuckled and said, "Don't worry, since the immortal said something about the elixir of life, let's go play for now. If such a figure suddenly appears, I'm afraid those Han people will think that a savior has appeared. If I capture him alive, haha , wouldn’t it be better in terms of momentum?”

He looked at the young man, his eyes filled with admiration.

The opponent was a prodigy from the Xianbei clan, named Murong Chui. He was his most trusted general. Not only was he good at marching and forming formations, he was proficient in military tactics and battle formations. He was also a great master in martial arts. He was invincible with his marksmanship and was brave and good at fighting. He expanded his territory, made great contributions, and shocked the world.

Murong Chui understood what he said.

Although Bianhuang looked extremely dangerous and full of crises in the eyes of Jianghu people, under the cavalry of Qin Dynasty, he was nothing more than a chicken and a dog.

As soon as the army passes by, everything will be wiped out.

Fu Jian seemed to be in a good mood at this time. Looking at the vast world and thousands of miles of mountains and rivers below the mountain, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "Let's go and see if that immortal has two heads!"

After that, he rode away, followed closely by Murong Chui. Under the horse's hooves, the billowing smoke and dust resembled a cloud dragon.


At the same time, on the border.

In a vast and desolate abandoned land, a market looks very abrupt and weird. It is obviously filled with noisy sounds and bustling scenes, but it gives people an indescribable and weird feeling.

The voice of the sermon on the mountain is still there, but the difference is that what is being said is not every word, but all kinds of strange sounds, whether it is the sound of wind, the roar of animals, the call of birds, or strange fluctuations, which come and go. Voltage, sometimes slow and sometimes fast, some turn into music, some turn into thunder, some sound like a huge roar, all kinds of strange things.

Everyone outside the market didn't understand the reason at first, but when someone stood up with an ecstatic look on his face, and a series of crackling sounds came from his body's muscles and bones, his muscles and bones rang together, and his muscles trembled, they all suddenly understood that there was something mysterious about these sounds.

Not long after, someone stood up crazily and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, I've got the way to become an immortal, I've got it!"

But he regarded this first glimpse of martial arts as a way to become an immortal.

There are also people who have been sitting cross-legged for a long time, and when their violent breath changes, a burst of thunder comes from their chest and abdomen, and their muscles and bones change shape, which is also a great joy.

In the temple, several figures were seen rushing in quickly.

These people were dressed in different clothes and had different appearances. There were men and women. There were seven people in the group. The moment they entered the temple, they knelt down with fanatical and pious eyes, as if they had become the most loyal followers and disciples.

Chen Zhuo was wearing a cloak and sitting on the Buddhist altar, unable to see his face clearly.

These people were the first people in the Bianhuang Collection to break into the illusion, and the memories in their minds had been modified by Chen Zhuo using his spiritual power. From now on, they would only obey his orders.

Several people also held several red lacquered wooden boxes in their hands.

"But did you bring it back?" Chen Zhuo asked.

The seven people behaved respectfully and placed the wooden boxes on the ground one by one. Just waiting to be opened, there was a corpse inside. To be precise, it was a dismembered body, and the wooden boxes contained the limbs of the corpse. The torso, along with the head.

A woman in the lead carefully took out the body and arranged it one by one in the order of head, torso, hands and feet.

As soon as the physical body was put together, an unimaginable evil spirit was already whirling through the temple like a cold wind.This is an extremely majestic figure, with black hair as thick as a halberd, eyebrows like an ink dragon, and a smooth forehead like a cold stone. A rusty iron mask is buckled on his face, covering his mouth and nose, with only the eyebrows and eyes exposed. The heroic part is different from ordinary people.

What's strange is that although this corpse has been dismembered and has been dead for a long time, its flesh color is like that of a living person, and there is no smell of corpse odor, let alone any trace of decay.

The leading woman lowered her head and said, "My lord, the corpse was already in this condition when we went there. I think the Hu people hated King Wu Dao so much that someone wanted to destroy his body. But for some reason, Ran Min's body was even damaged like this." Destroyed, still alive, very strange.”

Chen Zhuo pondered for a moment and then ordered: "You all should stand down!"

After all seven people had retreated, he slowly stood up and walked to Ran Min's body. With a single glance, he had a glimpse of it.

"Magic sect's kung fu? No wonder."

Although this man's physical strength disappeared after his death, he still had a strong spiritual force in his body, which turned into a strange essence to protect him from decay after death.

Chen Zhuo inspected it and found that except for the broken bones and muscles, there was no damage to the body's internal organs.

"Fortunately, it's useful!"

As he thought, a skeletal hand with no flesh and blood, only white bones, stretched out from under the cloak. He gently twisted his index and middle fingers, and several long hairs floated out from under the cloak, swimming and entangled like snakes. A strand of hair actually got stuck into the broken wound of the corpse and was being stitched up quickly.

It is difficult for Chen Zhuo to show up now. Not to mention his serious injuries, he is afraid of causing some misfortune. Moreover, this battle is no small matter. It is an enemy of an existence that shatters the void. No one can say what he will encounter, but he But he didn't want to keep a low profile, so he had no choice but to do this.

The hair moved extremely fast under the influence of his spirit, passing between the skin and flesh, and within a few moments, several fractures had been sewn up.

Goodbye. Chen Zhuo flicked his finger in the air, and a ray of light floated into the center of Ran Min's eyebrows like a firefly.

The moment it entered the body, the firefly turned into a strange brilliance that spread all over the body.

In an instant, the flesh and blood at the fractures began to squirm. The wounds were tightly closed and completely grew together, leaving no trace.

Seeing this, Chen Zhuo slowly leaned down and pressed his palm on the chest of the corpse. As a ball of thunder surged in his palm, Ran Min's corpse, which had been silent for decades, suddenly started to tremble, and there was a twitching in the chest.

Then something incredible happened, a weak heartbeat came from Ran Min's chest.

Chen Zhuo took a few steps back and looked at Ran Min, whose heartbeat had resumed in front of him. His solid body suddenly became blurry. Then his shoulders swayed, his body shook, and a shadow came out of his body.

Chen Zhuo sat back on the altar again, with a hint of weakness in his eyes.

The phantom lay down and overlapped with the corpse on the ground.

This phantom is not Chen Zhuo's martial arts soul, but a wisp of thought that he transformed into the "Shadowless Heart Sutra". It is like those various existences in the illusion, as if it is another person's life, together with the previous wilderness. The old man in the wine shop also did it.

All sentient beings have all their appearance, and thoughts transform all beings.

Chen Zhuo looked at the corpse on the ground quietly. To be honest, he didn't have much confidence in doing this. After all, he just wanted to try it on a whim. Whether he could awaken this body was still unknown.

His eyes suddenly focused and he suddenly shouted to the corpse on the ground: "If you don't wake up yet, when will you wait?"

I don’t want the words to come out.


A deep breath suddenly came from Ran Min's mouth and nose, causing his chest to tremble.

Not long after, just under Chen Zhuo's gaze, Ran Min's closed eyelids trembled slightly at first, and then Huo Ran opened his eyes. Two rays of bright light shot straight into the void, as if they were about to shoot through the roof, and the terrifying evil spirit and murderous aura filled the surrounding area. .

This evil spirit is so strong that even those outside the market who have heard martial arts scriptures and studied martial arts feel their scalps numb and shudder.

Chen Zhuo looked at each other, their eyes reflecting each other.

done! !
As soon as Chen Zhuo had an idea, Ran Min immediately clenched his fist, and an unparalleled force burst out.

"Interesting, it's actually the "Tianmo Dafa" of the 'Yingui Sect'."

Ran Min murmured to himself, and his tone was exactly the same as Chen Zhuo's.

No, to be precise, it should be that Chen Zhuo's thoughts are currently entrenched in this body.

This "Heavenly Demon Technique" is a peerless magical skill among the "Two Sects and Six Paths" of the Demon Sect that can be compared with the "Demon Seed Technique".

Both martial arts have their own merits.

In the former, the first Holy Lord of the Demon Sect, "Tian Mo" Cang Gu, collected various rare classics and foreign books, and finally eliminated the essentials and integrated what he had learned throughout his life to create the ten-volume "Tian Mo Strategy", among which the "Tian Mo Dafa" was 》 is the most.

As for the latter, Xie Tiao, the first evil emperor of the Demon Sect, gained a glimpse into the secrets of the "Illustration of the God of War" and thus created the "Great Method of Planting Demons in the Heart of the Dao".

Both of them are the best among the "Two Sects and Six Paths", and they are the most amazing and talented geniuses in the Demon Sect. Even today, their reputation is still undiminished and they are the myths of the martial arts.

His eyes closed as soon as he touched them. Without saying a word, Chen Zhuo drooped his eyelids and sat quietly again, adjusting his breath and luck.

But inside the temple, it was deserted and silent again.

In today's world, how could he be willing to keep a low profile? Besides, it was still the time when Lu Shen and Wu Hu were in chaos in China. He had traveled all the way to this point. If he was willing to restrain himself and retreat, then he would not be Chen Zhuo.

Outside the market, even if Fu Jian's army was approaching, these people did not intend to leave. They all listened to the noises coming from the illusion, fascinated, and followed the devil.

And in that illusion, ripples suddenly trembled, and a strange and majestic figure walked out, also wearing a cloak.

Just by simply standing there, the terrifying pressure made others almost tremble.

"Ah, look, someone has come out!"

Everyone else was shocked to see someone come out of this "demon city" alive.

But the next scene made everyone moved and turned pale with horror.

A cold voice under the cloak sounded faintly: "From today on, 'Kill Hu Ling' will appear again..."

(End of this chapter)

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